I am a frontend JS dev and I've begun working on a project that has a PHP backend running with Yii2 framework. The project came with no setup instructions so I'm trying to figure it out as I go, but coming from Node.js... it's pretty confusing.
I downloaded and installed WAMP, created the MySQL DB for the API using MyPHPAdmin, and imported the data from a dump. That worked and I can see the tables and data. Now when I go to localhost I see that WAMP is running. I tried the sample Yii project and that also runs at localhost/yii-test/web.
According to Yii I am to serve this API by moving this entire API directory to the /www directory of the WAMP install. Now if I go to localhost/fania-api I see the directory listing for my server. To me this says that the API is accessible locally.
I have configured the .env of my frontend to point to localhost/fania-api, but when I send any request I get a CORS error, which I am assuming is masking some 404 or 500 error. Now the funny thing is the .env I was given comes with the URL http://fanintelligence.localhost, not the Yii given localhost/fania-api.
So my question is how do these two things fit together? I installed WAMP and setup the MySQL DB at the default port, but how does my API know it's there? How can I know if it's the right port? And what about these two different URLs, how do they match up?
Also the API does not contain a /web folder, not sure if that is an issue or not but I couldn't serve it with php yii serve either. If this was a Node.js server I'd clone, npm install and npm run start which would probably do something like build and serve. I can't believe this is so difficult to setup in comparison.
Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!
EDIT: When I try to reach my server from the frontend at either address I get:
Access to fetch at 'http://localhost/fania-api/oauth2/token?accessToken=undefined' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
/fania-api/oauth2/token?accessToken=undefined:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
However I do not believe this is an actual CORS error as the previous developer also used the local to test, so the CORS policy will allow for this. My guess is the address I'm pointing to is incorrect or the server is not actually live.
If I try to run php yii serve:
Document root "C:\Users\hesel\dev\repo\eartotheground\fania-api\console/web" doe
s not exist.
But the crux of the erroneous behaviour is the inability to connect to a supposedly live local server (is it even live? how can I tell?).
If yii is installed via composer, go to the project,open the terminal and run ./yii serve
If yii has been downloaded as an archive file:
open terminal/cmd prompt in the folder of the project and
type composer install to ensure all packages in vendor are installed.
got to config/web.php
'request' => [
'cookieValidationKey' => 'put your random generated string',
Access the application via http://localhost/basic/web/
NB: try xammp for php local development you wont regret
I got it working. For hosting with WAMP:
Place entire server code folder in www/ (in WAMP install dir)
Edit wamp64\bin\apache\apache{version}\conf\httpd.conf:
DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/{your project}/{optional public folder}"
<Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/{your project}/{optional public folder}">
Edit wamp64\bin\apache\apache{version}\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf:
<VirtualHost {project name}:80>
ServerName {project name}.localhost
ServerAlias {project name}.localhost
DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/{your project}/{optional pub"
<Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/">
Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require local
Your server should now be live at {project name}.localhost.
I am very new in PHP and moreover in Laravel (I came from Java) and I am going totaly crazy trying to correctly deploy a Laravel 5.4 projects that works fine in my XAMPP local environment on my Linux server. The problem should be related to virtual host configuration but I can't find a solution also asking question and reading documentation.
In my local environment (I am using XAMPP on Windows) I have setted this virtual host into the C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/HotelRegistration/public"
ServerName laravel.dev
So opening the laravel.dev URL I obtain the standard Laravel homepage (I have yet not replaced it with a landing page).
Then if I open this URL: http://laravel.dev/registration
I obtain the user registration page developed by me, this because I have this route into my web.php file into my project:
Route::resource('/registration', 'RegistrationController');
Then into my RegistrationController.php there is this method showing the resources/views/registration/index.blade.php view
public function index(){
return view('/registration/index');
In local environment, with the laravel.dev vhost pointing to the document root of my Laravel website, it works fine.
Now I have uploaded this Laravel website into my remote Linux server, into this folder: /var/www/html/HotelRegistration
But now my problem is that in this remote environment I had not virtual host (correct me if I am doing wrong assertion: from what I have understand the virtual host is used on the local environment to simulate a domain that Laravel need to point to the public folder, is it this reasoning correct?)
Anyway, this is the URL of the public folder of my deployed web site on my remote server:
As you can see opening it the Laravel landing page is correctly shown, the problem is that I can access to the previous registration page, the only way that I have found is to open this URL:
but it is pretty horrible and above all when the registration form is submitted it is generated a POST request toward this URL that end into a 404 Not Found error.
In the past I explained the situation here: What is wrong in the deploy of this Laravel application? Need I an effective domain instead the vhost used on my local environment?
but now I have do some changes to my Apache configuration followint the suggestion given in the previous post (adapting the answer to my folder structure).
So into this Apache folder /etc/apache2/sites-available I created and enabled the laravel.dev.conf related to my new vhost, having this configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin mymain#gmail.com
ServerAlias www.laravel.dev
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/public/
ErrorLog /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/storage/logs/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/storage/logs/access.log combined
<Directory /var/www/html/HotelRegistration/public/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted
The path are related to where this website is installed on my remote server I am absolutly not sure if these configuration are ok, expecially about the ServerName value (I put here the IP of my server, is it correct?)
Then I enabled this virtual host using this statment:
sudo a2ensite laravel.dev.conf
and I restart apache.
Ok, the problem now is: what have I to do to correctly access to this website?
I still have the same problem, that is:
I still access to the Laravel landing page by this URL:
I still access to the registration form page by the horrible URL:
Submitting the form I still go to and obtain the same 404 Not Found error page.
So my doubts are:
Is it the virtual host correctly configured?
If it is correct what have I to do to correctly access to this web site? Need I a domain (if yes: what have to point this domain?) or can I use a path into my server in some way (something like:
I am expanding my comment here.
Set folder structure like on image:
In index.php change paths like this:
line 22
require __DIR__.'/system/bootstrap/autoload.php';
line 36
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/system/bootstrap/app.php';
Thats all what I do when transferring Laravel app to server (and changing .env for database). Sometimes I have to change permissions for storage folders but thats it.
So i have downloaded Softaculous (ampps), and from their dashboard I installed the symfony framework, and it created a symfony3 folder with all of the files in the www directory (with an index.php file in the root directory of symfony that only prints a welcome message).
When I access it through http://localhost/symfony3/ it shows the index.php (if i remove the index.php it just shows the tree of the symfony3 directory)
Is it possible to set my localhost to launch the app? If I run php bin/console server:start it launches my app on localhost with port 8000. Is it possible to set up Ampps to launch my app when it is accessed through localhost/symfony3/ ? Thanks in advance!
EDIT: So turns out I could do this just by editing the httpd70.conf file (ampps>conf>httpd70.conf)
find the <VirtualHost> block and change the <Directory "{$path}/www"> to the web folder in your app (in my case it was <Directory "{$path}/www/symfony3/web"> and do the same thing for DocumentRoot "{$path}/www" in the same block. Restart your Apache. You should now see your app when you just go to http://localhost/ (http://localhost/app_dev.php/)
If I understood your question, you need to set up you web server with correct configuration file and to change permissions for Symfony project.
It might be helpful (documentation for Symfony 2.8.*):
Web server configuration.
Symfony project file permissions.
I am testing apigility on a Turnkey Lamp stack, and I am stuck on actually getting Apigility to show me its welcome page:
I want that^
Instead, upon visiting the document root of the virtual host I am using "//ipaddress:port/", I am redirected to "/apigility/ui" (This is the correct behavior for apigility)
When I arrive at "//ipaddress:port/apigility/ui" I get
Not Found
The requested URL /apigility/ui was not found on this server.
I am now stuck on how to move forward.
I have:
Made sure that the directory permissions are set correctly
Set up my virtual host (text at the bottom)
Made sure that my apigility dir is at the correct location
Made sure apigility is in development mode
Taken my googlefu to its limit
EDIT: I have also successfully opened a phpinfo.php page that I moved into the public folder of the apigility project
EDIT: If I turn off development mode, I do get the page that says how to turn on development mode. Possibly an issue with dev mode?
Edit: I attempted Rahman's fix, but it did not assist with apigility not correctly serving the apigility/ui page. Although it does seem like a cleaner way to use Apache.
Any help would be much appreciated.
To me it seems like there is some issue with the apigility setup, as it starts to redirect me to the correct location, but cannot find the /apigility/ui page it redirects me to.
Here is my virtual host in my Apache config file (It is in the correct config file)
<VirtualHost *ipaddress*:*port*>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/apigility/public"
<Directory "/var/www/apigility/public">
allow from all
Options None
Require all granted
And of course, all of my assertions could very well be wrong (that's why I am here), but I am pretty sure of their truthfulness.
While Rahman's answer is useful, it does not answer my question. I believe the not found error is related to apigility failing, not Apache incorrectly routing. I will not be accepting that answer, as the problem is not solved. (But would be open to discussion on that answer)
UPDATE: With Rahman's VirtualHost in the apache config file, I only had to enable mod_rewrite, and I can now access the Welcome to Apigility page!
Details on mod_rewrite I found here:
.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Not Found error is because your web server neither can find the location on the server nor can find any rewrite rule for requested url.
So considering that Apiagility has a .htaccess file in the public directory, your problem is in the Apache configuration.
I suggest you edit your Apache configuration file like this:
<VirtualHost *ipaddress*:*port*>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/apigility/public"
<Directory "/var/www/apigility/public">
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
I've recently started learning Laravel but there is one problem which I don't know why it occurs. My current Laravel project is located at wamp/www/codebright. When I access localhost/codebright/public I see the welcome page to Laravel.
When I create a simple routing:
Route::get('my/page', function()
return "Harro world";
and trying to access:
localhost/codebright/public/my/page it returns with 404 error, not even with Laravel error. I've also tried to access: localhost/codebright/my/page and still.
However, if I type in CMD php artisan serve and open a server on 8000 port and then access:
localhost:8000/my/page it works just fine. I would like to know why my first method without the artisan command didn't work.
Thanks in advance!
It seems like that if you have XAMPP installed, none of the problems mentioned above and in the answer comment section are occurring. Basically, if you are using XAMPP, you most likely won't get any error and the program will work just fine.
It is indeed possible to do what you want but if you're not using artisan serve you must have a webserver set up correctly. From your original post you obviously have a webserver set up as you get the welcome page, but it looks to me like one of the following:
You don't have the .htaccess file in place
Your base vhost (or Apache config if not using a vhost) on your web server setup does not AllowOverride All (which is required to allow .htaccess files to work)
You don't have mod_rewrite turned on
You should check these out. As a minimum, Laravel requires a way to turn URIs that don't exist as real files (my/page) into something it can fake a page for. This pretty much requires the use of mod_rewrite and an .htaccess file to specify the rules.
Explanation of the difference between using Apache and artisan serve: artisan serve does not use a 'dumb' webserver like Apache and instead uses a webserver built into PHP which has knowledge of how to handle 'non-existing' URIs that you browse to, which is why you don't need mod_rewrite and the .htaccess file.
Have you created virtual host for your laravel project?
If no here is how to create virtual host in window
Step 1: Open apache conf file
Add below code in last line.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.mark-thomas.loc
DocumentRoot E:\wamp\www\codebright\public
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development"
<Directory E:\wamp\www\codebright\public>
DirectoryIndex index.php
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
E:\wamp\www\codebright\public is your laravel app path, you can replace it with your folder path.
Step 2:
Open-> Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add your ip address in list of IP address www.laravel.loc
Restart your apache server hit http://www.laravel.loc/my/page. Now you will see your message!
I'm trying to create a copy of an existing Magento website on my localhost for developing purposes.
I followed all the steps listed here: Copy ec2 files to local
I also created a fake domain for my localhost so that there’s a “.” in it as I read somewhere this is required by magento. So now my localhost fake URL is something like: www.mysite.local
I have XAMPP installed on OS X 10.9.1 and I placed the magento filesystem as follows:
In the database I added the local URL as follows:
update core_config_data
set value = ‘http://www.mysite.local/’
where config_id = 6;
and on local.xml I entered the following parameters:
where localhost is just localhost, myusername is the username for the db I restored on my local XAMPP server, mypassword is the password for that same db, mydatabase is the name of the same db.
Still, when I browse to www.mysite.local/magento/ or www.mysite.local I don’t see anything appear.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you so much!
If you're using a local server, here's some basic trouble shooting to help you debug:
Firstly, is the local server active? Can you visit http://localhost without it displaying server not found? If you can't, your local server is most not running. Try firing up xampp and launching Apache.
Secondly, it seems you're trying to create a virtual host for your local server. That's great! Virtual hosts allow you to create individual URLs for projects on the same server. E.g. http://myproject.dev.
However, you first need to make sure that the server understands what you're doing.
You will need to create a virtual host in your server if you haven't already.
I see you're using xampp. What you need to do is navigate to your xampp install, and edit your apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file, which is the file xampp recommends you use solely for virtual hosts.
Reading: Setting Up Virtual Hosts for XAMPP
For example, in Apache, a hosts config file may look like this:
# Base
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "X:/"
ServerName localhost
# Project - Some Project of Mine
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "X:/projects/myproject/public"
ServerName myproject.dev
ErrorLog X:/projects/myproject/logs/apache.error.log
CustomLog X:/projects/myproject/logs/apache.access.log common
php_value error_log X:/projects/myproject/logs/php.error.log
(navigating to myproject.dev displays the files in my X:/projects/myproject/public directory)
This answer is not to explain virtual hosts to you however. There are plenty of amazing resources online to help you get started with setting up your own.
Don't forget to restart your server when you add a virtual host!
If this is already set up, is your computer's hosts file set up to point to your server?
Your hosts file on your computer is used to tell it to do certain actions when you enter a matching url in your browser.
Reading: The Hosts File and what it can do for you
Reading: How to Edit Your Hosts File
For example, using the apache conf file settings above, my hosts file must also include:
# My project - Localhost myproject.dev
It tells my computer to send the request to my local server (at localhost) when I use the URL myproject.dev. The local server then picks up the request, sees that you're accessing myproject.dev and checks if it has any virtual hosts matching that name. Well, whaddya know, it does! It then looks at the DocumentRoot setting for the location of the server files, and continues the process. Think of your hosts file as a local DNS of sorts.
If you've just added the site to your hosts file, it may take a few minutes to start resolving correctly. Wait a little, clear your browser cache and try again.
Finally, if these steps are done, and you're receiving nothing, it may be a server configuration problem, or a .htaccess issue.
If you're running on windows, you can check your event log for apache server errors. If you have set up logging on the virtual host, you can check those files to see if it's picking up your requests, and what it's doing with them if it is.
Most issues after that point will at least yield a visible error in your browser (or a blank page).
I hope this helps!
Also checking the magento error logs could tell you what the issue is, assuming it's actually hitting magento at all at this point.
As Sean mentioned above, one of the most common problems I've seen when copying a magento site is accidentally omitting the .htaccess file - make sure it's present in your site root.
If you tested your site before making the change to core_config_data, then you can also try deleting everything in var/cache and var/session. Also make sure that the web user has write permissions on var.