Im building project on Laravel 7.3 with multiple Jobs that run at the same time.
I need to make each Job write logs to different daily rotated file. The name of the log file should be based on model, that Job is processing.
The issue is I cant find smart solution.
What I have tried:
1) creating multiple channels in config/logging.php.
That works as expected but at the moment there are about 50 different Jobs and amount keeps growing. Method is ugly and hardly maintained.
2) setting up Config(['logging.channels.CUSTOMCHANNEL.path' => storage_path('logs/platform/'.$this->platform->name.'.log')]);.
Messing with Config variable was bad idea because of many Jobs running one time. As a result messages from one job often were written in another Job log.
3) using Log::useDailyFiles()
Seems like this stops working since laravel 5.5 or 5.6. Just getting error Call to undefined method Monolog\Logger::useDailyFiles(). Any thoughts how to make with work in laravel 7?
4) using tap parameter for channel in config/logging.php.
Example in laravel docs
No ideas how to pass model name into CustomizeFormatter to setup file name.
Im almost sure there is smart solution and Im just missing something.
Any suggests? Thanks!
You could inherit the log manager to allow a dynamic configuration
namespace App\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Log\LogManager as BaseLogManager;
class LogManager extends BaseLogManager
* Get the log connection configuration.
* #param string $name
* #return array
protected function configurationFor($name)
if (!Str::contains($name, ':')) {
return parent::configurationFor($name);
[$baseName, $model] = explode(':', $name, 2);
$baseConfig = parent::configurationFor($baseName);
$baseConfig['path'] = ...; //your logic
return $baseConfig;
Likewise about Laravel's log service provider except this one can be totally replaced
namespace App\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class LogServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register the service provider.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('log', function ($app) {
return new LogManager($app);
EDIT: I've just seen that Laravel's log service provider is missing from config/app.php, this is because it's "hard-loaded" by the application. You still can replace it by inheriting the application itself
namespace App\Foundation;
use App\Log\LogServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Application as BaseApplication;
class Application extends BaseApplication
* Register all of the base service providers.
* #return void
protected function registerBaseServiceProviders()
$this->register(new EventServiceProvider($this));
$this->register(new LogServiceProvider($this));
$this->register(new RoutingServiceProvider($this));
And finally in bootstrap/app.php, replace Illuminate\Foundation\Application with App\Foundation\Application
For example, if you try this
Laravel will use the single channel's config and write to users.log if your resolution logic is
$baseConfig['path'] = $model + '.log';
I got a solution that I've been using since Laravel 4 that works, although it doesn't follow 'Laravel' way of doing things.
class UserTrackLogger
* #var $full_path string
protected $full_path;
* #var $tenant string
protected $tenant;
* #var $user User
protected $user;
* #var $request Request
protected $request;
public static function log(string $message, Request $request, User $user, array $data = []): void
/** #noinspection PhpVariableNamingConventionInspection */
$userTrack = new static($request, $user);
$userTrack->write($message, $data);
protected function __construct(Request $request, User $user)
$this->request = $request;
$this->user = $user;
$this->tenant = app()->make('tenant')->tenant__name;
$path = storage_path() . "/logs/{$this->tenant}/users";
$filename = $this->user->username_with_name;
$this->full_path = Formatter::formatPath("{$path}/{$filename}.log");
protected function write(string $message, array $data = []): void
$formatter = $this->getFormat();
$record = [
'message' => $message,
'context' => $data,
'extra' => [],
'datetime' => date(Utility::DATETIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT),
'level_name' => 'TRACK',
'channel' => '',
file_put_contents($this->full_path, $formatter->format($record), FILE_APPEND);
protected function getFormat(): FormatterInterface
$ip = $this->request->getClientIp();
$method = strtoupper($this->request->method());
$format = "[%datetime%][{$this->tenant}][{$this->user->username}][{$this->user->name}]: $ip $method %message% %context%\n";
return new LineFormatter($format, null, true);
protected static function makeFolder(string $full_path): bool
$path = dirname($full_path);
if ( !is_dir($path) ) {
return mkdir($path, 0755, true);
return false;
And when I want to log something, I do UserTrackLogger::log($request->fullUrl(), $request, $user, $data);
What I would suggest is creating a logger similar to this but extends RotatingFileHandler.
I am trying to add USE INDEX() to the query builder in Laravel. I tried to follow similar steps to link and was kind of successful but I cannot manage the last bit and I am not sure my ad-hoc code has created a huge backdoor.
The target: The target of my exercise is to add Index to the query builder like below:
Here an option useIndex specifies the index that I am going to use for this query.
What I have done yet: Created a class named Connection in App/Override
namespace App\Override;
class Connection extends \Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {
public function query() {
return new QueryBuilder(
Created a service provider named CustomDatabaseServiceProvider in App/Providers. Here I just manipulated registerConnectionServices function. I further commented Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider::class, and added App\Providers\CustomDatabaseServiceProvider::class, to app.php in config directory.
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Override\Connection;
use Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\EntityResolver;
use Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory as EloquentFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\QueueEntityResolver;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class CustomDatabaseServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* The array of resolved Faker instances.
* #var array
protected static $fakers = [];
* Bootstrap the application events.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register the service provider.
* #return void
public function register()
* Register the primary database bindings.
* #return void
protected function registerConnectionServices()
// The connection factory is used to create the actual connection instances on
// the database. We will inject the factory into the manager so that it may
// make the connections while they are actually needed and not of before.
$this->app->singleton('db.factory', function ($app) {
return new ConnectionFactory($app);
// The database manager is used to resolve various connections, since multiple
// connections might be managed. It also implements the connection resolver
// interface which may be used by other components requiring connections.
$this->app->singleton('db', function ($app) {
$dbm = new DatabaseManager($app, $app['db.factory']);
//Extend to include the custom connection (MySql in this example)
$dbm->extend('mysql', function ($config, $name) use ($app) {
//Create default connection from factory
$connection = $app['db.factory']->make($config, $name);
//Instantiate our connection with the default connection data
$new_connection = new Connection(
//Set the appropriate grammar object
// $new_connection->setQueryGrammar(new Grammar());
// $new_connection->setSchemaGrammar(new Schema\());
return $new_connection;
return $dbm;
$this->app->bind('db.connection', function ($app) {
return $app['db']->connection();
* Register the Eloquent factory instance in the container.
* #return void
protected function registerEloquentFactory()
$this->app->singleton(FakerGenerator::class, function ($app, $parameters) {
$locale = $parameters['locale'] ?? $app['config']->get('app.faker_locale', 'en_US');
if (!isset(static::$fakers[$locale])) {
static::$fakers[$locale] = FakerFactory::create($locale);
return static::$fakers[$locale];
$this->app->singleton(EloquentFactory::class, function ($app) {
return EloquentFactory::construct(
$app->make(FakerGenerator::class), $this->app->databasePath('factories')
* Register the queueable entity resolver implementation.
* #return void
protected function registerQueueableEntityResolver()
$this->app->singleton(EntityResolver::class, function () {
return new QueueEntityResolver;
and finally created a class named QueryBuilder in App/Override. this is the problematic class:
namespace App\Override;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
class QueryBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
private $Index = [];
public function useIndex($index = null)
$this->Index = $index;
return $this;
public function get($columns = ['*'])
if ($this->Index) {
//Get the raw query string with the PDO bindings
$sql_str = str_replace('from `' . $this->from . '`', 'from `' . $this->from . '` USE INDEX (`' . $this->Index . '`) ', $this->toSql());
$sql_str = vsprintf($sql_str, $this->getBindings());
return parent::get($sql_str);
} else {
//Return default
return parent::get($columns);
The issues here are:
The output does not contain USE INDEX
Is it safe to use str_replace to manipulate query?
The query builder is macroable so in your service provider you can probably do:
function ($table, $index) {
$table = $this->grammar->wrapTable($table);
$index = $this->grammar->wrap($index);
return $this->fromRaw("$table USE INDEX ($index)");
Then you could use this:
DB::tableWithIndex('users', 'users');
within the macro $this would refer to the query builder instance
Note that I have them both in one because you can potentially have multiple from calls for the same query and it would be a mess trying to figure out what goes where
I have created custom service provider which extends XeroServiceProvide, Basically, I have multiple Xero Account and I want to change two configuration params value runtime consumer_key and consumer_secret. Is there a quick way. I have checked Service Container contextual binding but don't know how to use.
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use DrawMyAttention\XeroLaravel\Providers\XeroServiceProvider;
class CustomXeroServiceProvider extends XeroServiceProvider
private $config = 'xero/config.php';
* Bootstrap the application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register the application services.
* #return void
public function register($configParams = [])
if(file_exists(config_path($this->config))) {
$configPath = config_path($this->config);
$config = include $configPath;
$this->app->bind('XeroPrivate', function () use ($config,$configParams) {
if(is_array($configParams) && count($configParams) > 0){
$config['oauth']['consumer_key'] = $configParams['consumer_key'];
$config['oauth']['consumer_secret'] = $configParams['consumer_secret'];
return new \XeroPHP\Application\PrivateApplication($config);
From Controller I tried changing value like this but bind params not changing dynamically
foreach($centers as $center) {
config(['xero.config.oauth.consumer_key' => $center->consumer_key]);
config(['xero.config.oauth.consumer_secret' => $center->consumer_secret]);
Update 2
Is there a way I can rebind service container after updating config file values or somehow i can refresh service provider binding?
config(['xero.config.oauth.consumer_key' => 'XXXXXXX']);
config(['xero.config.oauth.consumer_secret' => 'XXXXXX']);
// rebind Service provider after update
This is how I ended up doing. I have created a custom function that sets value on runtime.
* connect to XERO by center
* #param $center
* #return mixed
public static function bindXeroPrivateApplication($center){
$configPath = config_path('xero/config.php');
$config = include $configPath;
config(['xero.config.oauth.consumer_key' => $center->consumer_key]);
config(['xero.config.oauth.consumer_secret' => $center->consumer_secret]);
return \App::bind('XeroPrivate', function () use ($config,$center) {
$config['oauth']['consumer_key'] = $center->consumer_key;
$config['oauth']['consumer_secret'] = $center->consumer_secret;
return new \XeroPHP\Application\PrivateApplication($config);
I have model called Center.php and I am calling above function from that same model as below.
$center = Center::find(1);
Namespaces omitted for brevity...
I have written the following service provider and registered in config/app.php:
class OfferServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
protected function registerLossControlManager()
$this->app->bind('LossControlInterface', 'LossControl');
Here is my LossControlInterface
interface LossControlInterface
* #param int $demandId
* #param float $offerTotal
* #param float $productTotal
* #param null|int $partnerId
* #return mixed
public function make($demandId, $offerTotal, $productTotal, $partnerId = null);
* #return float
public function getAcceptableLoss();
* #return bool
public function isAcceptable();
* #return bool
public function isUnacceptable();
* #return null
public function reject();
Now within the controller, I can inject the LossController as follows:
use LossControlInterface as LossControl;
class HomeController extends BaseController {
public function __construct(LossControl $lossControl)
$this->lossControl = $lossControl;
public function getLossThresholds()
$lossControl = $this->lossControl->make(985, 1000, null);
var_dump('Acceptable Loss: ' . $lossControl->getAcceptableLoss());
var_dump('Actual Loss: ' . $lossControl->calculateLoss());
var_dump('Acceptable? ' . $lossControl->isAcceptable());
However if I try to dependency inject the LossControlInterface from within a custom class called by a command:
[2014-09-02 13:09:52] development.ERROR: exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Argument 11 passed to Offer::__construct() must be an instance of LossControlInterface, none given, called in /home/vagrant/Code/.../ProcessOffer.php on line 44 and defined' in /home/vagrant/Code/.../Offer.php:79
It appears as though I am unable to dependency inject the interface into a custom class, but I can when dependency injecting into a controller.
Any thoughts on what Im doing wrong or have omitted to get the automatic resolution working?
The IoC is automatic within controllers, and you don't see the injection because Laravel handles the construction of controllers for you. When creating any other custom class by using the new keyword, you will still need to send in all of the parameters needed to it's constructor:
$myClass = new ClassWithDependency( app()->make('Dependency') );
You can hide this, to a degree, by funneling creation of your custom class through a service provider:
// Your service provider
public function register()
$this->app->bind('ClassWithDependency', function($app) {
return new ClassWithDependency( $app->make('Dependency') );
Then just have the IoC make it whenever you need it:
$myClass = app()->make('ClassWithDepenency');
In your case, you can change your code to look like this:
private function setOffer(Offer $offer = null) {
$this->processOffer = $offer ?:
new Offer( app()->make('LossControlInterface') );
A perhaps cleaner approach could be to create a service provider and an OfferFactory which gets injected into your controller. The controller can then request the factory to create the offer whenever it needs one:
// Controller
public function __construct(OfferFactory $offerFactory)
$this->offerFactory = $offerFactory;
public function setOffer(Offer $offer = null)
$this->processOffer = $offer ?: $this->offerFactory->createOffer();
// OfferFactory
class OfferFactory
public function createOffer()
return app()->make('Offer');
This has the benefit of completely decoupling your controller from the logic behind the creation of the offer, yet allowing you to have a spot to add any amount of complexity necessary to the process of creating offers.
In Laravel 5.2 the simplest solution for your particular problem would be to replace
new Offer();
or even shorter
which will use Laravel Container to take care of dependencies.
If however you want to pass additional parameters to the Offer constructor it is necessary to bind it in your service provider
App::bind('Offer', function($app, $args) {
return new Offer($app->make('LossControl'), $args);
And voila, now you can write
app('Offer', [123, 456]);
In laravel 5.4 ( you need to use the new makeWith method of the IoC container.
App::makeWith( 'App\MyNameSpace\MyClass', [ $id ] );
if you still use 5.3 or below, the above answers will work.
I appear to be having issues with my spec tests when it comes to stubs that are calling other methods.
I've been following Laracasts 'hexagonal' approach for my controller to ensure it is only responsible for the HTTP layer.
use Apes\Utilities\Connect;
use \OAuth;
class FacebookConnectController extends \BaseController {
* #var $connect
protected $connect;
* Instantiates $connect
* #param $connect
function __construct()
$this->connect = new Connect($this, OAuth::consumer('Facebook'));
* Login user with facebook
* #return void
public function initialise() {
// TODO: Actually probably not needed as we'll control
// whether this controller is called via a filter or similar
if(Auth::user()) return Redirect::to('/');
return $this->connect->loginOrCreate(Input::all());
* User authenticated, return to main game view
* #return Response
public function facebookConnectSucceeds()
return Redirect::to('/');
So when the route is initialised I construct a new Connect instance and I pass an instance of $this class to my Connect class (to act as a listener) and call the loginOrCreate method.
namespace Apes\Utilities;
use Apes\Creators\Account;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use \User;
use \Auth;
use \Carbon\Carbon as Carbon;
class Connect
* #var $facebookConnect
protected $facebookConnect;
* #var $account
protected $account;
* #var $facebookAuthorizationUri
// protected $facebookAuthorizationUri;
* #var $listener
protected $listener;
public function __construct($listener, $facebookConnect)
$this->listener = $listener;
$this->facebookConnect = $facebookConnect;
$this->account = new Account();
public function loginOrCreate($input)
// Not the focus of this test
return $this->handleOtherRequests($input);
// Trying to stub this method is my main issue
$facebookUserData = $this->getFacebookUserData($input['code']);
$user = User::where('email', '=', $facebookUserData->email)->first();
// Not the focus of this test
$user = $this->createAccount($facebookUserData);
Auth::login($user, true);
// I want to test that this method is called
return $this->listener->facebookConnectSucceeds();
public function getFacebookUserData($code)
// I can't seem to stub this method because it's making another method call
$token = $this->facebookConnect->requestAccessToken($code);
return (object) json_decode($this->facebookConnect->request( '/me' ), true);
// Various other methods not relevant to this question
I've tried to trim this down to focus on the methods under test and my understanding thus far as to what is going wrong.
Connect Spec
namespace spec\Apes\Utilities;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
use \Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\Controller;
use \OAuth;
use \Apes\Creators\Account;
class ConnectSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let(\FacebookConnectController $listener, \OAuth $facebookConnect, \Apes\Creators\Account $account)
$this->beConstructedWith($listener, $facebookConnect, $account);
function it_should_login_the_user($listener)
$input = ['code' => 'afacebooktoken'];
$returnCurrentUser = (object) [
'email' => 'existinguser#domain.tld',
So here's the spec that I'm having issues with. First I pretend that I've got a facebook token already. Then, where things are failing, is that I need to fudge that the getFacebookUserData method will return a sample user that exists in my users table.
However when I run the test I get:
37 ! it should login the user
method `Double\Artdarek\OAuth\Facade\OAuth\P13::requestAccessToken()` not found.
I had hoped that 'willReturn' would just ignore whatever was happening in the getFacebookUserData method as I'm testing that separately, but it seems not.
Any recommendations on what I should be doing?
Do I need to pull all of the OAuth class methods into their own class or something? It seems strange to me that I might need to do that considering OAuth is already its own class. Is there some way to stub the method in getFacebookUserData?
Update 1
So I tried stubbing the method that's being called inside getFacebookUserData and my updated spec looks like this:
function it_should_login_the_user($listener, $facebookConnect)
$returnCurrentUser = (object) [
'email' => 'existinguser#domain.tld',
$input = ['code' => 'afacebooktoken'];
// Try stubbing any methods that are called in getFacebookUserData
The spec still fails but the error has changed:
37 ! it should login the user
method `Double\Artdarek\OAuth\Facade\OAuth\P13::requestAccessToken()` is not defined.
Interestingly if I place these new stubs after the $this->getFacebookUserData stub then the error is 'not found' instead of 'not defined'. Clearly I don't fully understand the inner workings at hand :D
Not everything, called methods in your dependencies have to be mocked, because they will in fact be called while testing your classes:
$facebookConnect->requestAccessToken($input)->willReturn(<whatever it should return>);
If you don't mock them, phpspec will raise a not found.
I'm not familiar with the classes involved but that error implies there is not method Oauth:: requestAccessToken().
Prophecy will not let you stub non-existent methods.
I'm using Symfony 2.3 and I can't find a good solution to add a security on two tables.
I have an user and this user can get an application, he can access to his application with this path: /application/{id}
So I'd like to secure this page if the user is link to the application. I do something to check in my controller but this not very clean:
* #param int $idApplication
* #return UserApplication
public function testUserApplication($idApplication){
//get the application
$applicationRepository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('PhoneApplicationBundle:Application');
$application = $applicationRepository->find($idApplication);
return null;
$userApplicationRepository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('PhoneApplicationBundle:UserApplication');
$userApplication = $userApplicationRepository->findOneBy(array(
'user' => $this->getUser(),
'application' => $application
return $userApplication;
I don't know if I can do this using the security.
I try an other solution creating a service which check this
class Test
/** #var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager */
private $doctrine;
* Constructor
* #param Doctrine $doctrine
public function __construct(Doctrine $doctrine)
$this->doctrine = $doctrine;
public function userApplication($idApplication){
//get the application
$applicationRepository = $this->doctrine->getRepository('PhoneApplicationBundle:Application');
$application = $applicationRepository->find($idApplication);
return null;
$userApplicationRepository = $this->doctrine->getRepository('PhoneApplicationBundle:UserApplication');
$userApplication = $userApplicationRepository->findOneBy(array(
'user' => $this->getUser(),
'application' => $application
return $userApplication;
phone_application.test_user_application.class: Phone\ApplicationBundle\Service\Test
class: %phone_application.test_user_application.class%
arguments: [#doctrine]
But I don't realy understand how to use this in a controller
Thanks for help.
If you want to use a service in your controller, do
$serv = $this->get('nameoftheservice);
In your case :
$serv = $this->get('phone_application.test_user_application');
Another way to do it :
If the $user object is fully available in your controller just do :
//get the app
$application = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('PhoneApplicationBundle:Application')->find($idApplication);
//check if this user owns this app, considering you have sets the right doctrine annotation for relation in your entity file
if($user->getApplications()->contains($application)) {
//do your stuff
throw new \Exception('No right there ! ');