I want to use Intervention Image library for my Laravel project, so I just installed it via Composer and added this line of code to config/app.php:
And also this line was added to aliases part:
'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class,
Now at my Controller I coded this:
class AdminController extends Controller
protected function uploadImages($file)
$year = Carbon::now()->year;
$imagePath = "/upload/images/{$year}/";
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$file = $file->move(public_path($imagePath), $filename);
$sizes = ["300","600","900"];
})->save(public_path($imagePath . "300_" . $filename));
But as soon as I fill my form to check if it's work or not, this error message pops up:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Image' not found
Which means this line:
So why it returns this error while I've included it already in my project ?!
If you know, please let me know... I would really appreciate that.
On config/app.php you need to add :
$provides => [
$aliases => [
'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class
Now you can call use Image; on the top on your controller :
use Image;
class AdminController extends Controller
// ...
how to generate and download images in storage using laravel's faker?
I want when running seeders to download images and save them automatically in the storage/categories folder, but when running seeder the images are downloaded all for a second and then they disappear or are deleted, so I don't know what is happening.
this is CategoryFactory
namespace Database\Factories;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
class CategoryFactory extends Factory
public function definition()
return [
'image' => 'categories/' . $this->faker->image(storage_path('app' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public/categories'),640, 480, null, false)
Storage::makeDirectory('categories') will create a directory at storage/app/categories if the driver is set to public. So when using with faker->image() the path needs to be storage_path('app/dummy').
'image' => 'categories/' . $this->faker->image(storage_path('app/categories'),640, 480, null, false)
I am creating a controller that saves photos to the /storage/ folder. To protect myself from submitting a bunch of large photos and not to style their CSS, I wanted to resize them using the Intervention / image library. Unfortunately, despite following the installation instructions directly from the documentation, several uninstallations and reinstallations of the library do not work. When I use this code snippet:
Use Image;
I get an error saying:
Undefined type 'Image'
Following the instructions, I added the following to /config/app.php:
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class,
Besides, I cleaned and reconfigured the cache and config, restarted the server, tried to use:
use Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic as Image;
But unfortunately that didn't help either.
What am I doing wrong?
You have to use the namespace below
use Intervention\Image\Facades\Image;
Then you can use like-
$image = $request->file('image');
$ext = $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$img = Image::make($image)->resize(300, 200)->save('storage/folder/filename'.'.'.$ext);
Use Image facade directly
->fit($width, $height)
You can fit or crop the image based on your needs.
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
public function imageUploadPost(Request $request)
$photo = $request->file('image');
$imagename = time() . '.' . $photo->getClientOriginalExtension();
// Upload Crop Image...
$destinationPath = public_path('uploads/thumbnail_images');
if (!File::isDirectory($destinationPath)) {
File::makeDirectory($destinationPath, 0777, true, true);
$thumb_img = \Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::make($photo->getRealPath())->resize(100, 100);
$thumb_img->save($destinationPath . '/' . $imagename, 100); // Define Quality 100 (Optional)
echo '<pre>';
print_r("Upload Successfully. Store File : laravel_project/public/uploads & laravel_project/public/uploads/thumbnail_images");
I'm trying to use Mailable in Laravel.
In developing a new Mailable, I have everything working except attaching an EXISTING file to the mailable.
An error returns as such:
"message": "Unable to open file for reading [/public/storage/shipments/CJ2K4u6S6uluEGd8spOdYgwNkg8NgLFoC6cF6fm5.pdf]",
"exception": "Swift_IoException",
"file": "E:\\webserver\\htdocs\\truckin\\vendor\\swiftmailer\\swiftmailer\\lib\\classes\\Swift\\ByteStream\\FileByteStream.php",
"line": 131,
But if you go through the folders and files, there is in fact a file there and I can open it, I can even open it through an ajax popup to view details.
Here is my mailable:
namespace App\Mail;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use App\Shipment;
use App\Shipment_Attachment;
class shipmentAttachments extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels;
* Create a new message instance.
* #return void
public $shipment, $attachment, $storagePath;
public function __construct($shipment, $attachment, $storagePath)
$this->shipment = $shipment;
$this->attachment = $attachment;
$this->attachmentFile = '/public'.$storagePath;
$this->proNumber = $shipment->pro_number;
* Build the message.
* #return $this
public function build()
return $this->from('billing#cmxtrucking.com')
->subject('New Attachment(s) - '. $this->proNumber)
->view('emails.shipments.shipmentAttachments',['shipment'=> $this->shipment])
And here is my controller that leads to the mailable:
public function attachmentsEmail(Request $request){
$shipment = Shipment::findOrFail($request->shipmentID);
$attachment = Shipment_Attachment::findOrFail($request->attachmentID);
$storagePath = Storage::url($attachment->attachmentPath);
$email = $request->email;
Mail::to($email)->send(new shipmentAttachments($shipment, $attachment, $storagePath)); //maybe try to use queue instead of send...
return back();
So I'm not sure where this could be coming from.
Try to use public_path() laravel helper function instead of '/public'.
$this->attachmentFile = public_path() . '/' . $storagePath;
Maybe you need to change this variable in public/index.php. I have right below the require bootstrap:
$app->bind('path.public', function() {
return __DIR__;
Make some tests.
dd(public_path() . '/' . $storagePath);
Or maybe verify if file exist with FileSystem class.
Hope this help you!
I was serching a lot about that, it happens the same when you are tryng to build a PDF on dompdf, just exactly the same, you normaly could write this:
('/image/'.$file) and will not work , so you can solve it adding a dot just behind the rout ".", just like this:
It works when you want to add a attach in a mail sending or when you want to make a PDF including images in it.
If you use Storage, and you are trying to export xlsx files, using Laravel Notifications:
in your notification class:
public function toMail($notifiable) {
$path = Storage::disk('export')->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix();
return (new MailMessage)
->greeting(language_data('Your file is ready', $this->user->language_id).$this->user->name)
->line(language_data('Please, check your Email attachments.', $this->user->language_id))
->subject(language_data('Export Contacts', $this->user->language_id))
->attach($path.$notifiable->filename, [ 'as' => $notifiable->filename, 'mime' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', ])
->line(language_data('If you did not request this file, please contact us.', $this->user->language_id));
It works fine for me.
Instead of /public we have to use laravel's helper function public_path()
then concatenate actual file path. otherwise the attachment file operation will not work
so your updated code should be like:-
$this->attachmentFile = public_path() . '/' . $storagePath;
Most of these errors occur in larval on Ubuntu (Linux).
It may be skipped in some cases of windows.
Here is my function to download the uploaded files:
public function download() {
$this->viewClass = 'Media';
$params = array(
'id' => 'article.pdf',
'name' => 'article',
'download' => true,
'extension' => 'pdf',
'path' => WWW_ROOT . DS . 'files' . DS
However calling this function results in the following error message:
Error: Media could not be found.
Error: Create the class Media below in file: src\View\Media.php
Any suggestions what is wrong with my code? Thanks in advance!
Any suggestions what is wrong with my code?
Wrong CakePHP Version (3.x) for what you try to use
And even in 2.x Media view is deprecated since 2.3 as the documentation clearly states on top of the page: Deprecated since version 2.3: Use Sending files instead.
Read the documentation!
Taken from the link above:
public function sendFile($id)
$file = $this->Attachments->getFile($id);
// Return response object to prevent controller from trying to render
// a view.
return $this->response;
And always put the exact CakePHP version you're using in your question.
Error: Create the class Media below in file: src\View\Media.php
Create file in
Path - src/View/
File Name - media.php
I am trying to include a custom defined validation file that is local to my system and wish to use it with 'package' files from an application I downloaded online. The purpose is so that I can have my own custom validators since I made modifications to this application.
I keep getting the error -> 'Class 'Models\Validators\Photo' not found'
use JeroenG\LaravelPhotoGallery\Controllers\AlbumsController; /* From Package */
use JeroenG\LaravelPhotoGallery\Controllers\PhotosController; /* From Package */
use JeroenG\LaravelPhotoGallery\Models\Album; /* From Package */
use JeroenG\LaravelPhotoGallery\Models\Photo; /* From Package */
use Models\Validators as Validators; /* Custom local file */
class EditPhotosController extends PhotosController {
public function __construct()
public function update($albumId, $photoId)
$input = \Input::except('_method');
$validation = new Validators\Photo($input); // Here's where error occurs
/* Validation check and update code etc. */
Photo.php -> File path: Models\Validators\Photo.php
namespace Models\Validators;
class Photo extends Validator {
public static $rules = array(
'album_id' => 'required',
'photo_name' => 'required',
'photo_description' => 'max:255',
Is this just a simple namespacing issue?
The most likely problem is that composer doesn't add file Models/Validators/Photo.php to the autoload index. Make sure you have provided correct path for your files in composer.json.
Try running
composer dump-autoload
to regenerate the autoload files.