My wordpress plugin is beeing called twice - php

I'm creating a WordPress plugin, and by debugging, I noticed its being called twice on each request. My plugin code is like this:
class Br1E_EngenhariaPlugin{
new Br1E_EngenhariaPlugin(); // A breakpoint here is called twice on each request
Debugging the code I see that the problem is that the wp-load.php file is being called twice. The first time the callstack started at index.php:
If I hit continue, it will stop again at the same breakpoint, this time the callstack started at wp-cron.php:
I tried to make my class a singleton, by using a static variable to ensure the class is loaded only once:
class Br1E_EngenhariaPlugin{
public static function LoadOnce() : Br1E_EngenhariaPlugin
if (self::$pluginInstance == null)
self::$pluginInstance = new Br1E_EngenhariaPlugin();
//register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($br1Engenharia, 'install') );
return self::$pluginInstance;
But it didn't work. The $pluginInstance static variable is null on the second time it's called, it's like it's a different request.

And yes, it is a different HTML request called from spawn_cron() in the file wp-includes/cron.php:
$result = wp_remote_post( $cron_request['url'], $cron_request['args'] );
Here $cron_request['uri'] contains And you can see it in the second call stack.
wp_cron in the file wp-includes/cron.php is hooked on every' init' event. Then, if any cron jobs are to be executed, spawn_cron() is called, producing an independent HTML request to the site.


How to prevent calling a function if it's already called?

I'm using joomla 3++.
I'm calling a method from my component's class in my system plugin. Prior to calling this method, I wish to check if it's already been called?
public function onAfterInitialise()
if (class_exists('MyClass'))//always true when navigate among different components
if (method_exists('MyClass', 'initialize'))//always true also
The problem I'm facing:
My system plugin is not running on other components if I don't call this MyClass::initialize().
At the same time, one of the components says a js file is already loaded if I called MyClass::initialize() at onAfterInitialize()
So I'm thinking probably to avoid a
xx.js file loaded already issue,
I could check first this MyClass::initialize() called or not.
you are calling MyClass::initialize() method right?, in that method use
in system plugin you can check
public function onAfterInitialise()
$is_called = JFactory::getSession()->get('init_called','','your_component');
//already called, do any other code
// Not yet called, do any other code
Now you can check that function already called, make sure session will not clear until logout. any other place clear session use this

Is there any way to instantiate CodeIgniter and call a function inside a controller from an outside class?

I am creating a cron job that will run every few minutes and it will read from database data to see which function needs to be called and act accordingly to the data but half the crons are written in codeigniter and the other half in native php.
Is there any way to do this? I have been googling but the anwser. I came up with is that it is impossible. I tried changing directory and than including or requiring index.php from the codeigniter, in which the function is that i need to call.
while doing this if my class is written in native php, It returns some errors that don't make sense and if I correct those errors, I would say that half the system function from codeigniter would be gone. It would still be a question if it will work even then.
If my class is written in codeigniter, when I include index.php, it just breaks. No errors no response or it says that the "ENVIRONMENT" variables are already defined. Thus I have been looking for a way to undefine those variables from config file or overwrite them to null or empty string but nothing works.
If you have any ideas it would be much appreciated.
I saw a question question link about some cron jobs in php where the user #michal kralik gave an answer about what i am doing in general with database and one cron class that will call other crons (coould use help for that too).
btw forgot to mention that using curl and exec will not work, because on our servers they sometimes just stop working for no reason.
this is my class currently after so many tries:
class Unicron extends MY_Controller {
public $config;
function __construct() {
public function init(){
$config['base_url'] = "http://localhost/test";
define('EXT_CALL', true); // Added EXT_CALL constant to mark external calls
$_GET['controller/method'] = ''; // add pair to $_GET with call route as key
$current = getcwd(); // Save current directory path
chdir('C:/inetpub/wwwroot/test/'); // change directory to CI_INSTALLATION
include_once 'index.php'; // Add index.php (CI) to script
define('BASEPATH', 'C:/inetpub/wwwroot/test/system/');
$job = new $this->controller->Class();
$isDone = $job->exportExcel(somekey);
echo $isDone;
$CI =& get_instance(); // Get instance of CI
$CI->exportExcel('baseparts', 'exportExcel');
//replace controller and method with call route
// eg: $CI->list('welcome','list'); If calling welcome/list route.
//$OUT->_display(); // to display output. (quick one)
// Or if you need output in variable,
//$output = $CI->load->view('VIEW_NAME',array(),TRUE);
//To call any specific view file (bit slow)
// You can pass variables in array. View file will pick those as it works in CI
chdir($current); // Change back to current directory
echo $current;
where i try to define BASEPATH it does not define it nor override the previous value.
In the index.php of other codeigniter i put:
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
this way i resolved my issue with ENVIRONMENT already being set error.
this is a few things i found and combined together, hoping it could work but still when i call it via command line it shows nothing (even tried echo anything everywhere and nothing).
This may be a long comment rather than a answer as the code supplied requires a lot of work to make it useful.
Running multiple instances of 'codeigniter' - executed from codeigniter.
Using the 'execute programs via the shell' from PHP. Each instance runs in its own environment.
There are some excellent answers already available:
By default the PHP commands 'shell' wait for the command to complete...
However, we want to 'fire and forget' quite often so this answer is quite useful...
All i did was use this show an example of how to use 'codeigniter' to do this. The example was the 'Hello World' cli example from user manual. The version of ci is 2.1.14. I haven't used 'ci' before.
It is tested and works on 'PHP 5.3.18' on windows xp.
As well as the usual 'Hello World' example, i used an example of a a command that uses 'sleep' for a total of 20 seconds so that we can easily see that the 'ci' instances are separate from each other while executing.
class Tools extends CI_Controller {
// the usual 'hello world' program
public function message($to = 'World')
echo "Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL;
// so you can see that the processes are independant and 'standalone'
// run for 20 seconds and show progress every second.
public function waitMessage($to = 'World')
$countDown = 20;
while ($countDown >= 0) {
echo "Hello {$to}! - ending in {$countDown} seconds".PHP_EOL;
'ci' code to run 'ci' code...
class Runtools extends CI_Controller {
* Executing background processes from PHP on Windows
// spawn a process and do not wait for it to complete
public function runci_nowait($controller, $method, $param)
$runit = "php index.php {$controller} {$method} {$param}" ;
pclose(popen("start \"{$controller} {$method}\" {$runit}", "r"));
// spawn a process and wait for the output.
public function runci_wait($controller, $method, $param)
$runit = "php index.php {$controller} {$method} {$param}";
$output = exec("{$runit}");
echo $output;
How to run them from the cli...
To run the 'ci' 'nowait' routine then do:
php index.php runtools runci_nowait <controller> <method> <param>
where the parameters are the ci controller you want to run. Chnge to 'runci_wait' for the other one.
'Hello World: 'wait for output' - (ci: tools message )
codeigniter>php index.php runtools runci_wait tools message ryan3
Hello ryan3!
The waitMessage - 'do not wait for output' - (ci : tools waitMessage )
codeigniter>php index.php runtools runci_nowait tools waitMessage ryan1
codeigniter>php index.php runtools runci_nowait tools waitMessage ryan2
These will start and run two separate 'ci' processes.

Correct ZF2 Redirect behaviour

I have been using ZF2 for a few months now and I am confused about how the controller redirect is supposed to work. Is it supposed to immediately stop processing the current action, and send the redirect request? Or is it supposed to complete processing of the current action, then perform the redirect?
Pretty fundamental question, huh?
Back in ZF1, I am pretty sure the redirection took place immediately (unlike forward(), which was stored up until the current action was completed). I assumed it was the same case in ZF2 and so far that has been my experience, however today suddenly I find that controllers are storing the redirect up, and sending it at the end of the current action.
Here's an example:
public function testAction()
echo 'Hello';
In this case, the action will echo 'Hello' and then die.
I think that this is probably the normal course of events and that I have just (by sheer fluke) not noticed it before today. I just want to be sure though, before I go back and alter all my controllers. (The alternative explanation is that somewhere in my config I am destroying/overriding the redirect plugin).
In Zend Framework 2.*, execution is never halted (except for a particular upload progress handler and some locations in the console component).
Therefore, you have to stop your controller from dispatching manually:
public function testAction()
return $this->redirect()->toUrl('/info');
echo 'Hello'; // will never be executed
To be more precise, as of this callback (used when triggering a Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH), any listener to the dispatch event of an application that returns a ResponseInterface causes a "short-circuit" to the application finish event.
Short-circuiting (in the Zend\Mvc\Application) basically causes subsequent events to be skipped and forces the application to directly trigger the Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent::EVENT_FINISH event, therefore echoing the response (happens in a listener of the finish event).
In this particular controller action, the call to the $this->redirect()->toUrl('...') helper produces a Zend\Http\Response, and since we directly return it, the short-circuit is triggered.

When I move code into a function, I get a Fatal error. How can I call code from function

There are two pieces to this code:
One that adds documents to an index to be searched, which works fine, and a crawl() function that is a web-crawler that gets the contents of a page, which also works fine.
But, I need to add a document from inside the crawl() function.
When I move the code that adds a document inside the crawl() function, I get a Fatal Error:
Fatal Error: call to member function addDocument() on a non-object.
I am wondering how I can access the member function addDocument() from inside the crawl function?
Right now, I have a working version where the crawl() function returns what it has crawled in the form of a variable and then the addDocument code, outside the crawl() function, also has access to the returned variable and adds the document to the index that way.
But, that only (logically) works when I am crawling one page or a page with no links to follow. As the function only returns when it is done and since it is recursive to follow a page's links, the only content it will return is the content of the last-page.
Where I need the content of each page to be added each as a new document in the index.
Here is the working code, described above, commented as much as I could:
and here is the non-working code where I try to move the addDocument() inside the crawl() function:
If you have a solution that involves how to access the addDocument() function from inside the crawl() function, then please share.
Or if you have a solution that involves modifying the working code so that it returns the contents of each page it crawls instead of the last-page, please share.
If you have any solutions, please share as I am absolutely exhausted and have tried everything I know.
When moving code to a function, you are completely removing its ability to access variables in the same scope. In this case, you probably (not going to go looking through your off-site code) have something like $someObject = new myClass();, then are trying to access $someObject->addDocument() on it from within the function.
You need to pass $someObject as a parameter to the function, or you could use global $someObject inside the function, though it's not as good an idea.
You have specified that:
// The below line is where the error takes place.
Is your error line. Now, PHP is trying to access a class linked to $elasticaType If you have a linked class then use:
$elasticaType = new ClassName();
If not then you should create a class:
class Name {
public function addDocument ($document){
//Add document code
return $somevar;
$elasticaType = new Name();

Preventing error pages caching when using Zend_Cache_Backend_Static

We're currently running an app that caches pages to static html files using Zend_Cache_Backend_Static. This works really well, except that our cache is getting filled with hundreds of empty files and folders when incorrect urls are requested. Is there any way to prevent a page being cached if an Exception is being thrown? I was surprised to discover that this wasn't standard behaviour.
I've done a little digging and the ZF code that actually deals with saving out the static html pages is as follows in Zend_Cache_Frontend_Capture:
public function _flush($data) {
$id = array_pop($this->_idStack);
if ($id === null) {
Zend_Cache::throwException('use of _flush() without a start()');
if ($this->_extension) {
$this->save(serialize(array($data, $this->_extension)), $id, $this->_tags);
} else {
$this->save($data, $id, $this->_tags);
return $data;
This function is the output_callback for ob_start. I've tried getting hold of the response object to test for status but it doesn't seem to work inside _flush.
$response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();
if($response->getStatus() == '200') {
// do the save as normal
else {
// do nothing
return false;
My only other thought was to test the length of $data, only caching if strlen($data) > 0 seems to work but it doesn't feel robust enough.
Unfortunately by the time we hit the ErrorController the static page has already been written to the cache, so disabling the cache at that point won't work. However it is possible to remove the page based on $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], which is what is used as an id when the page is first written. This line can be added to the start of errorAction in the ErrorController:
$this->_helper->cache->removePage($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true);
It works nicely, but I'd prefer not to write the page in the first place!
From further experimentation the problem is not down to standard Zend Framework exceptions that cause 404s (ie. Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ROUTE, Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER, Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION) but to my custom exceptions. This is now really obvious now that I think about it, as Zend_Cache_Backend_Static needs to be initialised in the init method of an action controller. Any situation where there is no route, controller or action it won't ever be initialised anyway.
I'm throwing exceptions in existing actions where a user may be querying for a non-existent article. Therefore caching has been enabled in init and the page has been written by the time we hit postDispatch in a Front Controller Plugin (still not sure why this is the case it just is) so I can't cancel at that point. One solution then is to cancel the cache at the point of throwing the exception. The standard method of managing static page caching is using the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Cache action helper. I've extended this to add a cancel method like so:
class Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_PageCache extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Cache {
public function cancel() {
$cache = $this->getCache(Zend_Cache_Manager::PAGECACHE);
$cache->setOption('caching', false);
$cache->getBackend('disable_caching', true);
My action controller now looks like this:
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
private $_model;
public function init() {
$this->_model = new Model();
// using extended pageCache rather than $this->_helper->cache:
$this->_helper->pageCache(array('index'), array('indexaction'));
public function indexAction() {
$alias = $this->_request->getParam('article');
$article = $this->_model->getArticleByAlias($alias);
if(!$article) {
// new cancel method will disable caching
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Invalid article alias', 404);
$this->view->article = $article;
You should alter your .htaccess file RewriteRules to check for filesizes with option -s
This way if an error should occur when a page is being cached (thus producing a 0 byte file) it won't permanently be stored in the cache.
If you are using the standard ErrorController to handle 404, 500, and unhandled exceptions, and you can get a reference to your cache object from there, you could disable caching from the error handler.
In your error controller (or wherever you would like to cancel caching from), try:
$cache->setOption('caching', false);
When the save() metod of Zend_Cache_Core is called by Zend_Cache_Frontend_Capture::_flush(), it will see the caching option is set to false and it will not actually save the data to the cache and return true.
