I'm looking for a way to tell wordpress to rename the images attached to the post, by the name of the post.
I found this plugin to do the trick but.. it's stupid to use a plugin for such a simple function. . So I found this code in this article
/* Automatically set the image Title, Alt-Text, Caption & Description upon upload
add_action( 'add_attachment', 'my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload' );
function my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload( $post_ID ) {
// Check if uploaded file is an image, else do nothing
if ( wp_attachment_is_image( $post_ID ) ) {
$my_image_title = get_post( $post_ID )->post_title;
// Sanitize the title: remove hyphens, underscores & extra spaces:
$my_image_title = preg_replace( '%\s*[-_\s]+\s*%', ' ', $my_image_title );
// Sanitize the title: capitalize first letter of every word (other letters lower case):
$my_image_title = ucwords( strtolower( $my_image_title ) );
// Create an array with the image meta (Title, Caption, Description) to be updated
// Note: comment out the Excerpt/Caption or Content/Description lines if not needed
$my_image_meta = array(
'ID' => $post_ID, // Specify the image (ID) to be updated
'post_title' => $my_image_title, // Set image Title to sanitized title
'post_excerpt' => $my_image_title, // Set image Caption (Excerpt) to sanitized title
'post_content' => $my_image_title, // Set image Description (Content) to sanitized title
// Set the image Alt-Text
update_post_meta( $post_ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $my_image_title );
// Set the image meta (e.g. Title, Excerpt, Content)
wp_update_post( $my_image_meta );
and another one here
function file_renamer( $filename ) {
$info = pathinfo( $filename );
$ext = empty( $info['extension'] ) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$name = basename( $filename, $ext );
if( $post_id = array_key_exists("post_id", $_POST) ? $_POST["post_id"] : null) {
if($post = get_post($post_id)) {
return $post->post_title . $ext;
return $current_user->user_login . $ext;
add_filter( 'sanitize_file_name', 'file_renamer', 10, 1 );
both work but how do you combine them into one code?
what is the best way to deal with this problem without using a plugin?
This code works with post types (posts, pages, products). Change filename and ads alt, title, caption and description meta to image.
But when its about attributes, categories keeps the filename and add it to alt, title, etc.
function file_renamer( $filename ) {
$info = pathinfo( $filename );
$ext = empty( $info['extension'] ) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$name = basename( $filename, $ext );
if( $post_id = array_key_exists("post_id", $_POST) ? $_POST["post_id"] : null) {
if($post = get_post($post_id)) {
return $post->post_title . $ext;
$my_image_title = $post;
$file['name'] = $my_image_title . - uniqid() . $ext; // uniqid method
// $file['name'] = md5($name) . $ext; // md5 method
// $file['name'] = base64_encode($name) . $ext; // base64 method
return $filename;
add_filter( 'sanitize_file_name', 'file_renamer', 10, 1 );
/* Automatically set the image Title, Alt-Text, Caption & Description upon upload
add_action( 'add_attachment', 'my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload' );
function my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload( $post_ID ) {
// Check if uploaded file is an image, else do nothing
if ( wp_attachment_is_image( $post_ID ) ) {
// Get the parent post ID, if there is one
if( isset($_REQUEST['post_id']) ) {
$post_id = $_REQUEST['post_id'];
} else {
$post_id = false;
if ($post_id != false) {
$my_image_title = get_the_title($post_id);
} else {
$my_image_title = get_post( $post_ID )->post_title;
// Sanitize the title: remove hyphens, underscores & extra spaces:
$my_image_title = preg_replace( '%\s*[-_\s]+\s*%', ' ', $my_image_title );
// Sanitize the title: capitalize first letter of every word (other letters lower case):
$my_image_title = ucwords( strtolower( $my_image_title ) );
// Create an array with the image meta (Title, Caption, Description) to be updated
// Note: comment out the Excerpt/Caption or Content/Description lines if not needed
$my_image_meta = array(
'ID' => $post_ID, // Specify the image (ID) to be updated
'post_title' => $my_image_title, // Set image Title to sanitized title
'post_excerpt' => $my_image_title, // Set image Caption (Excerpt) to sanitized title
'post_content' => $my_image_title, // Set image Description (Content) to sanitized title
// Set the image Alt-Text
update_post_meta( $post_ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $my_image_title );
// Set the image meta (e.g. Title, Excerpt, Content)
wp_update_post( $my_image_meta );
I was try to find a way to take the title from attribute or category name to add it to metas but no luck. If you have any idea i do appreciate it.
I'm not so good to WordPress codex.
Hope this code help.
I'm trying to change default image placeholder for products with no images to images according to their product category.
I'm using:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_placeholder_img_src', 'my_custom_woocommerce_placeholder', 10 );
// Function to return new placeholder image URL.
function my_custom_woocommerce_placeholder( $image_url )
if ($product_category == 'category1') {
$image_url = 'http://website.com/imageforCategory.png';
elseif ($product_category == 'category2') {
$image_url = 'http://website.com/imageforCategory.png';
$image_url = 'http://website.com/defaultImage.png';
return $image_url;
I'm stuck at getting product category ($product_category) detected in functions.php file of my theme.
In content-single-product.php page I'm just defining
global $product
and then just using
to get the category of product.
How do I do it in functions.php of my theme?
You could use has_term() - Checks if the current post has any of given terms.
So you get:
// Single product page
function filter_woocommerce_placeholder_img_src( $src ) {
// Get the global product object
global $product;
// Is a WC product
if ( is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) {
// Has term (product category)
if ( has_term( 'categorie-1', 'product_cat', $product->get_id() ) ) {
$src = 'http://website.com/imageforCategory1.png';
} elseif ( has_term( array('categorie-2', 'categorie-3'), 'product_cat', $product->get_id() ) ) {
$src = 'http://website.com/imageforCategory2.png';
return $src;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_placeholder_img_src', 'filter_woocommerce_placeholder_img_src', 10, 1 );
// Archive/Shop page
function filter_woocommerce_placeholder_img ( $image_html, $size, $dimensions ) {
$dimensions = wc_get_image_size( $size );
$default_attr = array(
'class' => 'woocommerce-placeholder wp-post-image',
'alt' => __( 'Placeholder', 'woocommerce' ),
$attr = wp_parse_args( '', $default_attr );
$image = wc_placeholder_img_src( $size );
$hwstring = image_hwstring( $dimensions['width'], $dimensions['height'] );
$attributes = array();
foreach ( $attr as $name => $value ) {
$attribute[] = esc_attr( $name ) . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"';
$image_html = '<img src="' . esc_url( $image ) . '" ' . $hwstring . implode( ' ', $attribute ) . '/>';
return $image_html;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_placeholder_img', 'filter_woocommerce_placeholder_img', 10, 3 );
Note: the woocommerce_placeholder_img hook, used on archive/shop page returns $image_html. That string can be adapted to your needs. Such as image src, class, alt, size, etc ..
I need some help with a woocommerce website with a function.php file that I edit within a plugin called WP All Import. It's linked to a plugin that imports csv & xml files.
In WP All Import I set the import title as [product_title({product_name[1]}, {size[1]}, {colour[1]})] and it picks up the items from an import.
What I'm trying to do is set the product name as a combination of variables. So in the example below, if both $size and $colour are empty I want the product name to just be $name. If $size is empty, then $name - $colour. If $ colour is empty then $name - $size. And then if they all have values $name - $colour - $size.
function product_title($name, $size, $colour)
$newName = $name;
if (strpos($size, "")) {
if (strpos($colour, ""))
$newName = "$name";
else if (strpos($size, ""))
$newName = "$name - $colour";
else if (strpos($colour, ""))
$newName = "$name - $size";
$newName = "$name - $colour - $size";
At the moment this is leaving the titles as blank. Where did I go wrong?
I've had to do this not so long ago. It's pretty tricky to understand. In short you can't use pre_get_post because the terms are not set yet. You must use save_post with wp_update_post, but there is a few thing to understand like the infinite loop case.
Don't hesitate to adapt it. I guessed that colors and sizes are custom taxonomies, just make sure the slugs matches. Modify it and have fun.
add_action( 'save_post', 'worker', 10, 3 );
function worker( $post_id, $post, $update ) {
// ... if not the admin side or if user can't edit post, then bail
if ( ! is_admin() || ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) )
$worker = ( object ) [
'post_type' => 'product', // ... set our taxonomy in your case, "product"
'taxonomies' => [ 'colour', 'size', ], // ... set the taxonomies that we want to use in our title
// ... if not a post.php page or post-new.php page, then bail
$base = [
if( ! in_array( filter_input( INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI' ), $base, true ) && $post->post_type != $worker->post_type )
// ... do not update title if autosave
// ... fetch our terms and join them
$terms = join( ' - ', wp_list_pluck( wp_get_object_terms( $post_id, $worker->taxonomies ), 'name' ) );
// ... define our title structure
$self = $post->post_title . $terms . '#' . $post_id; // ... You should leave the post_id as a unique identifer, so you don't end up with 2 product with the same title
// ... https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/save_post/#avoiding-infinite-loops
remove_action( 'save_post', 'worker' );
wp_update_post( array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_title' => esc_attr( $self ),
'post_name' => sanitize_title( $self ),
) );
add_action( 'save_post', 'worker', 10, 3 );
}; ?>
as you can see this code to rename images by post title works fine.
even with several posts with the same title.
it just puts the numbers: image, image1, image2, image3 .. etc
/*Renaming attachment files to the post title*/
function file_renamer( $filename ) {
$info = pathinfo( $filename );
$ext = empty( $info['extension'] ) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$name = basename( $filename, $ext );
if ( get_post_type( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) === 'property'){
if( $post_id = array_key_exists("post_id", $_POST) ? $_POST["post_id"] : null) {
if($post = get_post($post_id)) {
return $post->post_title . $ext;
$my_image_title = $post;
$file['name'] = $my_image_title . - uniqid() . $ext; // uniqid method
// $file['name'] = md5($name) . $ext; // md5 method
// $file['name'] = base64_encode($name) . $ext; // base64 method
return $filename;
add_filter( 'sanitize_file_name', 'file_renamer', 10, 1 );
/* Automatically set the image Title, Alt-Text, Caption & Description upon upload*/
add_action( 'add_attachment', 'my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload' );
function my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload( $post_ID ) {
// Check if uploaded file is an image, else do nothing
if ( wp_attachment_is_image( $post_ID ) ) {
// Get the parent post ID, if there is one
if( isset($_REQUEST['post_id']) ) {
$post_id = $_REQUEST['post_id'];
} else {
$post_id = false;
if ($post_id != false) {
$my_image_title = get_the_title($post_id);
} else {
$my_image_title = get_post( $post_ID )->post_title;
// Sanitize the title: remove hyphens, underscores & extra spaces:
$my_image_title = preg_replace( '%\s*[-_\s]+\s*%', ' ', $my_image_title );
// Sanitize the title: capitalize first letter of every word (other letters lower case):
$my_image_title = ucwords( strtolower( $my_image_title ) );
// Create an array with the image meta (Title, Caption, Description) to be updated
// Note: comment out the Excerpt/Caption or Content/Description lines if not needed
$my_image_meta = array(
'ID' => $post_ID, // Specify the image (ID) to be updated
'post_title' => $my_image_title, // Set image Title to sanitized title
'post_excerpt' => $my_image_title, // Set image Caption (Excerpt) to sanitized title
'post_content' => $my_image_title, // Set image Description (Content) to sanitized title
// Set the image Alt-Text
update_post_meta( $post_ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $my_image_title );
// Set the image meta (e.g. Title, Excerpt, Content)
wp_update_post( $my_image_meta );
I believe this code works since inside in CPT property he renames my upload to
result : post-title.jpg , post-title-1.jpg, post-title-2.jpg , post-title-3.jpg, etc....
and outside CPT property in wordpress he rename strange empty-1.jpg to uploads..
result : -1.jpg , -2.jpg , -3.jpg etc .....
I will need help to add some instructions
I must miss an instruction to tell him ,it should only fire in CPT property only
else --> do nothing if there is no title and if we are not in CPT property.
so he does not rename the uploads to 'auto-draft.jpg' when no title set and image uploaded first .. very annoying.. and if we are outside CPT'property' do nothing = leave the names of the original uploads and ignore this code.
I think simply commenting (or removing) these two lines in your file_renamer() function will do the trick:
$my_image_title = $post;
$file['name'] = $my_image_title . - uniqid() . $ext; // uniqid method
Because if ( get_post_type( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) === 'property'){ is the line that checks whether the post_id belong to a Custom Post Type. Based on what I understood from your explanation, you only want do the renaming there. If you want to do something else too, you could write inside that IF condition.
So your code would look like this:
/*Renaming attachment files to the post title*/
function file_renamer( $filename ) {
$info = pathinfo( $filename );
$ext = empty( $info['extension'] ) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
$name = basename( $filename, $ext );
if ( get_post_type( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) === 'property'){
if( $post_id = array_key_exists("post_id", $_POST) ? $_POST["post_id"] : null) {
if($post = get_post($post_id)) {
return $post->post_title . $ext;
//$my_image_title = $post;
//$file['name'] = $my_image_title . - uniqid() . $ext; // uniqid method
// $file['name'] = md5($name) . $ext; // md5 method
// $file['name'] = base64_encode($name) . $ext; // base64 method
return $filename;
Btw, I didn't tested the code!
I want to get the 'title' of each image to display underneath each image in the Woocommerce product gallery. Not the main image, but the smaller clickable thumbnails.
All of my images currently have titles set.
I have looked in product-thumbnails.php and have found this code:
if ( $attachment_ids && has_post_thumbnail() ) {
foreach ( $attachment_ids as $attachment_id ) {
echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html', wc_get_gallery_image_html( $attachment_id ), $attachment_id );
I believe this is what I need to edit but I am not sure what to add.
I also found this post where a similar thing has been asked but for captions Show caption under product gallery in WooCommerce, however it doesn't work when I add it
Any ideas?
So I have copied the function from wc-template-functions.php into my child themes functions.php file:
function wc_get_gallery_image_html( $attachment_id, $main_image = false ) {
$flexslider = (bool) apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_flexslider_enabled', get_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' ) );
$gallery_thumbnail = wc_get_image_size( 'gallery_thumbnail' );
$thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_size', array( $gallery_thumbnail['width'], $gallery_thumbnail['height'] ) );
$image_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_image_size', $flexslider || $main_image ? 'woocommerce_single' : $thumbnail_size );
$full_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_full_size', apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails_large_size', 'full' ) );
$thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $thumbnail_size );
$full_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $full_size );
$image = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $image_size, false, array(
'title' => get_post_field( 'post_title', $attachment_id ),
'data-caption' => get_post_field( 'post_excerpt', $attachment_id ),
'data-src' => $full_src[0],
'data-large_image' => $full_src[0],
'data-large_image_width' => $full_src[1],
'data-large_image_height' => $full_src[2],
'class' => $main_image ? 'wp-post-image' : '',
) );
return '<div data-thumb="' . esc_url( $thumbnail_src[0] ) . '" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image">' . $image . '</div>';
I also renamed the function wc_get_gallery_image_with_title_html as well as changing the return line to this:
return '<div data-thumb="' . esc_url( $thumbnail_src[0] ) . '" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image">' . $image . $imageTitle . '</div>';
It doesn't seem to work. However, if i add in the word TEST in place of $imageTitle in the return line above to see if anything will appear, the word TEST does appear below every image.
The word test doesnt appear under each thumbnail though, it appears under the main gallery image.
What am I missing or doing wrong here?
Now the title shows thanks to Zipkundan's help, but it shows under the main image and not under each thumbnail. How can I move it to show under each relevant thumbnail?
Here, "wc_get_gallery_image_html( $attachment_id )" (one of the argument in the filter) is what outputs the final html. This is a function defined in "wc-template-functions.php". Thus you can not alter this function. You can see the function code at following URL:
Well, here's some hint for you to workout your way.
Hope you are using child theme. Copy the function code (the function which is passed as argument in filter) in your child theme's "functions.php" file. Name the function something different, say "wc_get_gallery_image_with_title_html". Alter that code to append the image title in the 'return' statement. Something like:
return '<div data-thumb="' . esc_url( $thumbnail_src[0] ) . '" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image">' . $image . $imageTitle . '</div>';
Where, $imageTitle will be the title of the image wrapped into some html tag like 'span' or 'p'.
Then copy the file "product-thumbnails.php" into you child theme and replace the original function argument with the new function you have created. So the code becomes like this:
if ( $attachment_ids && has_post_thumbnail() ) {
foreach ( $attachment_ids as $attachment_id ) {
echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html', wc_get_gallery_image_with_title_html( $attachment_id ), $attachment_id );
Hope this helps.
Update (after your Edit)
Hi Kiki,
You were missing output of the image title in the function. Following is the updated function.
function wc_get_gallery_image_with_title_html( $attachment_id, $main_image = false ) {
$flexslider = (bool) apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_flexslider_enabled', get_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' ) );
$gallery_thumbnail = wc_get_image_size( 'gallery_thumbnail' );
$thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_size', array( $gallery_thumbnail['width'], $gallery_thumbnail['height'] ) );
$image_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_image_size', $flexslider || $main_image ? 'woocommerce_single' : $thumbnail_size );
$full_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_full_size', apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails_large_size', 'full' ) );
$thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $thumbnail_size );
$full_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $full_size );
$image = wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $image_size, false, array(
'title' => get_post_field( 'post_title', $attachment_id ),
'data-caption' => get_post_field( 'post_excerpt', $attachment_id ),
'data-src' => $full_src[0],
'data-large_image' => $full_src[0],
'data-large_image_width' => $full_src[1],
'data-large_image_height' => $full_src[2],
'class' => $main_image ? 'wp-post-image' : '',
) );
$imageTitle = '<span>' . esc_html( get_the_title($attachment_id) ) . '</span>';
return '<div data-thumb="' . esc_url( $thumbnail_src[0] ) . '" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image">' . $image . $imageTitle . '</div>';
Note the line before 'return' statement.
Try using the above function and don't forget to change the argument function in "product-thumbnails.php".
Also, once you get the image title text displayed, you might need to add some css rules for the text to display properly.
Hope this works.
Since the gallery thumbnail images are dynamically generated and appended via javascript, it can be customized only via javascript.
Following javascript custom function will append the title of product image in the gallery to its respective thumbnail in gallery navigation.
if( jQuery('body').hasClass('single-product') ){
var imgtitles = [];
var imgTitle = jQuery(this).find('a').find('img.wp-post-image').attr('title');
if( jQuery('ol.flex-control-nav').length && jQuery('ol.flex-control-nav').children().length>1 ){
for(i=0; i<imgtitles.length; ++i){
jQuery('ol.flex-control-nav li:nth-child('+(i+1)+')').append('<span class="flexthum-title">'+imgtitles[i]+'</span>');
You can see a working example here.
If this gives you desired result, then I would recommend to discard changes you have made in "functions.php" and "product-thumbnails.php" which I suggested in previous answer.
I have used plugin "Header and Footer Scripts" to add this custom function in website footer. https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-and-footer-scripts/
if( jQuery('body').hasClass('single-product') ){
var imgtitles = [];
var imgTitle = jQuery(this).find('a').find('img').attr('data-caption');
if( jQuery('ol.flex-control-nav').length && jQuery('ol.flex-control-nav').children().length>1 ){
for(i=0; i<imgtitles.length; ++i){
jQuery('ol.flex-control-nav li:nth-child('+(i+1)+')').append('<span class="flexthum-title">'+imgtitles[i]+'</span>');
Attempting to POST a certain number of variables based on the number of images in a folder. The variables are based on numbers found in fields with input name "Pano__000nheading" when n is the number in the current loop. I believe i have the code working properly on the page which is getting the values just need help if you see any flaws here is my code:
$id = substr( $url, strrpos( $url, '&' )+1 );
$dirname = "../wp-content/themes/Explorable/".$id."/";
$images = glob($dirname."*.jpg");
// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
foreach($images as $image) {
$imageNameLong = substr($image, -14);
$imageName = substr($imageNameLong,0 , -4);
if ( isset( $_POST[$imageName.'links'] ) )
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_'.$imageName.'links', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$imageName.'links'] ) );
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_'.$imageName.'links' );
if ( isset( $_POST[$imageName.'heading'] ) )
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_'.$imageName.'heading', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[$imageName.'heading'] ) );
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_'.$imageName.'heading' );