why do MySQL displays the same column twice? - php

Hello every {body] !
I have a simple "members" table to which I normally add rows with the function bellow.
The problem is that when I call the read function, it returns each column to me twice. Like this:
The weirdest thing is that all the columns are correct except "phone", it returns me '1' instead of an empty string.
Can anybody help me please ?
Here is the read function:
function db_read($columnToRead, $table, $targetColumn, $targetValue) {
//connecting to database
//reading data
$result = $tilelli->prepare('SELECT '.$columnToRead.' FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$targetColumn.' = ? LIMIT 1');
if ($result->execute(array($targetValue))) {
return $result->fetch();
} else {
return "Accès à la base de données refusé!";
And here is the calling method:
//reading member
$member = db_read("*", "members", "link", $_SESSION["member"]["link"]);

Yes, when I print_r($member), it displays the phone correctly, but look at the web page :
PHP code
HTML result
Here is the "info()" function:
//inserting a profile info
function info($svg, $text, $buttonHref, $buttonLabel, $rounded = false, $previewable = false, $notif = "") {
$style = "";
$class = "";
$notification = '<span class="notifCounter">'.$notif.'</span>';
if ($rounded)
$style = 'style="border-radius: 50%;"';
if ($previewable)
$class = ' previewable';
echo '<div class="info">
<p class="info_icon_container">
<img src="'.$svg.'" class="info_icon'.$class.'" '.$style.' />
<p class="info_text">
<p class="info_alter" onclick="window.location=\''.$buttonHref.'\';">

Sorry friends, this is a stupid typo. I put (=!) Instead of (!=) In the php code.
$phone = "Aucun numéro de téléphone";
if ($member["phone"] =! "")
$phone = $member["phone"];


value from db contains php variable name ('hello $name') , how show it correctly?

from db i'm getting a string that contains php variable name like 'hello $name' , i don't know how to show it correctly :
ex :
lets say i have function show name :
function echoName($name){
//call to db to get string (hello $name)
$helloname = $row['helName'];
echo $helloname; //lets say name = jinko it should print hello jinko
//but it prints hello $name
// i have tried "$helloname"; it doesn't work
in my case db contains:
Il tuo codice di prenotazione è $codicePrenotazione<br>Ricordiamo la data : $newDate
my code for function :
function sendEmail($cognome,$nome,$email,$codicePrenotazione,$date){
require './dbconnection.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer(true);
$query = 'SELECT Azienda_Nome,Azienda_email_notifiche_smtp,Azienda_email_notifiche_utente ,Azienda_email_notifiche_pwd,Azienda_email_notifiche_porta,Azienda_email_notifiche_sicurezza ,Azienda_mex_utente FROM `aziende`';
$stmt =$conn->query($query);
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$siteOwnersEmail = $row['Azienda_email_notifiche_utente'];
$smtp =$row['Azienda_email_notifiche_smtp'];
$password =$row['Azienda_email_notifiche_pwd'];
$porta=strtolower( $row['Azienda_email_notifiche_porta']);
$sicurezza=strtolower( $row['Azienda_email_notifiche_sicurezza']);
$contact_message = $row['Azienda_mex_utente'];//this line contains the string
$nomeAzienda = $row['Azienda_Nome'];
$conn = null;
$newDate = date("d-m-Y H:i", strtotime($date));
$name = $nome.' '.$cognome;
$email = $email;
$subject = 'Codice Prenotazione';
//etc etc
You're better off using something like sprintf.
For example if you have this in your database:
Hello, your name is %s
You can format it like this:
echo sprintf($row["heName"], "Test");
Which will output:
Hello, your name is Test
If you really want to use PHP style variable names one way would be to use preg_replace_callback to replace the variables with their respective value:
function format_string($string, $variables) {
return preg_replace_callback("~\\$([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)~",
function($match) use (&$variables) {
$varname = $match[1];
return $variables[$varname];
}, $string);
echo format_string("Hello \$user", /* variable table */ [
"user" => "Test"
You can use eval...
$name = "jinko";
$helloname = "hello $name";
eval("\$helloname = \"$helloname\";");
echo $helloname; // prints: hello jinko
warning: this can be dangerous as eval "executes" any PHP code. So use it only if the data coming from your database is safe.

HTML - String containing color codes to color

I'm currently facing a problem here, I have many different strings like these:
And so on.
I'm outputting this on an HTML page (Grabbing it through my database)
Anyways, what I want to achieve is to read those #00ff00 and output it as the color itself.
these are usernames, and most of the time they go like this: #ff0000#SomeName | Which I then want to turn into <span style="color: #ff0000">#SomeName</span> oh and the there are usernames with several colorcodes.
My friend gave me this code which solved my problem. :)
function colorCodesRenderProperly($name)
$name = htmlspecialchars($name);
if(preg_match('/^(#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})+$/', $name) === 1)
return $name;
preg_match_all('/#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/', $name, $codes);
$replaced = array();
$codes_original = $codes;
$i = 0;
$count = 1;
foreach($codes[0] as &$code)
if(in_array($codes_original[0][$i], $replaced))
$code = sprintf('%02s', dechex((hexdec($code[1].$code[2])/255*128)))
.sprintf('%02s', dechex((hexdec($code[3].$code[4])/255*128)))
.sprintf('%02s', dechex((hexdec($code[5].$code[6])/255*128)));
$name = str_replace($codes_original[0][$i], "<span style=\"color: #$code;\">", $name, $count);
$replaced[] = $codes_original[0][$i];
$count = 1;
while($i > 0)
$name .= "</span>";
return $name;
Try this:
var txt = document.createTextNode("he#00ff00llo"),
wrapper = document.createElement('span'),
regExp = /#[\da-f]{6}/i,
while(~(pos = txt.nodeValue.search(regExp))) {
txt = txt.splitText(pos);
var span = wrapper.cloneNode(false);
span.style.color = txt.nodeValue.substr(0,7);
txt.nodeValue = txt.nodeValue.substr(7);
// append wrapper to the DOM

Codeigniter DataGrid Class

So, I am building myself a simple(ish) datagrid class for my CodeIgniter app.
What I am wondering is, I have some columns that I would like to "format" in that I mean, some may contain only a 1 or a 0, yet I want to turn them into a Yes or No respectively.
How can I do this? In other words, I want to be able to pass in another parameter..something like:
$this->_columnCallBack pass it an array like array(column_number=>'NameOfCallBackFunction')
I am assuming that I would do it somewhat like I did the _columnclass, where I pass in the column number, and the class as an array... but I don't know how I would get the function to fire off to do the replacement...
class O7thDG {
public function __construct($params){
$this->_table = $params['table'];
$this->_pk = $params['pk'];
$this->_fields = (isset($params['fields'])) ? $params['fields'] : null;
$this->_where = (isset($params['where'])) ? $params['where'] : null;
$this->_order = (isset($params['order'])) ? $params['order'] : null;
$this->_extras = (isset($params['extras'])) ? $params['extras'] : null;
$this->_add = (isset($params['add'])) ? $params['add'] : FALSE;
$this->_edit = (isset($params['edit'])) ? $params['edit'] : FALSE;
$this->_delete = (isset($params['delete'])) ? $params['delete'] : FALSE;
$this->_editlink = (isset($params['editlink'])) ? $params['editlink'] : null;
$this->_deletelink = (isset($params['deletelink'])) ? $params['deletelink'] : null;
$this->_editlinkextras = (isset($params['editlinkextras'])) ? $params['editlinkextras'] : null;
$this->_deletelinkextras = (isset($params['deletelinkextras'])) ? $params['deletelinkextras'] : null;
$this->_tableid = (isset($params['tableid'])) ? $params['tableid'] : null;
$this->_tableclass = (isset($params['tableclass'])) ? $params['tableclass'] : null;
$this->_columnclass = (isset($params['columnclass'])) ? $params['columnclass'] : null;
$this->_includeheader = (isset($params['includeheader'])) ? $params['includeheader'] : TRUE;
$this->_allowpaging = (isset($params['allowpaging'])) ? $params['allowpaging'] : FALSE;
$this->_sorting = (isset($params['sorting'])) ? $params['sorting'] : null;
$this->_columncallback = (isset($params['columncallback'])) ? $params['columncallback'] : null;
public function BuildIt($responsive = TRUE){
$_ci =& get_instance();
$_ci->load->library('TKCommon', null, 'comm');
$fldlist = $this->_buildSelectFieldList();
$cols = $this->_buildColumnFieldList();
$ret = '';
if($this->_where != null){
// build the where
if($this->_order != null){
// build the order
if($this->_extras != null){
// build the extras
// Query the specified table
$qry = $_ci->db->get($this->_table);
if($cols == null){
$cols = $_ci->db->list_fields($this->_table);
$fldlist = $cols;
$fldlist = explode(', ', $fldlist);
// throw the results into an associative array
$rs = $qry->result_array();
$rCt = count($rs);
$cCt = $qry->num_fields();
// add our responsive wrapper
$ret .= '<div class="table-responsive">';
// fire up our table
$tid = '';
$tc = '';
if($this->_tableid != null){$tid = ' id="' .$this->_tableid . '"';}
if($this->_tableclass != null){$tc = ' class="' .$this->_tableclass . '"';}
$_ci->table->set_template(array('table_open'=>'<table' . $tid . $tc . '>'));
// build our header row, but only if we need to
if($this->_includeheader && $cCt > 0){
// see if we need to include the admin column
if($this->_edit || $this->_delete){
$_ci->table->set_heading(array_merge($cols, array('Admin')));
// build each records row
for($r = 0; $r < $rCt; ++$r){
$ca = array();
for($c = 0; $c < $cCt; ++$c){
if(($this->_columnclass != null) && ($c == key($this->_columnclass))){
// figure out which column needs the class, and what class needs to be applied
$ca[] = $this->_columnCallback($c, array('data'=>$rs[$r][$fldlist[$c]], 'class'=>$this->_columnclass[key($this->_columnclass)]));
$ca[] = $this->_columnCallback($c, $rs[$r][$fldlist[$c]]);
// see if we need to include the admin column
if(($this->_edit || $this->_delete) && ($this->_editlink != null || $this->_deletelink != null)){
$txt = '';
if($this->_edit &&($this->_editlink != null)){
$txt .= '<span class="fa fa-pencil fa-lg"></span> ';
if($this->_delete &&($this->_deletelink != null)){
$txt .= '<span class="fa fa-trash-o fa-lg"></span>';
if(($this->_columnclass != null) && ($cCt == key($this->_columnclass))){
$ca[] = array('data'=>$txt, 'class'=>$this->_columnclass[key($this->_columnclass)]);
$ca[] = $txt;
$ret .= $_ci->table->generate();
// close our responsive wrapper
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= $_ci->comm->ErrorBox('There was an issue running the query, please make sure at least your primary key, and table are correct.');
$ret .= $_ci->comm->ErrorBox('There was an issue running the query, please make sure at least your primary key, and table are correct.');
return $ret;
// build our select's field list
private function _buildSelectFieldList(){
if($this->_fields == null){
return '*';
$flds = array_map(function($item){return $item['field'];}, $this->_fields);
return implode(', ', $flds);
// build our tables column list
private function _buildColumnFieldList(){
if($this->_fields == null){
return null;
return array_map(function($item){return $item['label'];}, $this->_fields);
private function _columnCallback($col, $val){
if($this->_columncallback != null){
if($col == key($this->_columncallback))
return $this->_columncallback[key($this->_columncallback)]($val);
return $val;
and my external function that I may want to use is simply:
// Format boolean value to Yes or No
public function YesNo($val){
return ((bool)$val) ? 'Yes' : 'No' ;
CI Documentation for the table class has $this->table->function, however, the function(s) passed applies to the entire table
What about using and/or anonymous functions:
Update 2 "reloaded"
You could also check grocery crud, it's CI library and do some interesting things that can be useful for you project:
Grocery crud uses call_user_func from PHP and allows you to use any function declaread in your controller, if this is what you need then it's just matter of time and check grocery crud code.
In the library a protected property is declared for each callback for example (line #3386 v1.4.1):
/* Callbacks */
protected $callback_before_insert = null;
So you/me/any can set the callback function in case is needed, then check for any callback setted doing something like (line #878 GroceryCrud 1.4.1):
if($this->callback_before_insert !== null)
$callback_return = call_user_func($this->callback_before_insert, $post_data);
if(!empty($callback_return) && is_array($callback_return))
$post_data = $callback_return;
elseif($callback_return === false)
return false;
Of course there's a method to set the callback (line #4518 from v1.4.1):
public function callback_before_insert($callback = null)
$this->callback_before_insert = $callback;
return $this;
And the user/dev set the callback doing:
And/Or this technique allows you use something like:
even if you're usign php 5.3 or greater you can use an anonymous method:
$post_array['user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
return $post_array;
More info: http://www.grocerycrud.com/documentation/tutorial_using_callbacks
About Grocery Crud:
Author: John Skoumbourdis (more about author/library)
Web: GroceryCrud
License: released with dual licensing, using the GPL v3 and the MIT license.
Update 3
Update I've read more carefully your question, thinking functions varible can work for you:
See the first and second samples here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php
Still don't know if they will work "outside" your class, but it could.
These functions will work as you want to, but you need to rewrite a bit for your needs.
function callback1($array, $row_id, $function)
return $function($array[$row_id]);
return 0;
function YesNo($val)
return intval($val) ? 'Yes' : 'No' ;
#example of array and usage of script.
$array = array('id' => '0', 'id2' => '1');
$ok = callback1($array, 'id2', 'YesNo');
Make filters array
$this->filters = ['column_name' => 'function_name', 'column_name2' => 'otherFunction'];
Then you just apply the filter to the data
if ( array_key_exists($column_name, $this->filters) ) {
// Add row that contains filtered data
$row_data = $this->filters[$column_name]($column_val);
$row_data = $column_val;
If your functions aren't available globally (not in a helper or built-in php), you'll have to use something like this:
call_user_func(array($this, $this->filters[$column_name]), $column_val);
This would run a function from inside the library O7...

Retrieving value from database in CodeIgniter is not working

In my Codeigniter project ,table value is not retrieving from database.Am using MySQL (WAMP) as database.Using Select Query i have checked the data in database and its fine there.When updating the same also its retrieving the old value in db.But when retrieving the value in later stage (ie,taking old bill) its not retrieving the value.The problem is happening only on the single field(ie,actual_price).How to solve this error.Here am attaching the screenshot and controller code for the same.
Controller Code
function bill_view($billid)
if(!$billid) {
$salecode =str_replace("_","/",$billid);
$filter ="gm_sale.saleCode ='$salecode'";
$billArray =$this->sale_model->getBillinfo($filter);
$bank ='';
$wcoNo ='';
$saleId =0;
foreach($billArray as $key=>$val) {
$exshowroom = $val['actual_price'];
$date =$val['saledate'];
$wcoNo = $val['wcoNo'];
$saleId= $val['saleId'];
if(!is_null($val['bank']) && !empty($val['bank'])){
$bank =$val['bank'];
if(!is_null($val['scheme_id']) && !empty($val['scheme_id'])){
$array_scheme = unserialize($val['scheme_id']);
foreach ($array_scheme as $val_scheme_id) {
$res_scheme = $this->db->get_where("gm_scheme",array('id'=>(int)$val_scheme_id));
if($res_scheme->num_rows >0){
$arrscheme = $res_scheme->row_array();
if(!empty($scheme)) {
$scheme .= ",";
$scheme .= $arrscheme['schemeName'];
$query = $this->db->get_where('gm_users',array('userId'=>(int)$saleUserId));
if($query->num_rows >0) {
$arrUser =$query->row_array();
$arrUser =array();
$data['list_product'] = $billArray;
$data['userinfo'] =$arrUser;
$data['saleCode'] =$salecode;
$data['sale_to'] =$sale_to;
$data['added_date'] =$date;
$data['bank'] =$bank;
$data['scheme'] =$scheme;
$data['wcoNo'] =$wcoNo;
$data['saleId'] =$saleId;
Model Code
function getBillinfo($filter=''){
$this->db->select('*,gm_sale.added_date as saledate');
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows>0) {
$arrRow =$query->result_array();
Your code that you have in the controller doing DB stuff should be in the model.
The controller does not have context to
modify your joins (3rd param) to retrieve values in actual_price

Incorporating next/ previous in my 'foreach statement

I want to have a previous|next link on my page to change pictures.
I use a function to get relevent elements. However, I do not know what additional code is require in my function and where to place it. Also what should be in the html section.
I have looked at many pages on next/previous from 'foreach' but I cannot seem to relate to them.
function image_data($image_album_id) {
$image_album__id = (int)$image_album_id;
$args = func_get_args();
$fields = '`'.implode('`, `', $args).'`';
$query = mysql_query("SELECT $fields FROM `album_images`
WHERE `image_album_id`=$image_album_id AND `member_id`= '1'");
$ query_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
foreach ($args as $field) {
$args[$field] = $query_result[$field];
return $args;
Html Page:
$image_album_id =$_GET['image_album_id'];
$image_data = image_data($image_album_id, 'album_id', 'albumname', 'ext', 'timestamp');
echo '';
<td class="smallfont albumthumb2" align="center" valign="middle" >
<img alt="" class="album_cover" src="<?php echo 'images/albums/thumbs/'. $image_data['album_id']. '/'. $image_album_id. '.' .$image_data['ext'];?> " height="175px" width="175px">
Many thanks. I hope I make sense.
Thanks for the speedy response.
Since there is a lot to look at and digest I thought I would just see if it works.
Alas no.
There is a parse error: syntax error, unexpected
'<' on line
$prev_link = Previous;
The only thing I notice within that section was an extra curly bracket after 'title="$prev_name"}'
I see there is the same for the 'title="$next_name"}'
WIth reference to your specific questions.
I get to the album_viewT page when I click on a link in a previous page. This contains tiny thumbnails. The link being localhost/Testing/album_view.php?artist_id=4&image_album_id=4 as an example.
Not sure if I fully understand "order of date is by image_album_data
Yes there are almost 3,000 rows in the database.
I should also mention that album_id has been replaced by artist_id.
Should the href be changed to "album_view.php/id/...
Your question lacks some data i.e. what is the page you are visiting that produces this code (the URL that is) and how is your data sorted. For instance I can see that you are providing potentially more information using the album_viewT.php? script but that is not necessarily the one that displays the HTML that you have produced.
So after all this I will make some assumptions and hopefully that will give you the right guidance to get to the solution.
I am assuming that your visiting page is http://mysite.com/albums/id/25
I am also assuming that the order of the data is by image_album_id.
Finally I am assuming that you have data in your db and I don't need to check whether there are returned data in the template for the current image. You will need to sort that out yourself.
You will need to get the data first from the database:
function image_data($image_album_id)
$results = array(
'previous' => FALSE,
'current' => FALSE,
'next' => FALSE,
$image_album__id = (int)$image_album_id;
$args = func_get_args();
$fields = '`'.implode('`, `', $args).'`';
// Current record
$results['current'] = get_data(
"AND image_album_id = {$image_album_id}"
// Previous - no need to run this if we don't have a current
if ($results['current'])
// Current record
$results['previous'] = get_data(
"AND image_album_id < {$image_album_id} " .
// Next - no need to run this if we don't have a current
if ($results['current'])
// Current record
$results['next'] = get_data(
"AND image_album_id > {$image_album_id} " .
// If all went well the $results array will contain the data
// for the 3 records. If we are at the beginning or the end,
// the previous and/or next will be FALSE
return $results;
function get_data($fields, $where = '')
$return = FALSE;
// Template
$template = "SELECT %s "
. "FROM album_images "
. "WHERE member_id = 1 %s";
// Current record
$sql = sprintf($template, $fields, $where);
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$query_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
// If data has been found
if ($query_result)
$return = $query_result;
return $return;
For your HTML page:
$image_album_id = $_GET['image_album_id'];
$image_data = image_data(
'album_id', 'albumname', 'ext', 'timestamp'
$prev_link = '';
$next_link = '';
if ($image_data['previous'])
$prev_id = $image_data['previous']['album_id'];
$prev_name = $image_data['previous']['albumname'];
$prev_link = <a href="/albums/id/{$prev_id}" title="$prev_name"}>Previous</a>";
if ($image_data['next'])
$next_id = $image_data['next']['album_id'];
$next_name = $image_data['next']['albumname'];
$next_link = <a href="/albums/id/{$next_id}" title="$next_name"}>Next</a>";
$curr_id = $image_data['current']['album_id'];
$curr_ext = $image_data['current']['ext'];
<?php echo $prev_link; ?>|<?php echo $next_link; ?>
<td class="smallfont albumthumb2" align="center" valign="middle">
<a href="album_viewT.php?images/albums/thumbs/
<?php echo "{$curr_id}/{$image_album_id}.{$curr_ext}; ?>
<img alt="" class="album_cover"
<?php echo "{$curr_id}/{$image_album_id}.{$curr_ext}"; ?>
width="175px" />
Note: I have split the line for the img and a tags in the HTML file for clarity.
