3rd party API Response - Laravel updateOrCreate, delete the rest that previously existed? - php

I'm getting data from an outside API. What's the cleanest way to delete existing records that no longer appear from the API after using updateOrCreate? Right now, I have a working method which gets the collection before and forgets the collection record on the API loop. Afterwards, it deletes anything that's left.
This feels hacky and I'm sure there's a better solution. Thanks in advance!
Using: Laravel 7.x
$apiPosts = api('....')->json(); // array
$existingPosts = Post::get();
foreach ($apiPosts as $post) {
Post::updateOrCreate(['id' => $post['id']], [
'title' => $post['title'],
'body' => $post['body'],
'is_active' => $post['post_visible'],
// Works but ugly
if ($existingPosts->where('id', $post['id'])->first()) {
$existingPosts->where('id', $post['id'])->first()->forget();
// Works but ugly
foreach($existingPosts as $post) {


How to properly Update in the papers and authors table

I have a problem that whenever I update a paper it will always error out Unknown variable [Fname]
This is the update function in my controller
public function update(Request $request, $PaperID)
'PaperTitle' => 'required',
'PaperType' => 'required',
'file' => [
->max(12 * 1024),
$request->file->move('assets', $filename);
$input = $request->all();
if(count($input['Fname']) > 0){
for($i = 0 ; $i < count($input['Fname']) ; $i++){
$author->Fname = $input['Fname'][$i];
$author->Lname = $input['Lname'][$i];
return redirect()->back()->with('success','File has been updated.');
the storing works fine but update doesn't how to fix this? I want that both papers and authors table will update the papers updates fine but the author does not
Use $paper->save() — update expects different params.
Try this for updating:
// or
`$paper->update($request->validated()->only(['field1', 'field2', 'etc'))`
(of course, you'll want to add validation for all Model attributes)
Extra credit (PR Review Learning Comments)
1. Code Readability
First, add spaces around your = & after your if's. Better yet, use a library (like php-cs-fixer) to automatically format your code.
2. Use a custom UpdatePaperRequest
Using a custom Request rather than using $request->validate() helps organize your code. Laravel delegates validation to requests. You can then test the Request separately, create reusable/shared functionality (Traits/Concernst), etc... it's just better trust me :)

php function gives a loop - hostfact API

I'm using hostfact https://www.hostfact.nl for our billing. Now I want to extend the code and get a loop on executing the internalAPI in hooks.php. I tried to find an answer in the documentation https://www.hostfact.nl/developer/api/ but without success.
// When a client is edited, the bankParameters are checked and validated.
// That is only an example
function action_debtor_is_edited($parameters){
$params = array(
'DebtorCode' => $parameters['DebtorCode']
$hostfactResult = internalAPI('debtor', 'show', $params);
$bankParams = array(
'Identifier' => '2',
'AccountNumber' => 'AT6734080000000000',
'AccountBank' => 'test bank',
'AccountCity' => 'city',
'AccountBIC' => 'RLNODASD'
$bankResult = internalAPI('debtor', 'edit', $bankParams);
I've already asked the support and got follwoing answer:
One of the option is keeping track of the situation. For example, use
a static or global variable. When you call an (internal)API call from
a webhook, first flag that variable, so in the newly called webhook
you know that is not needed to execute the webhook again (at least not
the part which causes the loop). In the original call, after receiving
the result, the flag can be unset again.
My Problem is, I'm new to PHP and don't understand what I should do to avoid the loop. The $bankParams variable is intentionally hardcoded.
Can you help?

CakePHP 3 autocomplete AJAX responses

I have been trying to get cakephp to suggest input from data that is from my tables like autocomplete. I've done some reading about how some other people have done this but still can't figure it out. Currently it seems that every time my controller is waiting for an ajax request and it is always false. No errors come up from the console some i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. I tried removing the if ($this->request->is('ajax')) statement but then I get a error about it cannot emit headers.
Here is my search function in InvoicesController which I have taken code from someone else example but failed to implement it.
public function search()
if ($this->request->is('ajax')) {
$this->autoRender = false;
$name = $this->request->query['term'];
$results = $this->Invoices->find('all', [
'conditions' => [ 'OR' => [
'id LIKE' => $id . '%',
$resultsArr = [];
foreach ($results as $result) {
$resultsArr[] =['label' => $result['full_name'], 'value' => $result['id']];
echo json_encode($resultsArr);
And here is my search.ctp
<?php use Cake\Routing\Router; ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->input('id', ['type' => 'text']);?>
source:'<?php echo Router::url(array('controller' => 'Invoices', 'action' => 'search')); ?>',
minLength: 1
This is my invoice table and the ids are what I want to be suggested from what users type in.
I may not be seeing your exact problem but let me point out a few things I see that might help this issue.
Remove this line. It is not necessary
$this->autoRender = false;
Instead you should be doing this at the end. See using the RequestHandler
$this->set('resultsArr', $resultsArr);
// This line is what handles converting your array into json
// To get this to work you must load the request handler
$this->set('_serialize', 'resultsArr');
This will return the data without a root key
{"label":"Label Value"},
{"label":"Another Label Value"}
Or you can do it like this
$this->set('_serialize', ['resultsArr']);
This will return data like
{"label":"Label Value"},
{"label":"Another Value"}
Replace your finder query with this.
$resultArr = $this->Invoices->find('all')
->where(['id LIKE' => $id . '%'])
// If you want to remap your data use map
// All queries are collections
->map(function ($invoice) {
return ['label' => $invoice->full_name, 'id' => $invoice->id];
It seems to me you might want to review the new cakephp 3 orm. A lot of hard work went into writing these docs so that they could be easily read and relevant. I'm not one to push docs on people but it will save you hours of frustration.
Cakephp 3 ORM documentation
A few minor things I noticed that are also problems.
You never define $id.
You define $name but never use it.
pr is a debug statement and I am not sure why you have it.
Based on your comment, here is an update on ajax detection.
// By default the ajax detection is limited to the x-request-with header
// I didn't want to have to set that for every ajax request
// So I overrode that with the accepts header.
// Any request where Accept is application/json the system will assume it is an ajax request
$this->request->addDetector('ajax', function ($request) {
$acceptHeaders = explode(',', $request->env('HTTP_ACCEPT'));
return in_array('application/json', $acceptHeaders);

API pagination, how to implement page token paging method?

I am working on implementing an API interface for my project.
As i know, there are different forms to make pagination through the results, like the following:
But, i see many APIs like google use a different approach, in which they use a "pageToken" to let the user move between the pages of results, for example:
So instead of page=2 they used pageToken=[token].
It is not clear for me the idea of pageToken and how to implement it.
It will be helpful if you guide me to any resources so i can get more knowledge.
Thank you.
Here's a very simple standalone example using the filesystem as a keyvalue store (since a filesystem will always be available).
$requestParameters = [];
if (($token = filter_input(INPUT_GET,"pageToken")) && is_readable("/tmp/$token")) {
$requestParameters = file_get_contents("/tmp/$token");
} else {
$requestParameters = [
"q" => filter_input(INPUT_GET,"q"),
"pageSize" => filter_input(INPUT_GET,"pageSize",FILTER_VALIDATE_INT),
"page" => filter_input(INPUT_GET,"page",FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)
$nextPageRequestParameters = $requestParameters;
$nextPageToken = md5(serialize($nextPageRequestParameters)); //This is not ideal but at least people can't guess it easily.
file_put_contents("/tmp/$nextPageToken", serialize($nextPageRequestParameters));
//Do request using $requestParameters
$result = [ "nextPageToken" => $nextPageToken, "data" => $resultData ];
echo json_encode($result);

How to use pagination with alaouy/youtube laravel package?

I'm using alaouy/youtube package for one of my projects, Its working just fine, But with this method I can't use pagination! Is there any way or I've to write my own code? There is a vendor folder in my resources with pagination folder but I can't get work with it!
// List videos in a given channel, return an array of PHP objects
$videoList = Youtube::listChannelVideos('UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg', 40);
I'm the creator of that package, happy that it was helpful for you and sorry that the documentation wasn't clear enough.
The listChannelVideos is based on the searchAdvanced method, so you can paginate the channel videos like this :
$params = array(
'channelId' => 'UCk1SpWNzOs4MYmr0uICEntg',
'type' => 'video',
'part' => 'id, snippet',
'maxResults' => 40);
// Make intial call. with second argument to reveal page info such as page tokens
$search = Youtube::searchAdvanced($params, true);
print_r($search); // First page results
// Check if we have a pageToken
if (isset($search['info']['nextPageToken'])) {
$params['pageToken'] = $search['info']['nextPageToken'];
// Make another call and repeat
$search = Youtube::searchAdvanced($params, true);
print_r($search); // Second page results
Hope this will help you!
