Whats the best way to output a json like an organization chart? Seems my loop is not good. Can't really get whats the empUnd for every employees. How to make a good loop for this type of chart like get every empUnd over and over until its empty
Create endpoint that shows the organization structure.
Response Format:
"empNo: "123",
"name": "Jennifer Sy",
"jobDesc": "CEO",
"empUnd: [
"empNo": "456",
"name": "Mike Tolomia",
"jobDesc": "VP",
"empUnd": [{}]
Here's my controller:
public function chart() {
$employeeDetails = $this->api_model->fetch_employees();
foreach ($employeeDetails as $employeeDetail) {
$test = $this->api_model->checkEmployeeUnder($employeeDetail['employeeNumber']);
$result[] = [
'empNo' => $employeeDetail['employeeNumber'],
'name' => $employeeDetail['firstName'],
'empUnd' => $test
return $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($result));
My Model:
public function fetch_employees()
$qry = $this->db->get('employees');
$result = $qry->result_array();
return $result;
public function checkEmployeeUnder($reportsTo)
$this->db->select('empNo, CONCAT(firstName, '.' , " ", lastName) AS name');
$this->db->where('reportsTo', $reportsTo);
$qry = $this->db->get();
$result = $qry->result_array();
return $result;
I am new to PHP coming over from Javascript. I have 2 PHP methods. I'd like to combine them into one endpoint call. Can I push them into the same Array so they can come back in one call with one payload?
public function incompleteOrders()
$orders = request()->user()->incompleteOrders();
$data = $orders->toArray();
return response($data, 200);
public function finishedOrders()
$orders = request()->user()->finishedOrders();
$data = $orders->toArray();
return response($data, 200);
You can set multiple keys on the resulting json object, for example:
public function orders()
$data = [
'incomplete' => request()->user()->incompleteOrders(),
'finished' => request()->user()-> finishedOrders(),
return response($data, 200);
The json will look something like this:
"finished": [
"id": 1
"incomplete": [
"id": 2
"id": 3
Hello you can fetch the two array and combine them in another array like what we have bellow
public function userOrders()
$finishedOrders = request()->user()->finishedOrders();
$incompleteOrders = request()->user()->incompleteOrders();
$data = ["finishedOrders" => $finishedOrders->toArray(), "incompleteOrders" => $incompleteOrders->toArray()];
return response($data, 200);
Or you can also use array_merge a php function to merge the two array in one
I'm currently stuck at this scenario, now the other developer wants to output the API structure as seen on attached image.
But I tried as far as I can but I only got these result:
"all_projects": {
"unit_types": [
"unit": "TOWNHOUSE 44.00"
"unit_types": [
"unit": "DUPLEX WITH OUT GARAGE 44.50"
"unit_types": [
"unit": "DUPLEX WITH OUT GARAGE 44.50"
"unit_types": [
"unit": "TOWNHOUSE 44.00"
I am using MVC framework,
This is my model looks like:
public function all_south_projects()
return $this->db->select('Project as project_name')->from('lots')
public function get_unit_types($projName)
return $this->db->select('UnitType as unit')->from('lots')
And then my controller is:
$resp = $this->MyModel->all_south_projects();
$test_array = array();
foreach ($resp as $value) {
$units = $this->MyModel->get_unit_types($value->project_name);
$allunits = array("unit_types"=>$units);
$allunits = (object) $allunits;
$test_array[$value->project_name] = $allunits;
$stat = 200;
$message = 'Successfully fetched.';
json_output2 is on my helper to customize json format:
Here is my code:
function json_output2($statusHeader,$responseName,$message,$response)
$ci =& get_instance();
$ci->output->set_output(json_encode(array('status' =>
$statusHeader,'message' => $message,$responseName =>$response)));
NOTE: Scenario is:
The API must give all the projects having available units,
if the project is available, then it needs to get its corresponding available units to view. I know I can make another API call but this time, we need to improve the UX.
Can someone enlighten me to get through this? Thank you!
Change this part :
foreach ($resp as $value) {
$units = $this->MyModel->get_unit_types($value->project_name);
$allunits = array("unit_types"=>$units);
$allunits = (object) $allunits;
$test_array[$value->project_name] = $allunits;
To :
foreach ($resp as $value) {
$units = $this->MyModel->get_unit_types($value->project_name);
$test_array[] = [
"project_name" => $value->project_name,
"unit_types" => $units
You don't have to cast your associative array to object like you did there : $allunits = (object) $allunits; because an associative array will always be serialized as a JSON object (associative arrays do not exist in JSON).
Need to get campaign_id with the list_id that I've got. My goal is to get all the campaign data and then sort out using the list_id. I have been able to retrieve the campaign response body, but somehow failing to get the campaign list_id. Any help or a different approach would be appreciated. Sharing my code and mailchimp api related reference.
MailChimp api ref:
"campaigns": [
"id": "42694e9e57",
"type": "regular",
"create_time": "2015-09-15T14:40:36+00:00",
"archive_url": "http://",
"status": "save",
"emails_sent": 0,
"send_time": "",
"content_type": "template",
"recipients": {
"list_id": "57afe96172", // this is required
"segment_text": ""
My Progress:
public static function getCampaignID($list_id){
$MCcampaigninfo = self::$mc_api->get("/campaigns"); // gives a response consisting 3 rows, required value is in 1st row, which is an array
foreach ($MCcampaigninfo as $key => $value) {
if ($value[8]->'list_id' == $list_id) { //under the 'campaign'array, we need the 9th position property 'recipient'
$campaign_id = $value[12]->'id';
This code assumes the response of $mc_api->get is equal to the JSON you showed in your example
public static function getCampaignID($list_id) {
$campaigns = json_encode(self::$mc_api->get("/campaigns"), true);
$campaignIds = [];
foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {
//if the list_id matches the current campaign recipients['list_id'] add to the array
if ($campaign['recipients']['list_id'] === $list_id) {
$campaignIds[] = $campaign['id'];
//return an array with campaignIds
return $campaignIds;
Got it working. The api structure seems different in reality from their documentation. Thanks for all the help. Posting my updated code.
public static function getCampaignID($list_id){
$MCcampaigninfo = self::$mc_api->get("/campaigns");
foreach ($MCcampaigninfo as $key => $campaign) {
if($key == campaigns){
foreach ($campaign as $key2 => $clist) {
foreach ($clist as $key3 => $recip) {
if($key3 == id){
$campaign_id = $recip;
elseif($key3 == recipients){
foreach($recip as $key4 => $listid){
if($key4 == list_id){
if($listid == $list_id){
return $campaign_id;
I need to create mongodb query using json format like I do in studio 3T.
For example i exceute this "where" in studio 3t and it works fine
{ $and: [ { "message": { $not: /.*status=sent.*/i } }, { "message": { $not:
/.*status=bounce.*/i } }, { "message": { $not: /.*message-id.*/i } } ] }
But I don't know how to use it in php.
I can create queris this way:
public function connect(...)
self::$connect = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://'.$data);
public function query($table, $filter = array(), $options = array())
self::$connect = $this->connect();
$query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query(
$filter, // query (empty: select all)
$options // options, example: ['limit' => 40 ]
return self::$connect->executeQuery($this->dbName.'.'.$table, $query);
$result = $mongo->query('messages', $filter, array('limit' => 1000));
How to make it using json-style ?
I am trying to create a dynamic endpoint for a API I am creating in order to include some data but only if it is required so I can use it in multiple places.
The idea is to have api.domain.com/vehicle to bring back basic vehicle information but if I did api.domain.com/vehicle?with=owners,history then the idea is to have a function which maps the owners and history to a class which will return data but only if it is required.
This is what I currently have.
public static function vehicle()
$with = isset($_GET['with']) ? $_GET['with'] : null;
$properties = explode(',', $with);
$result = ['vehicle' => Vehicle::data($id)];
foreach ($properties as $property) {
array_push($result, static::getPropertyResponse($property));
echo json_encode($result);
Which will then call this function.
protected static function getPropertyResponse($property)
$propertyMap = [
'owners' => Vehicle::owner($id),
'history' => Vehicle::history($id)
if (array_key_exists($property, $propertyMap)) {
return $propertyMap[$property];
return null;
However, the response I'm getting is being nested within a index, which I don't want it to be. The format I want is...
"vehicle": {
"make": "vehicle make"
"owners": {
"name": "owner name"
"history": {
"year": "26/01/2018"
But the format I am getting is this...
"vehicle": {
"make": "vehicle make"
"0": {
"owners": {
"name": "owner name"
"1": {
"history": {
"year": "26/01/2018"
How would I do this so it doesn't return with the index?
Vehicle::history($id) seems to return ['history'=>['year' => '26/01/2018']], ...etc.
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$out = static::getPropertyResponse($property) ;
$result[$property] = $out[$property] ;
Or your methods should returns something like ['year' => '26/01/2018'] and use :
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$result[$property] = static::getPropertyResponse($property) ;