Changing php content after copy files - php

I have the code bellow where I'm creating a new folder and copying some files from another folder, and it's working fine.
Now I need to go on each php file inside new folder and change the word "empty" by some word passed through $_POST["variable"].
Maybe by str_replace but I'm stuck in the logic.
Thanks in advance!
if (!file_exists("/home//public_html/new_conf_folder/"))
mkdir("/home//public_html/new_conf_folder/", 0755, true);
$source = "/home/public_html/conf_folder/";
$destination = "/home/public_html/new_conf_folder";
$directory = opendir($source);
while(($file = readdir($directory)) != false)
copy($source.'/' .$file, $destination.'/'.$file);

Try this code its working for me:
// file_process.php
$destination="./"; // Current Directory
if (file_exists($destination))
$directory = opendir($destination);
while(($file = readdir($directory)) != false)
//echo $file."<br/>";
//$contents=str_replace("\"empty\"",$_POST['variable'],$contents); // use this if the word with qouts
//echo $contents;
if($bytes_written>0)echo "File [$file] has been successfully processed.";
else echo "Process Failed.";


php - extract files from folder in a zip

I have a zip file containing one folder, that contains more folders and files, like this:
Now, I want to extract this file using PHPs ZipArchive, but without the "firstlevel" folder. At the moment, the results look like this:
The result I'd like to have would look like this:
I've tried extractTo, which produces the first mentioned result, and copy(), as suggested here, but this doesn't seem to work at all.
My current code is here:
if($zip->open('') === true) {
$firstlevel = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
$entry = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
$pos = strpos($entry, $firstlevel);
if ($pos !== false) {
$file = substr($entry, strlen($firstlevel));
if(strlen($file) > 0){
$files[] = $file;
//attempt 1 (extractTo):
//$zip->extractTo('./test', $files);
//attempt 2 (copy):
foreach($files as $filename){
copy('zip://'.$firstlevel.'/'.$filename, 'test/'.$filename);
How can I achieve the result I'm aiming for?
Take a look at my Quick Unzipper script. I wrote this for personal use a while back when uploading large zip files to a server. It was a backup, and 1,000s of files take forever with FTP so using a zip file was faster. I use Git and everything, but there wasn't another option for me. I place this php file in the directory I want the files to go, and put the zip file in the same directory. For my script, they all have to operate in the same directory. It was an easy way to secure it for my needs, as everything I needed was in the same dir.
Quick Unzipper:
I linked the file because I am not showcasing the repo, just the code that makes the unzip tick. With modern versions of PHP, there should't be anything that isn't included on your setup. So you shouldn't need to do any server config changes to use this.
Here is the PHP Doc for the ZipArchive class it uses:
There isn't any included way to do what you want, which is a shame. So I would unzip the file to a temp directory, then use another function to copy the contents to where you want. So when using ZipArchive, you will need to return the first item to get the folder name if it is unknown. If the folder is known, ie: the same pesky folder name every time, then you could hard code the name.
I have made it return the first item from the index. So if you ALWAYS have a zip with 1 folder inside it, and everything in that folder, this would work. However, if you have a zip file without everything consolidated inside 1 folder, it would fail. The code I have added will take care of your question. You will need to add further logic to handle alternate cases.
Also, You will still be left with the old directory from when we extract it to the temp directory for "processing". So I included code to delete it too.
NOTE: The code uses a lot of if's to show the processing steps, and print a message for testing purposes. You would need to modify it to your needs.
public function copyDirectoryContents($source, $destination, $create=false)
if ( ! is_dir($source) ) {
return false;
if ( ! is_dir($destination) && $create === true ) {
if ( is_dir($destination) ) {
$files = array_diff(scandir($source), array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
if ( is_dir($file) ) {
copyDirectoryContents("$source/$file", "$destination/$file");
} else {
#copy("$source/$file", "$destination/$file");
return true;
return false;
public function removeDirectory($directory, $options=array())
$files = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
if (is_dir("$directory/$file"))
if(!$options['traverseSymlinks'] && is_link(rtrim($file,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))) {
} else {
} else {
return rmdir($directory);
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; // full path to zip file needing extracted
$temp = dirname(__FILE__) . '/zip-temp'; // full path to temp dir to process extractions
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/extracted'; // full path to final destination to put the files (not the folder)
$firstDir = null; // holds the name of the first directory
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($file);
if ($res === TRUE) {
$firstDir = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
$status = "<strong>Success:</strong> '$file' extracted to '$temp'.";
} else {
$status = "<strong>Error:</strong> Could not extract '$file'.";
echo $status . '<br />';
if ( empty($firstDir) ) {
echo 'Error: first directory was empty!';
} else {
$firstDir = realpath($temp . '/' . $firstDir);
echo "First Directory: $firstDir <br />";
if ( is_dir($firstDir) ) {
if ( copyDirectoryContents($firstDir, $path) ) {
echo 'Directory contents copied!<br />';
if ( removeDirectory($directory) ) {
echo 'Temp directory deleted!<br />';
echo 'Done!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error deleting temp directory!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error copying directory contents!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error: Could not find first directory';

Copy images from one folder to another

My Web application stored in directory of XAMPP/htdocs/projectname/. And I have images(source) & img(destination) folders in above directory.I am writing following line of code to get the copy images from one folder to another. But I get the following Warnnigs: (Warning: copy(Resource id #3/image1.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs) and images are not copied into destination.
$src = opendir('../images/');
$dest = opendir('../img/');
while($readFile = readdir($src)){
if($readFile != '.' && $readFile != '..'){
if(copy($src.$readFile, $dest.$readFile)){
echo "Copy file";
echo "Canot Copy file";
Just a guess (sorry) but I don't believe you can use $src = opendir(...) and $src.$readFile like that. Try doing this:
$srcPath = '../images/';
$destPath = '../img/';
$srcDir = opendir($srcPath);
while($readFile = readdir($srcDir))
if($readFile != '.' && $readFile != '..')
/* this check doesn't really make sense to me,
you might want !file_exists($destPath . $readFile) */
if (!file_exists($readFile))
if(copy($srcPath . $readFile, $destPath . $readFile))
echo "Copy file";
echo "Canot Copy file";
closedir($srcDir); // good idea to always close your handles
Replace this line in your code, this will work definitely.
if(copy("../images/".$readFile, "../img/".$readFile))
you are giving wrong path ,if path of your file say script.php is "XAMPP/htdocs/projectname/script.php" and images and img both are in "projectname" folder than you should use following values for $srcPath and $destPath,change their values to
$srcPath = 'images/';
$destPath = 'img/';
public function getImage()
$Path='image/'; //complete image directory path
$destPath = '/edit_image/';
// makes new folder, if not exists.
if(!file_exists($destPath) || file_exists($destPath))
mkdir($destPath, 0777);
if(copy($Path, $dest));

PHP delete script not functioning

I have a script (got it from somewhere here in StackOverflow, credits don't go to me!) to
delete a folder + its contents. However, it's not working for me. After deleting the folder a record from my DB should be erased and this happens just fine. However, the folder doesn't get deleted and neither its contents! This is my code:
$filepath = dirname(__FILE__);
$gemeented = preg_replace( '#^(.*)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)$#', "$2", $filepath );
$plaatsd = preg_replace( '#^(.*)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)$#', "$4", $filepath );
$hrubriekd = preg_replace( '#^(.*)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)$#', "$5", $filepath );
$bedrijfn = preg_replace( '#^(.*)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)$#', "$6", $filepath );
$filepath2 = "http://".$gemeented."".$plaatsd."/".$hrubriekd."/".$bedrijfn."/";
$filepath3 = "http://".$gemeented."".$plaatsd."/".$bedrijfn."/";
echo $filepath2;
function Delete($filepath2)
if (is_dir($filepath2) === true)
$files = array_diff(scandir($filepath2), array('.', '..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
Delete(realpath($filepath2) . '/' . $file);
return rmdir($filepath2);
else if (is_file($filepath2) === true)
return unlink($filepath2);
return false;
To make sure my $filepath2 is correct I echoed it, the result is:
That's exactly the folder I want gone, however, it ain't happening! Folder has CHMOD 755.
Just using $filepath won't work either, echo-ing that gives me:
I wasn't able to get the above script working, but I managed to find another script which works for me! Just enter the relative path and that's it!
$dirname = "../".$bedrijfn."/";
function delete_directory($dirname) {
if (is_dir($dirname))
$dir_handle = opendir($dirname);
if (!$dir_handle)
return false;
while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if (!is_dir($dirname."/".$file))
return true;
Hope it helps somebody out!
You can't use url to delete files, you should give unlink a filesystem path.
(Edit: the same goes for rmdir)

How to auto delete a zip file after using stream_get_contents(); to view a file in php?

I have this code to read a file for preview, but the downside is I have to download the file first from cloud and read from it, but it's a waste of space so I want to delete it after viewing a certain file. Is there an automatic way of doing this? Or do I have to integrate it to a close button?
// Get the container we want to use
$container = $conn->get_container('mailtemplate');
//$filename = '';
// upload file to Rackspace
$object = $container->get_object($filename);
//echo '<pre>' . print_r($object,true) . '</pre>';
$localfile = $dir.$filename;
//echo $localfile;
if($_GET['preview'] == "true")
$dir = "../mailtemplates/";
$file1 = $_GET['tfilename'];
$file = $dir.$file1;
$file2 = "index.html";
$info = pathinfo($file);
$file_name = basename($file,'.'.$info['extension']);
$path = $file_name.'/'.$file2;
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$fp = $zip->getStream($path);
$stuff = stream_get_contents($fp);
echo $stuff;
if($stuff != null)
You didn't google this did ya?
Try Unlink
Taking a look at this code, $zip->open($file); <-- is where you open the file. The file variable is set by:
"../mailtemplates/" . basename($_GET['tfilename'], '.' . $info['extension']) . '/' . "index.html"
So you're grabbing a relative directory and grabbing a filename as a folder, and going to that folder /index.html. Here's an example:
if you're in c:\ testing and you go to ../mailtemplates/ you'll be in c:\mailtemplates and then you're looking at file test.php but you're removing the file extension, so you'll be opening the location c:\mailtemplates\test\index.html so you open up that html file and read it. Then, you're trying to delete c:\mailtemplates\test.php
can you explain how any of that makes sense to you? 'cause that seems very odd to me.

move all files in a folder to another?

when moving one file from one location to another i use
rename('path/filename', 'newpath/filename');
how do you move all files in a folder to another folder? tried this one without result:
rename('path/*', 'newpath/*');
A slightly verbose solution:
// Get array of all source files
$files = scandir("source");
// Identify directories
$source = "source/";
$destination = "destination/";
// Cycle through all source files
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (in_array($file, array(".",".."))) continue;
// If we copied this successfully, mark it for deletion
if (copy($source.$file, $destination.$file)) {
$delete[] = $source.$file;
// Delete all successfully-copied files
foreach ($delete as $file) {
Please try this solution, it's tested successfully ::
$files = scandir("f1");
$oldfolder = "f1/";
$newfolder = "f2/";
foreach($files as $fname) {
if($fname != '.' && $fname != '..') {
rename($oldfolder.$fname, $newfolder.$fname);
An alternate using rename() and with some error checking:
$srcDir = 'dir1';
$destDir = 'dir2';
if (file_exists($destDir)) {
if (is_dir($destDir)) {
if (is_writable($destDir)) {
if ($handle = opendir($srcDir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (is_file($srcDir . '/' . $file)) {
rename($srcDir . '/' . $file, $destDir . '/' . $file);
} else {
echo "$srcDir could not be opened.\n";
} else {
echo "$destDir is not writable!\n";
} else {
echo "$destDir is not a directory!\n";
} else {
echo "$destDir does not exist\n";
tried this one?:
$oldfolderpath = "old/folder";
$newfolderpath = "new/folder";
So I tried to use the rename() function as described and I kept getting the error back that there was no such file or directory. I placed the code within an if else statement in order to ensure that I really did have the directories created. It looked like this:
$tempDir = '/home/site/images/tmp/';
$permanentDir = '/home/site/images/' . $claimid; // this was stored above
echo $permanentDir . ' is a directory';
echo $tempDir . ' is a directory';
echo $tempDir . ' is not a directory';
echo $permanentDir . ' is not a directory';
rename($tempDir . "*", $permanentDir);
So when I ran the code again, it spit out that both paths were directories. I was stumped. I talked with a coworker and he suggested, "Why not just rename the temp directory to the new directory, since you want to move all the files anyway?"
Turns out, this is what I ended up doing. I gave up trying to use the wildcard with the rename() function and instead just use the rename() to rename the temp directory to the permanent one.
so it looks like this.
$tempDir = '/home/site/images/tmp/';
$permanentDir = '/home/site/images/' . $claimid; // this was stored above
rename($tempDir, $permanentDir);
This worked beautifully for my purposes since I don't need the old tmp directory to remain there after the files have been uploaded and "moved".
Hope this helps. If anyone knows why the wildcard doesn't work in the rename() function and why I was getting the error stating above, please, let me know.
Move or copy the way I use it
function copyfiles($source_folder, $target_folder, $move=false) {
$source_folder=trim($source_folder, '/').'/';
$target_folder=trim($target_folder, '/').'/';
$files = scandir($source_folder);
foreach($files as $file) {
if($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if ($move) {
rename($source_folder.$file, $target_folder.$file);
} else {
copy($source_folder.$file, $target_folder.$file);
function movefiles($source_folder, $target_folder) {
copyfiles($source_folder, $target_folder, $move=true);
try this:
rename('path/*', 'newpath/');
I do not see a point in having an asterisk in the destination
If the target directory doesn't exist, you'll need to create it first:
rename('path/*', 'newpath/');
As a side note; when you copy files to another folder, their last changed time becomes current timestamp. So you should touch() the new files.
... (some codes for directory looping) ...
if (copy($source.$file, $destination.$file)) {
$delete[] = $source.$file;
$filetimestamp = filemtime($source.$file);
... (some codes) ...
Not sure if this helps anyone or not, but thought I'd post anyway. Had a challenge where I has heaps of movies I'd purchased and downloaded through various online stores all stored in one folder, but all in their own subfolders and all with different naming conventions. I wanted to move all of them into the parent folder and rename them all to look pretty. all of the subfolders I'd managed to rename with a bulk renaming tool and conditional name formatting. the subfolders had other files in them i didn't want. so i wrote the following php script to, 1. rename/move all files with extension mp4 to their parent directory while giving them the same name as their containing folder, 2. delete contents of subfolders and look for directories inside them to empty and then rmdir, 3. rmdir the subfolders.
$handle = opendir("D:/Movies/");
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir($file)) {
$newhandle = opendir("D:/Movies/".$file);
while($newfile = readdir($newhandle)) {
if ($newfile != "." && $newfile != ".." && is_file("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile)) {
$parts = explode(".",$newfile);
if (end($parts) == "mp4") {
if (!file_exists("D:/Movies/".$file.".mp4")) {
else {
else { unlink("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile); }
else if ($newfile != "." && $newfile != ".." && is_dir("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile)) {
$dirhandle = opendir("D:/Movies/".$file."/".$newfile);
while ($dirfile = readdir($dirhandle)){
if ($dirfile != "." && $dirfile != ".."){
i move all my .json files from root folder to json folder with this
foreach (glob("*.json") as $filename) {
pd: someone 2020?
