I am trying to make a PHP application which searches through the files of your current directory and looks for a file in every subdirectory called email.txt, then it gets the contents of the file and compares the contents from email.txt with the given query and echoes all the matching directories with the given query. But it does not work and it looks like the problem is in the if-else part of the script at the end because it doesn't give any output.
// pulling query from link
$query = $_GET["q"];
// listing all files in doc directory
$files = scandir(".");
// searching trough array for unwanted files
$downloader = array_search("downloader.php", $files);
$viewer = array_search("viewer.php", $files);
$search = array_search("search.php", $files);
$editor = array_search("editor.php", $files);
$index = array_search("index.php", $files);
$error_log = array_search("error_log", $files);
$images = array_search("images", $files);
$parsedown = array_search("Parsedown.php", $files);
// deleting unwanted files from array
// counting folders
$folderamount = count($files);
// defining loop variables
$loopnum = 0;
// loop
while ($loopnum <= $folderamount + 10) {
$loopnum = $loopnum + 1;
// gets the emails from every folder
$dirname = $files[$loopnum];
$email = file_get_contents("$dirname/email.txt");
//checks if the email matches
if ($stremail == $query) {
Can someone explain / fix this for me? I literally have no clue what it is and I debugged soo much already. It would be heavily gracious and appreciated.
Kind regards,
There's a few problems with this code that would be preventing you from getting the correct output.
The main reason you don't get any output from the if test is the condition is (presumably) using the wrong variable name.
// variable with the file data is called $email
$email = file_get_contents("$dirname/email.txt");
// test is checking $stremail which is never given a value
if ($stremail == $query) {
There is also an issue with your scandir() and unset() combination. As you've discovered scandir() basically gives you everything that a dir or ls would on the command line. Using unset() to remove specific files is problematic because you have to maintain a hardcoded list of files. However, unset() also leaves holes in your array, the count changes but the original indices do not. This may be why you are using $folderamount + 10 in your loop. Take a look at this Stack Overflow question for more discussion of the problem.
Rebase array keys after unsetting elements
I recommend you read the PHP manual page on the glob() function as it will greatly simplify getting the contents of a directory. In particular take a look at the GLOB_ONLYDIR flag.
Lastly, don't increment your loop counter at the beginning of the loop when using the counter to read elements from an array. Take a look at the PHP manual page for foreach loops for a neater way to iterate over an array.
I have looked on Stackover for a simular issue but can't find a solution.
I am trying to write a script that looks at the content of two directories to findout if a filename match can be found in both
directories. If a match is found write the name of the matched filename to an array.
The first thing I am doing is using""scandir" to create an array of data from the first directory.
In the "foreeach"loop through the array from the "scandir" result and perform a "file_exists" using the variable "$image1"
to fing a match in the seconds directory "allimages/boardsclean". If a match is found write the filename to the "$found_images" array.
Testing the result of the "$found_images" array I am not seeing the result I was expecting.
Can anyone see where I am going wrong?
$c1 = 0;
$c2 = 0;
$scan = scandir('allimages/temp1');
$found_images = array();
foreach ($scan as $image1) {
if (file_exists('allimages/temp1/'.$image1) && ('allimages/temp2/'.$image1)) {
echo "file match in Scan $image1</br>";
$found_images[] = 'allimages/adminclean/'. $image1;
echo $c1."</br>";
foreach ($found_images as $image3) {
echo "file match $image3 </br>";
echo $c2."</br>";
First, you don't need to test for the file from the scandir because, well... it's already there and was returned. Second, you don't test for the one in the second directory. You need:
if(file_exists('allimages/temp2/'.$image1)) {
However, just scan both directories and compute the intersection of the returned arrays which will give you files common to both directories. It's as simple as:
$found = array_intersect(scandir('allimages/temp1'), scandir('allimages/temp2'));
Then you can filter out directories if you want and add allimages/adminclean/ in the array or when needed.
I am successfully able to get random images from my 'uploads' directory with my code but the issue is that it has multiple images repeat. I will reload the page and the same image will show 2 - 15 times without changing. I thought about setting a cookie for the previous image but the execution of how to do this is frying my brain. I'll post what I have here, any help would be great.
$files = glob($dir . '/*.*');
$file = array_rand($files);
$filename = $files[$file];
$search = array_search($_COOKIE['prev'], $files);
if ($_COOKIE['prev'] == $filename) {
$filename = $files[$file];
setcookie('prev', $filename);
Similar to slicks answer, but a little more simple on the session front:
Instead of using array_rand to randomise the array, you can use a custom process that reorders based on just a rand:
$files = array_values(glob($dir . '/*.*'));
$randomFiles = array();
while(count($files) > 0) {
$randomIndex = rand(0, count($files) - 1);
$randomFiles[] = $files[$randomIndex];
$files = array_values($files);
This is useful because you can seed the rand function, meaning it will always generate the same random numbers. Just add (before you randomise the array):
if($_COOKIE['key']) {
$microtime = $_COOKIE['key'];
else {
$microtime = microtime();
setcookie('key', $microtime);
This does means that someone can manipulate the order of the images by manipulating the cookie, but if you're okay with that this this should work.
So you want to have no repeats per request? Use session. Best way to avoid repetitions is to have two arrays (buckets). First one will contains all available elements that your will pick from. The second array will be empty for now.
Then start picking items from first array and move them from 1st array to the second. (Remove and array_push to the second). Do this in a loop. On the next iteration first array won't have the element you picked already so you will avoid duplicates.
In general. Move items from a bucket to a bucket and you're done. Additionally you can store your results in session instead of cookies? Server side storage is better for that kind of things.
HereĀ“s my recent result for recursive listing of a user directory.
I use the results to build a filemanger (original screenshots).
(source: ddlab.de)
Sorry, the 654321.jpg is uploaded several times to different folders, thats why it looks a bit messy.
(source: ddlab.de)
Therefor I need two separate arrays, one for the directory tree, the other for the files.
Here only showing the php solution, as I am currently still working on javascript for usability. The array keys contain all currently needed infos. The key "tree" is used to get an ID for the folders as well as a CLASS for the files (using jquery, show files which are related to the active folder and hide which are not) a.s.o.
The folder list is an UL/LI, the files section is a sortable table which includes a "show all files"-function, where files are listed completely, sortable as well, with path info.
The function
function build_tree($dir,$deep=0,$tree='/',&$arr_folder=array(),&$arr_files=array()) {
$dir = rtrim($dir,'/').'/'; // not really necessary if 1st function call is clean
$handle = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($handle))
if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
if (is_dir($dir.$file))
$tree_pre = $tree; // remember for reset
$tree = $tree.$file.'/'; // bulids something like "/","/sub1/","/sub1/sub2/"
$arr_folder[$tree] = array('tree'=>$tree,'deep'=>$deep,'file'=>$file);
build_tree($dir.$file,$deep,$tree,$arr_folder,$arr_files); // recursive function call
$tree = $tree_pre; // reset to go to upper levels
$deep--; // reset to go to upper levels
$arr_files[$file.'.'.$tree] = array('tree'=>$tree,'file'=>$file,'filesize'=>filesize($dir.$file),'filemtime'=>filemtime($dir.$file));
return array($arr_folder,$arr_files); //cannot return two separate arrays
Calling the function
$build_tree = build_tree($udir); // 1st function call, $udir is my user directory
Get the arrays separated
$arr_folder = $build_tree[0]; // separate the two arrays
$arr_files = $build_tree[1]; // separate the two arrays
see results
It works like a charme,
Whoever might need something like this, be lucky with it.
I promise to post the entire code, when finished :-)
I've been trying to make a simple website that lets you specify a directory, and embeds a player for each mp3 in whatever directory the user specifies. The problem is that no matter how I enter the directory name, glob() does not return any files. I've tried this with local folders, server directories, and the same folder as the php file.
'directoryPath' is the name of the text box where the user enters, you guessed it, the directory path. The 'echo $files' statement displays nothing onscreen. The 'echo "test"' statement DOES run, but the 'echo "hello"' statement in the loop does not execute.
Any help is appreciated!
if (!empty($_POST['directoryPath']))
$path = ($_POST['directoryPath']);
$files = glob("$path/{*.mp3}", GLOB_BRACE);
echo $files[0];
echo "test";
foreach($files as $i)
echo "hello";
echo $files[$i];
<embed src=<?php $files[$i]; ?> width=256 height=32 autostart=false repeat=false loop=false></embed><?php echo $files[$i] ?></p>
Validate the input first:
$path = realpath($_POST['directoryPath']);
if (!is_dir($path)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid path.');
Additionally check the return value glob returns false on error. Check for that condition (and ensure you are not using one of those systems that even return false when there are no files found).
I hope this is helpful. And yes, check your error log and enable error logging. This is how you can see what is going wrong.
Also see the following related function for a usage-example and syntax of GLOB_BRACE:
Running glob() from an included script returns empty array
One one tool I find very useful in helping debug variables in PHP is var_dump(). It's a function that provides you with information about a variable's type, it's contents, and any useful metadata it can attain from that variable. This would be a very useful tool for you here, because you'll quickly realize what you have in the variable $i is not at all what you expect.
$files = glob("$path/{*.mp3}", GLOB_BRACE);
foreach ($files as $i) {
/* Here's a hint, $i is not an index to the $files array.
So $files[$i] makes no sense. $i is actually the value not the key.*/
foreach ($files as $key => $value) { // very different from
// $key is the key to the current element of $files we're iterating over
// $value is the value of the current element we're iterating over
So in your code $i is the value not the key. See http://php.net/foreach for more information on how the construct works.
Also, what should be noted here is that you are using a relative path, whereas glob will return an absolute path. By relative this means your searching relative to the CWD (Current Working Directory) of your PHP script. To see wha that is you can use the following code.
// similarly ...
In the script below, I'm attempting to iterate over the folders and files inside of the $base folder. I expect it to contain a single level of child folders, each containing a number of .txt files (and no subfolders).
I'm just needing to understand how to reference the elements in comments below...
Any help much appreciated. I'm really close to wrapping this up :-)
$base = dirname(__FILE__).'/widgets/';
$rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($base);
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi) as $files_widgets)
if ($files_widgets->isFile())
$file_name_widget = $files_widgets->getFilename(); //what is the filename of the current el?
$widget_text = file_get_contents(???); //How do I reference the file here to obtain its contents?
$sidebar_id = $files_widgets->getBasename(); //what is the file's parent directory name?
//How do I reference the file here to obtain its contents?
$widget_text = file_get_contents(???);
$files_widgets is a SplFileInfo, so you have a few options to get the contents of the file.
The easiest way is to use file_get_contents, just like you are now. You can concatenate together the path and the filename:
$filename = $files_widgets->getPathname() . '/' . $files_widgets->getFilename();
$widget_text = file_get_contents($filename);
If you want to do something funny, you can also use openFile to get a SplFileObject. Annoyingly, SplFileObject doesn't have a quick way to get all of the file contents, so we have to build a loop:
$fo = $files_widgets->openFile('r');
$widget_text = '';
foreach($fo as $line)
$widget_text .= $line;
This is a bit more verbose, as we have to loop over the SplFileObject to get the contents line-by-line. While this is an option, it'll be easier for you just to use file_get_contents.