I would like to know how to change the text when clicked button attached to it (Inline keyboards). It's in a telegram channel.
Something like this but with my code below (no need for more options).
The code I have now:
$data = [
'text' => 'choose options yes or no',
'chat_id' => '-100234234234'
$keyboard = array(
"inline_keyboard" => array(
"text" => "Yes",
"callback_data" => "myCallbackData"
"text" => "No",
"callback_data" => "myCallbackData"
file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/sendMessage?" . http_build_query($data) . "&parse_mode=html&reply_markup=$keyboard");
After sending the message;
Remember the message_id returned by Telegram
Call /getUpdates to get the callback_data of pressed button
Use /editMessageText to update the first message
// Create data
$data = http_build_query([
'text' => 'Yes - No - Stop?',
'chat_id' => '1234567890'
// Create keyboard
$keyboard = json_encode([
"inline_keyboard" => [
"text" => "Yes",
"callback_data" => "yes"
"text" => "No",
"callback_data" => "no"
"text" => "Stop",
"callback_data" => "stop"
// Send keyboard
$url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/sendMessage?{$data}&reply_markup={$keyboard}";
$res = #file_get_contents($url);
// Get message_id to alter later
$message_id = json_decode($res)->result->message_id;
// Continually check for a 'press'
while (true) {
// Call /getUpdates
$updates = #file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/getUpdates");
$updates = json_decode($updates);
// Check if we've got a button press
if (count($updates->result) > 0 && isset(end($updates->result)->callback_query->data)) {
// Get callback data
$callBackData = end($updates->result)->callback_query->data;
// Check for 'stop'
if ($callBackData === 'stop') {
// Say goodbye and remove keyboard
$data = http_build_query([
'text' => 'Bye!',
'chat_id' => '1234567890',
'message_id' => $message_id
$alter_res = #file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/editMessageText?{$data}");
// End while
// Alter text with callback_data
$data = http_build_query([
'text' => 'Selected: ' . $callBackData,
'chat_id' => '1234567890',
'message_id' => $message_id
$alter_res = #file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/editMessageText?{$data}&reply_markup={$keyboard}");
// Sleep for a second, and check again
This example is written based on OP's code, just to show the idea of altering an inline_keyboard.
This code is purely as an example, there should be a lot more error checking etc...
Based on the comment, I've included a while true to keep on checking for new press.
i'm using this library https://github.com/Eleirbag89/TelegramBotPHP to create telegram bot
i want to get user tweeter username like:#username
how to use callback data and then use callback_data value
bot: username
user: #alex
bot: password
user: 985468
if($text == '🚀 Submit your Detalis'){
$option = array(
array($telegram->buildInlineKeyBoardButton('✅ Done', $url, $callback_data = 'checkIsMember')) );
$keyb = $telegram->buildInlineKeyBoard($option);
$content = array('chat_id' => $chat_id, 'reply_markup' => $keyb, 'text' => '
Join Our Telegram Channel
<b> Click "✅ Done" to continue </b>
if($text == 'checkIsMember'){
$content = array('chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => '
👉 Submit your Twitter username below (Included #)
Ex : #username
Set webhook on file where bot is placed Site must have SSL (https).
https://api.telegram.org/bot(your token)/setWebhook?url=https://example.com/bot_directory/bot.php
Than process data and write bot
$update = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), TRUE);
$botToken = "(your token)";
$botAPI = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" . $botToken;
$msg = $update['message']['text'];
$user_id = $update['message']['from']['id'];
//Simple send button when user send message
$data = http_build_query([
'text' => 'Hi it is my bot',
'chat_id' => $update['message']['from']['id'],
$keyboard = json_encode([
"inline_keyboard" => [
"text" => "say Hi",
"callback_data" => "say_h"
"resize_keyboard" => true
file_get_contents($botAPI . "/sendMessage?{$data}&reply_markup={$keyboard}");
if (isset($update['callback_query'])) {
if ($update['callback_query']['data'] == 'say_h'){
// your code here when button pressed
this question was asked before and was ignored, if you have a solution for it then your contribution is valuable, is there any way to change the default sound of the FCM notification if I'm using the below code, changing "sound"=>"arrive" to soundtrack path is not working?
thank you
public function toFcm($notifiable) {
$message = new FcmMessage();
$notification = [
'body' => trans('lang.notification_your_order', ['parcel_id' => $this->parcel->id, 'order_status' => $this->parcel->parcelStatus->status]),
'image' => Config::get('app.url').'/uploads/parcel.png',
'icon' => Config::get('app.url').'/uploads/parcel.png',
"title" => "Order Updated",
"content_available" => true,
"priority" => "high",
'id' => 'orders',
$data = [
'id' => 'orders',
'status' => 'done',
'message' => $notification,
return $message;
Ensure that the name of the sound matches the name of the sound installed inside the res/raw folder, then ensure your request is correctly formatted
example: "filename.mp3"
"token": "client_notification_token", <- or topic
"notification": {
"title": "Push notification title",
"body": "Push body",
"sound": "filename", <-- points to src/res/raw/filename.mp3
Source: https://medium.flatstack.com/migrate-to-api-26-push-notifications-with-custom-sound-vibration-light-14846ebc9e96
I'm getting data from Couchdb to PHP using Guzzle library. Now I fetch data in POST format like this:
But I need response like this:
"status": 200,
"message": "Success",
"device_info": {
"_id": "00ab897bcb0c26a706afc959d35f6262",
"_rev": "2-4bc737bdd29bb2ee386b967fc7f5aec9",
"parent_id": "PV-409",
"child_device_id": "2525252525",
"app_name": "Power Clean - Antivirus & Phone Cleaner App",
"package_name": "com.lionmobi.powerclean",
"app_icon": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/uaC_9MLfMwUy6pOyqntqywd4HyniSSxmTfsiJkF2jQs9ihMyNLvsCuiOqrNxNYFq5ko=s3840",
"last_app_used_time": "12:40:04",
"last_app_used_date": "2019-03-12"
"bookmark": "g1AAAABweJzLYWBgYMpgSmHgKy5JLCrJTq2MT8lPzkzJBYorGBgkJllYmiclJxkkG5klmhuYJaYlW5paphibppkZmRmB9HHA9BGlIwsAq0kecQ",
"warning": "no matching index found, create an index to optimize query time"
} }
I only remove "docs": [{}] -> Anyone know I remove this ?
check My code:
$response = $client->post(
[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::JSON => ['selector' => ['parent_id' => ['$eq' => $userid], 'child_device_id' => ['$eq' => $deviceid]],]]
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
$result = json_decode($response->getBody());
$r = $response->getBody();
json_output(200, array(
'status' => 200,
'message' => 'Success',
"device_info" => $result
You just need to modify your data structure.
NOTE: Maybe you should add a limit of 1 if you want to only get one document. You will also need to validate that the result['docs'] is not empty.
$response = $client->post(
[GuzzleHttp\ RequestOptions::JSON => ['selector' => ['parent_id' => ['$eq' => $userid], 'child_device_id' => ['$eq' => $deviceid]], ]]
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
// Parse as array
$result = json_decode($response->getBody(),true);
// Get the first document.
$firstDoc = $result['docs'][0];
// Remove docs from the response
//Merge sanitized $result with $deviceInfo
$deviceInfo = array_merge_recursive($firstDoc,$result);
json_output(200, array(
'status' => 200,
'message' => 'Success',
"device_info" => $deviceInfo
In couchdb use PUT request is used to edit or to add data and DELETE remove data
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Put request for edit
$client->put('http://your_url', [
'body' => [
'parent_id' => ['$eq' => $userid],
'child_device_id' => ['$eq' => $deviceid]
'allow_redirects' => false,
'timeout' => 5
// To delete
$client->delete('htt://my-url', [
'body' = [
I'm trying to create a bot which send an inline_keyboard when in receive the text "/start", the problem is that i can't see the response when i use this function to send the keyboard
function sendKeyboard($chat_id, $text) {
$keyboard = ['inline_keyboard' => [
'resize_keyboard' => true,
'one_time_keyboard' => true,
'selective' => true
$keyboard = json_encode($keyboard);
$url = $GLOBALS[website] . "/sendMessage?chat_id=".$chat_id."&
Can somebody understand how to solve this problem?
Inline Keyboard buttons is array of array of Button, and resize_keyboard, one_time_keyboard and selective is not for inline keyboard, it's parameters for Reply Keyboard.
Your code only have array of Button, and Button only have text field, it need to add callback_data or url, or you will get error.
You have better to see reference about details.
function robot($method,$datas=[]){
$url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot".API_KEY."/".$method;
$ch = curl_init();
$res = curl_exec($ch);
return json_decode($res);
robot('sendmessage', [
"chat_id" => $chat_id,
"text" => "* buttonwith out link *
'reply_markup' => json_encode([
"one_time_keyboard" => true,
'inline_keyboard'=> [
['text' => "button 1", 'callback_data' => "buttoncode-39500"]
i am trying to create an inline bot for telegram with php. I have followed the steps with the BotFather. I have created the bot, taken the token, setinline and set the placeholder message. I have set the webhook and it's working. But when i type the bot in the message i do get nothing and if I send the message, just nothing happen. The webhook is working, I have tried it with normal messages.
This is my code, after a while I just give up and get it from a blog, edited it a bit.
$content = file_get_contents("php://input");
$update = json_decode($content, true);
$chatID = $update["message"]["chat"]["id"];
//sendMessage(print_r($update,true), $chatID);
if (isset($update["inline_query"])) {
$inlineQuery = $update["inline_query"];
$queryId = $inlineQuery["id"];
$queryText = $inlineQuery["query"];
if (isset($queryText) && $queryText !== "") {
apiRequestJson("answerInlineQuery", [
"inline_query_id" => $queryId,
"results" => ($queryText),
"cache_time" => 86400,
else {
apiRequestJson("answerInlineQuery", [
"inline_query_id" => $queryId,
"results" => [
"type" => "article",
"id" => "0",
"title" => "TEST",
"message_text" => "TEST",
The bot still show me nothing.
I think i just skipped a step.
The results need to have the key message_text inside the input_message_content.Therefore a result could look like this:
$results = array(
"type" => "article",
"id" => "1",
"title" => "Title",
"description" => "Description",
"input_message_content" => array(
"message_text" => "<code>Message 1</code>",
"parse_mode" => "HTML"
$postData = array(
"inline_query_id" => $inlineQuery["id"],
"results" => json_encode($results),
"cache_time" => 0