Doctrine Migrations Postgresql Symfony generates empty migrations - php

I'm trying to make migrations based on a diff of my entities.
I'm expecting for the initial run (and following runs) that doctrine generates a migration with the diff.
I've tried the following solution but this results in "No changes detected in your mapping information."
I've poked and went thru the doctrine migrations source code to see if I can extend/alter the behavior to no results.
I also found related issues in doctine dbal like this one and this one.
Is doctrine migrations still the way or is there another lib which is better suited for this problem?
I'm running PHP 7.4.4, Symfony 5.0.6, Doctrine Migrations 2.2.6 (latest stable), Postgres 12.1.
Doctrine config:
driver: 'pdo_pgsql'
server_version: '12.1'
charset: utf8
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
dbname: storage001
default_dbname: storage001
Entity example:
* #ORM\Table(schema="storage001", name="entityName")
class EntityClass1


The class was not found in the chain configured namespaces

Hello, i need to explain what i'm was doing at first:
I was on a project and for some reason I ended up having to use two databases instead of just one. so i do what it was needed to do, i change my doctrine.yaml settings with what is explain in the symfony doc and in that moment the error appeared
An SQL error that says that it was no column found for X request on X table
(the error is SQLSTATE[42S02], but it's not important)
(in parallel of that error i need to say that the "--em" shit didn't work for me when i do php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff/migrate --em=default or customer so i does indeed php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force --em=default or customer and i don't know why ! so if you have something to say here i'll take it too.)
Anyway i go back to what i was explaining,
This sql error appear because of my controller, they working with default Repository implementation (MyClassNameRepository $myClasNameReposiotry for an exemple) that was normaly implement the default EntityManager but it doesn't and that throw this error.
At this point i though that i had an error in some files in symfony because of a shit i probably does. I don't have the time for replacing all the repository implementation, soo i create a new project with the doctrine config that is needed for working with two database according to the symfony doc. Is the same as the One in my project :
default_connection: default
# configure these for your database server
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
driver: 'pdo_mysql'
server_version: '5.7'
charset: utf8mb4
# configure these for your database server
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_CUSTOMER_URL)%'
driver: 'pdo_mysql'
server_version: '5.7'
charset: utf8mb4
connection: default
is_bundle: false
type: annotation
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
prefix: 'App\Entity'
alias: Main
connection: customer
is_bundle: false
type: annotation
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/Customer'
prefix: 'App\Entity\Customer'
alias: Customer
That is the same config than the one in symfony doc except for the Main dir.
i created my entities, one in each database and i does a crud on them.
The Hierarchy files:
And same for the form
And with this testApplication i saw a new error, for the customer part i had the same sql error, because the column was searched in the wrong bdd, after changing the code for :
* #Route("/", name="customer_produit_customer_index", methods={"GET"})
public function index(ProductCustomerRepository $productCustomerRepository): Response
return $this->render('customer/produit_customer/index.html.twig', [
'produit_customers' => $productCustomerRepository->findAll(),
to this
* #Route("/", name="customer_produit_customer_index", methods={"GET"})
public function index(): Response
$productCustomers = $this->getDoctrine()
->getRepository(ProduitCustomerRepository::class, "customer")
return $this->render('customer/produit_customer/index.html.twig', [
'produit_customers' => $productCustomers,
The error has changed, as I expected and know i have :
The class 'App\Repository\Customer\ProduitCustomerRepository' was not found in the chain configured namespaces App\Entity\Customer
No matter how much I search the internet, I can't find anything that really solves my mistakes. Now I'm tired of looking, especially since I don't understand these errors because it's not the first time I've set up an application connected to two databases, but it's the first time that I have these errors.
So please help me =D.

how set up symfony 3 doctrine migrations with multiple db?

I am struggling to have symfony/doctrine exclude db views when validating and updating schema.
I first tried without doctrine migrations ( see this question) but that did not work.
I found out that doctrine migrations would filter out views from validation/update and it actually does, so that step seems to work with migrations.
So, if one has just one db doctrine migrations will work fine, but the set up with multiple db is not clean cut, to say the least.
This is a known issue as you can see on this link. Unfortunately when attempting to follow the solutions described in the link the results are messy.
Even though the command migrations:update --em=default will indicate the correct database is set up, when generating migrations:diff --em=default it will mingle with other db and likewise with migrations:migrate --em=default which ends up creating tables on the other db.
More specifically the errors are:
- it will create the separate directories for the migrations files as indicated in the config files, but not to the corresponding em
- it will generate mysql queries mixing up the two em
- consequently it will update db
My set up is as follows:
- { resource: doctrine_migrations_default.yml }
- { resource: doctrine_migrations_used.yml }
default_connection: default
#schema_filter: "~^(?!view).*$~"
schema_filter: ~^(?!view_)~
auto_generate_proxy_classes: '%kernel.debug%'
default_entity_manager: default
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
connection: default
auto_mapping: true
AppBundle: ~
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
connection: used
UsedBundle: ~
Then, the specific configuration files for migrations are:
dir_name: "%kernel.root_dir%/DoctrineMigrationsDefault"
namespace: App\DoctrineMigrationsDefault
table_name: migration_versions
name: Application_Migrations_Default
dir_name: "%kernel.root_dir%/DoctrineMigrationsUsed"
namespace: Used\DoctrineMigrationsUsed
table_name: migration_versions
name: Application Migrations Used
organize_migrations: false
This is one example of how it mixes up the configs. The database name is correct. It corresponds to the em=default. But other info are coming from the em=used
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:status --em=default
== Configuration
>> Name: Application Migrations Used
>> Database Driver: pdo_mysql
>> Database Name: symfony_cars
>> Configuration Source: manually configured
>> Version Table Name: migration_versions
>> Version Column Name: version
>> Migrations Namespace: Used\DoctrineMigrationsUsed
>> Migrations Directory: /Users/BAMAC/Sites/Symfony1/app/DoctrineMigrationsUsed
>> Previous Version: Already at first version
>> Current Version: 0
>> Next Version: 2017-10-19 08:03:52 (20171019080352)
>> Latest Version: 2017-10-19 08:03:52 (20171019080352)
>> Executed Migrations: 0
>> Executed Unavailable Migrations: 0
>> Available Migrations: 1
>> New Migrations: 1
Also, if I try to specifically indicate the configuration file with:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:status --em=default --configuration=./app/config/doctrine_migrations_default.yml
It will not recognize the file info, even though it does so when it gets the info directly from config.yml. The following error is thrown.
Migrations configuration key "doctrine_migrations" does not exists.
If I take the doctrine_migrations key out it will generate an error on the next info it encounters.
Don't import the migrations settings in your config.yml file.
Your individual configuration files aren't actually configured correctly which is why you are receiving the error about the configuration keys not existing. The keys are different than they are in the normal migrations config. I had to search the code to find the right settings. (I found them around ln35 of the AbstractFileConfiguration.php file)
Try these -
migrations_directory: "app/DoctrineMigrationsDefault"
migrations_namespace: App\DoctrineMigrationsDefault
table_name: migration_versions
name: Application_Migrations_Default
migrations_directory: "app/DoctrineMigrationsUsed"
migrations_namespace: Used\DoctrineMigrationsUsed
table_name: migration_versions
name: Application Migrations Used
organize_migrations: false #valid entries are false, 'year', and 'year_and_month'
doctrine_migrations, dir_name, and namespace are not valid entries for that configuration file.
Also, you can't use %kernel.root_dir% in your directory path but what worked for me was either changing it to 'app' or providing a full path.
Leaving this for future references:
The files doctrine_migrations_default.yaml and doctrine_migrations_used.yaml are for extra configurations to use when performing migrations across multiple entity managers.
These files should not be autoloaded by symfony, you can put them under config/ directly, not in config/packages where the doctrine_migrations.yaml is located.
I tested it on symfony 5.0.4 and it is working perfectly:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --em=used --configuration=config/doctrine_migrations_used.yaml

Doctrine Generate Entities Namespace Issue?

Ok I have one last problem with doctrine:generate:entities command
I run the below command and I get the expected file(s) in
php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert yml ./src/MyNamespace/Bundle/MyNamespaceBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata/orm --from-database --em=my_manager --filter=TblReports --verbose
I see the TblReports.orm.yml file(s) and the first line is:
command: ( should this be annotation instead of yml? )
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import MyNamespaceBundle yml --em=my_manager --filter=TblReports
I run the above command I get the files here
Same name as the first files that were generated from the first command, just in a different location and the first line ( Which I'm assuming is the namespace )
and now the first line is:
but I think it needs to be
Now I run the last command
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities MyNamespaceBundle --path=src --no-backup
I get this error
Bundle "MyNamespaceBundle" does not contain any mapped entities.
If I run the command like this
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities MyNamespaceBundle:Reports --path=src --no-backup
I get this error ( but the namespace looks correct )
Namespace "MyNamespace\Bundle\MyNamespaceBundle\Entity\Reports" does not contain any mapped entities.
Here is my_manager ( config.yml )
# Doctrine Configuration
default_connection: my_database
driver: pdo_pgsql
port: 5432
dbname: tbl_reports
user: foo_user
password: foo_pass
charset: UTF8
bit: string
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
default_entity_manager: my_manager
connection: my_database
mapping: true
dir: Entity/Reports
in config_dev.yml ( I use the dev and prod yml files to control the host(s) I can connect to )
# Doctrine Configuration
Why am I getting this error?
How can I fix it?
Related Questions:
Generate Entities with Doctrine into separate namespace
Entity Generation for Single Table
Ok well I ran the second command as annotation instead of yml and the files were generated in:
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import MyNamespaceBundle annotation --em=my_manager --filter=TblReports
I ran the doctrine:generate:entities ( both ways ) and still got errors. I decided to move the files into this directory
I ran the doctrine:generate:entities agin ( both ways ) and still got errors.
I looked at the namespace in the files and saw it was pointing to the work namespace. I updated from:
ran this command
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities MyNamespaceBundle:Reports --path=src --no-backup
and in now works
Generating entities for namespace "MyNamespace\Bundle\MyNamespaceBundle\Entity\Reports"
So I guess question #3 is:
How can I get the second command to add the correct namespace on the import?
I tried this but no dice
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import MyNamespaceBundle:Reports annotation --em=my_manager --filter=TblReports
Your first line needs to end with a : as in:
<yml> data.
You seem to be mixing annotations with yml. Pick one and stick with it. I don't use annotations, so the rest is yml comments. doctrine:mapping:import/convert with yml option generates yml files puts the yml files in Bundle/Resources/config/doctrine.
The collection of yml files are then used to make your entity classes, and it will put them in the location specified in each yml file, which be default is NamespaceBundle\Entity.

InvalidArgumentException Driver "ORM" is unsupported for this extension

I don't know why show this error "[InvalidArgumentException] Driver "ORM" is unsupported for this extension" after Sylius Assortment Bundle installation with this documentation
After adding these line In config.yml shows me error:
driver: ORM
product: Application\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Entity\Product
Please any one suggest me What i am doing wrong..
The driver name has changed to doctrine/orm instead of just ORM. The documentation is out dated. I have fixed it and added a pull request. It should get updated soon.
With YAML (the config format) you must preserve the indenting
so indent the body of sylius_assortment with spaces:
driver: ORM
product: Application\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Entity\Product
I solved it.I just add this code.Then it worked.
driver: doctrine/orm
product: Application\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Entity\Product

Symfony 2/Propel: Class 'Phing' not found, autoloading?

I've a weird problem with propel.
My configuration in config.yml:
driver: %database_driver%
user: %database_user%
password: %database_password%
dsn: %database_driver%:host=%database_host%;dbname=%database_name%;charset=UTF8
path: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/propel
phing_path: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/phing
I created my database with that command: php app/console propel:database:create and it worked very well but when I'm trying to create my first table with php app/console propel:model:build i've a fatal error telling: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Phing' not found.
I verified in the folder, everything is there. I guess that is an autoloading problem but I've followed the documentation at and
Any idea? Thanks a lot!
Which dependencies management system do you use?
This is an autoloading issue, and you should add the following definition:
'Phing' => __DIR__.'/../path/to/phing/classes/phing',
where path/to/phing is the path where you installed Phing.
