insert image in html table from database - php

I am trying to display my images in a HTML table but for some reason they just won't show up.
The images are located in a separate folder called 'images' and the image name is stored in my database as a varchar named e.g., filename.jpg
In my overview page I use this as my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
foreach ($objectname as $key) {
echo '<tr><td><img src="images/' . $key->getImage() . '"></td></tr>';
Hoping someone here can point me in the right direction :) thanks!!

You should first print print_r ($objectname), check if it comes with data and what its attributes are to see which one you need to occupy.
Second the $ key->getImage() getImage () = function () you are calling a function.

I think you should change the getImage() function in your html to the name of the field in the database as follows:
$key->getImage() to $key->Image_field_name_in_the_database
Because the name of the image (e.g: filename.jpg) is saved in a field of a table in your database.
Image_field_name_in_the_database will be the name of the field that contains the name of the image in the database.


PHP check if file_exists without extension then Ajax a div with appropriate media tag (img or video) based on filepath

First posting here. I know inline php is not preferred but I haven't converted all my scripts to echo json_encoded arrays to work in javascript on the client for now, I have inline php.
I do not know the extension of the user uploaded media because it could be a jpg,mp4,etc and upon upload it goes into a media folder with the user id as an identifier.
When my user first loads the div (and html page), the php script cycles through an array and does a fetch_assoc from sql query to the database each time; It returns the (media_id #) and prints out an li with the respective media displayed next to some other values from the query.
I only know the (media_id) and the file path name without the extension. When the page first loads, everything works great and the file_exists function returns correctly.
When I AJAX the div and do the query again, because the user added a row to the database, the new list prints out with all info, BUT the file_exists function doesn't recognize the exact same paths as before and I don't have an img or video on the page.
I copy/pasted the exact same code from the original div and put it in a file for ajax to re-query and print the new li's.
All variables are the same and when I hard code a test filepath, it prints fine. Maybe there's a caching issue?
if ($row['count']>0) {
echo "<div class='media-container'>";
$pathname = "uploads/".$row["id"]."media1";
if (file_exists($testjpg)==TRUE || file_exists($testpng)==TRUE || file_exists($testjpeg)==TRUE) {
echo '<img src="'.$pathname.'">';
}if(file_exists($testmp4)==TRUE) {
echo "<video></video>";
echo "</div>";
I could use some advice on how to fix this and how to print appropriate media tags on unknown media types.
<div class='media-container'>
echoing the exact file path of a known image in an <img> tag works fine. putting echo'test'; inside the file_exists case does nothing.
Solution (Kind of)
So I've used html's onerror before and I found a workaround, though I'd still like to know why I was getting an error. PSA this uses JQuery but javascript works too:
My Solution
function img2video(el, src) {
$( el ).replaceWith( '<video class="videoClass"><source src="'+src+'" type="video/mp4"></video>' );
<img style="width:100%" onerror="img2video(this,'<?php echo$pathname;?>')" src="<?php echo$pathname;?>">
Alright, so here's the final answer I made to best fit the problem using glob:
function img2video(el,src,place) {
if (place=='type') {
$( el ).replaceWith( '<video controls controlsList="nodownload" disablePictureInPicture style="width:100%;object-fit:contain;" preload="auto"><source src="'+src+'" type="video/mp4"></video>');
<?php for ( $i=1; $i <= $limit; $i++) {
$path ="[DIRECTORY]/".$row["id"]."media".$i;
$path = (!empty(glob($path . '*.{jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mp4}', GLOB_BRACE)[0])) ? glob($path . '*.{jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mp4}', GLOB_BRACE)[0] : false;?>
<img onerror="img2video(this,'<?php echo$path;?>','type',<?php echo$row["id"];?>,<?php echo$i;?>)" src="<?php echo$path;?>">
<?php } ?>
I don't know how to mark as duplicate, if someone could help with that. My answer uses Glob_Brace from #Akif Hussain 's response on This Question.

Blank space in php for each gallery

I may just overlook sth. but I wrote a really easy gallery with the php code below. I always get a blank space with no picture an no div container in the second row on the first column. All pictures load and display correctly, i got no errors or warnings. I just have a blank space.
I tried to filter empty or hidden files and I changed the number images per row. But nothing worked. What else can i look for? And i tried to var_dump $images. Everything seems right there. 17 Pictures with the correct name and path.
my css just has a float:left to display the pictures.
$images = glob($dir . "*.{jpg,jpeg,png}", GLOB_BRACE);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<div class="col-lg-12" id="con">
foreach ($images as $i) {
printf("<div class='col-lg-4' id='gallery'><img src='gallery/%s' class='img-thumbnail'/></div>", basename($i));
I just want 3 pictures in a row with no blank space in the second row, first column

PHP - images stored as BLOB displayed as broken links

I'm working on a store application in PHP and am having trouble displaying stored on MySQL database. I'm storing the images as medium BLOB type and I'm confident that the images are properly formatted during and after being uploaded to the database. (I can download the images from the database directly and view them as jpeg images).
But if I try to display my images in the web page, I am getting the broken image icon. The only way I've been able to get the picture to display from sql is by using base64 encoding, but that's not the method I want to use.
Here is my code. It fetches all the products from the database and displays their id, description, and image in a table row.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>Image Test</title>
$query = "SELECT prodid, description FROM products";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<table width=\"50%\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"1\">\n";
echo "<tr><td>Product ID</td><td>Description</td><td>Image</td></tr>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$prodid = $row['prodid'];
$description = $row['description'];
echo "<tr><td>$prodid</td><td>$description</td>\n";
echo "<td><img src=\"showimage.php?id=$prodid\" width=\"80\" height=\"60\"></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
This is the showimage.php code. The showimage.php file is only showing a broken image. I've looked at the raw data of the images and they're all formatted correctly. :
//header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
$prodid = $_GET['id'];
$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "test", "test") or die('');
mysql_select_db("store", $con);
$query = "SELECT picture from products WHERE prodid=$prodid";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$picture = $row['picture'];
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo $picture;
I'd really appreciate help in understanding why this code isn't working. I've read numerous articles on this site and from google searches and they all say that this code should work.
As a side note, I don't want to use the base64 encoding method because I'm taking a class and this is the method that we're using (I'm also the only person who is having this problem).
Generally, the code looks almost okay. The problem with pictures is, it has to be exactly correct, otherwise it cannot be correctly displayed. Try the following things:
Use "Content-Type: image/jpeg instead of "Content-type: image/jpeg"
Remove the closing tags ?> in showimage.php - if there is a space after the closing tags, that could be your problem. You should never use closing tags for PHP-only files.
If that does not help, remove the header for the content type and have a look at what is actually returned to you by calling the picture url and compare the data to the original image. That way you can confirm that the picture data is correct or what the differences are.

How to connect mySQL to SVG using RaphaelJS?

I am trying to link a MySQL DB to an SVG image to dynamically change the SVG elements with Raphael JS.
I have a MySQL DB where I query using PHP and display the results in table form to an html page: (The script below works and displays the username and a picture only when the condition of the timestamp is met.)
$res=mysql_query("select username, picture from 'table' WHERE status > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 300");
echo "<table>";
if (!$res) {
die("Query to show fields failed");
$fields_num = mysql_num_fields($res);
echo "<h1>Table:Status</h1>";
echo "<table border='1'><tr>";
for($i=0; $i<$fields_num; $i++)
$field = mysql_fetch_field($res);
echo "<td>{$field->name}</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>"; echo $row["username"]; echo "</td>";
echo "<td>"; ?> <img src=" <?php echo $row["picture"]; ?>" height="50">
How can I take the similar concept above of displaying the results in table form to an SVG image where the SVG elements will change/update only when the query condition is met?
Here is my sample SVG image with 5 elements:
<polygon fill="#B2B2B2" points="150.3,8.8 203.8,31.7 169.8,91.4 133.4,75.8 "/>
<circle id="circleT3" circle fill="#FFFFFF" cx="163.1" cy="53.6" r="7.3"/>
<circle id="circle3_1" circle fill="#CCCCCC" cx="184.5" cy="82.4" r="7.3"/>
<circle id="circle3_5" circle fill="#CCCCCC" cx="136.6" cy="27.2" r="7.3"/>
<circle id="circle3_4" circle fill="#CCCCCC" cx="166.4" cy="7.3" r="7.3"/>
Can someone point me to some sample code or tutorial? Or is there a better way to do this? Thanks.
In MySQL DB I have a column for username, password and timestamp. When a user logs into webpage the timestamp updates. The PHP code above is used to query who has logged within 5 minutes ago from current time.
What I would like to do with this information with SVGs is create a graphical representation of the login.
So each username will have their own SVG element (a circle) associated with them and when they log in/out, that SVG element (code above) will change color.
Right now I do not know how to link the username with my SVG elements so the SVG element will dynamically update like my table I query from MySQL when the timestamp changes.
The answer will depend on further information that isn't really available until the rest is written.
You could combine Snap (to modify existing inline SVG or create it) or Raphael (to create new SVG only, you can't use it to modify inline SVG), or another SVG library of choice (eg svg.js or jquery.svg maybe).
Assuming you already have something to use on the page, that is showing the logged in user, you could do something like in pseudocode...
loop user;
if( document.getElementById( userId ) ) Snap('#' + userId + '_image').attr({ fill: 'green' });
(The svg reference may be the same as the circles, but somewhere you would need some type of lookup to know which circle is which userid)
This assumes the svg is on the page. If its not, you could create it with,y,r).attr({ fill: 'green' });
If you want it dynamic (so status changes without a refresh), you may need to tie ajax calls to get status from the mysql db, but if you already have a user name displaying on the page, I'm assuming that is already taken care of.
I have successfully update the svg element color to when the user logs in, the corresponding circle will change color. So I have my svg code from illustrator. I then put in this script in my php file:
window.onload = function () {
if(document.body.innerHTML.toString().indexOf('username') > -1){
circle1_1.setAttribute("fill", "yellow");
Whenever a user logs in, the info is populated on the table in the html from the MYSQL query and the script looks to see if that username is on the page and if it is, change color of SVG element.
So it basically links the SVG element to any value/variable.
Not the prettiest code or logic out there but for anyone else doing something similar, enjoy.

How to display image from mysql blob in PHP (joomla)

I create a component in my joomla website. the component shows some photos (not big, only 8KB). the photos are stored in mysql blob. i can upload the photos to the joomla database but i cannot display it on the website. whatever i do it only show some encoding character or blank. I tried to create a separate page but but the result is same. Here is what i have done :
mycomp is my joomla component.
function showDetail($option)
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$id = mysql_real_escape_string(JRequest::getVar('id'));
$query = "select id,myphoto from jos_myphotos where id = ".$id;
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
class HTML_myphoto
function showPhoto($row,$option)
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo $row->myphoto; //this will show some encoding character
echo base64_decode($row->myphoto); //this will show blank page
//change echo with print get the same result.
I tried to create a separate page like this :
class HTML_myphoto
function showPhoto($row,$option)
<img src="show_image.php?myphoto=<?php echo $row->myphoto;?>" width=200 height=300>
$myphoto = (isset($_GET['myphoto'])) $_GET['myphoto'] : false;
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo $myphoto; //this will show some encoding character
echo base64_decode($myphoto); //this will show blank page
//change echo with print get the same result.
the result is same.
I think you have 2 options:
Either you make an image tag with its source in a PHP file receiving only a ID parameter and retrieving the photo's string in the DB and echoing it.
Or you echo directly your photo's string in your tag:
<img src="<?php echo base64_decode($myphoto); ?>" />
I just checked in an old app where I store the favicons in a DB. You don't need to base64_decode when you display your image inline (my option 2).
So FYI, this image works:
<img alt="" src="" style="margin-right: 5px; vertical-align: middle;" class="bbns_itemDragger">
And it is stored in my DB like this (base64 encoded):
I'm sorry, did you skip some lines from show_image.php?!
Cause $myphoto is just the id of the photo. You can't base64_decode an ID.
