Other way of displaying image, when only having the link from php - php

I am making a tool to convert steam profile urls to the different steam ids, whatever.
I have the different functions, triggered when submitting the URL of the profile with a form.
One of the function are, that it gets the avatar of the regarding steam profile.
Actually it gets the link of the image. What I can do is, echo an img element with the link, this wont give me any flexibility since I wont be really able to style etc that afterwards.
Now, the function of getting the avatar, is in the function of the submit form.
I tried just inserting the image URL into an img element.
<img src"<?php echo $avatar ?>">
Well, then I get a error message, saying "$avatar" is undefined, even though I defined it in my main php tags. I think that is due to the fact that it is done inside the form function, could be wrong though.
My main question now is, what could be a different approach to this? I need that in the form function because it should only be called then.
Maybe I just have to use the inconvenient way of echoing an img element every time.
Here is the actual code.
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="profile_url">
<input type="submit" value="click" name="submit">
<div id="avatar-div" style="height:100px; width:100px;">
<img src="<?php echo $avatar; ?>">
the main php part
function display() {
require_once 'steamid.class.php';
$input = $_POST["profile_url"];
$api_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$id = new SteamID($input,$api_key);
if(substr_count($input, ' ') === strlen($input)) {
echo "Enter URL";
} else {
if ($id->resolveVanity()) {
$avatar = $id->toAvatar();
$communityid = $id->toCommunityID();
echo $communityid . ", " . " ";
$steamid = $id->toSteamID();
echo $steamid . ", " . " ";
$userid = '[U:1:'.$id->toUserID().']';
echo $userid . ", " . " ";
} else {
echo "Profile wasnt found!";

I'm refactoring my answer based on the conversation we had. Here is the recommended PHP code.
function urlCheck() {
$input = $_POST["profile_url"];
if(empty($input)) {
echo "Enter URL";
return false;
} else {
return true;
function display() {
require_once 'steamid.class.php';
$api_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$id = new SteamID($input,$api_key);
if (urlCheck()) {
if ($id->resolveVanity()) {
$communityid = $id->toCommunityID();
echo $communityid . ", " . " ";
$steamid = $id->toSteamID();
echo $steamid . ", " . " ";
$userid = '[U:1:'.$id->toUserID().']';
echo $userid . ", " . " ";
return $id->toAvatar();
} else {
echo "Profile wasn't found!";
You haven't mentioned where you're running display(), or where you're expecting the output (echo) to display. I can only assume you want it at the top of the page. Let me explain how to use this.
$avatar = display();
<div id="avatar-div" style="height:100px; width:100px;">
<img src="<?= $avatar ?>">
Basically the way this works, is that wherever you run display(), is where the echoes will output (in this case, before the body). Wherever you echo $avatar is where the id will be displayed. I hope this works for you.

Take a look at PHP's Variable Scope
Any variable used inside a function is by default limited to the local function scope.
To fix this problem, use the global keyword. This way you will explicitly set $avatar; as a global variable so it can be used outside of your display() function.
Here is how it would work for your example:
function display() {
global $avatar;
// Rest of your display() function
// Set $avatar somewhere in here
display(); // Actually call display so $avatar is set
<div id="avatar-div" style="height:100px; width:100px;">
<img src="<?=$avatar;?>">


PHP function called on link click not giving any results

I'm trying to solve this for some time. I have PHP function that is called on link click. When I click on link it's directing me to this function but it's not giving any results.
Here is how I call function.
foreach ($bandsN as $aa) {
$str = explode(',', $aa);
$next = $str[1];
<?php echo $str[0]?> </div> <?php
if (isset($_GET['other'])) {other($next);}
In this function it's called mysql stored procedure with parameter of php function.
function other($var)
echo $var;
if (!$mysqli->multi_query("CALL p($var)")) {
echo "CALL failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;
if($resul = $mysqli->store_result()){
$bands = array();
while($ro = $resul->fetch_row())
$bands[] = implode(',', $ro);
foreach ($bands as $aa) { ?>
<p > <?php echo $aa?> </p> </div><?php
while($mysqli->more_results() && $mysqli->next_result());
I don't know which is the problem. This code inside function is working because I already have it in other part of app.
If somebody can see what is wrong I would be very grateful.

Using a function to query a database

I have a page and I would really like some help / advice to create a better way / function to call in information from another table.
At the moment, my code looks like:
[I do know this is deprecated SQL and would really like to do some nice SQLi for this.]
$menuid = "100";
$imageid = "50";
// ** Talk to 'imagedirectory' table
mysql_select_db($database_db, $BASEdb);
$query_displayimage = "SELECT * FROM imagedirectory WHERE menuid = ".$menuid." AND imageid = ".$imageid."";
$displayimage = mysql_query($query_displayimage, $BASEdb) or die(mysql_error());
$row_displayimage= mysql_fetch_assoc($displayimage);
<img src="/images/assets/<?php echo $menuid; ?>-<?php echo $imageid; ?>-<?php echo $row_displayimage['urlslug']; ?>.jpg" alt="<?php echo $row_displayimage['alttext']; ?>" />
I figure There really has to be a better way because if there is 10 images on a page, this is pretty intense way of doing it.
Since you seem to know that mysql_* is deprecated, I am assuming you have read up on, and are using mysqli_* instead.
You needn't query the database every time. mysqli_query() returns a mysqli_result, which you can iterate over, and read using functions like mysqli_fetch_assoc(). Here is one way of doing it:
// store your query in a variable.
$query_displayimage = "SELECT * FROM imagedirectory";
// query the database.
$displayimage = mysqli_query($query_displayimage, $BASEdb);
// check for errors.
$dbErrors = mysqli_error($BASEdb);
if (count($dbErrors))
// iterate over the returned resource.
while ($row_displayimage = mysql_fetch_assoc($displayimage))
echo '<img src="/images/assets/' . $menuid . '-' . $imageid . '-' . $row_displayimage['urlslug'] . '.jpg" alt="' . $row_displayimage['alttext'] . '" />';
Hope that helped.
You can use this code in a function, too. For example:
function printImage($menuid, $imageid)
$query_displayimage = "SELECT * FROM imagedirectory";
$displayimage = mysqli_query($query_displayimage, $BASEdb);
$dbErrors = mysqli_error($BASEdb);
if (count($dbErrors))
if ($row_displayimage = mysql_fetch_assoc($displayimage))
echo '<img src="/images/assets/' . $menuid . '-' . $imageid . '-' . $row_displayimage['urlslug'] . '.jpg" alt="' . $row_displayimage['alttext'] . '" />';
else // if there is a problem getting the image
echo 'Error getting image.';
and elsewhere in your HTML, you would do something like:
And here is an image!
<?php printImage(20, 50); ?>

(EDITED QUES) PHP - Call function within another function

I have referred to similar questions like this and have done exactly the same way as it should have been but no success. Hence I would appreciate if some one can help me with this
I have a file called view.php which calls a function from a class based on a switch case condition. This function displays the output on the page with few links. When clicked on the link it calls another function which sits in my first function. But obviously when I click my link, nothing happens. That's my code.
$functions = new myfile_functions();
<form method="post" action="view.php"><div>
<p><select name="potentialareas" id="potentialareas">
<option style="font-weight:bold;" value="-1">Select an area to view </option>
foreach($accessareas as $accessarea){
echo "<option value='".$accessarea->id."'>".$accessarea->name. " - " . $accessarea->reporttype. "</option>";
<p><input name="view" id="view" type="submit" value="View" title="view" /><br /></p>
<div style="border-top:1px dotted #ccc;"></div>
$hierarchyid = $_POST['potentialareas'];
$reporttype = $DB->get_record_sql("some query");
case "D Report":
case "S Report":
case "A Report":
class myfile_functions(){
function getDepartmentReport($departmentid)
global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
$dname = $DB->get_record_sql("some query");
$output = "<div id='actualreport'><p><b>" . $dname->name. " Department Report</b></p>";
$output .= "<p>Activities started: </p>";
$output .= "<p>Activities Completed: </p></div>";
$output .= "<div id='separator' style='border-top:1px dotted #ccc;'></div>";
$output .= "<div id='listofsections'><p><b><i>Select the following for a more detailed report.</i></b></p>";
$snames = $DB->get_records_sql('some query');
foreach($snames as $sname)
{$output .= "<p>" .$sname->name. " <a href='view.php?section=" .$sname->id. "' name='section'><i>view report</i></a></p>";
$output .= "</div>";
echo $output;
function getSectionReport($sectionid)
global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
$sname = $DB->get_record_sql("some query");
$output = "<div id='actualreport'><p><b>" . $sname->name. " Report</b></p>";
$output .= "<p>Num Users: </p>";
$output .= "<p>Activities Completed: </p></div>";
$output .= "<div id='separator' style='border-top:1px dotted #ccc;'></div>";
$output .= "<div id='listofareas'><p><b><i>Select the following for a more detailed report.</i></b></p>";
$anames = $DB->get_records_sql('some query');
foreach($anames as $aname)
{$output .= "<p>" .$aname->name. " <a href='view.php?area=" .$aname->id. "' name='view' id='view'><i>view report</i></a></p>";
$output .= "</div>";
$areaid = $_GET['area'];
echo $output;
Similarly another function calling the above function, n so on.
function getAreaReport($id)
{ .. same content but calling another function...}
So when ever I click my view report link, I get the id appended id in my querystring, something like
Ideally the contents of getSectionReport() should get printed but its not. Please point out what is it that I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.
What's your main method for displaying everything? At the moment you have three functions, all of which link to eachother in various ways, but it doesn't look as if you're instantiating anything first. The PHP is being fed a parameter in your URL, sure, but if a class isn't instantiated and a method declared, how does it know what you want it to do?
For myfile.php, maybe you should do something like:
class MyFile
public function other_function()
// Various stuff
return 'stuff';
public function other_other_function()
// Various other stuff
return 'other stuff';
public function page_view($file_id)
$var = $this->other_function($file_id);
return $this->other_other_function($var);
$class = new MyFile;
echo $class->page_view($_GET['id']);
If the two functions are part of a class (as your comment above hints), then the call should be written as
If you're accessing a sibling function inside the same class, use:
class ClassName
public function sibling_function()
return 'Hey bro!';
public function my_function()
return $this->sibling_function();
If not, use the standard:
public function my_function()
return sibling_function();
If you're still having trouble, make sure your class is properly instantiated. There's no point calling another function if you're not even instantiating the class first:
$obj = new ClassName;
echo $obj->my_function();

Detect session/cookie variable in wordpress to prevent access to documents

Hey guys, I've gotten as far as my code below, but I am trying to create an AJAX search form that is 'safe' on my wordpress blog, by detecting the session variable or a cookie or something
If (!array_key_exists(‘authed’, $_SESSION))
include ‘not_authed.inc’;
// go about your business.
and i'm trying to add that to this:
function checkValues($value)
// Use this function on all those values where you want to check for both sql injection and cross site scripting
//Trim the value
$value = trim($value);
// Stripslashes
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
// Convert all <, > etc. to normal html and then strip these
$value = strtr($value,array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)));
// Strip HTML Tags
$value = strip_tags($value);
// Quote the value
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
return $value;
mysql_connect ("mysql.*****.com", "****","$*****") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("***********");
$term = checkValues($_REQUEST['val']);
$term = mysql_real_escape_string($term);
$sql = mysql_query("select * FROM patient_db WHERE id_number = '$term'");
if($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
echo "<img src=\"******\" class='leftfloat' border=0>";
echo '<p>';
echo '<br /> ID Number: ' .$row['id_number'];
echo '<br /> Name: ' .$row['Name'];
echo '<br /> Exp. Date: ' .$row['exp_date'];
echo '<br /> DOB: ' .$row['dob'];
echo '</p>';
//echo "<a href='******' title='Printer Friendly Version' alt='Printer Friendly Version'><img src=\"*****\" class='rightfloat' border=0 height=33 width=33></a>";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"*****\" height=50 width=50 class='leftfloat' border=0>";
print "<h1>USER ID <br/>NOT FOUND</h1><br />";
print "<strong>OOPS!! THIS COULD BE AN ERROR</strong><br />";
print "<br />";
print "<div>*****</div>";
The problem you are going to have is that the AJAX request is a separate session / cookie as it is a completely different process not tied into to the browser.
So how do you go about authenticating someone? A Token of sorts. So you would create a hash, which would need to be stored in the database for the user, which can be regenerated upon login etc. Then you would use this token to validate that user and allow the AJAX submission to work.
Hopefully that gets the ball rolling for you. So in your AJAX push script you would just appened a variable to the GET or POST data called token and then check it on the receiving PHP script. There are other ways of doing it, this is just one that I know of :)

on click change questions displayed

I have a page that has a list of items. On the bottom of the page is a "view more" button. When someone clicks this button, the page needs to add more items. The var is $displayedquestions, and the page is coded right now to refresh when the "view more" button is clicked, but we'd like to have it do it live. How can this be done?
Here is code:
include "db_connect.php";
function tags($tags)
while($finished=='false') {
if (empty($tagarray[$i])=='true') {
} else {
$taglist = $taglist . '<a class="commonTagNames" href="">' . $tagarray[$i] . '</a> ';
return $taglist;
function formattime($timesince)
if ($nodecimals<1){
return "Less than a minute ago";
} elseif ($nodecimals>=1&&$nodecimals<60) {
return $nodecimals . " min ago";
} elseif ($nodecimals>60&&$nodecimals<1440){
return $hoursnodecimals . " hours ago";
} elseif ($nodecimals>1440){
return $daysnodecimals . " days ago";
if($numquestions!=0) {
} else {
$sql="SELECT * FROM `Questions` ORDER BY `Questions`.`ID` DESC LIMIT 0, " . $displayedquestions;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($questions))
$id = $row['ID'];
$user = $row['userAsking'];
$question = $row['question'];
$tags = $row['tags'];
$timestamp = $row['timestamp'];
$responses=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `answersToQuestions` WHERE `idOfQuestion`= '$id'");
$likes=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `likesOfQuestions` WHERE `idOfQuestion`= '$id'");
$userprofileq = mysql_query("SELECT `ID`,`avatar` FROM `Users` WHERE `username` = '$user'");
$userprofileresult = mysql_fetch_row($userprofileq);
$linktoprofile = $userprofileresult[0];
$avatar = $userprofileresult[1];
echo "</li>";
echo '<li class="questionsList" onclick="showUser(' . $id . ')">
<div id="questionPadding">
<img class="askerImage" width=50 height=50 src="../Images/userimages/' . $avatar . '.png"/>
<div class="questionFirstRow"><h1 class="questionTitle">' . $question . '</h1></div>
<span class="midRow">
<span class="askerSpan"><a class="askerName" href="">'. $user .'</a></span>
<span class="bottomRow">
<img src="../Images/comment.png"/>
<span class="comments">' . $comments . '</span>
<img src="../Images/likes.png"/>
<span class="likes">' . $numlikes . '</span>
' . $timesince . '
<center><img class="moreQuestions" src="../Images/viewMoreBar.png" alt="More" /></center>
Without doing a lot of work you can add ajax to this. Use this function:
First, (I am assuming you are including the code above into another file) create a container around it. Ex:
<div id='container'>...</div>
Second, add this javascript to the page that includes the code you have above:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#container img.moreQuestions").parent().live('click', (function (e) {
This will load into #container the script you already have without refreshing the rest of the page.
Note the selector for the More link (slash button) in my example is $("#container img.moreQuestions").parent() because you don't have a class or id on it. You should give a class or id to the More link and use that for the selector.
like #diEcho mentioned, jQuery would be a great help: You could easily refresh your list of items by ajax (retrieving the complete list from a php file for example) as well as update your DOM elements with newly added values. Give it a try.
In addition you should think about getting you initial items by ajax as well. Data logic /display /UI functionality were seperated cleanly this way.
