Symfony\Component\Process\Process unable to run audit2allow - php

I'm trying to execute audit2allow using Symfony\Component\Process\Process.
When I run exec("audit2allow -a -M a2a"); in PHP, it works just fine, a2a.pp and a2a.te is produced.
$process = new Process(['audit2allow', '-a', '-M', 'a2a']);
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
echo $process->getOutput();
However, the above code produces the output below
Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException : The command "'audit2allow' '-a' '-M' 'a2a'" failed.
Exit Code: 1(General error)
Working directory: /var/www/html/example
compilation failed:
a2a.te:6:ERROR 'syntax error' at token '' on line 6:
/usr/bin/checkmodule: error(s) encountered while parsing configuration
/usr/bin/checkmodule: loading policy configuration from a2a.te
which is the typical output when there is a empty /var/log/audit/audit.log.
What do I need to change to make it work properly? Symfony claims it is not a bug.
Using Symfony\Component\Process\Process (code above) actually produces the file a2a.te, but it has only 1 line.
module a2a 1.0;
Whereas using exec() produces the file a2a.te with many lines:
module a2a 1.0;
require {
type kernel_t;
type vmblock_t;
type container_t;
Why does running the same command on Symfony\Component\Process\Process and exec() gives different outcomes?


Running R script from PHP in VSCode not recognizing R packages

I am attempting to run a R script from PHP. I have created a shelled out version of my code that produces the same error message. I am running in VSCode, PHP Version 7.3.9, and R-3.6.2. Below are shelled our versions of my code that demonstrate my issue.
$R = '"C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.2/bin/Rscript.exe"';
$testScript = "C:/xampp/htdocs/rtest/testscript.r";
$command = "$R $testScript testingArguement 2>&1";
$result = shell_exec($command);
echo $result;
## Define all libraries
## Suppress Warning Messages
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
testValue = args[1]
cat("The test value is",testValue)
When I run the command via PHP in VSCode, the result variable receives the following...
"Error in library(plyr) : there is no package called 'plyr'
Calls: suppressMessages -> withCallingHandlers -> library
Execution halted
However, if I run the command manually in Command Prompt it works.
C:\Users\Garrett>"C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.2/bin/Rscript.exe" C:/xampp/htdocs/rtest/testscript.r testingArguement 2>&1
The test value is testingArguement
I am just super confused to why the packages aren't getting recognized when running from within VSCode/PHP
credit goes to Rscript: There is no package called ...?
but to summarize, I did the following
1) Start R.exe in command prompt, and type the following to get the location of where packages are installed Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER')
2) Paste the following line at the top of your R script so that Rscript.exe can reference

Run mjml cli using symfony process

I've installed mjml cli using the following command (as described in the mjml documentation):
npm install mjml --save
now if i did node_modules/.bin/mjml in the command line it will run successfully.
the problem is when i use the symfony process component in php i got the following error (even if it's the right path):
The command "/Users/qoraiche/Documents/my-app/node_modules/.bin/mjml" failed. Exit Code: 127(Command not found) Working directory: /Users/qoraicheOS/Documents/my-app/public Output: ================ Error Output: ================ env: node: No such file or directory
Symfony process code:
$process = new Process(base_path('node_modules/.bin/mjml'));
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
echo $process->getOutput();
By the way i have installed mjml globally as well and try it with no luck.
Try providing the full path to node.js when calling the MJML binary from a Symfony Process().
$process = new Process('/your/path/to/node ' . base_path('node_modules/.bin/mjml'));
I use this method in my own apps. Of course, you will need to provide the input and output files to actually transpile anything.

Symfony - use Command to run Phing task

When I try to run that phing command: bin/phing clear_cache_action from a console, everything works. Unfortunately, when I try to run the same command from the controller in the Symfony project I get an error.
That my code:
public function clearAction()
$process = new Process('bin/phing clear_cache_action');
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
echo $process->getOutput();
Symfony returns me that error:
The command "bin/phing clear_cache_action" failed.
Exit Code: 127(Command not found)
Working directory: /var/www/caolin/web
Error Output:
sh: 1: bin/phing: not found
Linux commands e.g. 'ls' works properly.
How can I run phing command from code?
I guess you are trying to execute phing from a Controller. Thus Working directory: /var/www/caolin/web instead of /var/www/caolin causes resolving bin/phing to /var/www/caolin/web/bin/phing which does not exist. You should set your current working directory to %kernel.project_dir%:
$process = new Process(
['bin/phing', 'clear_cache_action'],
However, I would not recommend starting a process from a Controller unless you are really sure what you are doing.

Command works in CMD prompt but not when sent via SSH2 with phpseclib

Im using phpseclib which id included with the command:
composer require phpseclib/phpseclib ~2.0
The target machine (receiver) is running Windows Server 2012.
On the target machine, I can run the following command in the cmd prompt and it works perfectly:
c:/maestro/ --process-report hourly_visitor -test
However, if I send that same command to the machine via SSH2, I get a strange error namely error: unrecognized arguments: -testh
Note the h in -testh. That's NOT in the sent command. Also, that extra letter seems to change, in a previous log entry, I saw: error: unrecognized arguments: -testt with an extra t on the end but always a single letter added to the end.
I don't get it, what the heck is happening here?
Here is my php function:
public function triggerReport($config,$command)
$host = array_get($config,'host');
$username = array_get($config,'username');
$password = array_get($config,'password');
$ssh = new SSH2($host);
if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) {
Log::error('Login Failed while attempting to trigger report with command: '.$command);
$output = $ssh->exec($command);
Log::info('Output from running report with command: '.$command);
1st log output
Output from running report with command: C:\Python27\python.exe c:/maestro/ --process-report hourly_visitor -test
2nd log output:
usage: [-h] --process-report [REPORT_TRIGGER] [-test]
[--to TO [TO ...]] error: unrecognized arguments: -testh

running Cassandra from php shell command (using datastax php-driver)

I am able to run it through the browser but not from command line
ie php test.php
$raw = Cassandra::cluster()
//->withCredentials($this->username, $this->password)
from browser:
object(Cassandra\DefaultCluster)#2 (0) { }
command line:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Cassandra' not found in /var/www/html/test.php on line 2
Is it possible to get same from command line as well?
The cli uses a different php.ini file (e.g. /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini & /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini). You are probably not including the extension in the cli one.
