I have an apache web sever with php file /var/www/html/test.php, and servo.py in the same directory.
When I go to localhost/test.php it doesn't work. Yet when I run test.php in an IDE it works fine. Any help?
shell_exec("python servo.py");
It was a permissions error! I had to add www-data to the gpio group.
sudo adduser www-data gpio
I've a shell_test.php file in /var/www/html folder with this code:
config.sh in the same folder has this code:
sudo -u root kill -SIGHUP $(cat /var/www/html/mosquitto/mosquitto.pid)
When I run ./config.sh from folder, it runs.
When I run command in config.sh file directly in terminal, it
works too.
I've added this into sudoers file so that there is no need of password:
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www/html/config.sh
The thing is it's working fine when run using terminal in both the mentioned ways. Why is not executing when run in PHP?
Your problem is probably, that it is apache, www-data or some other user that is running your script and you try to run it as root.
Try without sudo -u root and change the group of the file to www-data with:
chown root:www-data your-script
As you say "It isn't outputting anything but my mosquitto broker is resetting every time it runs which lets me know"
I think you should replace
$output = shell_exec('/var/www/html/config.sh');
echo $output;
According to php docs "shell_exec — Execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string"
shell_exec doesn't print by default; you have to store the string output and then use it
I made few changes in codes and it worked.
In shell_test.php, I changed code like this:
shell_exec('sudo -S ./config.sh');
In config.sh, I changed like this:
sudo kill -SIGHUP $(cat /var/www/html/mosquitto/mosquitto.pid)
I an Ubuntu 16.04 machine running NGINX and PHP. I would like to enable the www-data user (via web browser) to be able to access a PHP page (php-test.php) that will execute either a bash script (script_test.sh) or execute Linux CLI commands using shell_exec or exec.
I have done the following.
Created my bash script file script_test.sh
echo $USER
echo 'test'
when I run this from CLI, using
./ script_test.sh
It does indeed work and I can see the info echoed out in the CLI.
I then pursued the goal of being able to allow the www-data user run this bash script through a PHP page running on this same machine from NGINX.
I created my php page (php_test.php) and it contains the following
shell_exec('./script_test.sh'); // ATTEMPT RUN SCRIPT
shell_exec('/path/to/my/files/script_test.sh'); // ATTEMPT RUN SCRIPT
echo 'test 123'; // SIMPLE ECHO IN THE PHP PAGE
I then ran the following to modify the sudoers file, giving www-data access to the bash script
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
to which I added the following line
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/my/files/script_test.sh
I then made sure the script was executable, for the sake of my testing, not worrying about security, I just set it to 777 with the following command
sudo chmod 777 script_test.sh
From there I opened a web browser and browsed to the localhost (NGINX) web server (php_test.php) and the only thing I see on the page is the 'test 123' that I echo from PHP... none of the bash script appears to have run at all. I tailed the NGINX error log and don't see any error at all.
Is there another log that could contain clues on this?
What else should I check here?
The result of shell_exec() is returned as string. To display it in your browser, simply add echo.
echo shell_exec('./script_test.sh'); // ATTEMPT RUN SCRIPT
echo shell_exec('/path/to/my/files/script_test.sh'); // ATTEMPT RUN SCRIPT
echo 'test 123'; // SIMPLE ECHO IN THE PHP PAGE
See the Return Values in the manual:
The output from the executed command or NULL if an error occurred or
the command produces no output.
Can you try to use passthru instead of shell_exec, and see the output anything?
Also try this, and see if it shows on the log file:
if(file_exists('/path/to/my/files/script_test.sh')) { die('File not found!'); }
shell_exec("nohup /path/to/my/files/script_test.sh > /path/to/my/files/output.log &");
Also, are you running PHP with the www-data user (check your fpm pool)?
Do you have any error on /var/log/syslog or /var/log/auth.log ?
Have you restarted the server after changing the sudo permissions?
What does su - www-data -c "whoami" and su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "whoami" outputs?
Does su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "/path/to/my/files/script_test.sh" output something?
I am running a PHP document on an Apache server on my Raspberry Pi and I want it to run a file when a button is clicked. I put some echo commands under the command to make the file run and it prints out but the file doesn't run. The index.php file and lightson.py and lightsoff.py files are all in the same directory (/var/www) and I have added #!/usr/bin/env python to the top of both files and made them executable by using chmod +x lightson.py. If I run the command from the shell it works and turns on the light just like I want with the exact same command as in the file but yet it wont run through the command. The code:
<title>Light Controller</title>
if (isset($_POST['LightON']))
shell_exec("sudo python /var/www/lightson.py");
if (isset($_POST['LightOFF']))
shell_exec("sudo python /var/www/lightsoff.py");
<form method="post">
<button name="LightON">Light ON</button>
<button name="LightOFF">Light OFF</button><br><br>
as you said you are running it like apache->php->shell_exec(SUDO..)
So the apache user has to be in sudoers file, better you don't give sudo to apache instead give apache (www-data) user right to run your python program
put first line in your python script: #!/usr/bin/env python so the script knows which program to open it with..
change group:
chgrp www-data /path/to/python-script.py
make it executabel
chmod +x /path/to/python-script.py
try it
I hope it works ;)
TIPP: Apache and PHP are for delivering Documents and Strings, if you want some kind of control and an API start with nodejs and https://www.npmjs.com/package/rpi-gpio package. This way you will have one place for your solid automation environment
This worked for me:
echo shell_exec("python test.py");
f = open("test.txt", "a+")
f.write("hiya buddy!!\n")
print "some output"
Here's my relevant ls -l output from /var/www/html:
jason#Jason-one /var/www/html $ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 jason jason 44 Sep 20 18:12 test.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jason jason 82 Sep 20 17:44 test.py
-rw-rw-rw- 1 jason jason 38 Sep 20 18:15 test.txt
Since I don't have GPIO pins on my laptop, I decided to write to a file as a test. Notice I didn't have to use sudo because of the way I set the permissions on test.py.
I have a PHP webpage on my raspberry pi with 2 buttons (on and off)
The on button button redirects to On.php
The off button redirects to Off.php
In "/usr/lib/cgi-bin" I have a python script that I would like to execute (script.py)
I can perfectly execute it from the terminal by typing
cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
sudo python script.py
It works if I do it from the terminal.
The problem is the PHP file (On.php) in my "/var/www" folder.
This is what I wrote:
exec('cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin');
exec('sudo python script.py');
Why is the script executing from the terminal, but not from my PHP?
You can't use sudo from a PHP script. Apache is running from an user (www-data generaly), so edit this file : /etc/sudoers
Then add this line :
Care ! this will authorize all functions to be called by a PHP script, you can adapt changing "ALL" by your script or Python command.
Then precise your user in your exec command :
exec('sudo -u www-data python /usr/lib/cgi-bin/script.py')
Try this out, it should be working:
system("cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin");
system("sudo python script.py");
Or even this:
system("cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin && sudo python script.py");
On an older Raspbian distribution you need to place your file in /var/www/file.py. So in your file.php you add:
exec("sudo python /var/www/file.py");
On a newer Raspbian Jessie you need to place your file in /var/www/html/file.py, so in your file.php you need to add:
exec("sudo python /var/www/html/file.py");
Or just any file.py
exec("sudo python test.py");
Note: For this to work you need to edit a file first to add these lines to allow passwordless sudo
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
then go to the bottom and add this
I want to start program when I enter my webpage, and problem is in permissions(??) because when I try
echo exec('whoami');
I've got valid response (www-data) but when i try code like it:
echo exec('/var/www/./sitesend');
echo passthru(/var/www/./sitesend');
I got no response. I tried to
chown www-data /var/www/sitesend
chmod 755 /var/www/sitesend
My C++ app runs correctly, and its sending by NRF infromations to turn lights.
But not work, when enter page app won't run and I don't get any reps in echo.
I don't have a conclusive answer, but you can try a number of things:
Try the follow command to see if www-data may run the command.
sudo -u www-data /var/www/sitesend
Try running a PHP script with the passthru command from the commandline.
See if you're running AppArmor for the Apache process. AppArmor will block execution for files not white listed.
ls /etc/apparmor.d