update replaces all the columns in Laravel - php

I am passing the post object to update my post but To my surprise when I try to edit a single post all my posts are been replaced with the edited values (image or text) that I entered when trying to edit.
public function update(Post $id){
$data = request()->validate([
'about' => 'required',
'image' => '',
$imagePath = request('image')->store('uploads','public');
$image = Image::make(public_path("storage/{$imagePath}"))->fit(500,500);
$imageArray = ['image' => $imagePath];
auth()->user()->posts()->update(array_merge( $data, $imageArray ?? [] ) );
$user = Auth::guard('web')->id() ;
return redirect()->route('home',['user'=>$user]);
Route::get('/post/edit/{post}', 'PostController#edit')->name('post.edit');
Route::patch('/p/update/{id}', 'PostController#update')->name('post.update');

your code will be updating all posts for this authenticated user.
in order to fix this issue :
Route::get('/post/edit/{post}', 'PostController#edit')->name('post.edit');
Route::patch('/post/edit/{post}', 'PostController#update')->name('post.update');
and in your controller
public function update(Post $post){
// validation code here
// image upload code
// update your database
//update database fields
return redirect('home');


insert using laravel 6 not working (function store) Array to string conversion

i tried to insert an annn but it gives me error Array to string conversion.knowing that all the fields are not obligatory plien, because the insertion is done according to the subcategory_id chosen in blade edit
public function store(Request $request)
'entreprise' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','string','min:2','max:255'],
'domaine' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','string'],
'contrat' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','string',],
'niveaua' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','string'],
'poste' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,2','required','string'],
'marquem' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,7','required','string'],
'marque' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,8','required','string'],
'modele' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,8','required','string'],
'annee' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,8','required','string'],
'km' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,8','required','numeric'],
'carburant' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,8','required','string','min:2','max:255'],
'puissance' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,8','required','string','min:2','max:255'],
'titre' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','string','min:2','max:255'],
'description' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','string','min:30','max:255'],
'prix' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,6','required','min:1','max:12'],
'image' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif,svg','max:2048'],
'images.*' =>['bail','exclude_unless:souscategory_id,1','required','mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif,svg','max:2048'],
//2 emploi/
$path = $request->image->store('annonces');
$request->image = $path;
$request->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$Annonce = new Annonce($request->all());
return Redirect::to("annonces")
->withSuccess('Great! file has been successfully uploaded.');
to create a new element from $request in Laravel you need to do it as below and assign each value of $request to the each attribute of Announce object:
$request->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$Annonce = new Annonce();
$Annonce->user_id = $request->user_id;
$Annonce->some_column = $request->some_column;
You can try by this:
use App\Models\Announce;
$data = $request->all();
if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
$path = $request->image->store('annonces');
$data['image'] = $path;
$data['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id;
return Redirect::to("annonces")
->withSuccess('Great! file has been successfully uploaded.');
Make sure you imported the correct model namespace on your app.
although is not recommended to modify a request, you should do it in this way:
$request->request->add(['image' => $path, 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
or by
$request = array_merge($request->all(), ['image' => $path, 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id]));

Validated and uploaded image incorrect name saved in MySQL in Laravel 6

Validation of text and photo takes place in StorePost FormRequest.
public function rules()
return [
'name' => 'required',
'exerpt => 'required',
'photo' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,svg|max:2048',
Then the controller part:
public function store( StorePost $request )
$imageName = time().'.'.$request->photo->extension();
$request->photo->move(public_path('post-images'), $imageName);
// may modify image name here but it's not elegant
//$data = $request->all();
//$data['photo'] = $imageName;
Post::create( $request->all() );
Image saves in MySQL as /private/var/folders/zr/y1drl_rs0sl75rxvgkx8ntzm0000gn/T/phpUJKeEG.
How can I set its name before the request gets to the controller?
I wouldn't like to do this such as here (commented lines).
You may use
$imageName = time().'_'.$request->photo->extension();
$post = new Post;
$post->photo = $imageName;

Image update and remove old image on Laravel

Trying to implement update article in my update controller it seems works, but the problem is when I only want to update the post without uploading an image the old always getting remove which is it shouldn't.
here's my store function
public function store(Post $post)
return redirect('post/'.$post->id)->with('success', 'New ariticle has been posted');
here's my validation
private function validateRequest()
return request()->validate([
'title'=> 'required',
'content' => 'required',
'image' => 'sometimes|image|max:5000',
here's my update function
public function update(Post $post)
return redirect('post/'.$post->id)->with('success', 'This post has
been Edited');
I've tried to add File::delete to my storeImage function and delete it from my update function, it fix the problem but the old image is not removed from directory
private function storeImage($post)
if (request()->has('image')){
'image' => request()->image->store('uploads', 'public'),
$image = Image::make(public_path('storage/'.$post->image))->fit(750, 300);
Ok since I use model binding in my controller I don't have to find the id right?
so I change my update function which is basically Akhtar munir suggested, and turn out to be something like this. The image update work, it also remove the old image when I update it. But I have found another issue, the problem is when I edit article and title it didn't change like when I update it, I hope you can take look at this is this correct?
public function update(Post $post){
if(request()->hasFile('image') && request('image') != ''){
$imagePath = public_path('storage/'.$post->image);
$image = request()->file('image')->store('uploads', 'public');
'title' => request()->title,
'content' => request()->content,
'image' => $image,
This is what I have done in one of my method. It may help you.
public function update(Request $request, $id)
if (UserDocument::where('id',$id)->exists()) {
if ($request->hasFile('doc_file') && $request->doc_file != '') {
$doc = UserDocument::where('id',$id)->first();
// dd($doc);
$file_path = storage_path().'/app/'.$doc['doc_file'];
//You can also check existance of the file in storage.
if(Storage::exists($file_path)) {
unlink($file_path); //delete from storage
// Storage::delete($file_path); //Or you can do it as well
$file = $request->file('doc_file')->store('documents'); //new file path
'title' => $request->title,
'doc_file' => $file //new file path updated
session()->flash('success','Document updated successfully!');
return redirect()->route('userdocs');
session()->flash('error','Empty file can not be updated!');
return redirect()->back();
session()->flash('error','Record not found!');
return redirect()->back();
In this code, I just simply want to clearify to you that I have stored image path in database, first I have retrieved that path and with that path I have found image in my local storage, delete it first and then update it with the new one. But make sure to store image path in database in both cases ofcourse with insert and update.
So finally you can also optimize your code like this, it will do the same thing as you expect, whether image and all data or only title and content.
public function update(Post $post){
$data = [
'title' => request()->title,
'content' => request()->content
if (request()->hasFile('image') && request('image') != '') {
$imagePath = public_path('storage/'.$post->image);
$image = request()->file('image')->store('uploads', 'public');
$data['image'] = $image;
Try this one
private function storeImage($post)
if (request()->hasFile('image')){
$image_path = "/storage/".'prev_img_name'; // prev image path
if(File::exists($image_path)) {
'image' => request()->image->store('uploads', 'public'),
$image = Image::make(public_path('storage/'.$post->image))->fit(750, 300);

User::where(user->id==$profile->id); get profile that is equal to user in controller

If you set relation ships between the User.php return $this->belongsTo('App\User'); and Profile.php return $this->hasOne('App\Profile', 'user_id', 'id'); how can u get a corresponding user to the profile when you only get the Profile variables. public function update(Request $request, Profile $profile)
i was thinking of something like this User::where(user->id==$profile->id); but its not working how would can you do it?
mine hole function:
if(\Auth::check()) {
if(\Auth::user()->type == 'admin'){
$validated = $request->validate([
'username' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|email',
'firstname' => 'required',
'lastname' => 'required',
'age' => 'required|numeric|max:150',
'birthdate' => 'required|numeric',
'bio' => 'required|min:30',
'select_file' => 'image|mimes:jpg,png,gif,jpeg|max:2048'
$image = $request->file('select_file');
$new_name = rand() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$image->move(public_path('images'), $new_name);
$profile->username = $validated['username'];
$profile->email = $validated['email'];
$profile->firstname = $validated['firstname'];
$profile->lastname = $validated['lastname'];
$profile->age = $validated['age'];
$profile->birthdate = $validated['birthdate'];
$profile->bio = $validated['bio'];
$profile->image_path = $new_name;
$user = User::where(user->id==$profile->id);
$user->name = $validated['username'];
$user->email = $validated['email'];
return redirect()
->with('succes', 'Profile updated succesfully');
} else {
return redirect()
->with('fail', 'Profile is unable to be update successfully');
} else {
return redirect()
->with('fail', 'Profile is unable to be update successfully
because ur not an Admin');
Your where is not formatted properly. You need to pass in 2 (or 3) parameters, where the first is the column, and the second is the value you're checking for. If using 3 parameters, the second would be the operator (= or !=). Don't forget first() (for one record) or get() (for a collection of records), so that the query actually runs. Otherwise, it will just be the QueryBuilder object.
User::where('id', $profile->user_id)->first();
User::where('id','=', $profile->user_id)->first();
Since you're checking against the user's id, you can also use find() to get one record:
You can do it some ways.
Solution 1:
Solution 2:
User::where('id', $profile->user_id)->first();
Solution 3:
User::where('id','=', $profile->user_id)->first();
Solution 4:
User::where(['id' => $profile->user_id])->first();
Also you can do it
In Profile model define
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
Than you can lazy load
$user = $profile->load('user')->user; // but it is lazy loading

Insert into two tables that are in one to one relationslip laravel

I have 2 tables that are in one to one relationship:
tours :
My models FeaturedImage.php:
class FeaturedImage extends Model
public function tour()
return $this->hasOne('App\Tour');
class Tour extends Model
public function featuredimage()
return $this->belongsTo('App\FeaturedImage');
I want to save tour_id in featured_image table when tour is created. I'm using same form to fill tours table and to upload featured_image.
This is my store method looks like:
public function store(Request $request)
//validate the date
$this->validate($request, [
'title' => 'required|max:255',
'content' => 'required'
//store the date
$tour = new Tour;
$tour->title = $request->title;
$tour->content = $request->trip_code;
$featured_image= new FeaturedImage;
// save featured_image
$image = $request->file('featured_image');
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$location = public_path('images/featured_image/'.$filename);
Image::make($image)->resize(800, 600)->save($location);
$featured_image->path= $location;
//redirect to
Session::flash('success','Tour is successfully created !');
return redirect()->route('tours.show',$tour->id);
I'm successful to save data into tours table but unable to save in featured_image table. I 'm getting this error:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::associate()
I would be thankful if anyone can help me out.
You can user Mass Assignment to create your entries into DB like this:
$this->validate(request()->all(), [
'title' => 'required|max:255',
'content' => 'required'
$tour_inputs = array_only(
$tour = Tour::create($tour_inputs);
if($request->hasFile('featured_image')) {
$image = $request->file('featured_image');
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$location = public_path('images/featured_image/'.$filename);
Image::make($image)->resize(800, 600)->save($location);
$featuredImage = $tour->featuredImage()->save(new FeaturedImage([
'name' => $filename,
'path' => $location,
Remember to define the $fillables inside your models, your models should look like this,
do check your relations, that you've made in the models, according to me they aren't correct:
class Tour extends Model
protected $fillables = [
public function featuredImage()
return $this->hasOne('App\FeaturedImage');
class FeaturedImage extends Model
protected $fillables = [
public function tour()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Tour');
Hope this helps!
From your code the relationships that you have defined are in reverse order.
I mean logically, a Tour has one FeaturedImage and a FeaturedImage belongs to a Tour.
class Tour extends Model
//Mass Assignable fields for the model.
$fillable = ['title', 'content'];
public function featuredimage()
return $this->hasOne('App\FeaturedImage');
class FeaturedImage extends Model
//Mass Assignable fields for the model
$fillable = ['tour_id', 'name', 'path'];
public function tour()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Tour');
Then in your controller
public function store(Request $request)
//validate the data
$this->validate($request, [
'title' => 'required|max:255',
'content' => 'required'
//store the data
$tour = Tour::firstOrCreate([ //protection against duplicate entry
'title' => $request->get('title'),
'content' => $request->get('trip_code')
if($tour) //if the Tour exists then continue
// save featured_image
$image = $request->file('featured_image');
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$location = public_path('images/featured_image/'.$filename);
Image::make($image)->resize(800, 600)->save($location);
$featured_image = $tour->featuredimage()->create([
'path' => $location,
'name' => $filename //if you have this field on your FeaturedImage
//you could also have an else block to redirect back if the input doesn't have a file
//redirect to
Session::flash('success','Tour is successfully created !');
return redirect()->route('tours.show',$tour->id);
//if there occurs any error display the error message and redirect back - probably with validation errors or exception errors
Session::flash('error','Error message');
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors();
And don't forget to add the mass assignable fields to the $fillable array on your models.
For cases where a single form submission includes database transactions in multiple tables, you should use a try{}catch{} to ensure that either all related transactions run without any issue or neither of the transactions go through - to avoid data discrepancy.
You can rewrite your controller code as
public function store(Request $request)
//validate the data
$this->validate($request, [
'title' => 'required|max:255',
'content' => 'required'
//store the data
//use the DB::beginTransaction() to manually control the transaction
//You would ideally want to persist the data to the database only if the input provided by the user
//has valid inputs for Tour as well as FeaturedImage, in case if any one invalid input you do not
//want to persist the data
//firstOrCreate gives protection against duplicate entry for tour with same title and content
$tour = Tour::firstOrCreate([
'title' => $request->get('title'),
'content' => $request->get('trip_code')
//proceed further only if $tour exists
// get featured_image
$image = $request->file('featured_image');
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$location = public_path('images/featured_image/'.$filename);
Image::make($image)->resize(800, 600)->save($location);
//save the featured_image
$featured_image = $tour->featuredimage()->create([
'path' => $location,
'name' => $filename //if you have this field on your FeaturedImage
catch(\ValidationException $e)
//In case of validation error, rollback the database transactions to avoid data discrepancy.
$errors = $e->getMessage();
Session::flash('error', 'Whoops.. Please check the provided inputs');
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors['errors', $errors];
catch(\Exception $e)
//In case of any other error, rollback the database transactions to avoid data discrepancy.
$errors = $e->getMessage();
Session::flash('error', 'Whoops.. Something went wrong. Please try again');
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors['errors', $errors];
//If both the transactions to the database i.e. saving the Tour as well as FeaturedImage ran without problem
//Commit to the database
//redirect to
Session::flash('success','Tour is successfully created !');
return redirect()->route('tours.show',$tour->id);
Hope this helps.
