how to change the jquery code from onclick to show content always - php

I want to show a comments section always. Now a user has to click, to start the javascript code to display the content (onclick). a simple change to "onload" is not working. I tried it.
//Show reviews
function reviews_show(value) {
url:'<?php echo site_root?>/members/reviews_content.php',
data:'id=' + value,
document.getElementById('comments_content').innerHTML = data;
html code on .tpl page:
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane" id="comments_content"></div> </div>

If you mean with always -> on page load -> then this is the answer:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var value='{ID}'; // use value variable for your ID here
url:'<?php echo site_root?>/members/reviews_content.php',
data:'id=' + value, // or replace to => data:'id={ID}',
document.getElementById('comments_content').innerHTML = data;
Edit: Of course this was just an example how to make the browser to execute the jQuery.ajax on Page Loaded Completed. I edited the code and put the var value='{ID}' for your example. Make sure that there is your ID inserted (as it was inserted before in your onclick="reviews_show({ID});".


send post with ajax

hi guys i been trying to send a post value using ajax
this is my pages:
I have a page that is the modal modal_image.php with this code:
var image;
function addImage() {
success:function (data){
and this my registration.php page:
<p><?php echo $_POST['image'];?></p>
<p id="try"></p>
i have showed u a limit of the code...
when I open the modal and upload the photos the 'p' element with the id=try is working and I can see the image src
but the first p with the post value I see an error
Consider the following code.
function addImage(source) {
$.post('registration.php', {
image: source
}, function(data) {
if (!data.error) {
$('#userImage').attr("src", source);
<script src=""></script>
<img id="output" src="" />
<p id="try"></p>
You can pass in the URL String that you want to Add into your Function. This way, it can be a bit more dynamic and you now have the data easily available to the whole function.


I have a drpcategory dropdown in a form. I will just paste the dropdown code below;
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control bg-dark btn-dark text-white" id="drpcategory" name="drpcategory" required>
$category = ''.$dir.'/template/post/category.txt';
$category = file($category, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
foreach($category as $category)
echo "<option value='".$category."'>$category</option>";
Then I AJAX post every time I make a selection in the above drpcategory dropdown as below;
method: 'post',
data: $(this).serialize(),
success: function(result) {
This seems to be currently working as I'm getting outputs like below in Chrome Browser > Inspect > Network tab every time I make a selection in drpcategory. Here is the screenshot;
The question is how can I capture this AJAX post data using PHP within the same page and echo it within the same page? So far I have tried;
echo 'POST Received';
I'm looking for a solution using only PHP, JQuery and AJAX combined.
This question was later updated and answered here:
First of all, this line -> type: $(this).attr('post') should be type: $(this).attr('method'),. So this will give the value ** type:post** and
As far as i understand, you are asking to send ajax whenever you select options from drpcategory. Why are you submitting the entire form for this. If i where you, i should have done this problem by following way
var drpcategory=$(this).val();
type: 'post',
data: drpcategory,
success: function(result) {
On you php side, you can get your data like,
echo $_POST['drpcategory'];
I recommend you read the documentation for the ajax function, I tried to replicate it and I had to fix this:
// If you don't set the url
// the request will be a GET to the same page
url: 'YOU_URL',
method: 'POST', // I replaced type by method
data: $(this).serialize(),
success: function(result) {
First change to $value
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control bg-dark btn-dark text-white" id="drpcategory" name="drpcategory" required>
$category = ''.$dir.'/template/post/category.txt';
$category2 = file($category, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
foreach($category2 as $value)
echo "<option value='".$value."'>".$value."</option>";
then add url
type: 'post',
data: '{ID:" . $Row[0] . "}',
success: function(result) {
try request
The result will/should send back to the same page
Please try this code:
$.post('URL', $("#FORM_ID").serialize(), function (data)
I think you have an eroror syntax mistake in ajax jQuery resquest because ajax post '' does not return this type url in browser Network Tab.
<?php var_dump($_POST); exit; ?> please do this statment in your php function if anything posted to php page it will dump.
Here ajax request example
var drpcategory=$(this).val();
type: 'post',
data: drpcategory,
success: function(result) {
It sounds like you're trying to troubleshoot several things at once. Before I can get to the immediate question, we need to set up some ground work so that you understand what needs to happen.
First, the confusion about the URL:
You are routing everything through index.php. Therefore, index.php needs to follow a structure something like this:
// cleanse any incoming post and get variables
// if all your POST requests are being routed to this page, you will need to have a hidden variable
// that identifies which page is submitting the post.
// For this example, assume a variable called calling_page.
// As per your naming, I'll assume it to be 'post'.
// Always check for submitted post variables and deal with them before doing anything else.
if($_POST['calling_page'] == 'post') {
// set header type as json if you want to use json as transport (recommended) otherwise, just print_r($_POST);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
print json_encode(array('message' => 'Your submission was received'));
// if this is from an ajax call, simply die.
// If from a regular form submission, do a redirect to /index.php?page=some_page
// if you got here, there was no POST submission. show the view, however you're routing it from the GET variable.
<form id="form1" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="calling_page" value="page" />
... rest of form ...
<button id="submit-button">Submit</button>
Now, confusion about JQuery and AJAX:
According to you must provide an URL.
All properties except for url are optional
Your JQuery AJAX will send a post request to your index.php page. When your page executes as shown above, it will simply print {message: "Your submission was received"} and then die. The JQuery will be waiting for that response and then do whatever you tell it to do with it (in this example, print it to the console).
Update after discussion
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control bg-dark btn-dark text-white" id="drpcategory" name="drpcategory" required>
$category = ''.$dir.'/template/post/category.txt';
$category = file($category, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
foreach($category as $category)
echo "<option value='".$category."'>$category</option>";
<!-- HTML to receive AJAX values -->
<select class="" id="drpitem" name="drpitem"></select>
$('#drpcategory').on('change',function() {
url: '/receive.php',
method: 'post',
data: $(this).serialize(),
success: function(result) {
function workWithResponse(result) {
// jquery automatically converts the json into an object.
// iterate through results and append to the target element
$("#drpitem option").remove();
$.each(result, function(key, value) {
// there can be no output before this tag.
// get your items from drpcategory. I will assume:
$items = array('val1' => 'option1','val2' => 'option2','val3' => 'option3');
// send this as json. you could send it as html, but this is more flexible.
header('Content-Type: application/json');
// convert array to json
$out = json_encode($items);
// simply print the output and die.
Once you have everything working, you can take the code from receive.php, stick it in the top of index.php, and repoint the ajax call to index.php. Be sure that there is no output possible before this code snippet.

Loading query results into a Div

I have a div
<div id="loading"></div>
I then have some jQuery that loads in a page which is query heavy and therefore displays a spinner
$('#page1').click(function () {
// add loading image to div
$('#loading').html('<img src="loading.gif"> loading...');
// run ajax request
type: "POST",
dataType: "html",
url: "client_reporting_01_data.php",
success: function (d) {
// replace div's content with returned data
My trigger for this is a menu item:
<li id="page1" class = "<?php if($current_pgname == "client_reporting_01") echo 'active'; ?>">
C01: Summary Report
I have multiple pages and multiple menu items
I'd like to be able to REuse the code I have here to pull the required pages back when the appropriate menu item is clicked.
So I would have another menu item
<li id="page2" class = "<?php if($current_pgname == "client_reporting_02") echo 'active'; ?>">
C02: Summary Report
and another page to call: client_reporting_02
I am just struggling with how to do the jquery to make this work
Somehow the jquery has to be able to read a page requested ie client_reporting_02_data.php
A further complication is how to actually move to that page and have it work. If say I am on pagexyz and i click the menu item for client_reporting_01 - it of course doesn not move there at present as a href="#"
One way to do it is bind to a class, rather than an id -
$('.reportLink').click(function () {
add the class, and a data attribute that holds the url (ie. data-url="client_reporting_01_data.php" and your li would now be
<li id="page1" class = "reportLink <?php if($current_pgname == "client_reporting_01") echo 'active'; ?>" data-url="client_reporting_01_data.php">
C01: Summary Report
now your script can be something like -
$('.reportLink').click(function () {
// add loading image to div
$('#loading').html('<img src="loading.gif"> loading...');
linkurl = $(this).data('url');//Probably want to sanitize and/or whitelist to prevent injection
// run ajax request
type: "POST",
dataType: "html",
url: linkurl,
success: function (d) {
// replace div's content with returned data
I am changing your already existing code slightly. If I understand what you want, the following will work. Instead of using the ID to call the function, add a generic class to all list items that are effected. I called it mypage here. Then there are a couple of ways to do it.
One way is: Instead of storing the url as is as a class, let the id tell you what url you are to look for. See the changes below for explanation:
// Generic class
$('.mypage').click(function () {
// add loading image to div
$('#loading').html('<img src="loading.gif"> loading...');
// if you need to include the 0 with child page numbers less than 10, you should change your ids accordingly.
url= 'client_reporting_' + page + '_data.php';
// run ajax request
type: "POST",
dataType: "html",
url: url,
success: function (d) {
// replace div's content with returned data
Why not just delegate an event listener to the <ul> elements with an <a> anchor and put the url to load in the href? Like so;
<ul id="pages">
<li class = "reportLink <?php if($current_pgname == "client_reporting_01") echo 'active'; ?>">
C01: Summary Report
<li class = "reportLink <?php if($current_pgname == "client_reporting_02") echo 'active'; ?>">
Another Summary Report
var $target = $('#loading');
$('#pages').on('click', 'a', function(event) {
// add loading image to div
$target.html('<img src="loading.gif"> loading...');
type: "POST",
dataType: "html",
url: this.href,
success: function (d) {
// replace div's content with returned data
You could even simplify your code by using .load like so:
Javascript - Simplifed version
var $target = $('#loading');
$('#pages').on('click', 'a', function(event) {
.html('<img src="loading.gif"> loading...')

Jquery, Call is only done one time successfully and after that it stays on the same result

I have a problem concerning my code which should change content in a div onclick "More News articles" as the change will happen only once. I see in Chrome Developer mode that it fires every click a request. What goes wrong?
require_once ('../PE13/smf_2_api.php');
<script src="//"></script>
function MakeRequest(id)
url : 'display.php',
type: 'GET',
success: function(data){
<div id="stream" class="bg4 roundedcrop shadow">
<div class="ph25 pv20">
<input id="streamcnt" name="streamcnt" type="hidden" value="" />
<div id="streamadd"></div>
<div id="streaminnern">
$num_recent = 5;
echo $num_recent;
<div onclick="MakeRequest(<?php echo $num_recent; ?>);" id="streammore">More News articles</div>
backend php display.php
$num_recent = $_GET['id']+5;
echo $num_recent;
Greetings Emil
Check the source that is produced by output.php. You'll find there onclick="MakeRequest(5);". Basically - on every click you call MakeRequest(5) which always fires call display.php?id=5 (you probably see that in your dev console).
Try something like this:
var lastId = 0; // var that stores last fetched ID
function MakeRequest(id)
if(!lastId) // if there is no last ID use the one from initial onclick
lastId = id;
url : 'display.php',
data:{"id":lastId}, // note that we are using the lastId var
type: 'GET',
success: function(data){
lastId = data; // save fetched ID in our global var
The request is always the same. Suppose $num_recent is initially set to 5.
Then as per your code MakeRequest(5) will be executed. And your ajax call updates a div with class streaminnern. So the new id has no impact on the next ajax call. For the ajax request to be sent updated value you may set
url : 'display.php',

How to get parameters from a link that callls a jQuery function?

I have a link that looks like this:
<p class="half_text">
<?php echo $upvotes; ?>
<strong><a class="vote_up" style="color: #295B7B; font-weight:bold;" href="#">Vote Up</a></strong> |
<?php echo $downvotes; ?>
<strong><a class="vote_down" style="color: #295B7B; font-weight:bold;" href="#">Vote Down</a></strong>
and I have the jQuery code that looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
alert ( "test: " + $(this).attr("problem_id") );
// $(this).attr("data-problemID").
type: "POST",
url: "/problems/vote.php",
dataType: "json",
data: dataString,
success: function(json)
// ? :)
//Return false to prevent page navigation
return false;
//Return false to prevent page navigation
return false;
How can I get the parameter value which is problem_id ? If I add a url in the href parameter, I think the browser will just go to the url, no? Otherwise - how can I pack parameter values into the jQuery?
Because your $.ajax is defined in the same scope of the variable, you can use problem_id to obtain the variable value.
An overview of your current code:
var problem_id = "something"; //Defining problem_id
success: function(){
//problem_id can also be accessed from here, because it has previously been
// defined in the same scope
}, ...)
If what you're trying to figure out is how to embed the problem ID in the link from your PHP so that you can fetch it when the link it clicked on, then you can put it a couple different places. You can put an href on the link and fetch the problem ID from the href. If you just do a return(false) from your click handler, then the link will not be followed upon click.
You can also put it as a custom attribute on the link tag like this:
<a class="vote_up" data-problemID="12" style="color: #295B7B; font-weight:bold;" href="#">Vote Up</a>
And, then in your jQuery click handler, you can retrieve it with this:
do you mean, getting variables from the php page posted?
or to post?
anyway here's a snippet to replace the $.ajax
$.post('/problems/vote.php', {problem_id: problem_id, action: 'up'}, function(data) {
// data here is json, from the php page try logging or..
// console.log(data);
// alert(data.title);
}, 'json');
{problem_id: problem_id, action: 'up'} are the variables posted... use $_POST['problem_id'] and $_POST['action'] to process..
use simple variables names with and make sure you have latest jQuery..
let me try to round it up..
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.votelink').click(function() {
$.post('/problems/vote.php', {problem_id: $(this).data('problemid'), action: $(this).data('action')}, function(data) {
// data here is json, from the php page try logging or..
// console.log(data);
// alert(data.title);
}, 'json');
