i've registered a post route and set the "auth" middleware on it,everything is working properly but at the last step when i want to redirect to my registered route after authentication,an error occurred, it seems redirect() helper function uses GET method by default,but my route supports POST method.is there any way to use redirect() with POST method?!!
Route::post('match', 'HomeController#match')->name('match')->middleware('auth');
and inside my LoginController:
if ($is_match==='comes_from_match') {
return redirect()->route('match');
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
this leads to the following error:
"The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST."
Try the following:
You can use any instead of post it works for both get and post.
Route::any('match', 'HomeController#match')->name('match')->middleware('auth');
As per latest Laravel documentation:
Sometimes you may need to register a route that responds to multiple HTTP verbs. You may do so using the match method. Or, you may even register a route that responds to all HTTP verbs using the any method:
You can use match or any method:
Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/', function () {
Route::any('/', function () {
Laravel -> Routing -> Basic Routing
I created routes with type (POST), and when visit it directly, it get this error:
The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST.
how to handle getting this error if anyone visit it from URL without press a form submit or something like that.
the routes:
Route::group(['middleware'=>'guest:web'], function(){
Route::post('/post-login', [LoginController::class,'postLogin'])->name('site.postLogin');
Route::post('/register-create', [registerController::class,'create'])->name('site.register.create');
if anyone visited these routes (type POST) directly, it will redirect him to the above error
how to handle the POST routes in laravel in this case?
If you want to have routes available via GET and POST you can use match():
Route::group(['middleware'=>'guest:web'], function(){
Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/post-login', [LoginController::class,'postLogin'])->name('site.postLogin');
Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/register-create', [registerController::class,'create'])->name('site.register.create');
More on Available Router Methods
I started creating a REST API using the lumen framework and wanted to set up a particular behaviour for my GET /user route. Behaviour is the following:
If the request come from an authenticated user (using auth middleware), the method getAllFields from UserController is called and return all the data from the user
If it's not the case, the method get from UserController is called and return some of the data from the user
It seems logic to me to just write it like that in my web.php using a simple middleware:
$router->group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () use ($router) {
$router->get('/user/{id}', [
'uses' => 'UserController#getAllFields'
$router->get('/user/{id}', [
'uses' => 'UserController#get'
But for some reason, even if the middleware is correct, I always get the response of the second route declaration (that call get()). I precise that if I remove the second route declaration, the one in the middleware work as expected.
Have someone an idea how I can achieve something similar that work?
Router will check if your request matches to any declared route. Middleware will run AFTER that match, so You cannot just return to router and try to find another match.
To fallow Laravel and Routes pattern - You should have single route that will point to method inside controller. Then inside that You can check if user is logged or not and execute getAllFields() from that controller. It will be not much to rewrite since You are currently using UserController in both routes anyway.
$router->get('/user/{id}', 'UserController#get');
public function get()
return auth()->check() ? YourMethodForLogged() : YourMethodForNotLogged();
Or if there is not much logic You can keep this in single method.
Also it is good idea to fallow Laravels REST standards (so use show instead of get, "users" instead of "user" etc - read more https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/controllers)
$router->get('/users/{user}', 'UserController#show');
public function show(User $user)
if (auth()->check()) {
} else {
To summary - for your needs use Auth inside controller instead of middleware.
To check if user is logged You can use Facade Auth::check() or helper auth()->check(), or opposite Auth::guest() or auth()->guest().
If you are actually using Lumen instead of full Laravel then there is not auth helper by default (You can make own or use package like lumen-helpers) or just keep it simple and use just Facades instead (if You have then enabled in Lumen).
Read more https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/authentication and https://lumen.laravel.com/docs/7.x/authentication
This pattern is against the idea of Laravel's routing. Each route should be defined once.
You can define your route without auth middleware enabled and then define your logic in the controller.
I have get some documents from Laravel Documentation.But i can't get details clearly from that. There are lot of routing methods and how to use that for my requirements? Commonly most people are using this, but what are the other routing methods?
How to pass the message or values through this Routing? Using Controller like this is a only way?
Route::get('/app', 'AppController#index');
Types of Routing in Laravel
There are some Routing methods in Laravel, There are
1. Basic GET Route
GET is the method which is used to retrieve a resource. In this example, we are simply getting the user route requirements then return the message to him.
Route::get('/home', function() { return 'This is Home'; });
2. Basic POST Route
To make a POST request, you can simply use the post(); method, that means when your are submitting a Form using action="myForm" method="POST", then you want to catch the POST response using this POST route.
Route::post('/myForm', function() {return 'Your Form has posted '; });
3. Registering A Route For Multiple Verbs
Here you can retrieve GET request and POST requests in one route. MATCH will get that request here,
Route::match(array('GET', 'POST'), '/home', function() { return 'GET & POST'; });
4. Any HTTP Verb
Registering A Route Responding To Any HTTP Verb. This will catch all the request from your URL according to the parameters.
Route::any('/home', function() { return 'Hello World'; });
Usage of Routing in Laravel
When your are Using the Route::, Here you can manage your controller functions and views as follows,
1. Simple Message Return
You can return a simple message which will display in the webpage when user request that URL.
Route::get('/home', function(){return 'You Are Requesting Home';});
2. Return a View
You can return a View which will display in the webpage when user request that URL
// show a static view for the home page (app/views/home.blade.php)
Route::get('/home', function()
return View::make('home');
3. Request a Controller Function
You can call a function from the Controller when user request that URL
// call a index function from HomeController (app/Http/Controllers)
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController#index');
4. Catch a value from URL
You can catch a value from requested URL then pass that value to a function from Controller. Example : If you call public/home/1452 then value 1452 will be cached and will pass to the controller
// call a show function from HomeController (app/Http/Controllers)
Route::get('/home/{id}', 'HomeController#show');
You can get help about routing from Laravel.
There are 4 methods ofform data sending that you must know --
Route::get for <form method="GET">
Route::post for <form method="POST">
Route::put for <form method="PUT"> -- This one is for updating your database, I recommend you to use laravelcollective/html, like this -- {!! Form::open(['method' => 'PUT']) !!}, but in your web browser you can find the method as POST only
Route::delete for <form method="DELETE"> -- This one is for deleteing a field in your database, I recommend you to use laravelcollective/html, like this -- {!! Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE']) !!}, but in your web browser you can find the method as POST only
There are many much you have to know about Laravel Routing, like CRUD, etc.
I want to have one route rule for both GET and POST methods that redirect to one controller. Problem is GET doesn't require any parameters (it returns a view) but POST will have some parameters that are sent through a form.
In ASP.NET MVC5 I do it with one route rule and two controller methods with the same name but one of them (the POST method) has a [HttpPost] attribute and the parameters it needs while the GET method doesn't have any parameter or attribute.
How does one implement something like that in Laravel 5.x?
This is the possible controller:
public function convertUrl($somedataforpost)
// return a view
// do something with POST data
This is an example of how you would implement the rule:
Route::match(['get', 'post'], 'order/{invoice}/confirm', ['uses' => 'OrderController#paymentConfirmation', 'as' => 'order.payment.confirmation']);
I'm using laravel 5 and this is my problem. User fill in form X and if he isin't logged in, he gets redirected to fill in more fields form OR he gets possibility to log in. Everything works just fine, if user fill in additional fields, but if he login, laravel redirects user to form X with GET method instead of POST.
This is how my middleware redirect looks like:
return redirect()->guest('user/additional-fields');
This redirect appears on successfull log in:
return redirect()->intended();
So on redirect intended i get error
MethodNotAllowedHttpException. URL is correct which is defined as POST method. What am I missing here? Why does laravel redirects intended as GET method? How could I solve this problem? Thanks!
Route::post('/user/log-in-post', ['as' => 'user-log-in-post', 'uses' => 'UserController#postUserLogIn']);
This is my route, I hope this is one you need.
You can use a named route to solve this issue:
Lets make a named route like this:
For Get
'uses' => 'UserController#getAdditionalFields',
'as' => 'user.getAdditionalFields'
For post
'uses' => 'UserController#postAdditionalFields',
'as' => 'user.postAdditionalFields'
So we can now ensure Laravel uses the right route by doing this
return redirect()->guest(route('user.getAdditionalFields'));
Also note that its not possible to redirect a POST because Laravel expects form to be submitted. SO you can't do this:
return redirect()->guest(route('user.postAdditionalFields'));
except you use something like cURL or GuzzleHttp simulate a post request
You have to trick Laravel router by passing an "_method" the inputs.
The best way I found is by adding tricking and rewriting the Authenticate middleware
You have to rewrite the handle method to allow your redirection with your new input.
redirect()->guest('your/path')->with('_method', session('url.entended.method', 'GET'));
When you want to redirect to a route using another method than GET, simply do a Session::flash('url.entended.method', 'YOUR_METHOD').
Tell me if it do the trick
Very Simple Approach for Post method Route form Controller.
The idea behind this is, every Route always calls the Action method of a Controller. so that in that case you can directly call that method in place of Redirect action performed.
check a code sample of XYZController
$registration = Registration::find($req->regId);
$registration->update([ 'STEP_COMPLETED' => 5]); // Step 5 completed.
# Call Post Method Route
return $this->admissionFinish($req);
Note that $req should have all parameter that required in next
action Method.
change the below code in app\exceptions\handler.php
use Exception;
use Request;
use Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException;
use Response;
protected function unauthenticated($request,AuthenticationException $exception)
if ($request->expectsJson()) {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Unauthenticated.'], 401);
//return redirect()->guest(route('login'));
return redirect()->guest(''); // change this part to your login router
And in routes(i.e api.php):
Route::Any('signinnew', [UserLogonController::class, 'signinNew']);
This will work in laravel 8x