Delete words that match the pattern on the string - php

I have to filter a string according to words similar to the pattern.
I need to delete words that match the formula:
$string = 'armin van burren yummy';
$pattern = 'a%n v%n b%n';
//result: Yummy
$string = 'Beyonce - love on top';
$pattern = 'b%e';
//result: Love on top
$string = 'Ed Sheeran - Shape of You';
$pattern = 'e_ s_____n';
//result: Shape of You
Do you have any idea how to get this result, maybe there is some function in php. I tried to search, unfortunately I didn't find any information. Thank you for all the help and examples

This code works for me, is it possible to limit the amount of foreach for this code (performance is concerned)?
function filterlike($arr, $like){
if ($arr && $like){
$like = preg_replace('/_{1,}/','.*', $like);
$like = preg_replace('/%/','.*', $like);
$like = explode(' ', $like);
$filter = array();
foreach ($arr as $a){
foreach ($like as $l){
$a = preg_replace('/'.$l.'/', '', $a);
$filter[] = $a;
return $filter;
print_r(filterlike(array('armin', 'van', 'burren', 'jummy'), 'a%n v%n b%n'));
print_r(filterlike(array('armin', 'van', 'burren', 'jummy'), 'a___n v_n b____n'));


PHP find tags in content text and wrap in <a> tags and set limit the number of links

Im finding keywords "denounce,and,demoralized" in a string, and wrapping it in "html a" tags to change it to link with following function...
function link2tags($text, $tags){
$tags = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($tags));
$words = explode(',', $tags);
$linked = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$linked[] = ''.$word.'';
return str_replace($words, $linked, $text);
echo link2tags('we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment', 'denounce,and,demoralized');
The output of the above function is as follows...
we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment
Here, the word "and" is linked 2 times I want to limit the number of links to a word
Repeat words are only linked once
You need to get only first occurrence of words and then need to replace those. Check below code:
function link2tags($text, $tags){
$tags = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($tags));
$words = explode(',', $tags);
$linked = array();
$existingLinks = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
if (!in_array($word, $existingLinks)) {
$existingLinks[] = $word;
$linked[] = ''.$word.'';
foreach ($existingLinks as $key => $value) {
$text = preg_replace("/".$value."/", $linked[$key], $text, 1);
return $text;
Hope it helps you.
Here you can check existing word as below:
if(!in_array($word,$alreadyusedword)) {
$linked[] = ''.$word.'';
$alreadyusedword[] = $word;

PHP get some string within a specific words

I want to ask about is it possible to get some string that between a specifi keyword? For example, I have 2 sentence like these:
I will go to #new bathroom and wash the car#
Result: bathroom and wash the car
Someone need an #new icebreaker# to hold that problem
Result : icebreaker
I want to make condition to get all words between the #new #
Any idea how to create this?
My code so far:
$sentence = "I will go to #new bathroom and wash the car#";
$start = strpos($sentence, "#new");
//$end = strpos($sentence, "#");
$end = 20; //because my strpos still wrong, I define a static number
$new = substr($sentence, $start, $end);
echo $new;
My problem is I can't find a way to chase the last hashtag
Use this regular expression:
/#new (.+)#/i
Together with preg_match(), you'll get your match in an array:
$string = "Someone need an #new icebreaker# to hold that problem";
preg_match("/#new (.+)#/i", $string, $matches);
var_dump($matches[1]); // icebreaker
If you anticipate more than one possible match, use preg_match_all() to get them all.
I have written the following code for your problem but please bare in mind that i am still a beginner myself.
It works exactly how you want it to but i am sure there are better solutions out there.
$string = "I will go to #new bathroom and wash the car#";
$stringArray = str_split($string);
$output = '';
$count = 0;
foreach($stringArray as $letter){
if($count == 0 && $letter == '#'){
$count = 1;
} elseif($count == 1){
if($letter != '#'){
$output .= $letter;
} else {
$count = 2;
echo $output;
hope this helps :)
Another way different to Regular Expression is to explode the string and replace the new in the sentence
This will just work if you have only one keyword in the sentence #new
$string = "I will go to #new bathroom and wash the car#";
$string1 = "Someone need an #new icebreaker# to hold that problem";
function getString($string, $delimiter = '#')
$string_array = explode($delimiter, $string);
return str_replace('new ', '', $string_array[1]);
echo getString($string);
//bathroom and wash the car
echo getString($string1);
I'd like more work with arrays
$string = [
"I will go to #new bathroom and wash the car#",
"Someone need an #new icebreaker# to hold that problem"
function getString($string, $delimiter = '#')
$result = [];
foreach ($string as $value) {
$string_array = strstr($value, $delimiter) ? explode($delimiter, $value) : [];
$result[] = isset($string_array[1]) ? str_replace('new ', '', $string_array[1]) : NULL;
return $result;
[0] => bathroom and wash the car
[1] => icebreaker
You can use regex to match that. here is a links and a simple regex.
You can search "#" from end,
like $end = strpos($sentence, "#", -0);
and than get substring as you already have.
$new = substr($sentence, $start, $end);

Highlight multiple keywords advanced

I tried most of solution answered here but all of them have same problem which is my question here.
I use this function for highligh search results:
function highlightWords($searchtext, $searchstrings){
$searchstrings = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($searchstrings));
$words = explode(' ', $searchstrings);
$highlighted = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$highlighted[] = "<font color='#00f'><b>".$word."</b></font>";
return str_replace($words, $highlighted, $searchtext);
Problem occurs when i search text with 2 or more strings separated with spaces and any of them have any of HTML code from my highlighted array.
For example, searchtext="I have max system performance" AND searchstrings="max f"
In first iteration foreach will replace every max with <font color='#00f'><b>max</b></font>
In second iteration it will replace every f with <font color='#00f'><b>f</b></font>
Second iteration will also replace html tags inserted in first replacement!
So it will replace f in string <font color='#00f'> also?
Any suggestion?
$searchtext = "I have max system performance";
$searchstrings = "max f";
$searchstrings = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($searchstrings));
$words = explode(' ', $searchstrings);
$highlighted = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$highlighted[] = "<font color='#00f'><b>".$word."</b></font>";
echo strtr($searchtext, array_combine($words, $highlighted));
Maybe this is good Solution for you?
function highlightWords($searchtext, $searchstrings){
$searchstrings = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($searchstrings));
$words = explode(' ', $searchstrings);
$highlighted = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$highlighted[] = '<span class="highlighted-word">'.$word.'</span>';
return str_replace($words, $highlighted, $searchtext);
echo highlightWords('I have max system performance', 'max f');
You need to add a little bit CSS on your Page:
.highlighted-word {
font-weight: bold;
I have max system performance
If you like to hightlight the complete word, look at this:
function highlightCompleteWords($searchtext, $searchstrings){
$searchstrings = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($searchstrings));
$words = explode(' ', $searchstrings);
$highlighted = array();
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$searchtext = preg_replace("/\w*?".preg_quote($word)."\w*/i", "<span class='highlighted-word'>$0</span>", $searchtext);
return $searchtext;
echo highlightCompleteWords('I have max system performance', 'max f');
Outputs: I have max system performance
I might not fully understand your question, but I guess you want to highlight every matched word in the search string.
You could probably just do something like:
$returnString = $searchtext;
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$returnString = preg_replace('/\b'.$word.'\b/i', "<font color='#00f'><b>$0</b></font>", $returnString);
return $returnString;
This would output: "I have max system performance"
Since the "f" wouldn't get matched
EDIT - This is if you wanna match part of a word as well.
Kind of ugly but I believe this will fork for you
$returnString = $searchtext;
foreach ( $words as $word ){
$returnString = preg_replace('/'.$word.'/i', "§§§$0###", $returnString);
$returnString = preg_replace("/\§§§/","<font color='#00f'><b>", $returnString);
$returnString = preg_replace("/\###/","</b></font>", $returnString);
return $returnString;
Try the following
foreach ( $words as $word ){
if(strlen ($word)>2)
$highlighted[] = "<font color='#00f'><b>".$word."</b></font>";

str_replace() with foreach, uppercase and exact word matching

My code is:
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($db->quoteName(array('old', 'new')))
$results = $db->loadAssocList();
$find = array();
$replace = array();
foreach ($results as $row) {
$find[] = $row['old'];
$replace[] = $row['new'];
$newstring = str_replace($find, $replace, $oldstring);
echo $newstring;
This code replaces all the words from the "old" column with the words from the column "new". But there are two problems. First it works if the found and replaced words both have the same case (upper or lower), but I need it would be working regardless of the case i.e. the DB has only in lowercase but if the finding word on the front-end have uppercase, the replaced word must have uppercase too. Secondly, I need exact word matching. Thanks in advance!
Try something like this:
$oldstring = 'The cat and the dog are flying into the kitchen. Dog. Cat. DOG. CAT';
$results = array( array('old'=>'cat', 'new'=>'chat'), array('old'=>'dog', 'new'=>'chien'));
foreach ($results as $row) {
$fndrep[$row['old']] = $row['new'];
$pattern = '~(?=([A-Z]?)([a-z]?))\b(?i)(?:'
// cyrillic => '~(?=([\x{0410}-\x{042F}]?)([\x{0430}-\x{044F}]?))\b(?i)(?:'
. implode('|', array_keys($fndrep))
. ')\b~'; // cyrillic => ')\b~u';
$newstring = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($m) use ($fndrep) {
$lowm = $fndrep[strtolower($m[0])];
if ($m[1])
return ($m[2]) ? ucfirst($lowm) : strtoupper($lowm);
return $lowm;
}, $oldstring);
echo $newstring;

PHP: Normalize a string

I want to normalize (so canonicalize) a string into the normal form for names:
First letter of the name is uppercase
The difficulty by this is now to follow this rule with second and third name.
My method:
public function namilize($string)
$strings = explode(' ', $string);
foreach ($strings as $string) {
$string = ucfirst(strtolower($string));
$string = implode(' ', $strings);
return $string;
Somehow the
$string = ucfirst(strtolower($string));
What do I have to correct?
Is there a better way?
thank you all for all the comments and answers.
I found another "modern" method:
public function namilize($string)
$string = mb_convert_case($string, MB_CASE_TITLE, mb_detect_encoding($string));
When I now would additionally add some regex for Mc and O's than it would be complete :)
public function namilize($name) {
$name = strtolower($name);
$normalized = array();
foreach (preg_split('/([^a-z])/', $name, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $word) {
if (preg_match('/^(mc)(.*)$/', $word, $matches)) {
$word = $matches[1] . ucfirst($matches[2]);
$normalized[] = ucfirst($word);
return implode('', $normalized);
Note that this will work for names like John O'Brian, James McManus, etc. For other names with prefixes like McManus, simply add the prefix to the preg_match(). Obviously, this runs the possibility of false positives, but no method is going to be 100% foolproof.
You have to pass the $string by reference, note the &:
public function namilize($string)
$strings = explode(' ', $string);
foreach ($strings as &$string) {
$string = ucfirst(strtolower($string));
$string = implode(' ', $strings);
return $string;
Or use the function suggested by #thetaiko ucwords($string)
The $string inside the foreach will only store the last iteration (or the last name). This doesn't really matter though because the variable in the foreach is never used for output. The implode just undoes what you did with the explode so you will end up with the exact same output as the input. I changed the variable names to be more descriptive in this example:
function namilize($name_in)
$a_names = explode(' ', $name_in); //explode string into array
foreach ($a_names as $name) {
$a_fullname[] = ucfirst(strtolower($name)); //build array of proper case names
$string = implode(' ', $a_fullname); //convert array into string
return $string;
