I'm trying to shorthand the following if else statement. But getting errors.
if ($jobs->due_out == null) {
return ('N/A');
} else {
return date(self::DATETIME, strtotime($jobs->due_out));
This is what i tried so far:
return 'N/A' ? $jobs->due_out == null : date(self::DATETIME, strtotime($jobs->due_out);
This is in Php. Any suggestions ?
Your statement is slightly the wrong way round, you need the condition first...
return ($jobs->due_out == null) ? 'N/A' : date(self::DATETIME, strtotime($jobs->due_out));
This question already has answers here:
Reference Guide: What does this symbol mean in PHP? (PHP Syntax)
(24 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
if ($form->isValid()) {
// ... perform some action, such as saving the task to the database
$nextAction = $form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked()
? 'task_new'
: 'task_success';
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl($nextAction));
Here is the link to the documentation
The class documentation says that it returns a bool.
What is the point of
? 'task_new'
: 'task_sucess';
That is called "ternary" and it's awesome:
This is assigning the value $nextAction based on a condition. The first part (after the =) is the condition, like an if statement, the second part (after the ?) is the value assigned if the condition is true, and the last part (after the :) is the value assigned if the condition is false.
//the condition
$nextAction = $form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked()
? 'task_new' //true value
: 'task_success'; //false value
It is a shorter way of writing this:
if ($form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked()) {
$nextAction = 'task_new';
else {
$nextAction = 'task_success';
So, here's some easy examples:
$foo = (true) ? 'True value!' : 'False value!';
echo $foo; //'True value!' of course!
$foo = (false) ? 'True value!' : 'False value!';
echo $foo; //'False value!' of course!
It's the Ternary operator. The syntax is as follows:
value = (condition) ? run if true : run if false;
In this case, if $form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked() is true, then task_new. Else task_success.
If could be rewritten like so:
if($form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked()) {
$value = "task_new";
} else {
$value = "task_success";
The ternary operator is a shorter form for an if statement.
The : is the "else" part.
Example in Java:
boolean bool;
true ? bool = true : bool = false;
It's a senseless example, but shows the ternary operator very well.
if the condition, here true is "true", then fill into the variable bool true, else false.
alternative if-statement in Java to the code example above:
boolean bool;
bool = true;
bool = false;
This is a Ternary Operator which is a short hand if else statement. This is equivalent to
$nextAction = 'task_new'
$nextAction = 'tassk_success'
This is the ternary opeator, a short-hand expression that works the same as an if
$value = someFunc() ? "whatever" : "the other"
is equivalent to
if (someFunc()) {
$value = "whatever";
} else {
$value = "the other";
This is equivalent to "if" and "else" statements.
This code :
$nextAction = $form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked()
? 'task_new'
: 'task_success';
is equivalent to this code :
if ( $form->get('saveAndAdd')->isClicked() )
$nextAction = 'task_new';
$nextAction = 'task_success';
I know there is a shorthand for IF/ELSE STATEMENT in PHP such as
($user['permissions'] == 'admin' ? true : false);
But is there a shorthand for ELSE IF statement besides switch?
What you could do
You can keep chaining ternary operators together, e.g.:
$x = $condition1 ? true : ($condition2 ? true : false);
It looks nice now, but once your conditions grow bigger, it quickly becomes unreadable. Note that parentheses are bare essentials for these kind of expressions.
What you should do
Once you add more conditions, prefer to use the proper branching syntax; always assume the person who later has to take over your code is a psychopath who knows where you live:
$canAccess = false;
if ($user['permissions'] == 'admin') {
$canAccess = true;
} elseif ($user['permissions'] == 'whatever') {
$canAccess = true;
Yes, you could use an or in the first statement too.
Or, a switch:
switch ($user['permissions']) {
case 'admin':
case 'whatever':
$canAccess = true;
$canAccess = false;
I’d rather just use elseif() {} anyway
$somevalue == 'foo' ? 'is foo' : ($somevalue == 'bar' ? 'is bar' : 'is neither');
My code as follows:
if($_POST['user_id'] = ''){
//some statement;
In the above if condition I have put only single =. PHP is not showing any error but I am getting a white blank page. Does anyone has any clue?
if($_POST['user_id'] = '') means:
$_POST['user_id'] becomes '' .. if ('') // always false
if($_POST['user_id'] == '') means:
$_POST['user_id'] compares to '' .. if ( comparison)
Not sure if trolling or real question...
you said it yourself, you're using a single =. You need 2 to check for equality.
if($_POST['user_id'] == ''){
//some statement;
When you use a single equal sign, you're basically "set $_POST['user_id'] to '', then test if it's true). Since '' evaluates to false, you get nothing.
if($_POST['user_id'] = ''){
Tries to assign an empty string to $_POST['user_id']. This:
if($_POST['user_id'] == ''){
Is a comparison. You should almost always be doing the second one - the first one over-rides the value in $_POST, and returns the value of the assignment.
try it
Use it
$user_id = $_POST['user_id'];
if($user_id == ''){
//some statement;
inseted of
if($user_id = ''){
//some statement;
Or try another one
$user_id = $_POST['user_id'];
if(isset($user_id) && !empty($user_id)){
//some statement;
It's not triggering any error because it is a valid condition.
if($_POST['user_id'] = '')
equals to
$_POST['user_id'] = '';
//Boolean comparison of a string. Empty = false. Not empty = true.
An example of use:
function division($var1, $var2){
if($var2 > 0){
return $var1/$var2;
return false;
if($result = division(50,2)){
//It returned 25 which is true!
if(!$result = division(50,0)){
//Returned FALSE because you can't divide by zero!
I've got a small snippet of code below and I was curious what types of things you would change with regards to best practices/code maintainablity and so on.
function _setAccountStatus($Username, $AccountStatus)
if ($Username == '' || ($AccountStatus != 'Active' || $AccountStatus != 'Banned' || $AccountStatus != 'Suspended')) {
// TODO: throw error here.
$c1 = new Criteria();
$rs = UsersPeer::doSelect($c1);
if (count($rs) > 0) {
$UserRow = array_pop($rs);
try {
} catch ( PropelException $e ) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
I would use the empty() instead of $Username == '' in your if statement. I haven't used propel before, but I would prefer to have this method be on my User object itself with the fetching and saving of the user object performed by a seperate object. Pseudo code would be something like this.
$user = userManager->getUser($username);
An else clause before the last return false would be prefererred, just to make the code more readable.
I am trying to set a flag to show or hide a page element, but it always displays even when the expression is false.
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2) ? 'true' : 'false';
<?php if ($canMerge) { ?>Stuff<?php } ?>
What's up?
This is broken because 'false' as a string will evaluate to true as a boolean.
However, this is an unneeded ternary expression, because the resulting values are simple true and false. This would be equivalent:
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2);
The value of 'false' is true. You need to remove the quotes:
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2) ? true : false;
Seems to me a reasonable question especially because of the discrepancy in the way PHP works.
For instance, the following code will output 'its false'
$a = '0';
echo 'its true';
echo 'its false';
You are using 'true' and 'false' as string. Using a string(non-empty and not '0' and not ' ', because these are empty strings and will be assume as false) as a condition will results the condition to be true.
I will write some correct conditions that could be use:
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2);
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2) ? true : false;
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2) ? 'true' : 'false';
<?php if ($canMerge == 'true') { ?>Stuff<?php } ?>
$canMerge = ($condition1 && $condition2);
if ($canMerge){
echo "Stuff";