I want to use the Immobilienscout Api but I'm struggeling to get the authentication done since it uses a three-legged OAuth. I can only find oauth1 and oauth2 packages on the web for laravel and there is only one deprecated php sdk from the developers out there. Does someone know how to connect to a 3-legged oauth api through laravel/php?
thanks in advance for your help!
i found many resource from google, but at the end i am not able to decide in what manner i can create and use PHP REST API that uses OAuth2 for authentication where the request is only initiated and consume by Android application..
as i am really new to OAuth and Android, i am not getting how to create an Android app that uses OAuth2 authentication for authorization with PHP Rest API..
i just want to know from where to start and what may be the possible first step for doing that.
i don't want the full code , but at least the steps involved to get the things working... please help..
i have enough confidence that i can create Android app and PHP Rest api and will try my best to follow and learn the steps required...
i know developing android app and all about php too.. but new to OAuth 2.0
I was going through the same problem before and make this a library I to handel OAuth2 in Android
I am developing a website in laravel 5.1. I need to write code which will communicate with some other system using API call. Other system is projected by oAuth. So I first need to authenticate my system using oAuth and then i can make the api.
I am not sure how i can achieve this in laravel. Any help on this is highly appreciated.
There are multiple ways you can achieve your goal.
Laravel Specific Method
There are many packages for handling oAuth Authentication.. e.g. OAuth Service Provider for Laravel 5 from github. You can search similar other packages and use them.
As you need to call the api anyway after the authentication, you need CURL or other packages to do the call. Here Guzzle can help you. Also you can use Guzzle to code your full oAuth Authentication.
Plain PHP Method
You can use OAuth class library to code the oAuth Authentication OR use CURL
Personally I've used Guzzle only to get the Code, Access Token, Refresh Token etc. I hope you'll manage to use Guzzle for this purpose.
You should take a look at laravel/socialite and its documentation here.
This library currently supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, GitHub and Bitbucket, but it will be pretty easy to create your own custom provider. Just take a look at source code on github.
Other than this you could use some standalone OAuth library like league/oauth2-client. There is also library dedicated for first version of OAuth.
I'm trying to implement Oauth2 server library into my fuelphp api. I've been following this tutorial and this one.
I understood and was able to complete the 2nd tutorial, but that doesn't deal with integrating OAuth into Fuelphp.
What I'm wondering, is how to integrate OAuth2 into my api, I just want to replicated a login? Has anyone any other tutorials on how to do this?
Where in my fuelphp directories do I put the Server/ token/ authorization code?
Thanks very much
FuelPHP uses OPauth under the hood and it's use is documented in the official Fuel docs
The server tokens, authorization codes, etc are stored in the opauth.php config file.
I am trying to create an app for Basecamp. I managed to connect and pull data using curl (Basecamp API using cURL and PHP). However this requires the users login data.
I would like to use OAuth2 with Basecamp as in https://github.com/37signals/api/blob/master/sections/authentication.md. Unfortunately there is 0 documentation on this and I couldnt find any sample code. I saw there are several OAuth2 libraries http://oauth.net/code/, but I have no idea what to do with them.
Can somebody please show me some php sample code of how I would authenticate a user using OAuth2 in php and than make a request to the Basecamp API?
Thank you very much in advance.
I recently had to implement OAuth 2.0 for our company. I was also browsing the web to try and find information on the topic. I came across these two websites, which helped alot.
OAuth 2.0 Implementation Example
Online Screencast
Hope this helps.
As the title of the question suggests; whats the difference between Facebook Php API and oAuth Authentication?
It seems there are two methods for authentication wtih Facebook. One is the oAuth 2.0 which can be seen here. The other one is the Facebook PHP API (which also uses oAuth since V3)
Is there a difference between these two?
Yes, a big difference. oAuth is just one thing the PHP API can do. The PHP API can get stats, friends list, post to walls, send request, etc. Of course, most things can't be done with the PHP API until you authentication, using oAuth.
One way to think of it is that oAuth is the login, PHP API is how you interact with Facebook.