Laravel Undefined variable: intent Facade\Ignition\Exceptions\ViewException - php

I tried looking for all the possible solutions none of it worked and this is very basic trying to send data from a controller to view in Laravel.
public function payment() {
$plans =[
'Basic' => "Monthly"
$intent = $user->createSetupIntent();
return view('pages.subscription', compact('intent', 'plans'));
public function index(string $page)
if (view()->exists("pages.{$page}")) {
return view("pages.{$page}");
return abort(404);
View pages.subscription
{{ $intent }}
Route::get('{page}', ['as' => 'page.index', 'uses' => 'PageController#index']);
Route::get('/subscription', 'PaymentController#payment');
This makes the page work but doesn't display the data

Move Route::get('/subscription', 'PaymentController#payment'); before Route::get('{page}',.... (it should be your last route in the list).
Currently when you call /subscription endpoint you are calling PageController#index, but it doesn't contain logic of your PaymentController#payment and doesn't pass any data to view.


How to show id in Resource Routes url?

This line of code in the frontend was the culprit:
<inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/edit/1'">
I had to change it to:
<inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/1/edit'">
to make it comply with the laravel resource format for edit, provided by #Babak.
Original Post:
How would I transform this route in web.php:
Route::get('/admin/gallery/edit/{id}', function ($id) {
$data = Gallery::find($id);
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
to a resource route with its resource controller function:
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class);
public function edit($id)
$data = Gallery::find($id);
// assign id to end of route
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
I've tried both approaches of #Babak's answer, which work for index and create routes but the edit route still throws a 404. It is the only route encompassing an id.
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class)->only('index', 'create', 'edit');
public function edit($gallery)
$data = Gallery::find($gallery);
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
Inertia passes the id from the frontend via href:
<inertia-link v-if="options.edit" :href="'/admin/gallery/edit/1'">
Browser shows:
GET 404 (Not Found)
There is a fixed structure for laravel resource route method, you can see full list here. For edit page, it will generate something like '/admin/gallery/{gallery}/edit'
You can write it like below:
In your web.php file:
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class)->only('edit');
And in your controller, name of the resource must be the same as your function's parameter.
public function edit($gallery)
$data = Gallery::find($gallery);
// assign id to end of route
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);
Or, you can customize it using parameter method. Refer to here
Route::resource('/admin/gallery', GalleryController::class)->only('edit')->parameters([
'gallery' => 'id'
And your controller
public function edit($id)
$data = Gallery::find($id);
// assign id to end of route
return inertia('backend/cms-gallery-edit', ['data' => $data]);

Laravel Datatables - Multiple tables on one view

I'm using laravel 5.4 and the latest version of yajra/laravel-datatables as a service.
I have it working fine with one datatable on a page. I want to create a dashboard of unrelated tables. Users, products, bookings etc.
I was hoping to have my controller look something like this:
public function index(ProductsDataTable $productDatatable, UsersDataTable $userDatatable)
$user = Auth::user();
$products = $user->products;
return view('admin.dashboard', compact('products', 'user', 'productDatatable', 'userDatatable'));
and in my blade do
{!! $productDatatable->table() !!}
{!! $userDatatable->table() !!}
{!! $dataTable->scripts() !!}
However this obviously doesn't work. I'm unsure how to proceed.
I tried to create a route for each datatable but wasn't sure how to reference it from my dashboard controller.
I'm sure there's a better way of implementing multiple tables in one view, but this is what I came up with after reviewing this. Comments/improvements would be highly appreciated.
The controller will render the tables once in the index() method but will fetch data from both the getUsers() method or getProducts() method.
// DashboardController.php
public function index(UsersDataTable $usersDataTable, ProductsDataTable $productsDataTable)
return view('dashboard.index', [
'usersDataTable' => $usersDataTable->html(),
'productsDataTable' => $productsDataTable->html()
//Gets Users JSON
public function getUsers(UsersDataTable $usersDataTable)
return $usersDataTable->render('admin.dashboard');
//Gets Products JSON
public function getProducts(ProductsDataTable $productsDataTable)
return $productsDataTable->render('admin.dashboard');
Add two extra routes that will be used to fetch Users and Projects data.
// web.php
Route::get('/', 'DashboardController#index')->name('dashboard.index');
Route::get('projects', 'DashboardController#getProjects')->name('dashboard.projects');
Route::get('users', 'DashboardController#getUsers')->name('dashboard.users');
DataTables Service Class
For both the UsersDataTable and ProductsDataTable service classes, include the relevant routes we created above.
// UsersDataTable.php
public function html()
return $this->builder()
->minifiedAjax( route('dashboard.users') );
// dashboard.blade.php
{!! $productsDataTable->table() !!}
{!! $usersDataTable->table() !!}
{!! $productsDataTable->scripts() !!}
{!! $usersDataTable->scripts() !!}
Submitted a question to the creator of the package. This is his response:
Unfortunately, DataTable service class is designed to handle single instance. However, I think we can make a workaround for it by adding additional query param in our request for us to identify which class is being requested to handle the request.
Maybe something like below:
public function index(ProductsDataTable $productDatatable, UsersDataTable $userDatatable)
if (request()->has('product') {
return $productDatatable->render('view');
if (request()->has('user') {
return $productDatatable->render('view');
$user = Auth::user();
$products = $user->products;
return view('admin.dashboard', compact('products', 'user', 'productDatatable', 'userDatatable'));
Step 1:
Define a route '/home-page' in web.php/route.php' (depending on the laravel version you are using) that returns the view called 'dt.blade.php'. (we will create this view in step 4)
i.e. Route::get('/home-page', function(){
return view('dt');
Step 2:
Suppose you want to display two dataTables in 'dt.blade.php' view. (first datatable shows all the students in a school while other shows all the classes in a school)
To do that, you need to create two Builder instances ('Builder' class belongs to DataTables package) in the '/home-page' route's callback function and pass them to the 'dt.blade.php' view . i.e
Route::get('/home-page', function() {
$student_dt = app(Builder::class)->columns(['id', 'student_name'])->ajax('/show-students-datatable')->setTableId('t1');
$classes_dt = app(Builder::class)->columns(['id', 'class_name'])->ajax('show-classes-datatable')->setTableId('t2');
return view('dt', compact('student_dt', 'classes_dt'));
Step 3
Now define two more routes in web.php/route.php file:
Route::get('/show-students-datatable', function () {
return datatables(App\Student::query()->select(['id', 'student_name']))->toJson();
Route::get('/show-classes-datatable', function () {
return datatables(App\Class::query()->select(['id', 'class_name'])))->toJson();
Step 4
Define the 'db.blade.php' view, this view show both the dataTables that were passed to it in step 1.
{{ $student_dt->table() }}
{{ $classes_dt->table() }}

Laravel - route within view isn't working

I'm learning laravel, working with 3 files, Welcome.blade.php / route.php / tryaction.php and it's a controller.
I made three links that fetched from database table => hug, greet and slap
when I click any link it gives me an error that actions is not defined.
my Welcome.blade.php:
#foreach ($actions as $action)
my route.php:
Route::get('/', [
'uses' => 'tryaction#getHome',
//to deal with get requests
Route::get('/{action}/{name?}', [
'uses' => 'tryaction#doget',
'as' => 'benice'
my tryaction.php controller:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\actionstable;
class tryaction extends Controller
public function doget($action, $name = null){
return view('actions.'.$action,['name'=>$name]);
public function getHome(){
$actions = actionstable::all();
return view('welcome',['actions'=>$actions]);
when I replace the href route in welcome.blade.php with # instead of {{ route('benice', ['action' => $action->name]) }} the error stops from showing on
the data are fetched correctly and the data is shown on the page .. the problem in the route and it's that the actions is not defined, here is the error page:

laravel multiple parameter pass throught controller and show database first result

how i show my index title and body from index table
this is my route which i have 2 parameter
Route::get('forum/{forumthread}/{forumindex}', [
'uses' => 'ForumController#indexshow',
'as' => ''
here is my controller
public function indexshow($slug){
$forumindex = forumindex::where('slug', $slug)->first();
$forumthread = forumthread::where('slug', $slug)->first();
return view('forum.index.index', compact('forumthread', 'forumindex', ''));
here is my view
{{ $forumthread->thread }} // this is working
{{ $forumindex->title }} //this is not working
help me to sort out this method thank you
You need to specify all the parameters in your indexshow method,
Try this:
public function indexshow($head_slug, $index_slug){
$forumindex = forumindex::where('slug', $index_slug)->first();
$forumthread = forumthread::where('slug', $head_slug)->first();
return view('forum.index.index', compact('forumthread', 'forumindex', ''));

Laravel 5 Route binding and Hashid

I am using Hashid to hide the id of a resource in Laravel 5.
Here is the route bind in the routes file:
Route::bind('schedule', function($value, $route)
$hashids = new Hashids\Hashids(env('APP_KEY'),8);
if( isset($hashids->decode($value)[0]) )
$id = $hashids->decode($value)[0];
return App\Schedule::findOrFail($id);
And in the model:
public function getRouteKey()
$hashids = new \Hashids\Hashids(env('APP_KEY'),8);
return $hashids->encode($this->getKey());
Now this works fine the resource displays perfectly and the ID is hashed.
BUT when I go to my create route, it 404's - if I remove App::abort(404) the create route goes to the resource 'show' view without any data...
Here is the Create route:
Route::get('schedules/create', [
'uses' => 'SchedulesController#create',
'as' => 'schedules.create'
The Show route:
Route::get('schedules/{schedule}', [
'uses' => 'Schedules Controller#show',
'as' => ''
I am also binding the model to the route:
Route::model('schedule', 'App\Schedule');
Any ideas why my create view is not showing correctly? The index view displays fine.
Turns out to solve this, I had to rearrange my crud routes.
Create needed to come before the Show route...
There's a package that does exactly what you want to do:
Also note, that it's not a good idea to use APP_KEY as salt because it can be exposed.
Using the above package all you need to do is add a trait and typehint in controller:
class Post extends Model {
use HasHashSlug;
// routes/web.php
Route::resource('/posts', 'PostController');
// app/Http/Controllers/PostController.php
public function show(Post $post){
return view('', compact('post'));
