I have an excel file that looks something like this
What I want to do is read the data from all rows but not all columns. I want to fetch data for all rows from column A to E. Currently, I am able to read the entire row (column A to CL) with this code
// Read data from excel file
$reader = IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($inputFileName);
// Convert read data to array
$sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true);
// Put captured array to use
for ($row=1; $row <= count($sheetData) ; $row++) {
$xData = "'".implode("','",$sheetData[$row])."'";
Could someone guide me achieve this? I tried
// Specify columns to fetch data from
$cols = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K');
// Put captured array to use
for ($row=1; $row <= count($sheetData) ; $row++) {
foreach ($cols as $col) {
$xData = "'".implode("','",$sheetData[$col.$row])."'";
but that didn't work.
Use utility helper e.g. PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate to convert column to/from index/letter.
$ws = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$firstColumnIndex = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate::columnIndexFromString('A'); // A->1
$lastColumnIndex = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate::columnIndexFromString('E'); // E->5
$firstRow = 1;
$lastRow = 4;
$data = [];
for($row = $firstRow; $row <= $lastRow; ++$row){
for($col = $firstColumnIndex; $col <= $lastColumnIndex; ++$col){
$data[$row][$col] = $ws->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue();
print_r($data, true); // data are now collected in 2-dimensional array
There are also other methods such as stringFromColumnIndex, coordinateFromString, indexesFromString, buildRange, rangeBoundaries, rangeDimension, getRangeBoundaries etc. which may come handy, but seems not so well documented.
I have csv file with 1500+ entries in a column.I can able to read csv file's all values of column with this.
$rowcount = 1;
$srcFileName = "input/test.csv";
$file = fopen($srcFileName,"r");
$inputfielscount = count(file($srcFileName, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES));
while($rowcount < $inputfielscount)
$row = fgetcsv($file);
$result=array("id" =>$row[0],"des"=>"I am jhon",salery="10000");
After reading first (1-10) value i will create an array (like array [0] =>$result) and Then wantto repeat same task from (11-20) and create another array (like array [1] =>$Final this time $final array contain information about the next ids whic we read from csv file (11-10)) and so on.
For the above requirment i changed code to this :
$rowcount = 1;
$srcFileName = "input/test.csv";
$file = fopen($srcFileName,"r");
while($rowcount < 20)
if(($rowcount % 10 == 0) && ( $rowcount != 0)) {
$row = fgetcsv($file);
// some curl code for fetching data according to csv file field(Id)
$result=array("id" =>$row[0],"des"=>"I am jhon",salery="10000"); //contain 10 array
Now i will post this $final array which has (0-10 index array ,each has unique id and corresponding values) using curl and get response which i am save in csv file.
$opfile='output'.$currenttime.'.csv'; //path wher op csv file exist
$errors= error_get_last();
echo "COPY ERROR: ".$errors['type'];
echo "<br />\n".$errors['message'];
}else { // echo "File copied from remote!";
$fp = fopen('output/output'.$currenttime.'.csv',"a");
$fr = fopen($srcFileName,"r");
while($rowcounts< $inputfielscount) {
$rows = fgetcsv($fr);
$list = array ($rows[0],$rows[1],$resultBulkStatus,$BulkErrorsMessage);
}else {
$list = array ($rows[0],$rows[1],$resultBulkStatus,"successfully");
This full code runs once and give response for 10 ids ,i want repeat this code again for next 10 id (11-20)and then for (21-30) so on .
Once all response write in output csv file After that it display download output file link,Output file contain full response for all Ids which is in csv file(1500 +)
<?php $dnldfilw='output'.$currenttime.'.csv';?>
<a href='download.php?filename=<?php echo $dnldfilw; ?>'>Download Output file</a>
The easiest method is to just use the file() function you are already using...
So to shorten the code to some pseudocode:
$indexedArray = array();
$indexedSplit = 10;
$lines = file($srcFileName);
$tempArray = array();
foreach($lines as $line) {
if(count($tempArray) % $indexedSplit === 0) {
$indexedArray[] = $tempArray;
$tempArray = array();
$tempArray[] = $line;
foreach($indexedArray as $index => $valueArray) {
// do the curl magic
// write results of curl into csv
Your question is poorly phrased, but I think this would be your aim, right?
I'm creating a data.php file which returns a json file to a html file where I fill up a grid with the data from the data.php file.
I need this to be an associative array in the following form:
{"CompanyName":"Alfreds Futterkiste","ContactName":"Maria Anders","ContactTitle":"Sales Representative"},
{"CompanyName":"Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados","ContactName":"Ana Trujillo","ContactTitle":"Owner"},
{"CompanyName":"Antonio Moreno Taquera","ContactName":"Antonio Moreno","ContactTitle":"Owner"}
Now the problem is, I want this data.php to be sort of generic, which means I don't know the columnnames nor the the amount of columns.
The only way I get this done, is by using a switch statement but this is not ideal (because I can make a number of cases but what if the table has one more column) nor is it very elegant.
I bet this can be done far better, any ideas ?
I tried using array_push() but that doesn't work with associative arrays.
// get columnnames
for ($i = 0; $i < $result->columnCount(); $i++) {
$col = $result->getColumnMeta($i);
$columns[] = $col['name'];
// fill up array
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
switch (count($columns);) {
case 1 :
$records[] = array($columns[0] => $row[$columns[0]]);
case 2 :
$records[] = array($columns[0] => $row[$columns[0]], $columns[1] => $row[$columns[1]]);
case 3 :
$records[] = array($columns[0] => $row[$columns[0]], $columns[1] => $row[$columns[1]], $columns[2] => $row[$columns[2]]);
case ... // and so on
// send data to client
echo json_encode($records);
change the switch code segment with this one
$arr_tmp = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++)
$arr_tmp[$columns[$i]] = $row[$columns[$i]];
$records []= $arr_tmp;
You could iterate over the columns:
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$values = array();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
values[$column] = $row[$column];
records[] = $values;
I have made this PHP script that should take an array and for each element in the array - generate a csv file. Unfortunately something is wrong. It doesn't store any of the files in the directory specified. But it doesn't return any errors neither. Maybe someone can see the problem?
$ids = json_decode($_POST['jsonarray']); // array sent with ajax
$start = $_POST['start']; // date sent with ajax
$end = $_POST['end']; // date sent with ajax
$start_date = date('yyyy-mm-dd', strtotime($start)); // format dates to sql firendly
$end_date = date('yyyy-mm-dd', strtotime($end));
$toZip = array(); // Prepare array to files for zip
if(is_array($ids)) {
foreach ($ids as $key => $qr)
// Get labels first
// Here we prepare the first line in the .CSV file
$tb = $qr . '_labels';
$sql = $user_pdo->query("SELECT * FROM $tb");
$head_array = array('Log ID', 'Timestamp');
while ($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
// This array is the first line in the .CSV file
$head_array[] = $row['label'];
// Get ready for looping through the database
$table = $qr . '_data';
$results = $user_pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE timestamp BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date;");
$results->bindParam(':start_date', $start_date, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$results->bindParam(':end_date', $$end_date, PDO::PARAM_STR);
// Pick a filename and destination directory for the file
$filename = "temp/db_user_export_".time().".csv";
// Actually create the file
// The w+ parameter will wipe out and overwrite any existing file with the same name
$handle = fopen($filename, 'w+');
// Write the spreadsheet column titles / labels
fputcsv($handle, $head_array);
// Write all the user records to the spreadsheet
foreach($results as $row)
// amount of rows is unknown
$rows = $row->rowCount();
$insert_array = array();
for ($i=0; $i<=$rows; $i++)
// function goes here
$insert_array[] = $row[$i];
fputcsv($handle, $insert_array);
// Finish writing the file
$toZip[] = $filename;
Example on var_dump($ids);
array(4) {
string(5) "t23ry"
string(5) "6us32"
string(5) "se43z"
string(5) "o00gq"
I found the answer. After a long time searching and playing around, I saw that this function
foreach($results as $row)
// amount of rows is unknown
$rows = $row->rowCount();
$insert_array = array();
for ($i=0; $i<=$rows; $i++)
// function goes here
$insert_array[] = $row[$i];
fputcsv($handle, $insert_array);
didn't work because of following:
$rows = $row->rowCount(); has to be $rows = count($row);
The number of string in the returned $row array was higher than expected so I needed to change my select statement to $results = $user_pdo->query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE timestamp >= '$start' AND timestamp <= '$end'";, PDO::FETCH_NUM);. This will only give me the rows in numeric order, which will make the $row[$i] -> array work.
Also as you can see, I changed the prepared statement to a query instead, and also changes the start date and end date variables to be unformatted.
This really took some time, but it is finally working. Thanks a lot for all the support guys.
fputcsv only outputs a line at a time. Change this:
for ($i=0; $i<=$rows; $i++)
// function goes here
$insert_array[] = $row[$i];
fputcsv($handle, $insert_array);
To this:
for ($i=0; $i<=$rows; $i++)
// function goes here
fputcsv($handle, $row[$i]);
When I ouput these txt files, I am trying to group them by unique county with a count limitation per county file. For example, let's say the query returns 2 unique counties in this accessable result field: $row['county_txt'].. Let's say I set the $per_file limitation to 2500. I have the script working now with the per_file etc but not with the counties grouping. Below is somewhat of a mash of where I am at. Thanks for any guidance in helping me resolve this.
Output examples:
Green County - Total Green county results 2900 output would be 2 files.
Output files would be:
Red County - Total Red county results 12650 output would be 5 files.
Output files would be:
... // earlier part of script
// Functions I've been attempting
$county[] = $row['county_txt'];
function unique_county() {
foreach($county as $unq_cnty) {
echo $unq_cnty;
return $unq_cnty;
function get_unique_county() {
$column = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$column[] = array_unique($row['county_txt']);
echo $column;
$file_count = 1;
$recs = 0;
$per_file = 2500;
$footer = "FOOTER";
$default_contents = $contents = array("BODY CONTENT TOP");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$line = "...";
$contents[] = $line; // Each array element will be a line in the text file
if ($county == $unq_cnty && $i == $per_file) {
$contents[] = $footer; // Add the footer to the end
file_put_contents($unq_county . "-#" . $file_count . "-" . date('Y') . "-" . $recs . '.txt', implode("\r\n", $contents));
$i = 0;
$recs = 0;
$contents = $default_contents;
} // End of if()
} // End of while()
You need a counter, and then be able to reset it (upon resetting it, you save the file).
Example (untested, example only):
$rowCounter = 0;
$fileCounter = 1;
$startID = md5(microtime(1));
$fp = fopen("{$startID}.txt", "w");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
fwrite($fp, $row['county_txt']."\r\n");
if($rowCounter == 2500) {
if($startID) {
rename("{$startID}.txt", "Red-#{$fileCounter}-".date("Ymd")."-{$rowCounter}.txt");
$startID = md5(microtime(1));
$fp = fopen("{$startID}.txt", "w");
$rowCounter = 0;
// Save last file
rename("{$startID}.txt", "Red-#{$fileCounter}-".date("Ymd")."-{$rowCounter}.txt");
On that note, don't use mysql_* functions. Instead, use mysqli at the very least, or PDO.
Not really sure what you are trying to do here, but it seems you are making things way harder than need be. In essence, it seems that you need to work with a two-dimensional array. So why not just query the database and read the data into a 2-D array right off the bat rather than jump through all these extra hoops (i.e. functions to determine unique array values and such)?
So you code might look something like this:
$county_array = array()
$county_array[$row['county_name']][] = $row; // you can change $row here to whatever data you actually need to store.
$limit = 2500;
foreach ($county_array as $county_name => $county_array) {
$temp_array = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($county_array as $item) {
$temp_array[] = $item;
if ($i === $limit) {
// we reached file limit, so write it to file code omitted for this
$temp_array = array();
$i = 0;
if (count($temp_array) > 0) {
// there are still items in temp array so write them to file code omitted for this
If you actually order by country name in your query and detect for changes to the value when reading county names out (and thus starting a new file), you could actually write directly into files in your loop that reads from the DB saving yourself memory overhead.
foreach ($objPHPExcel->getWorksheetIterator() as $worksheet) {
foreach ($worksheet->getRowIterator() as $row) {
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
// I wish
echo $cellIterator->getCell("A3"); // row: $row, cell: A3
I'm looking for a similar method which named getCell above or well-writed PHPExcel documentation.
If you have the $row information from RowIterator, you can just easily call:
$rowIndex = $row->getRowIndex ();
$cell = $sheet->getCell('A' . $rowIndex);
echo $cell->getCalculatedValue();
The complete code would be:
foreach($worksheet->getRowIterator() as $row){
$rowIndex = $row->getRowIndex();
$cell = $worksheet->getCell('A' . $rowIndex);
echo $cell->getCalculatedValue();
$cell = $worksheet->getCell('B' . $rowIndex);
echo $cell->getCalculatedValue();
This is what I needed:
function coordinates($x,$y){
return PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($x).$y;
coordinates(5,7); //returns "E7"
Though one could also do this for A-Z columns:
function toNumber($dest)
if ($dest)
return ord(strtolower($dest)) - 96;
return 0;
function lCoordinates($x,$y){
$x = $toNumber($x);
return PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($x).$y;
lCoordinates('E',7); //returns "E7"
Rather than iterate all the Cells in a row, when not use the rangeToArray() method for the row, and then use array_intersect_key() method to filter only the columns that you want:
$worksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
$highestColumn = $worksheet->getHighestColumn();
$columns = array_flip(array('A','C','E'));
foreach($worksheet->getRowIterator() as $row)
$range = 'A'.$row->getRowIndex().':'.$highestColumn.$row->getRowIndex();
$rowData = $worksheet->rangeToArray( $range,
$rowData = array_intersect_key($rowData[$row->getRowIndex()],$columns);
// do what you want with the row data
The latest SVN code introduces a number of new methods to th iterators, including the ability to work with ranges, or set the pointer to specific rows and columns