I'm currently developing my first plugin in WordPress. Since it's a admin only plugin I only need admin panel things.
I've started creating the plugins menu in the left panel:
I've did this by defining the main page and a submenu page:
add_menu_page( 'My Plugin', 'My Plugin', 'edit', 'my-plugin', null, 'none', '58' );
add_submenu_page( 'my-plugin', 'Settings','Settings', 'edit', 'my-plugin-settings', [
] );
Now I have a submenu with 2 entries. So far so good but I want to change the default submenu page of my plugin to Dashboard instead of the plugins name. I can't find anything in the docs so maybe someone of you knows the trick.
You can't change the name of the main entry in the submenu - add_menu_page only lets you set the page title and the main menu title.
What you can do instead is add a new item to the submenu for the main page. Add a new menu item using add_submenu_page, and use the same slug you used in add_menu_page as both the $parent_slug and $menu_slug parameters, e.g.
$plugin_base_slug = 'my-plugin';
add_menu_page( 'My Plugin', 'My Plugin', 'edit', $plugin_base_slug, null, 'none', '58' );
/* Replace the main menu page in submenu with the menu item "Dashboard" */
add_submenu_page( $plugin_base_slug, 'Dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'edit', $plugin_base_slug, null);
/* Add the rest of your submenu pages */
add_submenu_page( $plugin_base_slug, 'Settings','Settings', 'edit', 'my-plugin-settings', [
] );
This will replace the main page menu in the submenu (i.e. the one called My Plugin in your example) with the new one you create in add_submenu_page (called Dashboard in this example).
Just make sure you use the same capability and function in your new submenu item so that it does the same thing as the main menu page.
I'm using the following code to create a admin menu in wordpress:
'Review Submissions',
'Review Submissions',
This results in a menu that has the following structure:
+ Deliverables
+-- Deliverables
+-- Review Submissions
I.e. There will be a top level menu, and the name of the first sub menu item will be the same as the top menu name. How can I make sure I get to name all the submenu items? I would like the menu to look like this:
+ Deliverables
+-- Manage Deliverables
+-- Review Submissions
This can be done by removing callback function from add_menu_page and placing that callback in add_submenu_page for top level page.
'Manage Deliverables',
'Manage Deliverables',
'Review Submissions',
'Review Submissions',
I have the following function which creates the menus in the admin area for my plugin.
function register_menu_items() {
add_menu_page(null, 'Ebay Motors', 'manage_options', 'ebay-motors-admin', array($this, 'ebay_motors_admin'));
add_submenu_page( 'ebay-motors-admin', 'Upload XML', 'Upload XML', 'manage_options', 'upload-xml', array($this, 'upload_xml'));
add_submenu_page( 'ebay-motors-admin', 'Archive XML', 'Archive XML', 'manage_options', 'archive_xml', array($this, 'archive_xml'));
This works, however (expectedly) the main menu item also creates a sub-menu item. Is there a way to create the main menu item without intern creating a submenu item. I'd also like the Main Menu item to link straight to the upload_xml function.
You can set the slug of your sub menu to be the same of the main menu item. This way you can overwrite the first menu item.
I register a Custom Post Type, and I don't want it to have its own menu, instead I want to place it as a submenu of an existing admin menu item called my-custom-parent-page.
Here's my code:
'labels' => array(
'name' => __('Books', 'mcpt'),
'singular_name' => __('Book', 'mcpt'),
'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
'show_in_menu' => 'my-custom-parent-page',
It works, meaning that it's properly located under the menu my-custom-parent-page, however now when I click on the parent menu (i.e. my-custom-parent-page) it points me to the my_custom_post_type page...
Any help?
Place a Custom-Post-Type in an submenu of an existing parent page
According to the Codex, this is a known and expected behavior:
Note: When using 'some string' to show as a submenu of a menu page created by a plugin, this item will become the first submenu item, and replace the location of the top level link.
Source: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type#Arguments (See the "show_in_menu" section)
Here is the end of the quote which offers a solution:
If this isn't desired, the plugin that creates the menu page needs to set the add_action priority for admin_menu to 9 or lower.
So this is quite simple to solve. However in my case I couldn't change the priority of the parent page because it is generated by a third-party library. Therefore I came up with this solution:
// Move the "example_cpt" Custom-Post-Type to be a submenu of the "example_parent_page_id" admin page.
add_action('admin_menu', 'fix_admin_menu_submenu', 11);
function fix_admin_menu_submenu() {
// Add "Example CPT" Custom-Post-Type as submenu of the "Example Parent Page" page
add_submenu_page('example_parent_page_id', 'Example CPT', 'Example CPT', 'edit_pages' , 'edit.php?post_type=example_cpt');
Please note the priority 11, and also when registering the Custom-Post-Type I set the "show_in_menu" parameter to false, so we can add it in the menu manually via add_submenu_page as shown above.
Properly set the Custom-Post-Type submenu entry as "active"
Now, the above solution works fine, however when creating/editing a post of the "example_cpt" Custom-Post-Type, it is not set as active and the submenu is not unfolded. Here is how to make sure that it is set as active, as well as the submenu in which it resides is properly set as active when creating/editing a post of the "example_cpt" Custom-Post-Type:
// Set the "example_parent_page_id" submenu as active/current when creating/editing a "example_cpt" post
add_filter('parent_file', 'fix_admin_parent_file');
function fix_admin_parent_file($parent_file){
global $submenu_file, $current_screen;
// Set correct active/current menu and submenu in the WordPress Admin menu for the "example_cpt" Add-New/Edit/List
if($current_screen->post_type == 'example_cpt') {
$submenu_file = 'edit.php?post_type=example_cpt';
$parent_file = 'example_parent_page_id';
return $parent_file;
Fine-tuning: Rename the first submenu entry
Furthermore, I also wanted the first menu entry of my submenu to be named differently from the parent name. By default, and using the code above, this is what we have:
- Example Parent Page
-- Example Parent Page
-- Example CPT
So as you can see, the first menu entry of the submenu is a duplicate of the parent menu, and this is the default WordPress behavior. I wanted to rename this duplicate entry to something different, much like WordPress does with the default menus (for example "Posts" and the submenu entry "All Posts" which both point to the same page but are named differently).
Here is how to rename the first submenu entry:
add_action('admin_menu', 'rename_first_submenu_entry', 11);
function rename_first_submenu_entry() {
// Rename first submenu entry (duplicate of parent menu) from "Example Parent Page" to "Submenu Text"
add_submenu_page('example_parent_page_id', 'Example Parent Page', 'Submenu Text', 'edit_pages' , 'example_parent_page_id');
Please note the priority 11, so it is renamed after it has been created. And now we have:
- Example Parent Page
-- Submenu Text
-- Example CPT
Please note that "Submenu Text" points to the same location as "Example Parent Page".
You also can simply set 'show_in_menu' in custom post type args to $menu_slug that you set in add_menu_page() that you want to set the CPT as sub menu of and set the priority of admin_menu function to 9 or lower. For example:
First, create a new top-level menu page, with priority set to 9 or lower (it's a must):
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'settings_menu' ), 9 );
function settings_menu() {
add_menu_page( __( 'Page Title' ), 'Menu Title', 'manage_options', 'menu_slug', show_page_callback() );
function show_page_callback() {
// show the settings page, plugin homepage, etc.
Then create custom post type with 'show_in_menu' arg set to menu_slug that we just set in settings_menu() function.
add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' );
function create_post_type() {
'labels' => array(
'name' => __('Books', 'mcpt'),
'singular_name' => __('Book', 'mcpt'),
'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
'public' => true,
'show_in_menu' => 'menu_slug',
Hope it helps.
can't say, what's exactly the reason, but it seems wordpress redirects to the first submenu-item.
So you have to create a new sub-menu-item with the same contents of your parent-menu-item.
add_action('admin_menu', 'my_admin_menu');
function my_admin_menu() {
global $submenu;
add_menu_page('My Menu', 'My Menu', 'administrator', 'my-menu', 'callback_func');
$parent = array('My Menu', 'administrator', 'my-menu', 'My Menu'); // new submenu-itm
$submenu['my-menu'] = fix_menu($submenu['my-menu'], $parent); // adds the new submenu-item at beginning of 'my-menu'-item
function fix_menu($submenu) {
array_unshift ($submenu, $parent);
return $submenu;
Hope it works for you.
Is it possible to add a new admin menu to the woocommerce admin section in Wordpress?
I've done this with WP E-commerce with my custom plugin so am wandering if the same is true for Woo commerce.
Well, if you use something like this:
add_action('admin_menu', 'register_my_custom_submenu_page');
function register_my_custom_submenu_page() {
add_submenu_page( 'woocommerce', 'My Custom Submenu Page', 'My Custom Submenu Page', 'manage_options', 'my-custom-submenu-page', 'my_custom_submenu_page_callback' );
function my_custom_submenu_page_callback() {
echo '<h3>My Custom Submenu Page</h3>';
Then you will see a submenu under "Woocommerce" admin menu. For some reason you can´t do same using post_type=shop_order.
"shop_order" is the one you should use to put a submenu under "Woocommerce" one.. but, as i said, don´t know why didn´t work with that particual post_type.
For me the following worked:
Setting the $parent_slug to edit.php?post_type=product
So what i mean by the above is. I've so far made many plugins but i keep getting this issue which i don't know how to describe and that is why i cant search it on google.
What happen is in many plugin a main menu is required and under it several sub-menus that leads to different pages related to the plugin. you can click on the main menu lets say "car" and that will take you to a add car page. and there will also be a sub-menu called add car.
like: posts - when you click on posts for example it takes you to all post, but there is also a sub-menu that is called all post.
What i am having problem with is the main menu is named one thing and when hover it the first sub-menu is also called the same.
My question is:
How can i make it so that either when creating a main menu it will not automatically add a sub menu or if it does. the name will be different then the main menu.
I hope the explanation is clear - i really tried.
Here is how i define my menus:
function my_plugin_menu() {
add_menu_page( 'add_deal', 'Add Deal', 'manage_options', 'add_deal', 'menuload_add_deal', '', '28');
add_submenu_page( 'add_deal', 'deals', 'Deals', 'manage_options', 'deals', 'menuload_deals');
add_submenu_page( 'add_deal', 'orders', 'Order', 'manage_options', 'orders', 'menuload_orders');
add_submenu_page( 'add_deal', 'gc_options', 'Options', 'manage_options', 'gc_options', 'menuload_gc_options');
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_plugin_menu' );
The above now display for me:
Add Deal - //opens add deal page
I would like to change it to:
Shopping Cart - //opens add deal page
add deal - //opens add deal page
Ones again i hope that makes sense.. not trying to waste anyone's time but that's why its so hard for me to find info on googble about this issue. (i don't know how to describe the problem well).
I've found a solution incase anyone interested:
function my_plugin_menu() {
add_menu_page( 'add_product', 'Bass Nation', 'manage_options', 'bass-nation-real-shopping-cart', 'menu_load_add_product', '', '28');
add_submenu_page( 'bass-nation-real-shopping-cart', 'add_product', 'Add Product', 'manage_options', 'bass-nation-real-shopping-cart', 'menu_load_add_product');
add_submenu_page( 'bass-nation-real-shopping-cart', 'products', 'Products', 'manage_options', 'products', 'menu_load_products');
add_submenu_page( 'bass-nation-real-shopping-cart', 'orders', 'Orders', 'manage_options', 'orders', 'menu_load_orders');
add_submenu_page( 'bass-nation-real-shopping-cart', 'bnrsc_options', 'Options', 'manage_options', 'bnrsc_options', 'menu_load_options');
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_plugin_menu' );
You just name the first sub menu's slugen same as the main menu.
Hope this helps someone out there.