Looping through multiple pages of a JSON request (Guzzle, Laravel, PHP) - php

New dev here so I am sorry if this is a simple question or something like that but haven't been able to find exactly what I am looking for (it totally could be that I am not asking the question correctly either) Basically I have a paginated list coming back from an api and I am not sure what the logic would be to be able to cycle through those pages. Here is the code that I have so far that works perfectly for the first page lol.
public function handle()
//This is the artisan command that runs on a timer and gets all the ticket and update fields that are needed and saves them to the database.
$tickets = $this->pullTicketSummary();
->each(function ($currTicket) {
$ticketRow = Tickets::query()->firstOrCreate(['ticket_id' => $currTicket['id']]);
$ticketRow->status_id = $currTicket['status']['id'];
$ticketRow->category_id = $currTicket['category']['id'];
$ticketRow->user_id = $currTicket['assigned_to']['id'];
$ticketRow->jira_issue_id = $currTicket['jira_issue_id'];
collect($currTicket['updates'])->each(function ($update) use ($currTicket){
$updateRow = Update::query()->firstOrCreate(['update_id' => $update['update_id']]);
$updateRow->ticket_id = $currTicket['id'];
$updateRow->assignee_change = $update['assignee_change'];
Log::info('All tickets and updates were pulled successfully');
protected function pullTicketSummary()
{ //Function makes the guzzle request and returns the response from the happyfox api
$client = new Client();
$request = $client->get('https://happyfox.com/api/1.1/json/tickets/?size=50&page=1',
['auth' => ['N/A']);
$response = json_decode($request->getBody()->getContents(), true);
return $response;
With the fact that I am new if this is something that has been answered before that I missed please just shoot me over a link or if you are aware of any documentation that would help me get to the answer on my own that would be awesome! thanks!

Update your function to use the page number:
protected function pullTicketSummary($page)
{ //Function makes the guzzle request and returns the response from the happyfox api
$client = new Client();
$request = $client->get('https://happyfox.com/api/1.1/json/tickets/?size=50&page='.$page,
['auth' => ['N/A']);
$response = json_decode($request->getBody()->getContents(), true);
return $response;
//new function only to save the data from tickets variable. Necessary to reuse.
public function saveTicketsOrSomething($tickets)
->each(function ($currTicket) {
$ticketRow = Tickets::query()->firstOrCreate(['ticket_id' => $currTicket['id']]);
$ticketRow->status_id = $currTicket['status']['id'];
$ticketRow->category_id = $currTicket['category']['id'];
$ticketRow->user_id = $currTicket['assigned_to']['id'];
$ticketRow->jira_issue_id = $currTicket['jira_issue_id'];
collect($currTicket['updates'])->each(function ($update) use ($currTicket){
$updateRow = Update::query()->firstOrCreate(['update_id' => $update['update_id']]);
$updateRow->ticket_id = $currTicket['id'];
$updateRow->assignee_change = $update['assignee_change'];
Then iterate until you finish all the pages:
$tickets = $this->pullTicketSummary(1); //first time
$numPages = $tickets['numPages']; //update here to get the actual value of number of pages
for ($i = 2; $i < $numPages; $i++) { //start on 2, cause we already have fetched page 1
$tickets = $this->pullTicketSummary($i); //other pages
Log::info('All tickets and updates were pulled successfully');


AJAX Send array as response from Laravel

I am trying to send from Laravel a response to an AJAX post request.
public function infoRoute(Request $request)
// Get info
$ship_id = $request->ship_id;
$startDate = $request->datepicker_start;
$endDate = $request->datepicker_end;
// Get all the locations between those dates
$routeArray = $this->measurementRepository->getCoordinates($ship_id, $startDate, $endDate);
$ship = $this->shipRepository->getShipForId($ship_id);
$info = $this->createRouteArrayForShip($ship, $routeArray);
if($request->ajax()) {
return response()->json(json_encode($info));
protected function createRouteArrayForShip($ship, $routeArray)
$info['type'] = "showRoute";
$index = 0;
foreach($routeArray as $coordinates)
$info['info']['route']['loc'. $index] = $coordinates;
$info['info']['shipInfo'] = $ship;
return $info;
When I receive the information and process it with jQuery, everything shows except from the route, that is empty.
Thank you,
The response()->json() method converts the given array into JSON using the json_encode() PHP function behind the scene.
Therefor you should remove your json_encode() from inside the response()->json() call.
Basically it should look like this
return response()->json($info);

Return unique id when use INSERT and SELECT in one moment

i am writing a program using mvc , and because the program i am writing is for admitting bank transactions, the resaults this program gives me is very important to me. and i need this to work without any logical errors and everything should workout with needed focus and giving me the exact thing i expect it to give. the thing that i want it to do for me is that some information will be sent out to the program with web service (like price, info, etc...) and then using a controller it checks the information and calls for the module, and sends the information to it. the it puts the module information to a stdclass and then using the PDO module it creates a transaction. and while the transaction is at work an insert command is sent for the database, and then we have a SELECT command and the program works well even after the insert command but while SELECT is at work , we have repetitive IDs which is the problem here:
my code:
//WSDL Creattor And Class
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 1);
class wsdl extends Controller
public function index()
$servidorSoap = new SoapServer('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/wsdl');
public function request($pin = null, $amount = 1, $callback = null, $orderid = null, $desc = null)
return -10; // call back is empty.
if (empty($pin) && $result->pin != $pin)
return -1; // pin invalid
$au = $this->mod->Request($result, $amount, $callback, $orderid, $desc);
return $au;
payment model:
class Payment_mod extends Model
public function Request($gateway, $amount, $callback, $orderid, $description)
// using pdo module
try {
$trans = new stdClass;
$trans->gateway_id = $gateway->id;
$trans->au = str_replace('.', '_temp_', microtime(true));
$trans->price = $amount;
$trans->order_id = $orderid;
$trans->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$trans->time = time();
$trans->call_back = $callback;
$trans->description = $description;
$this->DB->Insert("trans", $trans); // insert into table trans …
$id = $this->DB->Fetch("trans", "`gateway_id` =" . $trans->gateway_id . " AND `price`=".$trans->price." AND time = " . $trans->time)->id; // select id from trans where …
$u = new stdClass;
$u->t_id = $id;
$this->DB->Insert("test",$u); // insert into test . it for test table for check result
} catch (Exception $e) {
return -9; // return unknow error.
return $id;
for understanding where the problem exactly is and how many times each ID repeats itself, i added a table and i got the amount of return data of SELECT and put it into the database. and when i hold the f5 key for some seconds it shows that each ID repeats nearly 9 times.
note: this picture shows the amount of repeat of IDs.
where is the problem? i need this to repeat a specific ID for each call.
i did the exact thing in YII framework and i had no problem there and the progam worked exactly as i needed it to. i'd be glad if you help me.

Using docrtrine in Symfony2

I'm working on a php project but I have a problem with the database , I use this code to get data from the database :
public function getSeenAction(Request $request , $notificationId)
$sessionId = $request->headers->get('SessionID');
if( $sessionId == null )
//return new Response("Unauthorized",401);
$notificationRepo = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('MegasoftEntangleBundle:Notification');
$notification = $notificationRepo->findOneById($notificationId);
if($notification == null)
return new Response("Notification not found" ,404);
$seen = $notification->getSeen();
$response = new JsonResponse();
return $response;
I tried the same code with other tables and it worked , but whenever I retrive data from the Notification table it always give null , although the table contains the data.
$notificationRepo = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('MegasoftEntangleBundle:Notification');
$notification = $notificationRepo->findAll();
Is this code returns you something ? Probably the code of your NotificationRepository.php is not good, can you put it on ?
Try using find instead of findOneById if you just want to find record by Id.
On the other hand if you want to use findOneBy the passed argument for criteria should be an array.
$result = $notificationRepo->find($notificationId);
$result = $notificationRepo->findOneBy(array('id' => $notificationId));
make sure you have a proper code for findOneById in your NotificationRepository.php file
Then you can check
if (!empty($result)) { ... }

CakePhp does update instead of insert new data

i started using cakephp, but now i encountered a problem which i am not able to solve.
I have got the following model relations which are relevant:
Exercise hasMany Points
Student hasMany Points,
now i want to check in the studentsController if for every exercise there is a Point data set, and iff not insert a new one.
When starting with no Point datasets, the function adds a new Point dataset for the first exercise correct, but after this it only updates the erxercise_id of this dataset, instead of creating new ones.
The controller function looks like this:
public function correct($id = null) {
$this->Student->id = $id;
$this->Student->recursive = 2;
if ($this->request->is('get')) {
$data = $this->Student->Exam->Exercise->find('all');
foreach($data as $exercise)
$exerciseID = $exercise['Exercise']['id'];
$this->Student->Point->recursive = 0;
$foundPoints = $this->Student->Point->find('all', array('conditions' => array('exercise_id' => $exerciseID)));
if($foundPoints == null)
$emptyPoints = array ('Point' => array(
'exercise_id' => $exerciseID,
'student_id' => $id
else //POST
if you have to insert a data you to use create() method like this:
This is only an example, with this line you create every time a new record into your database
and save data
$this->Student->Point->id = '';

php passing object of an object: reference or value?

Hi all I'm using zend framework (but I think this is irrelevant) and php5 and I just want to modify an object of an object
public function saveSite($post) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$form = $this->view->form;
$newSite = 0;
$sitesRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$debugString = null;
if (is_array($post)) {
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
$debugString = $subform->getContent();
echo $debugString;
//new site instertion
if (is_null($subform)) {
$subform = $form->getSubForm('NewSite');
$newSite = 1;
$values = reset($subform->getValues());
$sitesRecord = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Diff_Model_Sites')->findOneBy('idSite', $values['idSite']);
if ($sitesRecord) {
$sitesRecord->idSite = $values['idSite']; //useless but necessary to make Doctrine understand to use update?
} else { //if the record is not present instantiate a new object (otherwise save() will not work
$sitesRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$sitesRecord->content = $subform->getContent(); //$values['content'];
$sitesRecord->newHtml = $subform->getContent();
$sitesRecord->url = $values['url'];
$sitesRecord->shortName = $values['shortName'];
$sitesRecord->lastChanged = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sitesRecord->pollingHours = $values['pollingHours'];
$sitesRecord->minLengthChange = $values['minLenghtChange'];
if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) { //save the owner
$sitesRecord->idOwner = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->idOwner; //retrieve the owner
} else {
throw new Exception("your session have expired: \n please login again");
* return the calling subform
* #param type $post
* #return type
public function getSubformByPost($post) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$form = $this->view->form;
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$subformName = "site" . $post['idSite'];
$subform = $form->getSubForm($subformName);
return $subform;
public function refreshOneDiff($post) {
if (is_array($post)) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$form = $this->view->form;
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
if (!$subform)
$subform = $this->view->form->getSubformByPost('NewSite');
$url = $subform->getUrl();
$idSite = $subform->getIdSite();
$crawler = new Crawler();
$newpageContent = $crawler->get_web_page($url);
$siteRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$siteRecord = $subform->getSiteRecord();
if ($siteRecord) //check if the record is not null
$oldpageContent = $siteRecord->get('content');
$oldpageContent = null;
$differences = $this->getDiff($oldpageContent, $newpageContent);
if (!is_null($differences)) {
$siteRecord->content = $newpageContent;
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
$debugString = $subform->getContent();
//echo $debugString;
$sitePresence = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Diff_Model_Sites')->findOneBy('idSite', $idSite);
if ($sitePresence) {
} else {
Basically what I'm doing here is:
1) grab a the form from the view
2) grab a subform from the form (let's call it SubformX)
3) grab an object "siteRecordX" from SubformX
4) change a value of "siteRecordX"
5) call a function saveRecord()
6) In this function regrab the same SubformX and echoing the value of the object siteRecordX
Surprisingly if i change a variable of SubformX it will stay that way, if I change a variable of an object of SubformX it will remain unchanged (if I retrieve SubformX).
It looks like, even if SubformX is passed by reference it is not the same for it's subobjects, wich are passed by value and so they disappear changing the context of the function.
Can you please help me?
I still cannot solve this issue nor understand it:
This is the constructor of the subform:
public function __construct($site = null, $options = null) {
if ($site instanceof Diff_Model_Sites) {
$this->_shortName = $site->get('shortName');
$this->_url = $site->get('url');
$this->_content = $site->get('content');
$this->_idSite = $site->get('idSite');
$this->_siteRecord = $site;
$this->_lastChanged = $site->get('lastChanged');
while this is the function of SubformX i use to set the value.
public function setContent($contentText) {
$this->_siteRecord->content = $contentText;
$this->_content = $contentText;
and this is the function of the subform that I call to get the value
public function getContent() {
if (isset($this->_siteRecord)) {
//return $this->_content;
return $this->_siteRecord->content;
with the commented line I'm able to retrieve the updated value, not with the second.
This is a real mystery to me because i set and get them exactly the same way at exactly the same point and i cannot understand the difference.
Your _siteRecord property is an ORM object (Doctrine, it appears). So its data may have some behaviors that are not standard for a reference-type object. It surely has some override of __get and __set. It also employs caching. These things are necessary to keep the database-model interaction working properly, but they can confuse what should be a reference and value types. (See: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2006/06/object-relational-mapping-is-the-vietnam-of-computer-science.html)
P.S.: in your constructor you use:
$this->_content = $site->get('content');
$this->_siteRecord = $site;
but in your getContent() you use:
That difference might be part of the problem.
Thank you all guys. It was Doctrine caching.
I have not investigated further the problem, but after getting rid of Doctrine everything works fine.
I have lost one entire day after this issue.
Moreover today I have lost another day for another curious problem related to Doctrine.
It seems that each time you gather data from your db Doctrine decode them for you (just like the php function utf8_decode($data).
Of course if you get the data and then put it back in the db again it will result in a total mayhem of coding and decoding.
This is enough. I still think that ORM are great programming tools but simply Doctrine is not.
I will not rest in peace since I'll have it eliminated from my program.
I will use Zend_Db library instead. Which I have mostly already done without regret and without facing the above-mentioned Doctrine's problems.
Again thanks to Seth Battin and Dave Random for the help and patience to understand my noob-coding.
