I'm trying to connect a lab equipment via a serial port to a computer to communicate with it. My application is a web based one, so I use Chrome browser. I want to get a data from MYSQL database and send it to the lab equipment and the response from the equipment to the database. Without using a native software, can I do this by using the chrome.serial api and a Chrome extension? Or is there any good other way to do it without using a native software?
What is the best alternative to synchronize an app on Windows Mobile 6.5 with SQL Server Compaq with an php aplication on a PC server.
The phone does not always have internet access beacouse coverage issues, also can be connected to a PC via USB.
The data are in a table in SQL Server Compaq on the phone, the data are text and a number, associated through an identifier. This is updated from time to time where there is no internet connection. Then this data update a database in SQL Server 2008 on a server that has internet access.
There is also the possibility to update the phone's data table from the server to add more data to be updated in the field.
I hope you understand me because English is not my native language.
I was thinking of using exchange to send emails with updated data or use a service like dropbox to keep an updated file and that file is processed.
Which approach is better?
I hope you can guide me.
thank you very much.
If you are running a SQLClient on the CE device that connects to a SQL server, the best solution is to use the SQL synchronization options. This is also called RDA, see for example: http://etutorials.org/Programming/building+solutions+with+the+microsoft+net+compact+framework/Part+II+Essential+Architectural+Concepts/Chapter+7.+Data+Synchronization/RDA/
If the databases on the device and on the server are not connected, the automatic ID generation on the device and the server create different unique IDs. These will result in a conflict, when you update the data from multiple sources. If you do not need to handle conflicts with multiple sources updating the same database, you may simple send the updates between the server and the client and vice versa on regular intervals using http GET/POST or simple socket server/client.
Usually sometimes disconnected devices use http or another network protocol to pull and push updates. Files are rarely used for push/pull updates.
As you used the php TAG for this question too, using http with a php server with a database in the background, you can use php to extract data sent via GET/POST and also provide data back to the device using xml (or another format).
I want to make a project for a client where client can easily weigh a product and get the product weight displayed on his PC or iPhone before submitting the data to a web server, I know some scales have APIs but could they be integrated into the web browser? or should I do a custom desktop or mobile application to handle that?
If the scales are network capable, then you can write an application using TCP/IP.
If the scales have serial port only, you'll either need a PC connected to it or some embedded device acting like a server. See this device for example, if you want an industrial grade device with rugged case and variable input voltage or you can also take Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone. The server can either provide data over some IP port with defined API or you can implement a web-server there, so that you'll only need a browser on your smartphone (iOS, Android etc.)
I have an instant messaging application on the web with its database and almost finished M2S. I want to make an application for firefox you without having to go through my website and I can do it if I have to call the mysql database?
Since Firefox OS is comprised of HTML5 technologies, it is currently not possible to connect directly to a MySQL server using the tools available at this time.
See here:
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I want to control a robot from the web, the robot is connected to Android device. The operation will be as the following :
a web application written using JavaScript and HTML runs on desktop computer which takes the keyboard input from the user and send them to the android device connected to the robot.
the android device receive the commands and then send them to Arduino board which used to control the robot.
But how should I deliver the data to the Android device which doesn't has a static IP address?
I have two approaches to solve that :
the JavaScript application sends the keyboard input to a web server runs PHP and MySQL , then the php application store the data on the MySQL database. An application runs on Android connected to that web server and extract the data from the MySQL database.
the JavaScript sends the data to the web server. The android application connected to the web server receives the data directly so the web server is just used as a relay.
The first approach is easy to do but its slow , so my question is...
How to implement the second approach and which web technologies should I use to implement it? And how to make the web server works as relay between two sides?
PS : I am planning to use 000webhost.com as web server. so I will not use my own server
You can either have your Android application poll the webserver for outstanding commands. This is a little inefficient in terms of data usage, but if you're on an unlimited 3G plan / wi-fi, you could live with it. It will be very easy to implement.
Alternatively, set up a TCP server on your server, and have your Android application open a socket connection with the server. This way, your web application can send commands to the server which will immediately stream them to the Android device. It will be slightly harder to implement, but will be more efficient and robust if done right.
PS - Most shared servers don't allow you to open a TCP server on your host so you might be forced to go with the first option.
PPS - I wasn't aware of Google Cloud Messaging. It seems to be a good solution for you what you're attempting to achieve. You should have a look into it.
I want a develop a web application with php, and I want a run my apps with a android device. But my device will not be connected to internet, so I must create a local server on the device to run my php code. Is it possible? And if it's possible how?
Based on this page, developing Web Server for mobile devices is still on the research phase. Most probably you would need to use some kind of simulator for Android and develop your App on powerful desktop PC.
EDIT: Looks like such a server exists for Android.
Please use KSWEB.apk. This app supports PHP, SQL, html, csc, but it requires 3 android devices. The first serves as router, the 2nd device is a local server and the 3rd devices is a monitor.
I'm not sure about your need to have a web server running on your phone, but if you have a wireless router and your phone can connect to it, can you not install an Apache server with PHP support on your development PC and access it via your phone's wireless connection?