I have created a shortcode through wpbakery Add Element section. I am trying to apply this shortcode in PHP
Here is the shortcode
[vc_masonry_grid post_type="post" max_items="10" grid_id="vc_gid:1592135090064-3fb6b6dd-7144-2" taxonomies="16"]
Here is shortcode with PHP code which I have applied in PHP file but it's showing nothing.
I got this function from here
echo do_shortcode( '[vc_masonry_grid post_type="post" max_items="10" grid_id="vc_gid:1591334217992-a1326795-3e97-8" taxonomies="16"]' );
I want to output a list of locations as a table and mark them up on a map. For this I have created a content type in WordPress with Pods with a property "Address". With a Pods shortcode, I am able to have the table created and list all the entries. With another Pods shortcode, I am able to generate a Leaflet shortcode.
The problem is that the Leaflet shortcode is output to the frontend, but is not interpreted by Leaflet as a map. If I use the Leaflet shortcode generated by Pods from the frontend in the backend, the map works as desired.
I'm afraid the problem arises because the shortcode generated by a shortcode is not taken into account and implemented.
I have created a WordPress page and noted the following shortcode:
[pods name="locations"]<br /><br />[/pods][pods name="locations"]<br />[leaflet-marker address="{#locations-address}"]<br />[/pods]
A correct shortcode is output in the frontend:
[leaflet-marker address="Ingolstädter Str. 101, 80939 München"]
In consultation with the developer of the Leaflet plugin for WordPress, I tried to insert the function with XYZ PHP code:
$a = do_shortcode( '[pods name="locations"][leaflet-marker]' . '[' . 'leaflet-marker address={#locations-address}' . ']' . '<br>[/pods]');
echo "[leaflet-map] $a [leaflet-marker]";
The result is better, as the map is generated largely as desired, but when I insert the XYZ PHP code into the WordPress page, no map is output.
By default including a shortcode within a Pods shortcode will not work. If you need this functionality to work, you need to include the following constant in your wp_config.php file:
Then, if you need to parse a shortcode within the Pods template, custom template or within your Pods shortcode, just add shortcodes=1 to the Pods shortcode.
Or you can use the filter below to have it always enabled:
add_filter( 'pods_shortcode', function( $tags ) {
$tags[ 'shortcodes' ] = true;
return $tags;
All these are explained at Pod's documentation.
I have found a solution in the meantime. The keyword is nested shortcodes (https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API) and the function "do_shortcode()".
Using a custom WordPress plug-in to run a script and output it as a custom shortcode, I was able to generate the map as desired. For this I used the following code. It is important to note that "do_shortcode()" must be used twice, first for Pods and then for Leaflet.
function map_func( $atts ){
$leaflet_map_shortcode = "[leaflet-map lat=48.13391418715657 lng=11.582841421510087 zoom=15 fitbounds max_zoom=19]";
$leaflet_map = do_shortcode($leaflet_map_shortcode);
$placese_marks_shortcode = '[pods name="places"]<br />[leaflet-marker address="{#places-address}" [...] [/leaflet-marker]<br />[/pods]';
$placese_marks = do_shortcode($placese_marks_shortcode);
$placese_marks2 = do_shortcode($placese_marks);
return $leaflet_map . $placese_marks2;
add_shortcode( 'map2', 'map_func' );
this has been discussed before however it's not working for me. As the shortcode seems to be a mix of regular and open-close shortcode. Or a combination of nested shortcodes.
// Use shortcode in a PHP file (outside the post editor).
echo do_shortcode( '' );
// In case there is opening and closing shortcode.
echo do_shortcode( '[iscorrect]' . $text_to_be_wrapped_in_shortcode . '[/iscorrect]' );
This is the shortcode I would like to display in my php template
[mk_page_section bg_stretch="true" full_width="true" padding_top="0" padding_bottom="0" sidebar="sidebar-1"][vc_column][mk_header hover_styles="5" logo="false"][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]
What I am trying to achieve is display my main navigation on a webinar page that doesn't use my themes header or footer.
Is mit possible to use it like this?
<?php echo do_shortcode('[mk_page_section bg_stretch="true" full_width="true" padding_top="0" padding_bottom="0" sidebar="sidebar-1"][vc_column][mk_header hover_styles="5" logo="false"][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]'); ?>
Or must it be a combination? totally lost here...
Why is the do_shortcode not working?
I'm currently learning wordpress theme development and for better understanding I have downloaded couple of wordpress theme and seeing their code.
But a line of code I can't understand. here it is-->
<?php echo do_shortcode(sq_option( 'footer_text ' ' ')); ?>
maybe its for footer but how this works and how i can use this function when I will create my own.
do_shortcode is a function you have to use if you want to execute a shortcode inside a custom theme template page see more info on the function here: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/do_shortcode/
Generally do_shortcode(); is use to get data from shortcode or its attribute to your PHP code or to filter any shortcode returning data. Shortcode can be provided by any plugin.
Not sure about it but in your theme's code sq_option("footer_text"); could be a function which is filtering some text from footer.
The code could be as:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="91" title="quote"]' ); ?>
Reference Link
do_shortcode () is usefull function-> for excute shortcode in template file
I've created a custom metabox using this example. When the admin-user enters a shortcode in my metabox, the shortcode displays on my front-end as plain text such as:
How can I make sure WordPress parses the shortcode so an actual menu is outputted?
I'm using this in my page.php template to display the contents of my custom metabox:
echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_my_custom_meta_value_key', true );
You can simply use do_shortcode provided by WordPress. This can be used to manually search through the given string for shortcodes.
According to docs for do_shortcode:
Searches content for shortcodes and filters shortcodes through their hooks.
This is how you can do it:
$shortcode = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_my_custom_meta_value_key', true );
echo do_shortcode($shortcode);
I'm using the wordpress php widget but I am unable to process Wordpress shortcode - the php just renders the shortcode instead of processing it. HEre is what I did
Added filters to my active theme function.php file
add_filter('widget_text', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
// Allow shortcodes in php code widget
add_filter('widget_execphp', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter('widget_execphp', 'do_shortcode');
Added the following to the php widget
$id = get_the_ID();
$amazon_product_asin_value = get_post_meta($id, 'amazon_product_asin', true);
echo do_shortcode('<div> [amazon asin=' . $amazon_product_asin_value . '&template=buynowamazon_widget&chan=default] </div>');
I also tried without do_shortcode and same result.
2 properly outputs the shortcode of
[amazon asin=B008I20FT8&template=buynowamazon_widget&chan=default]
which works fine if I just enter this in the standard text widget
I'm using the Amazon Link plugin which generates the shortcodes
Any ideas?
The asin parameter value might be confusing the shortcode processor; try putting quotes around it.
echo do_shortcode('<div> [amazon asin="' . $amazon_product_asin_value . '&template=buynowamazon_widget&chan=default"] </div>');
Alternatively, does the shortcode accept each argument to that parameter as a separate parameter?
echo do_shortcode('<div> [amazon asin="' . $amazon_product_asin_value . '" template="buynowamazon_widget" chan="default"] </div>');
Edit: Looking at the plugin's code, I don't think you need these lines:
add_filter('widget_execphp', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter('widget_execphp', 'do_shortcode');
They will try to process the shortcode, before the PHP is executed, and thus you won't get the shortcode correctly processed. Comment them out and see what the plugin does now.