I have project that use chat application. I have already read the answer here about how to delete message from a user but it will not be deleted from another user. Still, I am stuck of doing it. I can delete it by not using delete the row but update idSender(idPengirim) field only. idReceiver(idPenerima) field still remains. In addition, it is always removed from both of users. Here it is method:
public function deleteChat($pengirim,$penerima,$idChat){
$query = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM mess WHERE idChat=:idchat");
$query->execute(array(":idchat" => $idChat));
$row['idPengirim'] = $pengirim;
$row['idPenerima'] = $penerima;
if($pengirim == -1 && $penerima == -1){
$query = $this->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM mess WHERE idChat = :idchat");
if ($pengirim!=-1){
$query = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE mess SET idPengirim = -1");
return $query;
if ($penerima!=-1){
$query = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE mess SET idPenerima = -1");
$query->bindParam(":idchat", $idChat);
return $query;
I have no idea what should I do. I hope I will find guides here, Thank you. Sorry for my broken English.
i think the right way to build a chat application is build a table spacified for chats and contain a userFromId and userToId. when you get a chat you send a request get * from chat where userFromId=.. and userToId =..... and when you delete a chat you do the same: delete * from chat where.. i dont know how do you build it but in this way you not have a problems with "chat deleted from one user and not deleted from another"..
I am trying to create a loop in which I can create a set with 10 random questions from my questions table in my sql database.
When I have these, I want to store them in a list for further use, and add them to another table in the database called didwell. In this table will be saved whether someone answered the question right.
// get 10 random questions and put them elsewhere in database and make a list
for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++)
$question = mysql_query("SELECT questionnumber, question, goodanswer, badanswer FROM `question` WHERE subjectid = '$subject' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
$question = mysql_fetch_array($question);
$question = $question['questionnumber', 'question', 'goodanswer', 'badanswer'];
$insertQuestion = mysql_query("INSERT INTO didWell (`username`, `questionnumber`, `answer`) VALUES ('$username','questionnumber','3')");
In order to see if the person pressed the right button, i want to compare the button value with the goodanswer value which i stored in the list earlier on.
// get a question a time, fill in the labels and buttons
for($o = 1; $o <= 10; $o++)
$theQuestionnumber = 'questionnumber'[i];
$theQuestion = 'question'[i];
$theGoodanswer = 'goodanswer'[i];
$theBadanswe = 'badanswer'[i];
$filledInAnswer = <"submitBtn" type="submit" value="answer">
If it was indeed the correct answer, the value in the database should be changed to 1. afterwards it should show next page and go through it all with the next question from the array
// check the answere is right or wrong
// if yes
if ($filledInAnswer == $theGoodanswer)
$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE didWell SET answer = 1 WHERE questionnumber = '$questionnumber' and username = '$username' ");
// if not
My biggest concern is the loop which I try to use for filling in my label, button and textfield. The idea is to start a new loop when button is pressed with a max of 10 loops.
So I was wondering is it is possible to make a loop like "for each time a button is pressed"? Or should I not use a loop at all? I'm new to PHP and am not a great programmer in general, but managed to make things before by reading books and reading other people's questions and answers on here. Hope to learn again from experiences and expertise from all of you.
Looking forward to hear something from you!
I've been writing some code that essentially collects information based on schools and the user search input. Once the information is pulled up, I also query a database containing users to show how many are signed up at each school, and then another database containing files showing how many files have been uploaded from each school.
I imagine this would require a three tiered loop? If I query the school database and then the student database in succession it works great (Every school will have the appropriate number of students signed up displayed). However the problem is with the files. If I add in the file query, it will only show the first two results of the schools.
This leads me to believe that the file database query isn't correct and after testing a two tiered loop (this time will files instead of students) it appears to be the case. So, what am I doing wrong with the file database code? I copied it directly from the student database code so I haven't a clue why this one won't work. Here is the code that works:
mysql_select_db($database_geographic, $geographic);
$query_school = "SELECT * FROM geographic.school WHERE countryid='$countryid' AND stateid='$stateid' ORDER BY school_name ASC";
$school = mysql_query($query_school, $geographic) or die(mysql_error());
$totalRows_schools = mysql_num_rows($schools);
while ($row_school = mysql_fetch_assoc($school)) {
echo $row_school['school_name'];
echo $row_school['city_name'];
echo $row_school['state_name'];
echo $row_school['schoolid'];
$schoolid = $row_school['schoolid'];
mysql_select_db($database_user_information, $user_information);
$query_users = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS studentcount FROM users WHERE school_name= '$schoolid'";
$users = mysql_query($query_users, $user_information) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row_users = mysql_fetch_assoc($users)) {
echo $row_users['studentcount']; }
But if I throw in this third files loop statement it will not work.
mysql_select_db($database_files, $files);
$query_files = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS filecount FROM file_data WHERE school_id= '$schoolid'";
$files = mysql_query($query_files, $files) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row_files = mysql_fetch_assoc($files)) {
echo $row_files['filecount']; }
If I use the file query in place of the student query it will not work either. The problem must be with the file query but I can't figure it out. Any help would be awesome! Thanks!
I've been working on a quick and simple jQuery/PHP chat to put in my website for the visitors to communicate. I've extimated peaks of 200 simultaneous website users (connected users) with at most 10-20 people actually chatting.
Here's the quirk:
As I experienced already twice (thought it seems to be rather an unlikely event more than something happening after you perform something specific) the chat happens to load multiple messages which have already been red and display them.
Trying to keep the chat system as simple as possibile I came up with this code:
<div class="chat">
<ul class="chat">
<li class="chat" >
<h5 class="chat">Date</h5>
<h6 class="chat">Time</h6>
<h4 class="chat">User</h4>
<q class="chat">Message</q>
<input class="chat" placeholder="write something..."/>
As you can see I put a placeholder li element for the jQuery to take and use as a snippet to create new li elements with the actual messages and prepend them inside the ul element.
jQuery CODE:
Sending messages:
chatSnippet = $('ul.chat').html(); // here chatSnippet is a global variable
$('input.chat').change(function(event){// Send your message
message = $(this).attr('value');
// first thing I perform an asynchronous POST to the receiving php script
user : currentUser,
message: message,
// meanwhile I add a new li element to the chat html with the content just submitted
hours = ''+date.getHours();
if(hours.length < 2) hours = '0'+hours;
minutes = ''+date.getMinutes();
if(minutes.length < 2) minutes = '0'+minutes;
day = ''+date.getDate();
if(day.length < 2) day = '0'+day;
newChatMessage = chatSnippet.replace('Date', ''+day+' '+months[date.getMonth()]);
// here months is an array with the months names (in italian)
newChatMessage = newChatMessage.replace('Time', ''+hours+':'+minutes);
newChatMessage = newChatMessage.replace('User', connectedUser);
newChatMessage = newChatMessage.replace('Message', message);
$mess = $(newChatMessage);
refreshChat(''); // this function retrives new messages from the DB
// Here I perform a void refreshChat call so I'll get all the messages in the DB regardless from the currentUser (at page refresh)
Receiving messages:
// This code is placed outside (before) the .ready function
function refreshChat(user){// Receiving messages
user : user,
token: lastMessage // this variable contains the token of the last red message
receivedMessages = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
for(message in receivedMessages){
message = receivedMessages[message].Message;
date = receivedMessages[message].Day.split('-');
time = receivedMessages[message].Time.split(':');
newChatMessage = chatSnippet.replace('Date', ''+date[2]+' '+months[parseInt(date[1])-1]);
newChatMessage = newChatMessage.replace('Time', ''+time[0]+':'+time[1]);
newChatMessage = newChatMessage.replace('User', receivedMessages[message].Sender);
newChatMessage = newChatMessage.replace('Message', message);
$mess = $(newChatMessage);
lastMessage = receivedMessages[messages].token;
nextRefresh = setTimeout("refreshChat('"+currentUser+"')",2000);
// When I'm done I set a timeout of 2 secs and then perform another refresh
Receive a new message (I think the issue is in here):
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("chat") or die(mysql_error());
$characters = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');
$token = $characters[rand(0,61)].$characters[rand(0,61)].$characters[rand(0,61)].$characters[rand(0,61)].$characters[rand(0,61)];
$all_Msgs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Messages ORDER BY ID");
$prev_Msg = array('ID' => 1 , 'Sender' => $_POST['user'], 'Message' => $_POST['message'], 'Day' => date("Y-m-d"), 'Time' => date("H:i:s"), 'token' => $token);
while($Msg = mysql_fetch_array($all_Msgs)){
$update_success = mysql_query("UPDATE Messages SET Sender='".$prev_Msg['Sender']."', Message='".$prev_Msg['Message']."', Day='".$prev_Msg['Day']."', Time='".$prev_Msg['Time']."', token = '".$prev_Msg['token']."' WHERE ID=".$Msg['ID']);
$prev_Msg = $Msg;
Basically what I do here is receive the new post message, generate a token and an array element (which is itself an array) containing the new entered datas, done this I perform a seuqence of UPDATE statements on a fixed size SQL table overriding the new datas on the first record and then overriding each record with the previous one (so that the last record will be finally lost).
Sending messages:
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("chat") or die(mysql_error());
$receiver = $_POST['user'];
$token = $_POST['token'];
$all_Msgs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Messages ORDER BY ID");
$newMessages = array();
while($Msg = mysql_fetch_array($all_Msgs)){
if($Msg['token'] == $token) break;
if($Msg['Sender'] != $receiver) array_unshift($newMessages,$Msg);
echo json_encode($newMessages);
So I send the client the JSON encode of an array of all the records in the DB inserted after the last known message and whose author was not the querying client.
My suspects:
I came to the conclusion that when the message reception (server side) is being performed there is a time span when each message is taken from the DB, if a refresh is being performed in the meanwhile the message is not found and if that message was the one we were looking for as the last red message then the server will just select all the messages in the table and send them back.
The result is you see a bunch of messages you already red without your messages in between (cuz they were added to the view client side and the server script doesn't send you back your own messages)
Stated that:
I don't care if the messages aren't exactly in the actual insertion order: let's say A and B are chatting, the actual real messages order is BAB, but A may se the order ABB for his view is immediatly updated at input time (this helps me keep a 'fast-realtime' feel)
I don't care if some message is lost (like if it falls over the fixed DB table edge before someone can read it)
At this time I don't care much about actual efficency, speed and optimization
I know I should probalby handle the message insertion differently adding the new record and then updating the IDs only and delete the last record out. But if possible I'd like to keep this UPDATE-only fashion.
do you think my interpretation of the problem is right?
If not: what would then be the cause? / how can I fix that?
If yes: how can I fix that easily?
If the actual fix is rather complex: how actually likely to happen would be this quirk in a 10-20 users chat?
I noticed this when I worked on a chat code too, the solution is to store the last message ID (set as an Auto Increment field in MySQL) in a session and search the database for messages where the ID is higher than that, rather than use the time() function.
if (!$_SESSION['message_id']]) {
// if there isn't a message_id, select the last seven entries in the message list
$sql = "SELECT messages.message_id, messages.message, users.username FROM (SELECT * FROM messages, users user.user_id = messages.user_id ORDER BY message_id DESC LIMIT 7) as new_tbl ORDER BY message_id ASC";
} else {
// if there is a message_id, select the messages sent since the last entry
$sql = sprintf("SELECT messages.message_id, messages.message, users.username FROM messages, users WHERE user.user_id = messages.user_id message_id > '%d'", $_SESSION['message_id']);
$data = array();
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
// build the data array from the mysql result and set the message_id session to the id of the last message
$data[$i] = array('user' => $row['username'], 'message' => $row['message']);
$_SESSION['message_id'] = $row['message_id'] > $_SESSION['message_id'] ? $row['message_id'] : $_SESSION['message_id'];
Obviously you'd need to escape the session!
If there isn't a message_id session, it loads the last 7 messages from the table (ordered descending, then orders those messages in ascending order). If there is a message_id session, it loads new messages.
In the while loop, it builds a data array (I send it to my script as JSON) and sets the message_id session as the message_id row, with a failsafe check to make sure the message_id session doesn't end up being lowered.
The SQL implies that you have a table of users with the user_id and username, and a table of messages with a user_id, message_id and message.
I already have an script where it will allow a user whom is logged in to comment on other users. One field for the usercommenting "men_id" and another field for the user being commented on commented_men_id. Well I save it in a comment table and to pull it I make a while I make a select to get the comment of men_id while getting the comment I do another while loop inside the while loop to get the user name and id to return it in the comment. Now the next step is to let other user to comment on top of the comment that is already there. I was wondering if I have to make another table or just create another table to get the comments on another comments. I was also wondering in terms of the php script will I have to create another while loop inside the second while loop to pull the subcomments?
So far I have the next structure
$sql1 = "SELECT id, mem_id, commented_id, comment
FROM comments
WHERE commented_id = '$id'";
while($row=msql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$id_coment = $row['id'];
$mem_id = $row['mem_id'];
$comment = $row['comment'];
$sql_member_data = msql_query("SELECT id, member_name FROM users WHERE id ='$id_coment'");
while($row2=msql_fetchj_array($sql_member_data)) {
$user_id =$row2['id'];
$user_name =$row2['member_name'];
echo '<div>'.$user_name.'</div>';
echo '<div>'.$comment.'</div>';
I advise might not be the best code but it is posting the comment, Now how can I get a comment within the comment generated by this script.
Thank you guys.
If you truly want a something like Facebook's commenting system, you are going to have to do a lot more than that. I made my own little system and it's nicely styled with some really awesome jQuery effects.
Here's what you are going to need
Section to get all your comments (which you have -- check for syntax errors)
Form and script to post your comments
And you will probally need to use jQuery and AJAX for the commenting and some more jQuery to auto-refresh like facebook does.
That's my take on it. No one else hate on me for this, just trying to give some input on it.
// Connect to database here
// Search and start loop to get all comments
$sql_comments = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE type='main'");
// Get comment information
$main_comment_id = "".$rows_comment['id']."";
$main_comment_mem_id = "".$rows_comment['mem_id']."";
$main_commented_id = "".$rows_comment['commented_id']."";
$main_comment = "".$rows_comment['comment']."";
// Get user information
$sql_member_data = msql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id ='$main_comment_mem_id'");
while($row2=msql_fetchj_array($sql_member_data)) {
$user_id = "".$row2['id']."";
$user_name = "".$row2['member_name']."";
// Display comment
echo "<b>$user_name</b><br>$main_comment";
// Search for any sub-comments
$sql_subcomments = "SELECT * FROM comments WHERE sub_commented_id='$main_comment_id' AND type='sub'";
while($row_subcomment=msql_fetchj_array($sql_subcomments)) {
// Get sub comment information
$subcomment_id = "".$row_subcomment['id']."";
$sucomment_mem_id = "".$row_subcomment['mem_id']."";
$subcomment_comment = "".$row_subcomment['comment']."";
// Get sub commenter information
$sql_member_data_sub = msql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id ='$subcomment_mem_id'");
while($row2_sub=msql_fetchj_array($sql_member_data_sub)) {
$user_id_sub = "".$row2_sub['id']."";
$user_name_sub = "".$row2_sub['member_name']."";
// Echo sub comment
echo "<div style='margin-left: 20px;'><b>$user_name_sub</b><br>$subcomment_comment</div>";