Trying to merge two results of SQL queries - ToDoList App - php

I am trying to merge two results of two queries in MYSQL using PHP, but I am puzzled how to do it! I am using PDO. I am programming for a hobby and am trying to make a to do list app just like a Trello board. However, I just can't figure out how to merge two results from different tables in a database.
The idea is as follows:
I have a table called 'task_lists' with the content:
'list_id => 1, list_name = 'listOne'
'list_id => 2, list_name = 'listTwo'
And a table called 'tasks':
task_id => 1, list_id => 1, task_name => 'taskOfListOne', duration => 5, is_done => 1
task_id => 2, list_id => 1, task_name => 'anotherTaskOfListOne', duration => 5, is_done => 1
task_id => 3, list_id => 2, task_name => 'taskOfListTwo', duration => 10, is_done => 0
And I am trying to create an array that is merged between the two results as something like:
(I know this is a rough picture of how the array is supposed to look like)
$result = [array]
[list_id] = 1, [list_name] = 'listOne' =>
[array][list_id] = 1, ['task_name] = taskOfListOne,[duration] = 5, ['is_done'] => 1
[array][list_id] = 1, ['task_name] = anotherTaskOfListOne,[duration] = 5, ['is_done'] => 1
[list_id] = 2, [list_name] = 'listTwo' =>
[array][list_id] = 2, ['task_name] = taskOfListTwo,[duration] = 5, ['is_done'] => 1
Is this even possible? I have tried a Union sql query and methods like nested foreach statements, but none of them worked for me. Am I missing something here?
PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Have you tried a left join?
SELECT TL.`list_id`, TL.`list_name`, T.`task_name`, T.`duration`
FROM task_lists AS TL
LEFT JOIN tasks as T ON TL.`list_id` = T.`list_id`
And then in PHP you build the array in the format you want.
Later edit:
Simple PHP example to parse SQL data as you asked (to remove duplicated info):
// $mysql_rows -> here is your query result, fetched as associative array
$filtered_array = array();
foreach ($mysql_rows as $row){
// Initiate record if is not already initiated
if (!isset($filtered_array[ $row['list_id'] ])){
$filtered_array[ $row['list_id'] ] = array(
'list_id' => $row['list_id'],
'list_name' => $row['list_name'],
'tasks' => array()
// Add tasks
$filtered_array[ $row['list_id'] ]['tasks'][] = array(
'task_name' => $row['task_name'],
'duration' => $row['duration'],
'is_done ' => $row['is_done ']
// Optional: if you want to remove list_id from $filtered_array key names, uncomment the next line
// $filtered_array = array_values($filtered_array);


How to LIMIT a Query which is already been selected?

I am trying to LIMIT a Query which is already been selected. I know I can directly do it in my query select, but due to some logics of the code, if I do that way I have to run the query selection twice which (I believe) will increase the computational time!
So, what I am trying is this:
$query1 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE someconditions");
then, I need to re-select a sub-selection of the $query1 for my Pagination. What I am trying to do is something like this;
$query2 = LIMIT($query1, $limit_bigin, $limit_end);
where $limit_bigin, $limit_end provide the LIMITING range (start and end respectively).
Could someone please let me know how I could do this?
P.S. I know I can do it directly by:
$query1 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE someconditions");
$query2 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE someConditions LIMIT $limit_bigin, $limit_end");
But this is running the query twice and slows down the process (I must run the first query without limits due to some logics of the program)
As per the answers I tried using array_slice in PHP. BUT, since Query is an object it doesn't give the results that was expected. A NULL is resulted form
array_slice($query1, $start, $length, FALSE)
If you have already carried out the query and the result set has been returned to your PHP, you can not then LIMIT it. As you state, then running a second SQL execution of a subpart of the same query is wasteful and repetative.
As I said above, repetition causes issues with maintainability as you can easily forget about repetition, tweaking one SQL and forgetting to tweak the other.
Use PHP instead
Once you have executed the query, the result set is then passed back to PHP.
So assuming you have a $var with the contents of you SQL query, then you simply need to select the valid rows from the $var, not from the database [again].
You can do this using PHP numerous Array functions. Particularly array_slice().
$query1 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE someconditions");
Now, to select the second page, say for example rows 10 to 20:
$query2 = array_slice($query1, (10-1), 10 );
This wil then "slice" the part of the array you want. Remember that the array counts will start at zero so to grab row 10 (of an index starting at 1, Typical of a MySQL Auto Increment Primary Key), then you will need to select X number of rows from row (10-1) .
Please also read the manual for PHP array_slice().
As referenced in comments, there is no guarentee that your SQL will return the same values each time in the same order, so it is highly recommended to order your results:
$query1 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tableName
WHERE someconditions ORDER BY primary_key_column");
Example Data:
$query1 = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE someconditions ORDER BY id");
$query1 = array {
0 => array { 'id' => 1, 'user' => "Jim", 'colour' => "Blue" },
1 => array { 'id' => 2, 'user' => "Bob", 'colour' => "Green" },
2 => array { 'id' => 3, 'user' => "Tom", 'colour' => "Orange" },
3 => array { 'id' => 4, 'user' => "Tim", 'colour' => "Yellow" },
4 => array { 'id' => 5, 'user' => "Lee", 'colour' => "Red" },
5 => array { 'id' => 6, 'user' => "Amy", 'colour' => "Black" }
$page = 2;
$size = 3; // number per page.
$start = ($page - 1) * $size; //page number x number per page.
// Select the second page of 3 results.
$query2 = array_slice($query1, $start, $size , FALSE);
$query2 = array {
0 => array { 'id' => 4, 'user' => "Tim", 'colour' => "Yellow" },
1 => array { 'id' => 5, 'user' => "Lee", 'colour' => "Red" },
2 => array { 'id' => 6, 'user' => "Amy", 'colour' => "Black" }
You can then use these in a foreach or other standard array manipulation technique.

Return a 4-dimension array with SQL and Codeigniter

I need to do a query and get certain kind of data. I have 2 tables, users and connections, I need to get per user how many times he/she connected per month and year.
users connections
........... ................
john 10/02/2014
john 15/02/2014
john 03/01/2015
john 06/02/2015
Is there a chance to get this info in this format:
'total' =>2
'total' => 1
'total' => 2
'total'=> 1
I'm using Codeigniter and also PHP.
Answering to #CodeGodie what I've done so far is:
public function getPeriodicity(){
$this->db->select('u.vusr_user, extract (MONTH from (to_timestamp(c.vuc_log_in))) as month, extract (YEAR from (to_timestamp(c.vuc_log_in))) as yearly, COUNT(c.vuc_log_in)');
$this->db->from('vts_users_conn c');
$this->db->join('vts_users u', 'c.vuc_vusr_id = u.vusr_id');
$this->db->group_by('u.vusr_user, month, yearly','asc');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
Assuming you are using Codeigniter's $this->db->result_array() to obtain your database results, your initial array will look like this:
$res = array(
"name" => "john",
"date" => "10/02/2014"
"name" => "john",
"date" => "15/02/2014"
"name" => "john",
"date" => "03/01/2015"
"name" => "john",
"date" => "06/02/2015"
"name" => "john",
"date" => "06/03/2015"
In order to change this array to your desired output, I would do the following:
foreach ($res as $row) {
$date_arr = explode("/", $row['date']);
$n = $row['name'];
$y = $date_arr[2];
$m = $date_arr[1];
if (!isset($final[$n]))
$final[$n] = array();
if (!isset($final[$n][$y]))
$final[$n][$y] = array();
if (!isset($final[$n][$y][$m])) {
$final[$n][$y][$m] = array("total" => 1);
} else {
$final[$n][$y][$m]["total"] = $final[$n][$y][$m]["total"] + 1;
If you var_dump your final result (var_dump($final)), you will get the following:
array (size=1)
'john' =>
array (size=2)
2014 =>
array (size=1)
'02' =>
array (size=1)
'total' => int 2
2015 =>
array (size=3)
'01' =>
array (size=1)
'total' => int 1
'02' =>
array (size=1)
'total' => int 1
'03' =>
array (size=1)
'total' => int 1
Hope this helps.
As a general rule, if you can access the data and see in your mind how you want that data to look, then it's pretty much possible to get it to do that. It's just a matter of working out the process.
In your case, I would do the following steps:
Order the data by users, then by date so everything is nicely together
Loop through the data and each time, check that the current user is the same as the last one. if it's not, create a new array key
split the date into the parts you want
check the user array for the key relating to year for that user. If the year exists, search for the month. If the month exists, add 1 to the total for that month. If the year and/or month don't exist, create the keys and set the total to be 1 for that month
Once the records have been processed, you should have the data in the format you need.

PHP multidimensional array counter

Im trying to make a multidimensional array with two columns. Name and Counter. I can do a single array with all the names. But I dont know how to make it multidimensional and be able to still update the counters. Code i got so far is
if (!in_array($prodname, $da)){
array_push($da, $prodname);
and then I can dump it back out with a foreach. How do I make it two dimensional? How can I say alright this exists update the old value? etc.
If you only need name and counter then you should just be able to use a normal array:
$nameCountArray = array();
foreach($names as $name){
$nameCountArray[$name] = 1;
$nameCountArray[$name] = $nameCountArray[$name] + 1;
If you do need multidimensional arrays these are just arrays of arrays and can be accessed as such. A good example of this is using a 2d array to store locations (say on a 3 by 3 grid):
$twoDArray = array(
0 => array(0 => 1,
1 => 4,
2 => 7),
1 => array(0 => 2,
1 => 5,
2 => 8),
2 => array(0 => 3,
1 => 6,
2 => 9)
//Grab the item at 1,2
$item = $twoDArray[1][2];//Will give '8'
Supposing you want $da to look like this:
"name1" => array("score1" => 80, "score2" => 100),
"name2" => array("score1" => 50, "score2" => 60),
"name3" => array("score1" => 90, "score2" => 80),
Then all you need to do is something like:
function setScore($prodName, $scoreName, $score)
global $da;
if (!array_key_exists($prodName, $da)) {
$da[$prodName] = array();
$da[$prodName][$scoreName] = $score;
setScore("name1", "score1", 80);
setScore("name1", "score2", 100);
setScore("name2", "score1", 50);
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, which is very possible.

Group results after join?

So, I have three tables. Movies, movies_genres and genres. I want to get a movie by its Id, and also join its genres in the result. I managed to join the results, but it doesn't display as i want it to. I'm not sure if what I'm asking is possible.
This is my query:
SELECT `movies`.*, GROUP_CONCAT( AS genre_id, GROUP_CONCAT( AS genre_name
FROM (`movies`)
INNER JOIN `movies_genres`
ON `movies_genres`.`movie_id` = `movies`.`id`
INNER JOIN `genres`
ON `genres`.`id` = `movies_genres`.`genre_id` WHERE `movies`.`id` = 19908
GROUP BY `movies`.`id`
The query was generated by Codeigniters Active Record class, here is the Codeigniter code if that helps:
$this->db->select('movies.*, GROUP_CONCAT( AS genre_id, GROUP_CONCAT( AS genre_name');
$this->db->where('', $movie_id);
$this->db->join('movies_genres', 'movies_genres.movie_id =', 'inner');
$this->db->join('genres', ' = movies_genres.genre_id', 'inner');
Here is the result i'm currently getting:
[id] => 19908
[movie_title] => Zombieland
[overview] => An easily spooked guy...
[genre_id] => 28,12,35,27
[genre_name] => Action,Adventure,Comedy,Horror
And this is what I want:
[id] => 19908
[movie_title] => Zombieland
[overview] => An easily spooked guy...
[genres] => array(
0 => array(
'id' => 28,
'name' => Action
1 => array(
'id' => 12,
'name' => Adventure
1 => array(
'id' => 35,
'name' => Comedy
1 => array(
'id' => 27,
'name' => Horror
Is this possible, and if so, how?
The query you listed will have n rows (where n = # of movies) whereas the query it seems you want will have many more rows (# of movie_genre's entries). You're probably better off leaving that query as it is, and doing some post processing.
After you get it, just run your result (e.g. $result) array through something like:
foreach($result as &$row)
// Split over commas
$gi_elements = explode(',', $row['genre_id']);
$gn_elements = explode(',', $row['genre_name']);
// Build genre
$row['genre'] = array();
for($i=0; $i<count($gi_elements); $i++)
$row['genre'][] = array('id' => $gi_elements[$i], 'name' => $gn_elements[$i]);
// Cleanup
Afterwards, $results will look exactly as you wish without extra database work.
EDIT: Fixed some typos.

How do I combine two arrays in PHP based on a common key?

I'm trying to join two associative arrays together based on an entry_id key. Both arrays come from individual database resources, the first stores entry titles, the second stores entry authors, the key=>value pairs are as follows:
array (
'entry_id' => 1,
'title' => 'Test Entry'
array (
'entry_id' => 1,
'author_id' => 2
I'm trying to achieve an array structure like:
array (
'entry_id' => 1,
'author_id' => 2,
'title' => 'Test Entry'
Currently, I've solved the problem by looping through each array and formatting the array the way I want, but I think this is a bit of a memory hog.
$entriesArray = array();
foreach ($entryNames as $names) {
foreach ($entryAuthors as $authors) {
if ($names['entry_id'] === $authors['entry_id']) {
$entriesArray[] = array(
'id' => $names['entry_id'],
'title' => $names['title'],
'author_id' => $authors['author_id']
I'd like to know is there an easier, less memory intensive method of doing this?
Is it possible you can do a JOIN in the SQL used to retrieve the information from the database rather than fetching the data in multiple queries? It would be much faster and neater to do it at the database level.
Depending on your database structure you may want to use something similar to
SELECT entry_id, title, author_id
FROM exp_weblog_data
INNER JOIN exp_weblog_titles
ON exp_weblog_data.entry_id = exp_weblog_titles.entry_id
WHERE field_id_53 = "%s" AND WHERE entry_id IN ("%s")
Wikipedia has a bit on each type of join
Otherwise the best option may be to restructure the first array so that it is a map of the entry_id to the title
'entry_id' => 1,
'title' => 'Test Entry 1',
'entry_id' => 3,
'title' => 'Test Entry 2',
Would become:
1 => 'Test Entry 1',
3 => 'Test Entry 2',
Which would mean the code required to merge the arrays is simplified to this:
$entriesArray = array();
foreach ($entryAuthors as $authors) {
$entriesArray[] = array(
'id' => $authors['entry_id'],
'title' => $entryNames[$authors['entry_id']],
'author_id' => $authors['author_id']
I've rearranged some of my code to allow for a single SQL query, which looks like:
$sql = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT wd.field_id_5, wd.entry_id,, mb.screen_name
FROM `exp_weblog_data` wd
INNER JOIN `exp_weblog_titles` wt
ON wt.entry_id=wd.entry_id
INNER JOIN `exp_members` mb
ON mb.member_id=wt.author_id
WHERE mb.member_id IN ("%s")
AND wd.entry_id IN ("%s")',
join('","', array_unique($authors)),
join('","', array_unique($ids))
This solves my problem quite nicely, even though I'm making another SQL call. Thanks for trying.
In response to your comment on Yacoby's post, will this SQL not give the output you are after?
SELECT exp_weblog_data.entry_id, exp_weblog_data.field_id_5 AS title_ie, exp_weblog_titles.author_id
FROM exp_weblog_data LEFT JOIN exp_weblog_titles
ON exp_weblog_data.entry_id = exp_weblog_titles.entry_id
WHERE exp_weblog_data.field_id_53 = "%S"
Every entry in exp_weblog_data where field_id_53 = "%S" will be joined with any matching authors in exp_weblog_titles, if a an entry has more than one author, two or more rows will be returned.
