why i always get unauthenticated in laravel-apidoc-generator? - php

I'm using this package https://github.com/mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator to generate api documentation
but i got couple problems:
1- Running requests in the docs always return "unauthenticated" how to configure this in a right way ? i tried to add the login token to apidoc.php in authorization but it didn't work .
some people said i should do this
php artisan api:generate --actAsUserId=1
but it returns
The "--actAsUserId" option does not exist.
2- some request need email as #bodyParam but couldn't find a type of email so i use text which of course fails and return invalid type. how to force type email ?
Thanks in advance, hope i was clear.

try this
* #authenticated <------
* #group MyGrupo
class MyController extends Controller{
and in your console:
#php artisan apidoc:generate

I'm a former maintainer of laravel-apidoc-generator. The package is no longer supported. Here's the one you should be using: knuckleswtf/scribe.
To pass an auth value in Scribe, you set auth.use_value to the token in your config file. That's it. You can see more in the docs.
The details in the apply.headers section are only used in the HTML docs, not in response calls.


Laravel 7 - Use REST API instead of a database

I am using a rest api to store/retrieve my data which is stored in a postgres database. The api is not laravel, its an external service!
Now i want to create a website with laravel (framework version 7.3.0) and i'm stuck on how to implement the api calls correctly.
For example: i want to have a custom user provider with which users can log-in on the website. But the validation of the provided credentials is done by the api not by laravel.
How do i do that?
Just make a Registration controller and a Login Controller by "php artisan make:controller ControllerName" and write Authentication logics there.
In previous versions of Laravel you had a command like "php artisan make:auth" that will make everything needed to do these operations. But in Laravel 7.0 you need to install a package called laravel/ui.
Run "composer required laravel/ui" to install that package
Then run "php artisan ui bootstrap --auth"
and now, you are able to run "php artisan make:auth"
This command will make whole Registration (Signup) and Login system for you.
and in orer to work with REST, you may need to know REST (Http) verbs. Learn about GET, POST, PUT, PATH, DELETE requests and how to make those request with PHP and Laravel collection methods. Learn about JSON parsing, encoding, and decoding. Then you can work with REST easily. and work without any template codes from other packages.
Thank you so much. I hope this answer give you some new information/thought. Thanks again.
This might not be the best way. But this is what I did at that time. I tried curl and guzzle to build the request with session cookie and everything in the header to make it look like a request from a web browser. Couldn't make it work.
I used the web socket's channel id for the browser I want the changes to happen and concatenated it with the other things, then encrypted it with encrypt($string). After that, I used the encrypted string to generate a QR code.
Mobile app (which was already logged in as an authenticated used) scanned it and made a post request with that QR string and other data. Passport took care of the authentication part of this request. After decrypting the QR string I had the web socket's channel id.
Then I broadcasted in that channel with proper event and data. Caught that broadcast in the browser and reloaded that page with JavaScript.
/*... processing other data ...*/
$broadcastService = new BroadcastService();
$broadcastService->trigger($channelId, $eventName, encrypt($$data));
/*... returned response to the mobile app...*/
My BroadcastService :
namespace App\Services;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Pusher\Pusher;
use Pusher\PusherException;
class BroadcastService {
public $broadcast = null;
public function __construct() {
$config = config('broadcasting.connections.pusher');
try {
$this->broadcast = new Pusher($config['key'], $config['secret'], $config['app_id'], $config['options']);
} catch (PusherException $e) {
public function trigger($channel, $event, $data) {
$this->broadcast->trigger($channel, $event, $data);
In my view :
<script src="{{asset('assets/js/pusher.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{asset('assets/js/app.js')}}" ></script>
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;
$channel = 'Channel id';
.listen('.myEvent' , data => {
// processing data
I used Laravel Echo for this.
Again this is not the best way to do it. This is something that just worked for me for that particular feature.
There may be a lot of better ways to do it. If someone knows a better approach, please let me know.
As of my understanding, you are want to implement user creation and authentication over REST. And then retrieve data from the database. Correct me if I'm wrong.
And I'm guessing you already know how to communicate over API using token. You are just stuck with how to implement it with laravel.
You can use Laravel Passport for the authentication part. It has really good documentation.
Also, make use of this medium article. It will help you to go over the step by step process.

Class App\Http\Controllers\SocialFacebookAccountService does not exist error in laravel

I am using Socialite for Logging in my users with Facebook. I have done all the processes needed to built the functionality. When I click on "Login with Facebook", it asks for permission and giving permissions on facebook, it redirects me too an error.
This is the error link: http://localhost:8888/under_dev/mytaswir/public/callback?code=AQDupltbruPf7MokV6N-Mlmrcmqu-QFeKyImrMz8Yp3ViAv128lZBDfPS88Su1q60o6EfFL0_KIy2YH7lztGJrdj0ZDUFZDjR2ucMobLpUGyzPc39ABElZBJko3llqB5xehmZxJMuay7lBHybZ7F6AMxrCN2H0bNhPFPts5_v6Zmb0kfFR7H2A-ha4EXbJzTX6Y98SY9G50HWP1v-KqcUt5ozXfsNIldR19O_dMCEunGLTsf2sKLK76ObEwPdERhW-XzhJv-IdzeHU-Ppw91TWYHjWvBbEajwQH9N-p91VjWNaede7zOKfCBYUiOedzlLRDfz1qv9QghjmceULRk-DwldD0hY1nBv_jSJwVtq_FLhQ&state=UkCIOpg6dqle5dStyvbgtc9se0OiLxGwqWUZyTli#=
This is the error screenshot:
It gives out an error: **Class App\Http\Controllers\SocialFacebookAccountService does not exist!
I have made all my Controllers, Service Providers, Aliases, etc.. in the way suggested on this article.
Please help me get rid of this error. I want the programme to log in my Facebook User into the dashboard.
If you want to see the files, see this git commit.
Thanks in advance.
I think you are missing the namespace here: https://github.com/KumarAbhirup/myTaswir/blob/c07b2b5a3dd38f70dd0f26eed2eeb983469993ab/app/Http/Controllers/SocialAuthFacebookController.php#L26
* Return a callback method from facebook api.
* #return callback URL from facebook
public function callback(SocialFacebookAccountService $service)
This method belongs to App\Http\Controllers\SocialAuthFacebookController, so when the system tries to resolve the class name SocialFacebookAccountService from that "location", it will result in App\Http\Controllers\SocialFacebookAccountService, and that does not exist.
The class is actually in the namespace \App\Services, so you must also use that in this place:
public function callback(\App\Services\SocialFacebookAccountService $service)
Edit: Fixed error regarding missing leading \, to refer the fully qualified namespace

Laravel 5.3 Passport API unauthenticated in Postman using personal access tokens

I have set-up Laravel using passport as per the documentation here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/passport
A few people have asked about this using the oAuth implementation but I'm trying to use the personal access tokens not oAuth. One suggestion was to remove the auth middleware but obviously this leaves the application wide open so anyone can make requests.
I have the following route (in routes/api.php):
Route::get('/test', function(){
return 'returned string from test route';
This works if I remove the auth middleware so the route is working correctly but when enabling the auth middleware again I get the following error in postman:
These are the headers being sent via postman:
GET /api/test HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImU4ZmY5MDMwY2EyM2E2MDYwODViN2Y3ZWNiMzcxNDY1MzQxNDViNTk4ODU4NmZhNDljYzU2YjMzYWZiNzhkYTk5OTIwZWMzYzEwNTBkNjZjIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZThmZjkwMzBjYTIzYTYwNjA4NWI3ZjdlY2IzNzE0NjUzNDE0NWI1OTg4NTg2ZmE0OWNjNTZiMzNhZmI3OGRhOTk5MjBlYzNjMTA1MGQ2NmMiLCJpYXQiOjE0NzU1MDMxNjUsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NTUwMzE2NSwiZXhwIjowLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.IpzKK29dJCpliUXQvPRss87kGFngFcXXwV3jRwhbZOZLxl-4UV70cBsSigmqUuBsHQ4onVl_Cjcq6cEmMFvTZZr7D9AtY3EmScvMPjoFh4KQ3wgd5CoyWfcLQgoBxbElNxL0xW2fIQhpeQd_8Yz_Pr5BByGVTpxfg4JJZ4PzovvZsa2R3izYtqw6-qeurQOtsfOnot5uoLDeDDc76klifnfHfOcNZSoIFGNP3gIGKYBe6lfFuDViR_mQkwQS5_UmERt3GSkEvJjGMtwcRjWY7VPAJ4tvWLnyLw0roGU2e37L0wsqfJ8OrG0Cipv-anXAW_utSo-fiVMr8ZeAWIPguq73Zd44x95YY3nNPOKD5dVIRZM7rQgdhjIwTEz1ggtSXLp-Fu3QOtXaHUahCHvjOTdiTYEa-GR4TZ5wGzt-aRhjdBB7WTe0C6T9ZWVwQr0kJk8AxW6ne87wwJYp_shGunTclZ3SCq5VYg2K_MclbJl65-dT8x-nwqg0lqfNx9s1wmtryrMFIPoBEyaGNEK1aWGHKq418-BIQ1_UAhcHHtEXclWvsGWwhyo3aso-E-sCN2o_IkYvSboIsdFAIXvDvQmoAwis6f1J57zWH8AW1ynCFcBgzBDjIyiaCE5nqtb_4zbEXr8L1EbcllbtZkq3vd9w996kO7xlpBEWwPY8IWg
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 6bc483b2-23df-acce-7eef-5a443f8f5d45
Firstly, NEVER modify the vendor files unless you have a fully legitimate reason for doing so and there's a feature you wish to see implemented or a bug you've discovered and fixed in the package you're using.
Expiration time on the JWT might be already set to expire as soon as it's made. Here's a link you can use to check the "ttl" (Time To Live) field of your access tokens:
If you find that your tokens are expiring on creation, you can go to your app\providers\AuthServiceProvider.php class and add in these methods on use of Passport Class:
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Laravel\Passport\Passport;
Class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot() {
Passport::tokensExpireIn(Carbon::now()->addYears(20));//You can also use addDays(10)
Passport::refreshTokensExpireIn(Carbon::now()->addYears(20));//You can also use addDays(10)
Passport::pruneRevokedTokens(); //basic garbage collector
Make sure you're using the most recent version of Passport
Currently I'm on version 1.0.8 but I might already be out of date as they and the community are constantly pushing new revisions every few weeks.
Here are links to some related issues regarding this problem. You might be able to locate your answer within one of the below links. If what's mentioned above isn't what you're looking for.
Passport - "Unauthenticated." - Laravel 5.3
Very Detailed
in passport.php there are two functions
public static function tokensExpireIn(DateTimeInterface $date = null)
if (is_null($date)) {
return static::$tokensExpireAt
? Carbon::now()->diff(static::$tokensExpireAt)
: new DateInterval('P100Y');
} else {
static::$tokensExpireAt = $date;
return new static;
* Get or set when refresh tokens expire.
* #param \DateTimeInterface|null $date
* #return \DateInterval|static
public static function refreshTokensExpireIn(DateTimeInterface $date = null)
if (is_null($date)) {
return static::$refreshTokensExpireAt
? Carbon::now()->diff(static::$refreshTokensExpireAt)
: new DateInterval('P100Y');
} else {
static::$refreshTokensExpireAt = $date;
return new static;
you must change P100Y to P1Y. and also in PassportserviceProvider.php at line 101 there is code
new PersonalAccessGrant, new DateInterval('P100Y')
change P100Y to P1Y. hope it helps you :)
Please check if the token was copied properly, i always observed when i copy the personal tokens, in the last there is a word 'Close' copied also.
eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImU4ZmY5MDMwY2EyM2E2MDYwODViN2Y3ZWNiMzcxNDY1MzQxNDViNTk4ODU4NmZhNDljYzU2YjMzYWZiNzhkYTk5OTIwZWMzYzEwNTBkNjZjIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZThmZjkwMzBjYTIzYTYwNjA4NWI3ZjdlY2IzNzE0NjUzNDE0NWI1OTg4NTg2ZmE0OWNjNTZiMzNhZmI3OGRhOTk5MjBlYzNjMTA1MGQ2NmMiLCJpYXQiOjE0NzU1MDMxNjUsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NTUwMzE2NSwiZXhwIjowLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.IpzKK29dJCpliUXQvPRss87kGFngFcXXwV3jRwhbZOZLxl-4UV70cBsSigmqUuBsHQ4onVl_Cjcq6cEmMFvTZZr7D9AtY3EmScvMPjoFh4KQ3wgd5CoyWfcLQgoBxbElNxL0xW2fIQhpeQd_8Yz_Pr5BByGVTpxfg4JJZ4PzovvZsa2R3izYtqw6-qeurQOtsfOnot5uoLDeDDc76klifnfHfOcNZSoIFGNP3gIGKYBe6lfFuDViR_mQkwQS5_UmERt3GSkEvJjGMtwcRjWY7VPAJ4tvWLnyLw0roGU2e37L0wsqfJ8OrG0Cipv-anXAW_utSo-fiVMr8ZeAWIPguq73Zd44x95YY3nNPOKD5dVIRZM7rQgdhjIwTEz1ggtSXLp-Fu3QOtXaHUahCHvjOTdiTYEa-GR4TZ5wGzt-aRhjdBB7WTe0C6T9ZWVwQr0kJk8AxW6ne87wwJYp_shGunTclZ3SCq5VYg2K_MclbJl65-dT8x-nwqg0lqfNx9s1wmtryrMFIPoBEyaGNEK1aWGHKq418-BIQ1_UAhcHHtEXclWvsGWwhyo3aso-E-sCN2o_IkYvSboIsdFAIXvDvQmoAwis6f1J57zWH8AW1ynCFcBgzBDjIyiaCE5nqtb_4zbEXr8L1EbcllbtZkq3vd9w996kO7xlpBEWwPY8IWg Copy
If this is not your case check if that token exist, or generate a new one. you can use this format to protect route like this
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/home', function(){
return 'test';
I Had this problem ... two hours down the pan. Something very strange was happening and in my case I think Postman was the culprit.
Inspect the received header to rule it out:
Route::get('/test', function(){
dd( Request::header());
})/*->middleware('auth:api')*/; //disable auth middleware to inspect header
this is the strange thing I found:
"authorization" => array:1 [
0 => b"Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ ................
what the hell was the 'b' before Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN ???
I typed it out again and it dissapeared and auth middleware started working.
Inspect the header exactly and then add the middleware back. This might just be the cause!

In Laravel 5, why is Request::root() different when called during phpunit test?

I defined a test which tests the creation of a user. The controller is set to redirect back to the same page on error (using validation through a generated App\Http\Requests\Request). This works correctly when manually clicking in a browser, but fails during a test. Instead of being redirected to:
The test redirects to (missing a slash):
Neither of these urls are what I have setup in the .htaccess or in the $url variable in config/app.php. Which is (On OSX Yosemite):
I finally pinpointed the issue to have something to do with how the result of Request::root() is generated. Making a call to this outside of a test results in the expected value defined in .htaccess and $url. Inside the test it results in:
What configuration needs to change in order to get this function to return the correct value in both contexts?
I should also mention I made the painful upgrade from Laravel 4 to the current version 5.0.27.
****** UPDATE *******
I was able to figure out an acceptable solution/workaround to this issue!
In Laravel 5, FormRequests were introduced to help move validation logic out of controllers. Once a request is mapped to the controller, if a FormRequest (or just Request) is specified, this is executed before hitting the controller action.
This FormRequest by default handles the response if the validation fails. It attempts to construct a redirect based on the route you posted the form data to. In my case, possibly related to an error of mine updating from Laravel 4 to 5, this default redirect was being constructed incorrectly. The Laravel System code for handling the response looks like this:
* Get the proper failed validation response for the request.
* #param array $errors
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function response(array $errors)
if ($this->ajax() || $this->wantsJson())
return new JsonResponse($errors, 422);
return $this->redirector->to($this->getRedirectUrl())
->withErrors($errors, $this->errorBag);
Notice how the returned redirect is NOT the same as calling Redirect::route('some_route'). You can override this response function by including use Response in your Request class.
After using Redirect::route() to create the redirect, the logic in my tests passed with the expected results. Here is my Request code that worked:
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Request;
use Response;
class AccountRequest extends FormRequest {
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
return [
'email' => 'required|max:50|email|unique:users',
'password' => 'required|min:6',
'password_confirmation' => 'required|same:password'
public function response(array $errors){
return \Redirect::route('account_create');
The important part is that I called Redirect::route instead of letting the default response code execute.
Override the response function in the FormRequest validation handler to force the redirect to be constructed with Redirect::route('named_route') instead of allowing the default redirect.
You need to change config/app.php file's url value. Default value is http://localhost
Doc from config/app.php
This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using the Artisan command line tool. You should set this to the root of your application so that it is used when running Artisan tasks.
I know this isn't an exact answer to your question since it is not a configuration update that solves the problem. But I was struggling with a related problem and this seems to be the only post on the internet of someone dealing with something similar - I thought I'd put in my two cents for anyone that wants a different fix.
Please note that I'm using Laravel 4.2 at the moment, so this might have changed in Laravel 5 (although I doubt it).
You can specify the HTTP_HOST header when you're testing a controller using the function:
$response = $this->call($method, $uri, $parameters, $files, $server, $content);
To specify the header just provided the $server variable as an array like so:
array('HTTP_HOST' => 'testing.mydomain.com');
When I did the above, the value produced for my Request::root() was http://testing.mydomain.com.
Again, I know this isn't a configuration update to solve you're issue, but hopefully this can help someone struggling with a semi-related issue.
If you tried changine config/app.php and it did not help.
it is better to use $_ENV - global variable in phpunit.
say, you want Request::root() to return 'my.site'
but you cannot touch phpunit.xml
you can simply set an env param like so
$_ENV['APP_URL'] = 'my.site';
and call $this->refreshApplication(); in your unittest.
viola, your request()->root() is giving you my.site now.

Swagger PHP API Documentation (executing php files to make json)

I am trying to make the Restful API documentation in PHP swagger, what I did before is that I changed the JSON to work out, now I know we can make the JSON by making PHP files and using swagger notation. I did check the Pet.php example and I get the code but I don't know how to execute the file to get the JSON API documentation which I can link with my Swagger UI. I read the documentation but it is so confusing and I don't know how to get through this problem can anyone help, please? Here is the link I study but to no worth.
Swagger-PHP for generating JSON file for Swagger-UI
Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to generate the API documentation in JSON? I will be very thankful to him thanks.
There are two way to achieve this in swagger-php 2.0.
The first solution is to create a controller or script which will generate the documentation on each request. This is a good solution in a development environment where you want to see quickly the outcome of your changes.
Here is an example of a controller which does this.
namespace Controllers;
use Swagger\Annotations as SWG;
use Swagger;
* #SWG\Swagger(
* basePath="/path/to/opration/",
* produces={"application/json"},
* swagger="2.0",
* #SWG\Info(
* version="1.0.0",
* title="My API"
* )
* )
class Documentation {
const API_PATH = "path/to/my/documented/files/";
public function show(){
$swagger = Swagger\scan(self::API_PATH);
return json_enconde($swagger); //you can echo this in the calling script.
Note: The example above assumes you installed Swagger-php with Composer and that the calling script include the composer generated autoload file (usually called: vendor/autoload.php).
The first solution consisting of generating a static json API documentation is described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21380432/2853903
This solution recommended for production deployment, where you would not want to regenerate the documentation on every request.
