PHP array get parent item value - php

I have created an array of values and i'm wondering whether its possible to get the value of the parent item.
For example, if I have the value logo how can I retrieve that it belongs to FREE?
$widget_classes = array(
'FREE' => array(
'rss marquee',

Iterate over your array considering keys, as FREE is the key:
foreach ($widget_classes as $key => $class) {
if (in_array('logo', $class)) {
echo $key;
Here's a oneliner, make sure you understand what's going on here and how many iterations over arrays are performed:
echo array_keys(array_filter($widget_classes, function($v) { return in_array('logo', $v); }))[0];

If your array becomes multidimensional like below then recursive function will help to find the parent of the value, but it will return the first matching.
$widget_classes = array(
'FREE' => array(
'logo' => [
'bunny' => [ 'rabbit' ]
'rss marquee',
$parent = recursiveFind( $widget_classes, 'rabbit');
var_dump( $parent );
function recursiveFind(array $array, $needle) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if( is_array( $value ) ){
$parent = recursiveFind( $value, $needle );
if( $parent === true ){
return $key;
}elseif ( $value === $needle ) {
return true;
return isset( $parent ) ? $parent : false;


PHP how to keep the matched item's key with array_search and array_column?

How can I keep the matched item's key with array_search and array_column?
$items = array(
'meta-title' => [
"code" => 'meta-title'
'meta-keywords' => [
"code" => 'meta-keywords'
$key = array_search('meta-title', array_column($items, 'code'));
var_dump($key); // 0
The result I am after:
Any ideas?
Your array_columns() call returns a numerically indexed array of strings (based on the keys from the 1st level), not the array that you're wanting to search (i.e. an array of the 'code' values from the 2nd level). You might be better off iterating through $items and building an array (key/value pairs) based on searching the arrays you're iterating through:
$items = array(
'meta-title' => [
'code' => 'meta-title'
'meta-keywords' => [
'code' => 'meta-keywords'
$results = array();
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
$result = array_search('meta-title', $value);
if ($result !== false) {
array_push($results, array($key => $result));
Here is an object oriented approach that allows the column and search value to be set at run time. As a class it's more reusable and somewhat self documenting.
$items = array(
'meta-title' => [
"code" => 'meta-title'
'meta-keywords' => [
"code" => 'meta-keywords'
* Search all records of a recordset style array for a column containing a value
* Capture the row into matches member for later use.
class ColumnSearch {
private $key;
private $search;
public $matches=array();
public function __construct( $key, $search ){
$this->key = $key;
$this->search = $search;
public function search( array $items ){
// #todo validate $items is like a recordset
$matches = array_filter( $items, array( $this, "_filter"), ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH );
$this->matches = $matches;
return count($matches);
private function _filter( $row, $rowKey ){
return ( $row[$this->key] == $this->search );
$search = new ColumnSearch( 'code', 'meta-title' );
$occurances = $search->search( $items );
// return value indicates how many were found, in case of multiples...
echo $occurances ." ". PHP_EOL;
// the matched row will be in matches member.
// there might be more than 1, not in your example but this is very generic code.
// grab just the keys, then get the current
echo current( array_keys($search->matches) ) . PHP_EOL;
echo "New Search for value that doesn't exist.". PHP_EOL;
$newSearch = new ColumnSearch( 'code', 'title' );
$count = $newSearch->search( $items );
if( 0 == $count ){
echo "Nothing found.". PHP_EOL;
echo current( array_keys( $newSearch->matches) );

return all keys of nested array

given a nested array of arbitrary depth like this:
$array = array(
7301=> array(),
7302=> array(),
7305=> array(
how would one get the hierarchy of keys for any key.
for example:
should return 1400,7300,7305 in that order
should return 1400,7314
all array keys are unique values
Using RecursiveIteratorIterator
$array = array(
1400 => array(
7300 => array(
7301=> array(),
7302 => array(),
7305 => array(
function getKeys($key, $array) {
$found_path = [];
$ritit = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($array), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($ritit as $leafValue) {
$path = array();
foreach (range(0, $ritit->getDepth()) as $depth) {
$path[] = $ritit->getSubIterator($depth)->key();
if (end($path) == $key) {
$found_path = $path;
return $found_path;
print_r(getKeys(7305, $array));
// Array
// (
// [0] => 1400
// [1] => 7300
// [2] => 7305
// )
This is very interesting problem you have so I tried to make a function that will echo your keys. If this is not good enough pls let me know I can improve code. Thanks.
$a = array(
7301=> array(),
7302=> array(),
7305=> array(
$mykey = 7306;
$level = 0;
$result = array();
$resultarray = test($a,$mykey,$level,$result);
function test($array,$mykey,$level,$result){
foreach($array as $key => $element){
if($key == $mykey){
echo 'found';
} else if(is_array($element)){
$result[$level] = $key;
$result1 = test($element,$mykey,$level,$result);
The idea is to check current array branch, and if the needle key isn't found, then iterate current items and check their array child nodes by recursive function calls. Before each step down we push a current key to stack, and pop the stack if the function does not found a needle key in whole branch. So if the key found, the function returns true by the chain, preserving successful keys in the stack.
function branchTraversing(& $branch, & $key_stack, $needle_key) {
$found = false;
if (!array_key_exists($needle_key, $branch)) {
while (!$found && (list($key, $next_branch) = each($branch))) {
if (is_array($next_branch)) {
array_push($key_stack, $key);
$found = branchTraversing($next_branch, $key_stack, $needle_key);
if (!$found) {
} else {
array_push($key_stack, $needle_key);
$found = true;
return $found;
function getPath(& $array, $needle_key) {
$path = [];
branchTraversing($array, $path, $needle_key);
return $path;
$test_keys = [1400, 7300, 7302, 7306, 7314, 666];
foreach ($test_keys as $search_key) {
echo '<p>' . $search_key . ' => [ '
. implode(', ', getPath($array, $search_key)) . ' ]</p>';

Recursive array_search

I have a multi-dimensional array:
$categories = array(
'CategoryID' => 14308,
'CategoryLevel' => 1,
'CategoryName' => 'Alcohol & Food',
'CategoryParentID' => 14308
'CategoryID' => 179836,
'CategoryLevel' => 2,
'CategoryName' => 'Alcohol & Alcohol Mixes',
'CategoryParentID' => 14308
'CategoryID' => 172528,
'CategoryLevel' => 2,
'CategoryName' => 'Antipasto, Savoury',
'CategoryParentID' => 14308
I need to get the exact location of the index, and since array_search doesn't work on multi-dimensional arrays, I'm using one of the functions provided on the PHP manual page.
function recursive_array_search($needle,$haystack) {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if($needle===$value OR (is_array($value) && recursive_array_search($needle,$value) !== false)) {
return $current_key;
return false;
.. but it also returns the key of the first array only:
echo recursive_array_search(172528, $categories); // outputs 1
I'm expecting:
You can change your recursive function like this, which should give you the solution:
function recursive_array_search($needle, $haystack, $currentKey = '') {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$nextKey = recursive_array_search($needle,$value, $currentKey . '[' . $key . ']');
if ($nextKey) {
return $nextKey;
else if($value==$needle) {
return is_numeric($key) ? $currentKey . '[' .$key . ']' : $currentKey . '["' .$key . '"]';
return false;
This will result in
Since CategoryID is also a key in your multidimensional array.
If you don't want this, you can adapt the function to
function recursive_array_search($needle, $haystack, $currentKey = '') {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$nextKey = recursive_array_search($needle,$value, $currentKey . '[' . $key . ']');
if ($nextKey) {
return $nextKey;
else if($value==$needle) {
return is_numeric($key) ? $currentKey . '[' .$key . ']' : $currentKey;
return false;
You are ignoring the returned value of your inner call to recursive_array_search. Don't do that.
* Searches for $needle in the multidimensional array $haystack.
* #param mixed $needle The item to search for
* #param array $haystack The array to search
* #return array|bool The indices of $needle in $haystack across the
* various dimensions. FALSE if $needle was not found.
function recursive_array_search($needle,$haystack) {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if($needle===$value) {
return array($key);
} else if (is_array($value) && $subkey = recursive_array_search($needle,$value)) {
array_unshift($subkey, $key);
return $subkey;
public static function unique(array $data, $key){
$rez = [];
foreach($data as $val){
if(!isset($val[$key]) && is_array($val)){
return self::unique($val, $key);
}elseif( isset($val[$key]) ){
$rez[] = $val[$key];
return array_unique($rez);
function array_search_recursive( $search, $values = array(), $i = 0) {
$match = false;
var_dump($i, $search);
foreach ( $values as $keyState => $val ) {
var_dump($val == $search, 'expression');
if ( $val == $search ) {
return $keyState;
if ( is_array( $val ) ) {
$match = array_search_recursive($search, $val, $i);
if ( $match !== false ) {
return $keyState;
return false;
echo array_search_recursive($search, $canada)
This will return the first key, tested for $canada = array( 'Brazilia' => 'test1', "Alberta" => [ "Airdrie", "Brooks", "Camrose" ], "British Columbia" => [ "Abbotsford" => [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ], "Armstrong", "Castlegar" ], "Manitoba" => [ "Brandon", "Selkirk" ], 'Olanda' => 'test2' ); $search = "Selkirk";

Combine repeating elements as array in a multidimensional array

I was wondering when working with multimedional arrays, if a certain key is the same, is there a way to combine the contents of other keys into its own array if a certain key is the same?
Something like this:
// name is the same in both arrays
'name' => 'Pepsi',
'store' => 'Over here',
'number' => '1234567'
'name' => 'Pepsi',
'store' => 'Over here',
'number' => '5556734'
into something like this
'name' => 'Pepsi',
'store' => array('Over here', 'Over here'),
'number' => array('1234567', '5556734')
The defining key is checking if the name element is the same for the other arrays.
You can try a function like this.
function mergeByKey($array,$key){
$tmp_array = array();
foreach ( $array as $k => $row ) {
$merged = false;
foreach ($tmp_array as $k2 => $tmp_row){
if ($row[$key] == $tmp_row[$key]){
foreach ( $row as $k3 => $value ) {
if ($k3 == $key) continue;
$tmp_array[$k2][$k3][] = $value;
$merged = true;
if ($merged) break;
if (!$merged) {
$new_row = array();
foreach ( $row as $k4 => $value ) {
if ($k4 == $key) $new_row[$k4] = $value;
else $new_row[$k4] = array($value);
$tmp_array[] = $new_row;
foreach ( $tmp_array as $t => $row ) {
foreach ( $row as $t2 => $value ) {
if ( count($value) == 1 && $t2 != $key ) $tmp_array[$t][$t2] = $value[0];
return $tmp_array;
passing the array as first parameter and the key as second one.
I'm referencing to your array structure
edited: missed a piece
edited2: if resultin array contains elements with one string, it returns a string and not a array with one element
This function uses a given field name as the grouping identifier and turns all other fields into arrays.
Note that single occurrences of your field name will yield arrays with a single element for the other fields. I wasn't sure whether that's a desirable trait, but just making sure you know ;-)
$arr = array(
'name' => 'Pepsi',
'store' => 'Over here',
'number' => '1234567'
'name' => 'Pepsi',
'store' => 'Over here',
'number' => '5556734'
function mergeArray($array, $column)
$res = array();
foreach ($array as $item) {
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
if ($key === $column) {
$res[$column][$key] = $value;
} else {
$res[$column][$key][] = $value;
return array_values($res);
print_r(mergeArray($arr, 'name'));
Thanks to Gianni Lovece for her answer but I was able to develop a much simpler solution based on this problem. Just plug in the $result_arr to browse through and the $key you want to use as basis and it immediately outputs a multidimensional array with non-repeating values for repeating elements (see example below).
function multiarray_merge($result_arr, $key){
foreach($result_arr as $val){
$item = $val[$key];
foreach($val as $k=>$v){
$arr[$item][$k][] = $v;
// Combine unique entries into a single array
// and non-unique entries into a single element
foreach($arr as $key=>$val){
foreach($val as $k=>$v){
$field = array_unique($v);
if(count($field) == 1){
$field = array_values($field);
$field = $field[0];
$arr[$key][$k] = $field;
} else {
$arr[$key][$k] = $field;
return $arr;
For example, in the sample array for this question, running multiarray_merge($mysample, 'name') returns
'Pepsi' => array(
'name' => 'Pepsi',
'store' => 'Over here', // String: Not an array since values are not unique
'number' => array('1234567', '5556734') // Array: Saved as array since values are unique

PHP: rename multidimensional array's keys

I have a multidimensional array with strings as keys. I want to perform a function (to manipulate the strings) on those keys and then write to a new array (i.e. leave the original array unchanged).
$oldArr = array(
"foo_old" => array("moo_old" => 1234, "woo_old" => 5678);
"bar_old" => array("car_old" => 4321, "tar_old" => 8765);
$newArr = array(
"foo_new" => array("moo_new" => 1234, "woo_new" => 5678);
"bar_new" => array("car_new" => 4321, "tar_new" => 8765);
This is just an example, the actual array has more levels/dimensions. Oh and my function doesn't replace "_old" with "_new", again, just an example.
I hope I made some sense, thanks in advance!
Edit: I added a function for printing out the changed array. You may include the code on a website and it will show the result. New edited code:
// array initialisation
oldArr = array();
$subArr1 = array();
$subArr2 = array();
$oldArr; // make a copy of the array
// function which replaces recursivly the keys of the array
function renameArrayKeys( $oldArr ) {
$copyArr = $oldArr;
if( is_array( $oldArr) && count( $oldArr ) ) {
foreach ( $oldArr as $k => $v ) {
unset($copyArr[$k]); // removes old entries
$newKey = str_replace( '_old', '_new', $k );
if( is_array( $v ) ) {
$copyArr[ $newKey ] = renameArrayKeys( $v );
else {
$copyArr[ $newKey ] = $v;
return $copyArr;
// prints out the keys and values of the changed array
function printout($arr ){
foreach ($arr as $k => $val ) {
echo $k."=>".$val." | ";
if( is_array( $val ) ) {
printout( $val );
// calls the above functions
$changedArr = renameArrayKeys($oldArr);
I'm probably slightly late, but recursion is the way forward with this!
$replace_from = "_old"; //can also be array i.e. array("foo_old", "bar_old")
$replace_to = "_new"; //can also be an array i.e. array("foo_new", "bar_new")
$oldArr = array(
"foo_old" => array("moo_old" => 1234, "woo_old" => 5678),
"bar_old" => array("car_old" => 4321, "tar_old" => 8765),
function replace($arr){
global $replace_from, $replace_to;
$newArr = array();
foreach($arr as $key => $value){
$newArr[str_replace($replace_from,$replace_to,$key)] = (is_array($value)) ? replace($value) : $value;
return $newArr;
print_r (replace($oldArr));
Something like this:
function renameKeys( $arr )
if( is_array( $arr ) && count( $arr ) ) {
foreach ( $arr as $k => $v ) {
$nk = str_replace( '_old', '_new', $k );
if( is_array( $v ) ) {
$v = renameKeys( $v );
$arr[ $nk ] = $v;
unset( $arr[$k] );
return $arr;
$oldArr = array(
"foo_old" => array("moo_old" => 1234, "woo_old" => 5678) ,
"bar_old" => array("car_old" => 4321, "tar_old" => 8765)
$nArr = renameKeys( $oldArr );
print_r( $nArr );
Closure version. This doesn't mess up the namespace.
$from = '_old';
$to = '_new';
$old_arr = array(
'foo_old' => array('moo_old' => 1234, 'woo_old' => 5678),
'bar_old' => array('car_old' => 4321, 'tar_old' => 8765),
$func = function ($arr) use (&$func, $from, $to) {
$new_arr = array();
foreach($arr as $k => $v){
$new_arr[str_replace($from, $to, $k)] = is_array($v) ? $func($v) : $v;
return $new_arr;
