How to echo item from geoip array in php - php

I want to get each item from geoplugin array separately.
Here is my example code -
$location_info = file_get_contents(''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
and here the response in array
a:24:{s:17:"geoplugin_request";s:12:"";s:16:"geoplugin_status";i:200;s:15:"geoplugin_delay";s:3:"1ms";s:16:"geoplugin_credit";s:145:"Some of the returned data includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from";s:14:"geoplugin_city";s:7:"Buffalo";s:16:"geoplugin_region";s:8:"New York";s:20:"geoplugin_regionCode";s:2:"NY";s:20:"geoplugin_regionName";s:8:"New York";s:18:"geoplugin_areaCode";s:0:"";s:17:"geoplugin_dmaCode";s:3:"514";s:21:"geoplugin_countryCode";s:2:"US";s:21:"geoplugin_countryName";s:13:"United States";s:14:"geoplugin_inEU";i:0;s:19:"geoplugin_euVATrate";b:0;s:23:"geoplugin_continentCode";s:2:"NA";s:23:"geoplugin_continentName";s:13:"North America";s:18:"geoplugin_latitude";s:7:"42.9297";s:19:"geoplugin_longitude";s:8:"-78.7434";s:32:"geoplugin_locationAccuracyRadius";s:1:"5";s:18:"geoplugin_timezone";s:16:"America/New_York";s:22:"geoplugin_currencyCode";s:3:"USD";s:24:"geoplugin_currencySymbol";s:5:"$";s:29:"geoplugin_currencySymbol_UTF8";s:1:"$";s:27:"geoplugin_currencyConverter";s:1:"1";}
Example - I want to get city and echo it from this array
$city = ['geoplugin_city'];

You forgot to do $location_info = unserialize($location_info); right after the connection.


Get JSON from a URL by PHP

I have a URL that returns a JSON object like this:
"USD" : {"15m" : 7809.0, "last" : 7809.0, "buy" : 7809.85, "sell" : 7808.15, "symbol" : "$"},
"AUD" : {"15m" : 10321.42, "last" : 10321.42, "buy" : 10322.54, "sell" : 10320.3, "symbol" : "$"},
more info :
I want to get all the data from the first line and echo it and to have it keep requesting it so its live
I have used the examples on git hub
but it displays all of the data output and you have to refresh it to get it updated
please can some one point me in the right direction
ideally I would end up with something like
15 m Last Buy Sell
USD ($) 7794.87 7794.87 7795.72 7794.02
I have the table and data going to the table but its echoing the whole data set rather than the first line and also I dont know how to select individual fields
How can I do it through PHP?
What you need is a request php page, which will make:
1 - Get data from te site:
$data = file_get_contents('');
2 - decode the json
$decodedData = json_decode($data);
3 - Here you can access it using OOP:
The point here will be to retrieve data as you wish, you can mix it up with HTML in a table for example.
Then, you need a JS script, that will execute a function with setInterval, each few miliseconds. That function should make a request to a PHP page that you created earlier, get that data and change with the updated one.
This Should do it:
$seconds = 5;
function get_live_quote($key){
$json_string = file_get_contents('');
$json_array = json_decode($json_string, TRUE);
$quote = $json_array[$key];
$keys = implode(" ",array_keys($quote));
$values = implode(" ", array_values ($quote));
return "$keys $values \n";
echo get_live_quote("USD");
Save the preceding code to a file like "quote.php". Then from your terminal just run: php quote.php

Pass By Reference to COM Object in PHP

So I'm hoping someone can help and I'm sure this is probably something simple I'm missing. I'm using PHP to access a .net API for a third party software.
Based on the very minimalist documentation on the API I have a working vbsript that connects to the object, performs a login and then does a query which results in the output of the query being dumped to a message box.
Here's the vbscript sample:
'Test device status
Set xxx = CreateObject("The.API.Object.Goes.Here")
Result = Xxx.LoginToHost("","8989","Administrator","")
if (Result = true) then
MsgBox("Error - " & Xxx.LastError)
end if
'Get Status
Result = Xxx.GetDeviceStatus("", out)
if (Result = true) then
MsgBox("Error - " & Xxx.LastError)
end if
Result = Xxx.Logout()
if (Result = true) then
MsgBox("Logout OK")
MsgBox("Error - " & Xxx.LastError)
end if
The Xxx.GetDeviceStatus has two perimeters, the first being a device target or if left blank returns all devices, the second is the string variable to dump the result in.
When the script executes, the second message box contains a list of all devices as I would expect.
In PHP I have:
$obj = new DOTNET("XxxScripting, Version=1.0.XXXX.XXXXXX, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","Here.Goes.The.Api");
$result = $obj->GetDeviceStatus('','out');
echo $result."<br />";
echoing result gives 1 because the value of result is a boolean value and GetDeviceStatus is successful. What I can't figure out is how to get the value of 'out' which is the actual query result.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The second parameter of GetDeviceStatus() method call according to the VBScript should pass a variable that will be populated with the output.
However in the PHP example you are just passing the string 'out' which isn't equivalent to what is being done in the VBScript.
Instead try passing a PHP variable to the method and then echoing that variable to screen, like this;
$result = $obj->GetDeviceStatus('', $out);
if ($result)
echo $out."<br />";
After a bit of digging it appears according to the PHP Reference that you need to pass By Reference variables to COM using the VARIANT data type.
Quote from ferozzahid [at] usa [dot] com on PHP - COM Functions
"To pass a parameter by reference to a COM function, you need to pass VARIANT to it. Common data types like integers and strings will not work for it."
With this in mind maybe this will work;
$out = new VARIANT;
$result = $obj->GetDeviceStatus('', $out);
if ($result)
echo $out."<br />";

Extracting a precise value from a Json array with PHP (like a MySQL db)

another (probably) easy question for you.
As I wrote many times, I'm not a programmer but thanks to you I was able to build an interesting site for my uses.
So again thx.
This is my new problem:
I have a site that recover json data from a file and store it locally once a day (this is the code - I post it so it can be useful to anyone):
function findList() {
$serverName = strtolower($_POST["Server"]); // GET SERVER FROM FORM POST
$localCoutryList = ("json/$serverName/countries.json"); // LOCAL LOCATIONS OF FILE
$urlCountryList = strtolower("url.from.where.I.get.Json.file.$serverName/countries.json"); // ONLINE LOCATION OF FILE
if (file_exists($localCoutryList)) { // FILE EXIST
$fileLastMod = date("Y/m/d",filemtime($localCoutryList)); // IF FILE LAST MOD = FILE DATE TIME
$now = date('Y/m/d', time()); // NOW
if ($now != $fileLastMod) { // IF NOW != FILE LAST MOD (date)
createList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList); // GO AND CREATE FILE
} else { // IF NOW = FILE LAST MOD (date)
jsonList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList); // CALL JSON DATA FROM FILE
}} else { // FILE DOESN'T EXIST
createList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList); // CALL CREATE FILE
function createList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList) {
file_put_contents($localCountryList, file_get_contents($urlCountryList)); // CREATE FILE
jsonList($serverName); // CALL JSON DATA FROM FILE
function jsonList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList) { // JSON DATA FROM FILE
$jsonLoopCountry = file_get_contents($localCoutryList); // GET CONTENT OF THE LOCAL FILE
$outLoopCountry = json_decode($jsonLoopCountry, true); // DECODE JSON FILE
$countryList = $outLoopCountry['country']; // ACCESS TO JSON OBJECT
foreach ($countryList as $dataCountry) { // FOR EACH "COUNTRY" IN JSON DECODED OBJECT
$iscountryID = ($dataCountry['id']); // TEST
$countryCurrency = ($dataCountry['curr']); // TEST
$countryName = ($dataCountry['name']);} // TEST
echo "<br>total country list: ".count($countryList); // THIS RETURN TOTAL ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY
The kind of Json data I'm working with is structured as it follows:
So I can say that
$outLoopCountry = json_decode($jsonLoopCountry, true); // DECODE JSON FILE
creates the JSON ARRAY right? (Because JSON array starts with {"something":[{"..."...)
if it was [{"a":"answer","b":"answer",...} ... it would have a been a JSON Object right?
So to access to the array I uses
$countryList = $outLoopCountry['country']; // ACCESS TO JSON OBJECT
So I understood that arrays are a fast useful ways to store relational data and access to it right?
So the question is how to make a precise search inside the array, so to make it works like a Query MySQLi, like "SEARCH INSIDE ARRAY WHERE id == 7" and have as a result "== ITALY" (ex.).
The way exist for sure, but with whole exmples I found on the net, I was able to fix one to make it works.
Thx again.

Communication between Javascript and MYSQL

I am working on some code using Google Maps API. To sum up shortly, I have MySQL database with a table of information used to generate markers on the map. I connected to the database and am using PHP to draw out the necessary attributes and communicate with my Javascript code using XML.
What I'm currently attempting to do is go in the other direction, I'm trying to send a string of information (for example "1,2,3,45,18") from my Javascript code to MySQL to be set as a session parameter (call it #sparam). What is the process behind passing this value to MySQL?
Would I be able to access a MySQL variable through PHP in the same way I can access tables (for the purpose of getting a value back into Javascript)?
I'd appreciate any insight.
Maybe I was unclear in my original post. What I'm asking is how would I be able to pass a string to a MySQL session variable, specifically a set of IDs directly related to the IDs in the table of the MySQL database, and then be able to work with these IDs by calling the necessary procedures in MySQL. In turn, the procedures called in MySQL would generate some output, which would then have to be passed back to the Javascript code.
I created a special JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) php pages that I would call from javascript. Then I would parse those JSON responses.
Simple example:
function getCheckedUnits() {
jQuery(function($) {
$.ajax( {
url : "page_json.php?action=getsession",
type : "GET",
success : function(data) {
//Get Json and loop over it's data
if (data.length>10){
var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
$.each(jsonData, function(Idx, Value) {
if (Idx>0){
//get values for each vehicle and then remove it's marker from the map and then add new marker on the map (thereofore update the marker)
c_latitude = Value["lat"];
c_longitude = Value["lon"];
c_name = Value["name"];
c_notes= Value["notes"];
removeMarker(c_name); //remove old marker function
addMarker(c_latitude, c_longitude, c_name); //add current marker function
PHP: Here I loop over my arrayList and then create a simple array with values. Then I just output it as a json string
foreach ($listOfCars->arrayList as $key => $value) {
$unit = new fleetUnit();
$unit = $value;
//create array for json output
$data[] = array('lat' => $unit->lat,
'lon' => $unit->lon, 'name' => $unit->name, 'notes' => $unit->notes);
echo json_encode($data);

Passing arrays from Flash to PHP

I am having a problem passing an array variable from Flash (AS2) to PHP. In action script I have several arrays defined like this
and then I use the following code to pass the variables into a php file
I want to know how to get the data from the array in PHP. I have tried using $_POST['px1'], $_POST['output']['px1'], $_POST['output'] but I cannot seem to get any data. Any ideas as to what I can change to get the desired result?
EDIT: Just noticed that I one of the other variables in output (output.username) is also not being sent to PHP, despite it showing up in flash. Using the following code to alert to flash and it does show all the variables correctly.
getURL("javascript:alert('Print Stamp: " + output.PrintStamp + " User: " + output.username "')");
EDIT: Seems like once I send a pretty long array (or a string for that matter) none of the other fields associated with the LoadVars variable are sent either. I googled it up for limits and it says text limits are ~ 63000. Still not sure if that is the problem
Try it as a String.
Use Array.join(); in flash and send the value returned by that, then use explode() in PHP convert it back to an array.
var dataOut:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var dataIn:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = your_array.join("#");
vars.sendAndLoad("url", dataIn, "post");
dataIn.onLoad = function(go:Boolean):Void
else trace('connection failed');
The PHP:
$str = $_POST["info"];
$myarray = explode($str);
Since there were no other alternatives and I went through a lot of stuff before finally concluding that Arrays of large sizes cannot be passed through from AS2 to PHP very easily. My array was actually an image converted to pixels, so what I did was that I split the array into 2 pieces and posted to the PHP file twice instead of only once. Another alternative would be to split and post the array to a text file first and then read that text file directly from PHP.
You can do the same as you would do with HTML, by naming your parameters "array[0]", "array[1]", etc... :
var urlVariable:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariable["phpArray[0]"] = "arrayEntry0";
urlVariable["phpArray[1]"] = "arrayEntry1";
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = urlVariable;
then serverside you can verify the result received by php script :
it should output :
[phpArray] => Array
[0] => arrayEntry0
[1] => arrayEntry1
and for multiple dimension array you can use :
