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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have 2 table with diferent data
Finance Orderan
+-----------------+ +---------------+
| id | no_order | | id| no_order |
+-----------------+ +---------------+
| 1 | 1234567890 | | 1 | 1234567890|
| 2 | 0987654321 | | 2 | 0987654321| |
| 3 | 1122334455 | | 3 | 1122334455|
| 4 | 1212121212 | | 4 | 2222222222|
+-----------------+ +---------------+
I want to return diferent data like this:
| no_order | no_order |
| 1212121212 | 2222222222 |
Maybe you need in simple
SELECT t1.no_order, t2.no_order
FROM Finance t1
JOIN Orderan t2 ON =
WHERE t1.no_order != t2.no_order
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Closed 3 days ago.
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I have a table below.
id | items | user | department | value | date |
1 | books | john | dept-1 | 5 | 1-1-20
2 | fruits | john | dept-1 | 10 | 3-1-20
3 | books | rehman | dept-2 | 8 | 1-1-20
4 | fruits | rehman | dept-2 | 20 | 9-1-20
5 | woolens | john | dept-1 | 15 | 1-1-20
6 | woolens | vinay | dept-1 | 9 | 3-1-20
7 | veggies | sunil | dept-2| 20 | 10-1-20
now I want to display these items like
department | user | value
dept-1 |
| john | 30
| vinay | 9
dept-2 |
| rehman | 28
| sunil | 20
how can I achieve this in mysql, this will be call in ajax and display in a table by php.
can someone help pls.
I tried doing grouping and used while loop but not able to execute desired output.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a table:
| staff_id | leader_id | team_role | importance |
+ + + + +
| 1001037 | 1000321 | HOD | 1 |
| 1001037 | 1000322 | HOD | 1 |
| 1001037 | 1001037 | Supervisor | 2 |
| 1001094 | 1001037 | Checker | 3 |
| 1001075 | 1001037 | Checker | 3 |
| 1001096 | 1001075 | Squad Leader | 4 |
| 1000393 | 1001094 | Squad Leader | 4 |
| 1000465 | 1001094 | Squad Leader | 4 |
| 1000585 | 1001075 | Squad Leader | 4 |
| 1000664 | 1000585 | Team Member | 5 |
| 1000583 | 1000585 | Team Member | 5 |
| 1000570 | 1000465 | Team Member | 5 |
| 1000316 | 1000465 | Team Member | 5 |
In php it look like this:
If I want to remove user with staff_id = 1001075 I need to remove all assigned to this user ids. So it will be ids where 1001075 is leader_id. I am able to this but I also need to remove users going down to the tree so where leader_id= 1001075 is will be 1000585 Then I need to remove users where leader_id= 1000585
In the end I need to delete these users with staff_id:
How can I do that?
There are two ways to do this:
Recursively query for all the ids to find out all the children and delete the rows one by one. Have a look at this answer for approaches to recursively query the ids.
Run an ALTER TABLE script and make leader_id a foreign key, referencing to staff_id of the same table, and define with ON DELETE CASCADE. By this way, when you delete a leader row, it will delete all the subsequent rows, e.g.:
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_leader_id FOREIGN KEY (leader_id) REFERENCES table(staff_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
I would prefer the second approach.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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i have a task to complete. there is a many to many relationship. the bridge table has been made which looks like
left id right id
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 2 | 8 |
| 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 4 | 1 |
| 4 | 2 |
| 4 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 |
| 5 | 1 |
| 5 | 2 |
| 5 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 5 | 7 |
i have to display the left id = right id in one row
for example
for left id 1
left1 | right1 righ 2
for left id 3
left3 | right1 right2 right 4
how do i do this ? i have tried joining table , doesn't work
I think you can use a simple query to acheive this using GROUP BY and GROUP_CONCAT()
SELECT left_id, GROUP_CONCAT(right_id SEPARATOR ' ') as rigth_id
FROM left-right
GROUP BY left_id;
This is a reasonably straightforward application of GROUP_CONCAT() and GROUP BY. (!9/ed7e1/2/0)
SELECT leftId,
GROUP_CONCAT(rightId ORDER BY rightId) rightIds
FROM bridge
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Table1 - Payout Requests
| id | Receiver | Balance |
| 1 | user1 | 2000 |
| 2 | user2 | 1500 |
Table2 - Donars
| id | Donar | Amount |
| 1 | love | 1500 |
| 2 | don1 | 1000 |
Now my question; What piese of code will make Adjustments of both the tables so that data from these two tables goes in 3rd table in the following way
Table3 - Links
| id | Donar | Receiver | Amount |
| 1 | love | user1 | 1500 |
| 2 | don1 | user1 | 500 |
| 3 | don1 | user2 | 500 |
AND now Table 1 & Table 2 will be Follows -
Table1 - Payout Requests
| id | Receiver | Balance |
| 2 | user2 | 1000 |
Table2 - Donars
| id | Donar | Amount |
| Nothing |
In the first step you should have a foreign key on Donars table which save id of Payout Requests. for example pr_id
You can use INNER JOIN like this:
SELECT `t2`.`id`, `t2`.`Donar`, `t1`.`Receiver `, `t1`.Balance - `t2`.`Amount` AS `Adjustment` FROM `table1` AS `t1` INNER JOIN `table2` AS `t2` ON `t2`.`pr_id` = `t1`.id
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Closed 8 years ago.
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| entry_id | body_value |
| 1009 | content |
| 1020 | |
| 1025 | more content |
| id | html |
| 1009 | |
| 1020 | |
| 1025 | |
| id | html |
| 1009 | content |
| 1020 | |
| 1025 | more content |
Hi, I'm trying to transfer the body_value column into the html column and am not sure how to execute this. I have a table called i_posts and I have all the id's of my posts that i'm trying to transfer. However in the field_data_body table it doesn't have content for every single entry_id. Is there a way to move the body_value into the html column while keeping the correct id? Thanks for any help in advanced!!
- Blake
This is what you need.
UPDATE i_posts AS i, field_data_body AS f SET i.html = f.body_value WHERE =f.entry_id
I did a small post about it.