Within the this file of the Advanced Custom Fields (pro) plugin:
on rows 733 - 751 the fields HTML is rendered:
// Render HTML
echo "<$element $attributes_html>" . "\n";
if( $element !== 'td' ) {
echo "<$inner_element class=\"acf-label\">" . "\n";
acf_render_field_label( $field );
if( $instruction == 'label' ) {
acf_render_field_instructions( $field );
echo "</$inner_element>" . "\n";
echo "<$inner_element class=\"acf-input\">" . "\n";
acf_render_field( $field );
if( $instruction == 'field' ) {
acf_render_field_instructions( $field );
echo "</$inner_element>" . "\n";
echo "</$element>" . "\n";
Is it possible to change the class acf-label to uk-form-label and the class acf-input to uk-form-controls?
Maybe adding some code to my functions.php or maybe a code to replace the whole file or something?
I really really need this change to implement the UIKIT frontend framework...
Fingeres crossed....
PS. Or is there a way to completely overwrite the following function:
function acf_render_field_wrap( $field, $element = 'div', $instruction = 'label' ) {
I'm kinda learning php as I go along here (though I do have some experience in other languages), so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I'm using an add_action() function in functions.php to access the form data from an Elementor form. Works fine from within add_action(), however I cannot return any of the variables to make them available elsewhere within functions.php (I've tried adding "return $fields").
There's probably an easy solution, but I've been wracking my brain all weekend, and haven't gotten anywhere. Any thoughts?
Side Note: I've read elsewhere that using filters may be a solution, but it doesn't seem to be as simple as changing "add_action()" to "add_filter()".
add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/new_record', function( $record ) {
$form_name = $record->get_form_settings( 'form_name' );
if ( 'MyElementorForm' !== $form_name ) {
$raw_fields = $record->get( 'fields' );
$fields = [];
foreach ( $raw_fields as $id => $field ) {
$fields[ $id ] = $field['value'];
$letter_type = $fields['LetterType'];
// Send Test Email //
if($letter_type === "1"){
$message = "Upload";
} elseif($letter_type === "0"){
$message = "PDF";
} else {
$message = "Fail " . gettype($letter_type) . " " . $letter_type;
"Test Message " . $message
);}, 10, 2);
I need to send a full array of custom field to a mail (dynamicaly populate) with contact Form 7 to work it here before sending :
// define the wpcf7_posted_data callback
function action_wpcf7_posted_data($array)
$a = get_field('date')
$array['Nom & Prénom'] = $array['name'];
$array['E-mail'] = $array['email'];
$array['Téléphone'] = $array['tel'];
$array['Profession'] = $array['job'];
$array['Session'] = $array['upcoming-gigs'];
return $array;
add_filter('wpcf7_posted_data', 'action_wpcf7_posted_data', 10, 1);
Because it's before sending a mail I can't call anything to compare before sending.
So I want to send all the data in a hidden input next to compare it.
This the two input in contact Form 7 :
[select upcoming-gigs data:gigs id:date] [hidden select upcoming-gigs2 data:gigs2]
My goal here is to send all the data of the hidden select.
I don't find a way to send all input in the mail.
Is it possible ? There is a better way ?
My question mark2 :
The goal is to send a mail with the date of the session and the id of it.
I use ACF and I have :
And after a dynamic dropdown, it's look like this for the user :
The problem is I don't have the id of the session, only the date.
To know the id I need to compar to the array of all the custom field, I can't import it during wpcf7_posted_data.
I think if I send all the data of the array in a hidden field, I could remake the array and find the id of the session my user choose.
I hope I'm clearer.
(I can't make a request in php during wpcf7_posted_data. Can I make an ajax request ?)
This my hidden select with session and text
This is the html of contact form 7 the rest is div for CSS
[select upcoming-date data:date id:date] [hidden select upcoming-date2 data:date2]
Okay get it.
The custom fields I use to make the dropdown are in two part id and text. I have the text part I need the id.
If I send every text and id in the mail I can compare to the answer of the user et add to the mail the right id.
Here the generated html : http://www.sharemycode.fr/5ax
EDIT 4 :
That where I write the id and text of the dropdown :
That where I create the select :
add_filter('wpcf7_form_tag_data_option', function ($n, $options, $args) {
$ses = (array)get_field('date_new');
$sesCount = count($ses);
$gigs = [];
$gigs2 = [];
if (in_array('gigs', $options)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $sesCount; $i++) {
if ($ses[$i]['date_start'] > date('d-m-Y', time())) {
$a = "A réaliser entre le " . $ses[$i]['date_start'] . " et le " . $ses[$i]['date_end'] ." | bla";
array_push($gigs, $a);
return $gigs;
It looks like this is supported by Contact Form 7 natively, it's just not very obvious on how to make it happen.
Here's a documentation page explaining the functionality: http://contactform7.com/selectable-recipient-with-pipes/
Basically all you have to do is put the values like so:
Visible Value|actual-form-value
What comes before the pipe "|" character will be shown in the form, and what comes after will be the actual value filled in for the form.
EDIT kanarpp :
I add my code here to separate the answer of HowardE.
This is how I dynamicaly create my select :
add_filter('wpcf7_form_tag_data_option', function ($n, $options, $args) {
$ses = (array)get_field('date');
$sesCount = count($ses);
$date= [];
if (in_array('date', $options)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $sesCount; $i++) {
if ($ses[$i]['date_start'] > date('d-m-Y', time())) {
$a = "A réaliser entre le " . $ses[$i]['date_start'] . " et le " . $ses[$i]['date_end'] ." | bla";
array_push($date, $a);
return $date;
It's not working, I use Smart Grid-Layout Design for Contact Form 7 to create dynmicaly my select
I would create a custom form tag for the select. The following code will create a custom form tag called [gigs] which would be used like this:
[gigs upcoming-gigs]
I've also included ability to add the * and make it required.
My assumptions are how you're actually getting the ACF fields, which I can't actually do, since I don't have them, and you haven't completely shared how it's stored. You would add this to your functions.php.
add_action('wpcf7_init', function (){
wpcf7_add_form_tag( array('gigs', 'gigs*'), 'dd_cf7_upcoming_gigs' , array('name-attr' => true) );
function dd_cf7_upcoming_gigs($tag) {
if ( empty( $tag->name ) ) {
return '';
$validation_error = wpcf7_get_validation_error( $tag->name );
$class = wpcf7_form_controls_class( $tag->type );
if ( $validation_error ) {
$class .= ' wpcf7-not-valid';
$atts = array();
$atts['class'] = $tag->get_class_option( $class );
$atts['id'] = $tag->get_id_option();
$atts['tabindex'] = $tag->get_option( 'tabindex', 'signed_int', true );
if ( $tag->is_required() ) {
$atts['aria-required'] = 'true';
if ( $validation_error ) {
$atts['aria-invalid'] = 'true';
$atts['aria-describedby'] = wpcf7_get_validation_error_reference(
} else {
$atts['aria-invalid'] = 'false';
// Make first option unselected and please choose
$html = '<option value="">- - '. __('Please Choose', 'text-domain'). ' - -</option>';
// This part you may have to update with your custom fields
$ses = (array)get_field('date_new');
$sesCount = count($ses);
for ($i = 0; $i < $sesCount; $i++) {
if ($ses[$i]['date_start'] > date('d-m-Y', time())) {
$a = "A réaliser entre le " . $ses[$i]['date_start'] . " et le " . $ses[$i]['date_end'];
// if session ID is in fact $ses[$i]['session']
$html .= sprintf( '<option %1$s>%2$s</option>',
$ses[$i]['session'], $a );
foreach ($gigs as $key => $value){
$html .= sprintf( '<option %1$s>%2$s</option>',
$key, $value );
$atts['name'] = $tag->name;
$atts = wpcf7_format_atts( $atts );
$html = sprintf(
'<span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap %1$s"><select %2$s>%3$s</select>%4$s</span>',
sanitize_html_class( $tag->name ), $atts, $html, $validation_error
return $html;
add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_gigs', 'dd_validate_gigs_filter', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_gigs*', 'dd_validate_gigs_filter', 10, 2 );
function dd_validate_gigs_filter( $result, $tag ) {
$name = $tag->name;
$has_value = isset( $_POST[$name] ) && '' !== $_POST[$name];
if ( $has_value and $tag->has_option( 'multiple' ) ) {
$vals = array_filter( (array) $_POST[$name], function( $val ) {
return '' !== $val;
} );
$has_value = ! empty( $vals );
if ( $tag->is_required() and ! $has_value ) {
$result->invalidate( $tag, wpcf7_get_message( 'invalid_required' ) );
return $result;
I'm using the Petfinder API for Wordpress plugin. The plugin defaults to listing animals based on how old the Petfinder entries are, from oldest to newest. I'm trying to figure out a way to either do newest to oldest, or alphabetize based on animal names.
The data is loaded via the following code:
function get_petfinder_data($api_key, $shelter_id, $count, $pet = '') {
// If no specific pet is specified
if ( $pet == '' ) {
// Create request URL for all pets from the shelter
$request_url = 'http://api.petfinder.com/shelter.getPets?key=' . $api_key . '&count=' . $count . '&id=' . $shelter_id . '&status=A&output=full';
// If a specific pet IS specified
else {
// Create a request URL for that specific pet's data
$request_url = 'http://api.petfinder.com/pet.get?key=' . $api_key . '&id=' . $pet;
// Request data from Petfinder
$petfinder_data = #simplexml_load_file( $request_url );
// If data not available, don't display errors on page
if ($petfinder_data === false) {}
return $petfinder_data;
And the code that creates the list looks like this:
function get_all_pets($pets) {
foreach( $pets as $pet ) {
// Define Variables
$pet_name = get_pet_name($pet->name);
$pet_type = get_pet_type($pet->animal);
$pet_size = get_pet_size($pet->size);
$pet_age = get_pet_age($pet->age);
$pet_gender = get_pet_gender($pet->sex);
$pet_options = get_pet_options_list($pet);
$pet_description = get_pet_description($pet->description);
$pet_photo_thumbnail = get_pet_photos($pet, 'medium');
$pet_photo_all = get_pet_photos ($pet, 'large', false);
$pet_more_url = get_site_url() . '/adopt/adoptable-dogs/?view=pet-details&id=' . $pet->id;
$pet_pf_url = 'http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/' . $pet->id;
// Create breed classes
$pet_breeds_condensed = '';
foreach( $pet->breeds->breed as $breed ) {
$pet_breeds_condensed .= pet_value_condensed($breed) . ' ';
// Create options classes
$pet_options_condensed = '';
foreach( $pet->options->option as $option ) {
$option = get_pet_option($option);
if ( $option != '' ) {
$pet_options_condensed .= pet_value_condensed($option) . ' ';
// Compile pet info
// Add $pet_options and $pet_breeds as classes and meta info
$pet_list .= '<div class="vc_col-sm-3 petfinder ' . pet_value_condensed($pet_age) . ' ' . pet_value_condensed($pet_gender) . ' ' . $pet_breeds_condensed . ' ' . $pet_options_condensed . '">' .
'<div class="dogthumbnail">' .
'' . $pet_photo_thumbnail . '<br>' .
'</div>' .
'<a class="dogname" href="' . $pet_more_url . '">' . $pet_name . '</a><br>' .
'<span> ' . $pet_age . ' • ' . $pet_gender . '<br>' .
'<div class="dogbreed">' . $pet_breeds_condensed . '</div>' .
'<a class="morelink" href="' . $pet_more_url . '">Learn More <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i></a><br>' .
// Return pet list
return $pet_list;
Here's an example of the XML that the Petfinder API spits out (right now there are 25 pet entries in the full thing):
<petfinder xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://api.petfinder.com/schemas/0.9/petfinder.xsd">
I'd like to sort all entries by either "name" or "lastUpdate". I've been looking at a lot of posts about sorting XML element objects but they either don't seem to work or I can't figure out how to apply them specifically to my code. I'm not super well-versed in this stuff, so any assistance is much appreciated!!
After a LOT of research and trial and error, I figured out how to organize alphabetically by animal name. Posting this in case anybody is ever trying to figure out the same.
First of all, I was wrong in my assumption of which sections I might need to be editing. It was actually line 723 of the plugin file. Here's how I modified the code for that section:
// Display a list of all available dogs
else {
// Access Petfinder Data
$petfinder_data = get_petfinder_data($api_key, $shelter_id, $count);
// If the API returns without errors
if( $petfinder_data->header->status->code == '100' ) {
// If there is at least one animal
if( count( $petfinder_data->pets->pet ) > 0 ) {
//Sort list of dogs ALPHABETICALLY by NAME
$petSXE = $petfinder_data->pets->children();
$petArray = array();
foreach($petSXE->pet as $d) {
$petArray[] = $d;
function name_cmp($a, $b) {
$va = (string) $a->name;
$vb = (string) $b->name;
if ($va===$vb) {
return 0;
return ($va<$vb) ? -1 : 1;
usort($petArray, 'name_cmp');
$pets = $petArray;
// Compile information that you want to include
$petfinder_list = get_type_list($pets).
get_age_list($pets) .
get_size_list($pets) .
get_gender_list($pets) .
get_options_list($pets) .
get_breed_list($pets) .
This is adapting the solution I found in this thread: sort xml div by child node PHP SimpleXML
I have two database (mysql) with the same structure. I want to:
compare data in two table. Table one - home and the second work,
send email with results,
update data in table work.
My query:
select id, code, quantity from wpx_products
I run this query in table home and work (two databases). And this is output:
"3";"home 005-07";"2"
"63";"home 033-12";"2"
"15";"home 005-19";"2"
and from work:
"1";"work 005-07";"2"
"2";"work 033-12";"5"
"3";"work 005-19";"2"
What I want to do ? What I mean by "compare" ? I want find record with excluding tag work or home in column 'code'. For example I want to find 033-12 and check quantity. If the difference copy value from home to work.
In first second I want to use trigger in mysql. But this is not solution for me because I cant run it by myself and I can't send email with results. What is the best way to achieve this functionality ? Thanks for help.
Kind regards
I check this code below (thanks #AntG). And I have one problem. When I print
foreach ($result_target AS $target) {
$code_target = substr($target['code'], 4);
if ($code_source === $code_target) {
if ($source['quantity'] !== $target['quantity']) {
print $source['quantity'] .' -> ' . $target['quantity']."<br /><br />";
$match[] = array('code' => $source['code'], 'quantity' => $source['quantity'], 'targetid' => $target['id'], 'sourceid' => $source['id']);
$found = true;
I have this results: http://suszek.info/projekt1/ Like You see there is 50 values. When I print $match there is much more, duplicated value and I don't know why ?
$msg = '';
foreach ($match AS $entry) {
$msg .= 'Change identified: Home_ID=' . $entry['sourceid'] . ' code: ' . $entry['code'] . ' quantity:' . $entry['quantity'] . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
print $msg;
/* Perform DB updates using $entry['targetid'] and $entry['quantity'] */
I have this results: http://suszek.info/projekt1/index_1.php And all code:
$match = array(); $new = array();
foreach ($result_source AS $source) {
$found = false;
$code_source = substr($source['code'], 4);
foreach ($result_target AS $target) {
$code_target = substr($target['code'], 4);
if ($code_source === $code_target) {
if ($source['quantity'] !== $target['quantity']) {
print $source['quantity'] .' -> ' . $target['quantity']."<br /><br />";
$match[] = array('code' => $source['code'], 'quantity' => $source['quantity'], 'targetid' => $target['id'], 'sourceid' => $source['id']);
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$new[] = array('code' => $source['code'], 'quantity' => $source['quantity'], 'sourceid' => $source['id']);
} } $msg = ''; foreach ($match AS $entry) {
$msg .= 'Change identified: Home_ID=' . $entry['sourceid'] . ' code: ' . $entry['code'] . ' quantity:' . $entry['quantity'] . PHP_EOL
. '<br />';
print $msg;
/* Perform DB updates using $entry['targetid'] and $entry['quantity'] */ }
foreach ($new AS $entry) {
$msg .= 'New Entry: Home_ID=' . $entry['sourceid'] . ' code: ' . $entry['code'] . ' quantity:' . $entry['quantity'] . PHP_EOL . '<br
#print $msg;
/* Perform DB inserts using $entry['code'] and $entry['quantity'] if this is desired behaviour */ }
/* Send email with $msg */
If you are capturing both query results in a $results array, then I think substr() is the PHP function that you are after here:
foreach($results_home AS $home)
foreach($results_work AS $work)
foreach($match AS $entry)
$msg.='Change identified: Home_ID='.$entry['homeid'].' code: '.$entry['code'].' quantity:'.$entry['quantity'].PHP_EOL;
/* Perform DB updates using $entry['workid'] and $entry['quantity'] */
foreach($new AS $entry)
$msg.='New Entry: Home_ID='.$entry['homeid'].' code: '.$entry['code'].' quantity:'.$entry['quantity'].PHP_EOL;
/* Perform DB inserts using $entry['code'] and $entry['quantity'] if this is desired behaviour */
/* Send email with $msg */
I have a Wordpress plugin with a file (userinfo.php) that processes a function -- generateUserInfo(). I want to use this function on a sidebar widget. I'm unclear on exactly how to get that done.
Here is the code from userinfo.php inside of my plugin.
//need the current user's ID
$user = get_current_user_id();
$meetings = generateUserInfo($user, 4, 3, 'meetings');
$events = generateUserInfo($user, 6, 2, 'events');
function generateUserInfo($user,$taxonomy_id,$num_required_events,$event_type){
global $wpdb, $table_prefix;
$num_total_events = 0;
$num_actual_events = 0;
//Get the name of the taxonomy term for events (ID: 6)
$events = get_term_by('term_taxonomy_id', $taxonomy_id, 'events_categories');
$event_category_name = $events->name;
$event_posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'ai1ec_event', 'events_categories' => $event_category_name, 'posts_per_page' => -1));
foreach($event_posts as $event){
$attended_events_query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT vote FROM ".$table_prefix."attendance_list WHERE post = " . $event->ID . " AND user = " . $user);
if(count($attended_events_query)>0 && is_array($attended_events_query)) {
foreach($attended_events_query as $evt){
//add to the acutal events attended
if($evt->vote == 1) $num_actual_events++;
$events_msg = '<div>You have attended <br> <span class="big-num">'. $num_actual_events . '</span> / ' . $num_total_events . ' ' . $event_type . '</br>('. $num_required_events.' required)<br><br></div>';
echo $events_msg;
return $events_msg;
And here is the beginning of my widget:
function your_widget_display($args) {
echo $before_widget;
echo $before_title . 'Attendance Tracker' . $after_title;
echo $after_widget;
// print some HTML for the widget to display here
echo 'whatever';
'yac_attendance_widget', // your unique widget id
'YAC Member Attendance Tracker', // widget name
'your_widget_display', // callback function
array( // options
'description' => 'Description of what your widget does'
Just before echo $after_widget;, add the following
if(function_exists('generateUserInfo')) {