How edit splitted values of a line in text file? - php

I have a text file where contains 1 line with this setting:
two values splitted by ;.
How i can edit "splitted[0]" or "splitted[1]" and save the new values on file?
Below is what i have until now:
$file_handle = fopen("mytext.txt", "rw");
while (!feof($file_handle) )
$line_of_text = fgets($file_handle);
$parts = explode("\n", $line_of_text);
foreach ($parts as $str)
$str_parts = explode(';', $str); // Split string by ; into an array
array_shift($str_parts); // Remove first element
echo current($str_parts)."\n"; // echo current element and newline
// Same as $str_parts[0]

$file = '2222;3333'; // that is your file
$file = explode(';', $file); // This split your file with delimiter ";"
foreach ($file as $newFile) {
// Do whatever you want


Add new columns in header and contents in csv file

I want to add to new columns to my existing csv file using php.
Therefore I currently have the following code, but that one use column separator , and my existing csv use ; as column separator.
So how can I extend my current code and change the column separator from , to ;?
$inFile = fopen('test.csv','r');
$outFile = fopen('output.csv','w');
$line = fgetcsv($inFile);
while ($line !== false) {
$line[] = 'third column';
$line[] = 'fourth column';
fputcsv($outFile, $line);
$line = fgetcsv($inFile);
In your code provided above, please change:
fputcsv($outFile, $line);
fputcsv($outFile, $line, ';'); // default delimiter is "," and ";" provided
So, your final code will look like:
$inFile = fopen('test.csv','r');
$outFile = fopen('output.csv','w');
$line = fgetcsv($inFile);
while ($line !== false) {
$line[] = 'third column';
$line[] = 'fourth column';
fputcsv($outFile, $line, ';');
$line = fgetcsv($inFile);

explode text file into array depend on comma

I'd like to convert my text.tx into array depend on only comma for example:
if I have this text:
so what I need to execute my array like that:
please check my code, my code not work well because it's depend on comma and newline:
$lines = file ("text.txt");
foreach($lines as $line) {
$data[] = explode(',', $line);
$handle = fopen("text.txt", "r");
if ($handle) {
$data = [];
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$data[] = explode(',', $line);
echo "<pre>";
} else {
// error opening the file.

Group all lines with the same word in first column in csv

I have two columns in my csv file: first_column and second_column. I would like to group all the rows in second column into one string separated by "," if they all have the same word in the first column then output them into a text file.
first_column second_column
a Chris
a Jake
a Paula
b Anita
b Lionel
b Sheila
Desired output
a: Chris, Jake, Paula
b: Anita, Lionel, Sheila
This is what I tried. I seem to be only getting the first letter from the second_column. Any pointers would be great.
$csv_file = fopen("test.csv", "r");
$text_file = fopen("test.txt","w");
$data = array();
if ($csv_file)
while (($line = fgets($csv_file)) !== false)
$column_1 = $line[0];
$column_2 = $line[1];
if (!empty($column_1))
$data [$column_1] = column_2;
// error opening the file.
This should work for you:
Here I first get your .csv file into an array with file(). Then I loop through each line and create an array, where the first column is the key and the second column a value of the sub array.
After this you can loop through your created array and implode() each sub array with the key to the expected line which you want. Then you can just save the data with file_put_contents() into your .txt file.
$csv_file = "test.csv";
$text_file = "test.txt";
$lines = file($csv_file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
foreach($lines as $line) {
list($key, $value) = explode(",", $line); //Change your .csv delimiter here, if you use something else than ,
$data[$key][] = $value;
foreach($data as $key => $arr)
$content[] = $key . ": " . implode(",", $arr) . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($text_file, $content);
Storing result in an data array and then wring it bacj to text file should work.
$csv_file = fopen("test.csv", "r");
$text_file = fopen("test.txt","w");
$data = array();
if ($csv_file)
while (($line = fgets($csv_file)) !== false)
$column_1 = $line[0];
$column_2 = $line[1];
if (!isset($data[$column_1]))
$data[$column_1] = column_2
} else {
$data[$column_1] = $data[$column_1] .',' . $column_2
foreach($data as $k=>$d ){
fputs($text_file, "$k: $d") ;
// error opening the file.

Count specific lines in text file

How to count specific lines in a text file depending on a particular variable in that line.
For example i need to count the lines of a text file only containing for instance $item1 or $item2 etc.
Sounds like you need something like what grep -c do in the shell, try something like this:
$item1 = 'match me';
$item2 = 'match me too';
// Thanks to #Baba for the suggestion:
$match_count = count(
file('somefile_input.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)
// does the same without creating a second array with the matches
$match_count = array_reduce(
file('somefile_input.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES),
function($match_count, $line) use ($item1, $item2) {
preg_match('/'.preg_quote($item1).'|'.preg_quote($item2).'/i', $line) ?
$match_count + 1 : $match_count;
The above code sample uses the file() function to read the file into an array (splitted by lines), array_reduce() to iterate that array and preg_match() inside the iteration to see if a line matched (the /i at the end makes it case-insensitive).
You could use a foreach as well too.
This code reads file.php and counts only lines containing '$item1' or '$item2'. The check itself could be finetuned, since you have to add a new stristr() for every word you want to check.
$file = 'file.php';
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
$size = filesize($file);
$content = fread($fp, $size);
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $content);
$count = 0;
foreach($lines as $line) {
if(stristr($line, '$item1') || stristr($line, '$item2')) {
echo $count;
Read your file line by line and use strpos to determine if a line contains a specific string/item.
$handle = fopen ("filename", "r");
$counter = 0;
while (!feof($handle))
$line = fgets($handle);
// or $item2, $item3, etc.
$pos = strpos($line, $item);
if ($pos !== false)
fclose ($handle);

PHP modify TXT file

I have a ID.txt file that looks like this:
and so on
I want to use PHP to open the file and remove everything before the first " _ " and everything after the second " _ " so I wind up with this:
and so on
Thing is I don't really know how to do that.
This is what I have so far:
$file_handle = fopen("ID.txt", "rb");
while (!feof($file_handle) ) {
$line_of_text = fgets($file_handle);
$parts = explode('\n', $line_of_text);
// Remove everything before the first "_" and everything after the last "_".
// echo the line
Can someone help me fille in the blanks?
This is what I would do, although a regex might be shorter or more efficient:
$file_handle = fopen("ID.txt", "rb");
while (!feof($file_handle) )
$line_of_text = fgets($file_handle);
$parts = explode("\n", $line_of_text);
foreach ($parts as $str)
$str_parts = explode('_', $str); // Split string by _ into an array
array_shift($str_parts); // Remove first element
echo current($str_parts)."\n"; // echo current element and newline
// Same as $str_parts[0]
Not a big deal, but $lines might be a better variable name there instead of $parts.
If you do need to write this back to the file, you can do this:
// code used above
$new_content = ob_get_clean();
file_put_contents("ID.txt", $new_content);
Relevant references:
Just use file in a loop
$content = "";
foreach(file("ID.txt", FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) as $line){
$parts = explode('_', $line);
$content .= $parts[1] . "\n";
file_put_contents("ID.txt", $content);
If you want to achieve this by awk,
awk -F _ '{print $2}' ID.txt
Try this
$matches[2] will give the required string
This should work
// open files
$file_handle = fopen("ID.txt", "rb");
$new_file_handle = fopen("ID2.txt", "wb");
while (!feof($file_handle) ) {
$str = fgets($file_handle);
$start = strpos($str, '_'); // find first "_"
$end = strpos($str, '_', $start + 1); // find next "_"
$newstr = substr($str, $start + 1, $end - $start - 1) . "\n";
fputs($new_file_handle, $newstr);
// close files
// rename
rename("ID2.txt", "ID.txt");
$TXT = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/in.txt');
$NewTXT = preg_replace('~^.+/[0-9]+_([0-9]+)_.+?$~mi', '$1', $TXT);
file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/out.txt', $NewTXT);
Just rename the .txt files accordingly.
