Convert .HEIC sequence to animated .GIF using Imagick - php

I've managed to install Imagemagick 7 on my server and set-up the appropriate PHP module in order to work with HEIC and WebP files using Imagick.
I can convert these files easily to other formats like PNG or JPEG without any problems.
Now, I try to convert a HEIC sequence (original file) to GIF, but the result is imperfect.
First off all, it seems, that Imagick isn't able to determine the delay between every image. This results in a lightning fast animation. So for now, I've hardcoded a delay of 40 ticks using Imagick::setImageDelay. I'm not sure, if I'm missing something, or if Imagick/Imagemagick isn't able to do this on HEIC sequences.
The next problem I'm experiencing is, that Imagick can't handle the original image dimensions properly. To get around this, I have to get the original image's dimensions and perform Imagick::cropImage and Imagick::thumbnailImage on every frame, before I finalize it with Imagick::setImagePage.
However, my biggest problem for now is, that the result has a broken, first frame:
So the final (broken) result looks like this:
While the expected result (generated by heic2any) is:
The (simplified) code I am using:
if (!in_array('HEIC', \Imagick::queryFormats("HEI*"))) {
throw new \Exception('Unsupported format');
$sourceFile = __DIR__ . '/3.heic';
$targetFile = __DIR__ . '/3.gif';
if (!file_exists($sourceFile)) {
try {
$content = file_get_contents('' . basename($sourceFile) . '?raw=true');
if ($content === false) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to download source file.');
file_put_contents($sourceFile, $content);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception('Unable to download source file: ' . $e->getMessage());
if (!file_exists($sourceFile)) {
throw new \Exception('Cannot find source file.');
$im = new \Imagick($sourceFile);
$width = $im->getImageWidth();
$height = $im->getImageHeight();
$im = $im->coalesceImages();
foreach ($im as $frame) {
$frame->cropImage($width, $height, 0, 0);
$frame->thumbnailImage($width, $height);
$frame->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0);
$im = $im->deconstructImages();
$im->writeImages($targetFile, true);
echo 'Size: ' . $width . 'x' . $height . '<br />Result:<br /><br /><img src="' . basename($targetFile) . '?v=' . time() . '" alt="" />';
So my questions are:
Where does the 1st frame come from?
How can I avoid it?
Is there anything to optimize the conversion (code)?
There's another .HEIC sequence to play with (click) and this one can be converted without problems:
Even conversion services like cloudconvert can't handle the image correctly and producing GIF animations like this:


php imagick resize image code not working properly

I am using the following Imagick function to resize an image. The code runs and resizes the image, but with an error from the server saying "An error occurred while requesting the document from the testing server." And I cannot detect the problem. In the browser it, however, outputs non-human readable characters. In case I try to output the resized/modified image to the browser, there is no problem. I face this problem as I try to save the image to the disk.
Here is my code:
function imagick_resize($image, $width = 460, $height = 300)
// define widescreen dimensions
// $width = 460;
// $height = 300;
// load an image
$i = new Imagick($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/alchemyapi/' . $image);
// get the current image dimensions
$geo = $i->getImageGeometry();
// crop the image
if(($geo['width']/$width) < ($geo['height']/$height))
$i->cropImage($geo['width'], floor($height*$geo['width']/$width), 0, (($geo['height']-($height*$geo['width']/$width))/2));
$i->cropImage(ceil($width*$geo['height']/$height), $geo['height'], (($geo['width']-($width*$geo['height']/$height))/2), 0);
// thumbnail the image
// save or show or whatever the image
# $i->setImageFormat('png');
# header("Content-Type: image/png");
# unlink('small_square_img.png');
$i->writeImage($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/alchemyapi/tmp/small_square_img.png');
# file_put_contents('small_square_img.png', $i);
The data you are sending to the browser is not a valid image. It is quite likely that you have a Byte-Order-Marker in some of your files before the
You should check for that and fix it if it is occuring, or provide an example of the "non-human readable characters" for people to have a clue of what the problem is.

Resize copied image on upload as thumbnail

I am working on an uploader and slowly getting it working, I am uploading 3 images at once, and setting arrays for each one as keys, with an increment of ++1. I am wanting to resize the image before it gets copied to the thumbnail folder.
I have this code.
Everything works with it.
As you see, I started on getting the file info, but after that I am totally stuck on what to do after to resize the image proportionally with a maximum width of xpx and height to match it without looking distorted.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thank You.
EDIT --- I started working on it myself and wondering if this is the right approach to what i am doing.
if (isset($_POST['addpart'])) {
$image = $_FILES['images']['tmp_name'];
$name = $_POST['username'];
$i = 0;
foreach ($image as $key) {
$fileData = pathinfo(basename($_FILES["images"]["name"][$i]));
$fileName[] = $name . '_' . uniqid() . '.' . $fileData['extension'];
move_uploaded_file($key, "image/" . end($fileName));
copy("image/" . end($fileName), "image_thumbnail/" . end($fileName));
$source = "image_thumb/" . end($fileName);
$dest = "image_thumb/" . end($fileName);
$quality = 100;
$scale = 1 / 2;
$imsize = getimagesize($source);
$x = $scale * $imsize[0];
$y = $scale * $imsize[1];
$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);
$newim = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);
imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x, $y, $imsize[0], $imsize[1]);
imagejpeg($newim, $dest, $quality);
echo 'Uploaded<br>';
echo 'Main Image - ' . $fileName[0] . '<br>';
echo 'Extra Image 1 - ' . $fileName[1] . '<br>';
echo 'Extra Image 2 - ' . $fileName[2] . '<br>';
echo '<hr>';
Use GD library.
Create input image object using imagecreatefromstring() for example: imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$i]))
It's the simplest way.
Another option is to detect file type and use functions like imagecreatefromjpeg (), imagecreatefrompng(), etc.
Create output empty image using imagecreate()
Use imagecopyresampled() or imagecopyresized() to resize image and copy+paste it from input image to output image
Save output image using function like imagejpeg()
Clean memory using imagedestroy()
The built-in image manipulation commands of PHP makes your code difficult to understand and to maintain. I suggest you to use a library which wraps it into a more productive way.
If you use Intervention/image, for example, your code will look like this:
// target file to manipulate
$filename = $_FILES['images']['tmp_name'];
// create image instance
$img = Image::make($filename);
// resize to width, height
$img->resize(320, 240);
// save it!
$img->save('thumbs/'. uniqid() . '.' . pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
Read the full documentation here:

Convert and blur an uploaded image in PHP with Imagick

I'm very new to PHP and this is the very first time I've tried to use Imagick, so there must be plenty wrong with the script I wrote in order to achieve my goal. :-)
What I'd like to do:
Convert an image that was uploaded to JPEG and resize it;
Make a blurred version of it;
Move the two images to a certain directory.
I wrote a function that's supposed to do it, but, as you guessed, it doesn't do anything at all:
function convertAndBlur($inputIMG, $dst, $width, $quality) {
$img = new Imagick($inputIMG);
$img->scaleImage($width, 0, true); // keep aspect ratio
$img->writeImage($dst . ".jpg");
$imgBlur = new Imagick($img);
$imgBlur->writeImage($dst . "_blur.jpg");
$img->clear(); $img->destroy();
$imgBlur->clear(); $imgBlur->destroy();
The function is called this way:
$picture = $_FILES["picture"]["tmp_name"];
$pictureName = "foo";
if(!is_image($picture)) { die("not an image"); }
$picturePath = "uploads/" . $pictureName;
convertAndBlur($picture, $picturePath, 1000, 90);
This will certainly make some of you roll their eyes, but again, that's completely uncharted territory to me. Could anyone help me out? Thanks!
Imagick's constructor cannot take an instance of Imagick as an argument. To create another object, try $imgBlur = clone $img; in place of $imgBlur = new Imagick($img);, which will create a carbon copy of $img. Read more about cloning Imagick objects here.

Remove EXIF data from JPG using PHP

Is there any way to remove the EXIF data from a JPG using PHP? I have heard of PEL, but I'm hoping there's a simpler way. I am uploading images that will be displayed online and would like the EXIF data removed.
EDIT: I don't/can't install ImageMagick.
Use gd to recreate the graphical part of the image in a new one, that you save with another name.
See PHP gd
edit 2017
Use the new Imagick feature.
Open Image:
$incoming_file = '/Users/John/Desktop/file_loco.jpg';
$img = new Imagick(realpath($incoming_file));
Be sure to keep any ICC profile in the image
$profiles = $img->getImageProfiles("icc", true);
then strip image, and put the profile back if any
if(!empty($profiles)) {
$img->profileImage("icc", $profiles['icc']);
Comes from this PHP page, see comment from Max Eremin down the page.
A fast way to do it in PHP using ImageMagick (Assuming you have it installed and enabled).
$images = glob('*.jpg');
foreach($images as $image)
$img = new Imagick($image);
echo "Removed EXIF data from $image. \n";
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception caught: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
I was looking for a solution to this as well. In the end I used PHP to rewrite the JPEG with ALL Exif data removed. I didn't need any of it for my purposes.
This option has several advantages...
The file is smaller because the EXIF data is gone.
There is no loss of image quality (because the image data is unchanged).
Also a note on using imagecreatefromjpeg: I tried this and my files got bigger. If you set quality to 100, your file will be LARGER, because the image has been resampled, and then stored in a lossless way. And if you don't use quality 100, you lose image quality. The ONLY way to avoid resampling is to not use imagecreatefromjpeg.
Here is my function...
* Remove EXIF from a JPEG file.
* #param string $old Path to original jpeg file (input).
* #param string $new Path to new jpeg file (output).
function removeExif($old, $new)
// Open the input file for binary reading
$f1 = fopen($old, 'rb');
// Open the output file for binary writing
$f2 = fopen($new, 'wb');
// Find EXIF marker
while (($s = fread($f1, 2))) {
$word = unpack('ni', $s)['i'];
if ($word == 0xFFE1) {
// Read length (includes the word used for the length)
$s = fread($f1, 2);
$len = unpack('ni', $s)['i'];
// Skip the EXIF info
fread($f1, $len - 2);
} else {
fwrite($f2, $s, 2);
// Write the rest of the file
while (($s = fread($f1, 4096))) {
fwrite($f2, $s, strlen($s));
The code is pretty simple. It opens the input file for reading and the output file for writing, and then starts reading the input file. It data from one to the other. Once it reaches the EXIF marker, it reads the length of the EXIF record and skips over that number of bytes. It then continues by reading and writing the remaining data.
The following will remove all EXIF data of a jpeg file. This will make a copy of original file without EXIF and remove the old file. Use 100 quality not to loose any quality details of picture.
$path = "/image.jpg";
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg ($path);
imagejpeg ($img, $path, 100);
imagedestroy ($img);
(simple approximation to the graph can be found here)
function remove_exif($in, $out)
$buffer_len = 4096;
$fd_in = fopen($in, 'rb');
$fd_out = fopen($out, 'wb');
while (($buffer = fread($fd_in, $buffer_len)))
// \xFF\xE1\xHH\xLLExif\x00\x00 - Exif
// \xFF\xE1\xHH\xLLhttp:// - XMP
// \xFF\xED\xHH\xLLPhotoshop - PH
while (preg_match('/\xFF[\xE1\xE2\xED\xEE](.)(.)(exif|photoshop|http:|icc_profile|adobe)/si', $buffer, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
echo "found: '{$match[3][0]}' marker\n";
$len = ord($match[1][0]) * 256 + ord($match[2][0]);
echo "length: {$len} bytes\n";
echo "write: {$match[0][1]} bytes to output file\n";
fwrite($fd_out, substr($buffer, 0, $match[0][1]));
$filepos = $match[0][1] + 2 + $len - strlen($buffer);
fseek($fd_in, $filepos, SEEK_CUR);
echo "seek to: ".ftell($fd_in)."\n";
$buffer = fread($fd_in, $buffer_len);
echo "write: ".strlen($buffer)." bytes to output file\n";
fwrite($fd_out, $buffer, strlen($buffer));
It is a prototype for a call from a command line.
this is the simplest way:
$images = glob($location.'/*.jpg');
foreach($images as $image) {
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
I completely misunderstood your question.
You could use some command line tool to do this job. or write your own php extension to do it. have a look at this lib that would be useful:
I'm not pretty sure about it, but if its possible using GD o ImageMagick, the first thing that come to my mind is to create a new Image and add the old image to the new one.


How do I resize/downscale the images that gets uploaded with my upload script down to 350x100 if they are over 350x100?
My script:
$allowed_filetypes = array('.png','.PNG');
$filename = $_FILES['strUpload']['name'];
$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1);
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['strUpload']['tmp_name']);
if ($width > 350 || $height > 100)
echo "That file dimensions are not allowed. Only 350x100 is allowed";
if ($_FILES['strUpload']['size'] > 2097152 )
echo "ERROR: Large File Size. Only less than 2mb accepted";
$imagename = uniqid('ff') . ".png";
move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES['strUpload']['tmp_name'], $imagename );
print ( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" );
if(file_exists($imagename) && $_FILES['strUpload']['name'] != '')
print ( "self.opener.SetImageFile(\"" . $imagename . "\");" );
echo "\n";
print ( "self.opener.setInputFile(\"" . $imagename . "\");" );
echo "\n";
print ( "window.close();" );
echo "\n";
print ( "</script>" );
$open = new dbconnect();
$dattum = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO piclist (ip,pic,datum) VALUES('$ip','$imagename','$dattum')") or die(mysql_error());
PHP has several image handling libraries. The GD library has shipped since PHP 4.3 so I suggest using that. Just read the docs to find what you need.
Use imagecopyresized - there's a good example of how to use it on the PHP manual page.
Have a look at this question someone else asked a few days ago.
That not only explains how it's done, but also how it's done in an efficient way. (ImageMagick should be used over the GD library)
Hope that helps.
The general gist is to create a new "canvas" of the desired dimensions for the image to go in.
Take your uploaded image and copy it onto the new canvas giving setting a source width x height (take all of the source image) and destination width x height (use all of the destination canvas), offsets are available to shift the image around a bit if you need to.
Then finally save it where you need it to go, or insert it into a database field, (this will replace your move_uploaded_file call).
