Get nearest sequence result from an array and given pattern with PHP - php

I am trying to get year and month from the letters using established sequence. I know that the sequence is based on the following letters:
$letters = array('B','C','D','F','G','H','J','K','L','M','N','P','R','S','T','V','W','X','Y','Z');
It started with 0000BBB and when it reaches 9999 it becomes BBC, BBD etc. So I don't need the numbers in that case and only letters as I have a list of last registered sequence per year and month like this:
$plates = array(
That means that array index 0 is the year and from 1 to 12 would be month. I am trying to find a match but then realize I can not search exact value and need to look for nearest value based on letters.
I would deeply appreciate if anyone could direct me in right direction what would be the best method of doing this.
This is a test so far but this will just return an exact match, I would have to search any possible letters such as KHW as an example that would have to match as nearest value to KHX
foreach ($plates as $key => $val) {
$search = array_search('KHX', $plates[$key]);
echo $search."\n";
echo $plates[$key][0];

You can solve it with O(log n) with a binary search. But in a more straightforward solution, you can solve it with O(n).
You can calculate the difference between each word with the below algorithm.
function strToInt($str)
$result = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
$result = $result * 100 + ord($str[$i]);
return $result;
function find($searchStr)
$plates = [
$minYear = null;
$minKey = null;
$minDiff = strToInt('ZZZ');
$searchInt = strToInt($searchStr);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($plates); $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j < 13; $j++) {
if(abs($searchInt - strToInt($plates[$i][$j])) < $minDiff) {
$minDiff = abs($searchInt - strToInt($plates[$i][$j]));
$minYear = $plates[$i][0];
$minKey = $plates[$i][$j];
return [$minYear, $minKey];

The code down below is by no means optimized, but it's rather a concept of how you might solve your problem.
//Flatten out array (one dimension without years and ----)
$flatten = array();
foreach($plates as $platevalues) {
foreach($platevalues as $pv) {
if ($pv != '---' && $pv != '----' && intval($pv) == 0) {
//Create a string only if valid letters included in the $letters-array
//This string is then added to the new array that is flattened out
$pv2 = '';
for($i=0;$i<strlen($pv);$i++) {
$letter = substr($pv,$i,1);
if (in_array($letter, $letters) !== false) {
$pv2 .= $letter;
$flatten[] = $pv2;
//Do the search
$search = 'GWN';
$search_result = '';
//Create a new search string based on first found in flattened
//plates array (first G, then GW, then GWN)
for($i=0;$i<strlen($search);$i++) {
foreach($flatten as $key=>$f) {
if (substr($search,0,$i+1) == substr($f,0,$i+1)) {
$search_result .= substr($search,$i,1);
$search_result is: GW
//Create a new array where all items that begins with GW are included
$result = [];
foreach($flatten as $key=>$item) {
if (substr($search_result,0,strlen($search_result)) ==
substr($item,0,strlen($search_result))) {
$result[] = $item;
$result =
array (size=2)
0 => string 'GWC' (length=3)
1 => string 'GWV' (length=3)
//Create an array with total ASCII-value for each item
//in the $result array above
$result_o = [];
foreach($result as $item) {
$o = 0;
for($i=0;$i<strlen($item);$i++) {
$o += ord(substr($item,$i,1));
$result_o[]= $o;
$result_o =
array (size=2)
0 => int 225
1 => int 244
//Get the total ASCII-value for the original search string
$search_o = 0;
for($i=0;$i<strlen($search);$i++) {
$search_o += ord(substr($search,$i,1));
$search_ o = 236
//Find closest value in the $result_o (ASCII) - array compared (225,244)
//to the original $search_o ASCII value above (236)
$closest = 0;
$use_key = 0;
foreach($result_o as $key=>$item) {
if ($closest == 0 || abs($search_o - $closest) > abs($item - $search_o)) {
$closest = $item;
$use_key = $key;
$closest = 244 (it's closer to 236 than 225 is)
$use_key = 1
To get the result you have:
$result =
array (size=2)
0 => string 'GWC' (length=3)
1 => string 'GWV' (length=3)
//This should print out GWV
echo 'result=' . $result[$use_key];


Php apply function in array if next entry is integer (Concatenate a valid FEN string)

Trying to build a valid FEN string.
Given this 8*8 array example, symbolizing a checker board, ("1" are empty squares):
$checkerboard = [["r","n","b","q","k","b","n","r"],["p","p","p","p","p","p","p","p"],["1","1","1","1","1","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","1","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","P","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","1","1","1","1"],["P","P","P","P","1","P","P","P"],["R","N","B","Q","K","B","N","R"]]
In situ, this is the position:
The valid result I am looking for is:
And by now my output is:
Obviously, any integer entry in the array should be sum to the next, only if the next entry is an integer, and if so the next entry should be discarded till the end.
By iterating the array, I am not sure how to apply something like array_walk() or array_map() here in a simple way. Maybe a simple string operation is enough?
$FEN = "";
for ($i = 0;$i < 8;$i++){
for ($j = 0;$j < 8;$j++){
if ($checkerboard[$i][$j] === "1"){
if ($checkerboard[$i][$j + 1] === "1"){
/* How to iterate till the end */
$FEN .= (int)$checkerboard[$i][$j] + (int)$checkerboard[$i][$j+1];
} else {
$FEN .= $checkerboard[$i][$j];
$FEN .= "/";
Any insights?
Example online:
$checkerboard = [["r","n","b","q","k","b","n","r"],["p","p","p","p","p","p","p","p"],["1","1","1","1","1","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","1","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","P","1","1","1"],["1","1","1","1","1","1","1","1"],["P","P","P","P","1","P","P","P"],["R","N","B","Q","K","B","N","R"]];
$parts = array();
foreach ($checkerboard as $innerArray) {
$num = null;
$str = '';
foreach($innerArray as $innerval){
$num += (int) $innerval;
$str .=$num;
$num = null;
$str .=$innerval;
$str .=$num;
$result = implode('/',$parts);
above code will generate required output and store it on the $result.

How to find backward primes within a range of integers?

I'm trying to solve a backward prime question.
Following is the question:
Find all Backwards Read Primes between two positive given numbers (both inclusive), the second one being greater than the first one. The resulting array or the resulting string will be ordered following the natural order of the prime numbers.
backwardsPrime(2, 100) => [13, 17, 31, 37, 71, 73, 79, 97]
backwardsPrime(9900, 10000) => [9923, 9931, 9941, 9967]
I tried doing something like this:
public function backwardPrime()
$start = 7000;
$stop = 7100;
$ans = [];
while($start <= $stop)
if($start > 10)
if($start !== $this->reverse($start))
if($this->isPrime($start) && $this->isPrime($this->reverse($start)))
array_push($ans, $start);
return $ans;
public function reverse($num)
$reverse = 0;
while($num > 0)
$reverse = $reverse * 10;
$reverse = $reverse + $num%10;
$num = (int)($num/10);
return $reverse;
public function isPrime($num)
if($num == 1 || $num == 2 || $num == 3)
return true;
elseif ($num%2 == 0 || $num%3 == 0)
return false;
return false;
return true;
I'm able to get the appropriate answer but while doing the same in single function I'm not able to get it:
public function backwardPrimes()
$start = 7000;
$stop = 7100;
$ans = [];
while($start <= $stop)
$isStartPrime = true;
$isReversePrime = true;
if($start > 10)
$reverse = 0;
$num = $start;
while($num > 0)
$reverse = $reverse * 10;
$reverse = $reverse + $num%10;
$num = (int)($num/10);
if($start !== $reverse)
if($start%2 != 0 && $start%3 != 0)
$i =5;
if($start%$i === 0)
$isStartPrime = false;
if($reverse%2 != 0 && $reverse%3 != 0)
$i =5;
if($reverse%$i === 0)
$isReversePrime = false;
if($isStartPrime && $isReversePrime)
array_push($ans, $start);
return $ans;
I don't know where I'm having mistake, guide me.
An emirp ("prime" spelled backwards) is a prime whose (base 10) reversal is also prime, but which is not a palindromic prime. in other words
Backwards Read Primes are primes that when read backwards in base 10 (from right to left) are a different prime. (This rules out primes which are palindromes.)
try this short solution in which I use two helper function reverse and isPrime :
isPrime: Thanks to #Jeff Clayton for his method to test prime numbers, for more information click the link below
reverse: that use the php function [strrev()][1], this method take a string a reverse it, we'll use this trick to reverse a number by converting it to a string reverse it and converting back to an integer.
backwardsPrime: this last function's job is itterating over a range of numbers from $min value to $max value and test if the number if a prime number and it's reverse is a prime number as well and it's not a palindrome number if all of those conditions are true then we addit to the result array.
function isPrime($number)
return !preg_match('/^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/x', str_repeat('1', $number));
function reverse($n)
return (int) strrev((string) $n);
function backwardsPrime($min, $max)
$result = [];
foreach(range($min, $max) as $number) {
$reverse = reverse($number);
if($reverse !== $number && isPrime($number) && isPrime($reverse)) {
$result[] = $number;
return $result;
echo "<pre>";
print_r(backwardsPrime(2, 100));
print_r(backwardsPrime(9900, 10000));
output :
[0] => 13
[1] => 17
[2] => 31
[3] => 37
[4] => 71
[5] => 73
[6] => 79
[7] => 97
[0] => 9923
[1] => 9931
[2] => 9941
[3] => 9967
you can even optimize the backwardsPrime function like this :
function backwardsPrime($min, $max)
$result = [];
foreach(range($min, $max) as $number) {
$reverse = reverse($number);
if($reverse !== $number && !in_array($number, $result) && isPrime($number) && isPrime($reverse)) {
$result[] = $number;
return $result;

Convert my script in recursive way?

I have script who searches closest searched number.
So for example, let say that in array are this numbers:
'0' => 1.72
'0.25' => 1.92
'0.75'=> 2.35
'1' => 3.00
I am searching for 0.50 handicap, so 0.25 and 0.75 are in same range from 0.50.
In this situations i want to get greater number, what is 0.75 in this example.
Code what works is this:
function getClosest($search, $arr) {
$closest = null;
$num_arr = array();
$odd = 0.00;
$i = 0;
foreach ($arr as $handicap=>$item) { //first closest number
if ($closest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($handicap - $search)) {
$closest = $handicap;
$odd = $item;
$num_arr[$handicap] = $item;
$newclosest = null;
$newodd = 0.00;
foreach($num_arr as $handicap=>$newitem){ //second closest number
if ($newclosest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($handicap - $search)) {
$newclosest = $handicap;
$newodd = $newitem;
//if difference between first and second number are same
if(abs($search - $closest) == abs($newclosest - $search)){
if($newclosest > $closest){ //if second number is greater than first
$closest = $newclosest;
$odd = $newodd;
return array('handicap'=>$closest,'odd'=>$odd);
I see that i can use recursion here, but i am not experienced in using recursion. I know that i need call it inside like this:
$rec_arr = getClosest($num_arr,$search);
but i get blank page even i dump function output.
use array_map function,
$data = array('0'=>1.72,'0.75'=> 2.35,'0.25'=>1.92,'1' => 3.00);
$v = 0.5; // search value
$x = null; // difference value
$y = array(); // temporary array
if($x > abs($i-$v)){ // if difference value is bigger than current
$x = abs($i-$v);
$y = array($i=>$data[$i]);
}else if($x == abs($i-$v)){ // if difference value is same
$key = array_keys($y);
$y = $key[0] < $i ? array($i=>$data[$i]) : $y;
}else{ // first loop
$x = abs($i-$v);
$y = array($i=>$data[$i]);
print_r($y); // result
output Array ( [0.75] => 2.35 ), hope this help you.
//$a is array to be searched
//$s is search key
//$prev_key and $next_key will be output required
$a = array('0'=>1,'0.25'=>123,'0.75'=>456,'0.78'=>456,'1'=>788);
$s = '0';
echo $s;
reset($a);//good to do
while(key($a) < $s){
$next_key = key($a);
$prev_key = key($a);
echo $prev_key.'-'.$next_key;
The above code uses array internal pointers. I think this may help you..

Php string with separator to page list

I try to recreate what we see when we printing page on office or adobe.
For example, when you want to print page 1 to 5 you write : 1-5 and if you want to print a page outside you write : 1-5,8
At the moment I explode string by ',' :
1-5 / 8
Then explode each result by '-' and if I've got result I loop from first page to last and create variable with comma :
Finally I explode by ',' and use array unique to erase double value.
It take some times to achieve this especially when there's a lot of '-'.
Maybe someone got a easier solution to so this ?
Edit :
$pages = "1-4,6-8,14,16,18-20";
$pages_explode = explode(',',$pages);
foreach($pages_explode as $page){
$page_explode = explode('-',$page);
for ($i=$page_explode[0]; $i<=$page_explode[1] ; $i++) {
$page_final .= $i.',';
$page_final .= $page_explode[0].',';
$page_final = explode(',',$page_final);
$page_final = array_unique ($page_final);
foreach($page_final as $value){
echo $value.'<br>';
Is it a code golf challenge?
Well a basic approach seems fine to me :
$input = '1-5,6-12,8';
$patterns = explode(',', $input);
$pages = [];
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
if (2 == count($range = explode('-', $pattern))) {
$pages = array_merge($pages, range($range[0], $range[1]));
} else {
$pages[] = (int)$pattern;
$uniquePages = array_unique($pages);
Outputs :
array (size=12)
0 => int 1
1 => int 2
2 => int 3
3 => int 4
4 => int 5
5 => int 6
6 => int 7
7 => int 8
8 => int 9
9 => int 10
10 => int 11
11 => int 12
Having to remove duplicates suggests that you have overlapping ranges in your strings.
Eg: 1-5,2-9,7-15,8,10
You seems to process all these without considering the overlapping areas and finally attempt to remove duplicates by the expensive array_unique function.
Your code should instead remember the minimum and maximum of the resulting range and not process anything that overlaps this range.
Following is a sample code which demonstrates the idea. But its certainly faster than the code you have suggested in your question. You should add parts there to process additional types of delimiters, if any, in your requirement.
$ranges = "1-5,3-7,6-10,8,11";
$min = 10000;
$max = -1;
$numbers = array(); //Your numbers go here
//Just a utility function to generate numbers from any range and update margins
function generateNumbers($minVal, $maxVal) {
global $min, $max, $numbers;
for ($i = $minVal; $i <= $maxVal; $i++) {
array_push($numbers, $i);
if ($i < $min)
$min = $i;
if ($i > $max)
$max = $i;
//Seperate ranges
$sets = explode(",", $ranges);
//Go through each range
foreach($sets as $aSet) {
//Extract the range or get individual numbers
$range = explode("-", $aSet);
if (count($range) == 1) { //its an individual number. So check margins and insert
$aSet = intval($aSet);
if ($aSet < $min){
array_push($numbers, $aSet);
$min = $aSet;
if ($aSet > $max){
array_push($numbers, $aSet);
$max = $aSet;
continue; // <----- For single numbers it ends here
//Its a range
$rangeLow = intval($range[0]);
$rangeHigh = intval($range[1]);
//Adjusting numbers to omit cases when ranges fall right on the margins
if ($rangeLow == $min){
if ($rangeLow == $max) {
if ($rangeHigh == $min){
if ($rangeHigh == $max) {
//Check if below or above the generated range
if (($rangeLow < $min && $rangeHigh < $min) || ($rangeLow > $max && $rangeHigh > $max)) {
generateNumbers($rangeLow, $rangeHigh);
//Check if across the lower edge of the generated range
if ($rangeLow < $min && $rangeHigh > $min && $rangeHigh < $max) {
generateNumbers($rangeLow, $min - 1);
//Check if across the upper edge of the generated range
if ($rangeLow > $min && $rangeLow < $max && $rangeHigh > $max) {
generateNumbers($max + 1, $rangeHigh);
//Now just sort the array

Picking random element by user defined weights [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Generating random results by weight in PHP?
I have a web application where users can add 1-20 strings of text and assign a weight to them of how often it should show up. The system would then choose a random string based on the defined weights. What is the best way to go about this? Do the range values for the weight for each string matter? Could I just have the user assign a number (0-100) for each string? How would you go about choosing a random string? (Each choice doesn't worry about what was chosen before, every string has the same odds (based on weight) of being chosen at the start of each call).
I use this function in several PHP game engines:
* #param array $values - just the weights
* #return integer A number between 0 and count($values) - 1
function getBucketFromWeights($values) {
$total = $currentTotal = $bucket = 0;
$firstRand = mt_rand(1, 100);
foreach ($values as $amount) {
$total += $amount;
$rand = ($firstRand / 100) * $total;
foreach ($values as $amount) {
$currentTotal += $amount;
if ($rand > $currentTotal) {
else {
return $bucket;
Suppose I have the user weights in an associative array where each string points to its weight:
$weighted_strings = array(
"important string" => 100,
"terrible string" => 10,
"never string" => 0,
// etc
If I wanted to pull a string based on weight, I'd do this:
$weights = array_values($weighted_strings);
$strings = array_keys($weighted_strings);
$index = getBucketFromWeights($weights);
$selectedString = $strings[$index];
Here is a simple implementation:
function Probability($data, $number = 1)
$result = array();
if (is_array($data) === true)
$data = array_map('abs', $data);
$number = min(max(1, abs($number)), count($data));
while ($number-- > 0)
$chance = 0;
$probability = mt_rand(1, array_sum($data));
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$chance += $value;
if ($chance >= $probability)
$result[] = $key; unset($data[$key]); break;
return $result;
With this function you can specify how many unique weighted random elements you want (IDEOne).
