This question already has answers here:
Unset inside array_walk_recursive not working
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I've looked through articles and SO questions for the last hour and still can't find exactly what I'm looking for.
I have a single dimensional string array containing containing keys from my multidimensional array. Both arrays are dynamic. I need a way to remove every key in the 1D from the MD array.
It's hard to explain, so let me just show you.
$dynamicKeys = ['date', 'name', 'account'];
$arrayRequiringSanitization = [
'name' => [
'first' => 'Homer',
'last' => 'simpson'
'age' => 'unknown',
'facts' => [
'history' => [
'date' => 'whenever',
'occurred' => 'nope'
'is' => 'existing'
function removeDynamicValues($arr, $vals) {
// this is where i need help
The removeDynamicValues function should take the $arrayRequiringSanitization and $dynamicKeys and return an array that looks as follows:
$arrayRequiringSanitization = [
'age' => 'unknown',
'facts' => [
'history' => [
'occurred' => 'nope'
'is' => 'existing'
So basically, it removed the name sub array and the date sub sub property. The important part is that both arrays are dynamic, and it's not known how deep $arrayRequiringSanitization will be nested.
Let me know if I need to provide further clarrification.
You can do this quite easily with recursion. Here's the code.
* #param array<mixed> $arr initial array
* #param array<string|int> $vals array of keys that need to be deleted
* #return array<mixed>
function removeDynamicValues(array $arr, array $vals): array
$out = [];
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $vals, true)) {
$out[$key] = is_array($value) ? removeDynamicValues($value, $vals) : $value;
return $out;
This question already has answers here:
PHP Associative Array Duplicate Keys
(6 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I have an array in my php code
$list = array(
// I have 20+ items
foreach( $list as $type => $name ){
//var_dump() output
I'm facing the problem that when I try to loop the array only three values will be returned and the rest are ignored. How I can fix this?
I'm trying to loop the array to save the data into a custom wordpress database. With the same way I've successfully looped another array inserted the keys and values into the db.
I think a better structure for your array would something like this
$list = [
'RETAIL' => [
And you could loop over like so
foreach ($list as $businessType => $businesses) {
foreach ($businesses as $business) {
echo "<li>{$business}</li>";
Just an example
As a general way of handling instances where you have more than one element to each piece of data (even when it's not in a tree structure like this may be), you should structure each item in the list as either an array or object, eg:
$list_of_arrays = [
['RETAIL', 'BAR'],
foreach( $list_of_arrays as $array ){
echo "<li>{$array[0]} {$array[1]}</li>";
$list_of_objects = [
(object)['type' => 'RETAIL', 'subtype' => 'SUPERMARKET'],
(object)['type' => 'RETAIL', 'subtype' => 'BAR'],
(object)['type' => 'RETAIL', 'subtype' => 'DEP. MARKET'],
foreach( $list_of_objects as $object ){
echo "<li>{$object->type} {$object->subtype}</li>";
Maybe I show heavily but as you only have two data for each entity, why your table is not built like this at the base...?
$list = array(
// I have 20+ items
You do have keys that uniquely identify entities.
This is an array of PHP database output:
[text] => 'ok'
[text] => 'usa'
[text] => 'newyork'
How do I convert it to look like this:
[hi]=> 'ok'
[work]=> 'usa'
[city]=> 'newyork'
You just want to loop over the array and build your newly formatted array.
$arr = [
'please' => [
'text' => 'it'
'use' => [
'text' => 'will'
'google' => [
'text' => 'help'
$formattedArr = [];
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
$formattedArr[$k] = $v['text'];
Another way using some array sorting methods to get us a one liner:
$formattedArr = array_combine( array_keys($arr), array_column($arr, 'text'));
array_combine is a php function that creates a new array using an array for keys and an array for values.
Simply enough, array_keys gets - you guessed it - the keys of the array.
array_column creates an array of a selected property from an inner array, so in this case, it goes plucks the 'text' values from the inner arrays.
This question already has answers here:
Recursively remove empty elements and subarrays from a multi-dimensional array
(8 answers)
PHP Remove elements from associative array
(9 answers)
Remove Specific key value pair from PHP array
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I would like to remove all elements of an associative array if the key has a substring of 'TB1' in the key.
My array looks like:
$output= [
'TB1_course' => 'required'
'TB1_session' => 'required'
'TB2_course' => 'required'
I would like to remove TB1_course and TB1_session, so that my final array looks like:
$output =[
'TB2_course' => 'required
Is there any way to go about doing this in an easy concise fashion?
My initial guess was to use a for each loop:
foreach ($output as $key =>$value){
Thank you for all the help!
Filter the array by key:
$input = [
'TB1_course' => 'required',
'TB1_session' => 'required',
'TB2_course' => 'required',
$filter = function ($key) {
return substr($key, 0, 4) === 'TB2_';
$output = array_filter($input, $filter, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
array(1) {
'TB2_course' =>
string(8) "required"
See for the documentation of the array_filter function that is useful to filter arrays.
This question already has answers here:
Transposing multidimensional arrays in PHP
(12 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
I'm not sure how to search for the problem I'm facing, so that's why I'm asking here.
I want to know if there is a native php-function to transform following array I get from a html-form:
Original Array
$array = [
'product_template_id' => [
'0' => '1',
'1' => '2'
'amount' => [
'0' => '50',
'1' => '100'
Desired Array
$array = [
'0' => [
'product_template_id' => '1',
'amount' => '50'
'1' => [
'product_template_id' => '2',
'amount' => '100'
I know this can be done with a loop, but that's not what I'm asking for.
PS(not my main question, just a sidequestion): How can I bulk format code in stackoverflow? Is it always 4 spaces? How can I perform the formatting quicker?
edit: PS is not the main question, it is more of a sidenote which has already been answered by #RiggsFolly
Just as prove of concept you can use array_map:
$keys = array_keys($array);
// For < PHPv5.6
// $zip = call_user_func_array('array_map', array_merge([null], $array));
$zip = array_map(null, ...array_values($array));
$result = array_map(function ($item) use ($keys) {
return array_combine($keys, $item);
}, $zip);
Here is working demo.
But in practice, there is too much overhead for so simple problem.
Here I am zipping (getting one corresponding element from each array and creating an array of this elements) all child arrays. It is done with array_map using its property:
An interesting use of this function is to construct an array of arrays, which can be easily performed by using NULL as the name of the callback function
As array_map can take an arbitrary number of arrays, I supply them to it with '...' splat operator.
This does what you need!
for ($x = 0; $x < count($array['amount']); $x ++) {
$arr[$x] = [
'product_template_id' => $array['product_template_id'][$x],
'amount' => $array['amount'][$x],
See here for a working example
This question already has answers here:
Is there a function to extract a 'column' from an array in PHP?
(15 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I need to change this array:
$array = [
[0] => [
'id' => '100'
[1] => [
'id' => '200'
[2] => [
'id' => '300'
Into this:
$array2 = [100, 200, 300];
A long time ago I found a built-in PHP function which could do this for me. But i can't for the life of me remember which one it was. Of course I could do it manually, but it would be easier and more readable if I could use a builtin PHP function
Use array_column like this: array_column($array, 'id');
1st solution:
Use array_map() function with inline function:
$array2 = array_map(function($arrayElement){return $arrayElement['id'];}, $array);
2nd solution:
Use foreach loop:
function getValues($array, $index)
$result = array();
foreach($array as $element)
if(isset($element[$index])) //check if index exists
$result[] = $element[$index];
return $result;
$array2 = getValues($array, 'id');
This function has two parameters: array from which you gets values and index, for example 'id'.
Result of two methods is the same:
[0] => 100
[1] => 200
[2] => 300