How can I add a custom button the messenger page in BuddyBoss? - php

There is a hook in buddyboss-platform/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/buddypress/common/js-templates/messages/parts/bp-message-form.php:33 called bp_nouveau_messages_hook( 'after', 'compose_content' ); which I want to access from my child theme in order to add some html. However, this hook doesn't behave like normal WordPress hooks and I cannot figure out how to access it.

The BP Nouveau template pack uses dynamic hooks.
bp_nouveau_messages_hook( 'after', 'compose_content' );
To use this hook you must include the component name ( messages ) between the stated pieces:
function test_nouveau_hook() {
echo '<br>additional content here';
add_action( 'bp_after_messages_compose_content', 'test_nouveau_hook' );


How To Use do_shortcode with WooCommerce One Page Checkout

I'm trying to use the WordPress do_shortcode function for the WooCommerce One Page Checkout Plugin which uses shortcode like this: [woocommerce_one_page_checkout template="product-table" product_ids="product, ids, here"]. It seems like I can only use this shortcode IF it's in the content editor and won't allow me to add this to a page template using the do_shortcode function.
Their documentation here says:
If you wish to display the One Page Checkout Shortcode using WordPress’ do_shortcode() function instead of including the shortcode in a post or page’s content, you will also need to attach custom code to the 'is_wcopc_checkout' filter and make sure a boolean true value is returned.
So I tried adding the following to the functions.php file:
add_filter( 'is_wcopc_checkout', function(){ return true; } );
and it didn't seem to do the trick.
I also tried:
add_filter( 'is_wcopc_checkout', 'my_one_page_checkout' );
function my_one_page_checkout(){
return true;
add_filter( 'is_wcopc_checkout', 'true' );
That didn't seem to do it either.
Am I adding this code to the functions.php wrong? Any help on how I can get the One Page Checkout Plugin to work using do_shortcode?
Here's my full code in the page template for reference:
echo do_shortcode('[woocommerce_one_page_checkout template="product-table" product_ids="62, 122, 438, 52, 433, 435, 512, 514"]');
Thanks for your help.
(I tried contacting WooCommerce support and they were no help saying that this is custom code and they can't do anything to help.)
The simplest way to return a true to a filter is like sitting the call back to WP default __return_true. So the function will be like
add_filter( 'is_wcopc_checkout', '__return_true' );
There is no filter named is_wcopc_checkout in the code of WooCommerce one page checkout version 1.0.2
From their doc- You can also manually add a shortcode [woocommerce_one_page_checkout] to any page or post and use the shortcode's attributes.
Usage: [woocommerce_one_page_checkout product_ids="30,45,12"]
Some context from One page checkout readme.
To register your template, attach a callback to the 'wcopc_templates' filter and add a new array of your template's details to the $templates array passed to your function.
For example, to register a custom pricing table template, the code would be similar to:
function eg_add_opc_template( $templates ) {
$templates['my-custom-pricing-table'] = array(
'label' => __( 'My Pricing Table', 'eg' ),
'description' => __( "Display a sophisticated and colourful pricing table with each product's attributes, but not weight or dimensions.", 'eg' ),
return $templates;
add_filter( 'wcopc_templates', 'eg_add_opc_template' ) );
The key used in the $templates array should be the template's file name (excluding the extension). The label element of the array is the name displayed on the One Page Checkout dialog. The description element is used for the tooltip next to the template's name.

How to Identify the code used by WooCommerce hook 'woocommerce_view_order'

Within WooCommerce I have been making some edits to templates. So far this has been straight forward.
Now I am trying to add some columns into the 'Order Details' table under 'my-account > view-order'.
I am in the template view-order.php which is a template under 'myaccount' in WooCommerce.
Instead of seeing some code in a template to edit, I am seeing the following code:
<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_view_order', $order_id ); ?>
Where is the code from this action called and can I edit it?
Thanks for all time and help.
You need to look at WooCommerce plugin includes/wc-template-hooks.php core file (line 259):
add_action( 'woocommerce_view_order', 'woocommerce_order_details_table', 10 );
As you can see, the function woocommerce_order_details_table() is hooked in. So now let's find this function that is located in includes/wc-template-functions.php core file (starting line 2584).
As you will see this hooked function call the template file order/order-details.php.
So now you can make some changes:
1). Overriding the template file order/order-details.php via your active child theme or theme as explained in this documentation.
Note: The template file order/order-details.php is also used in Order received (thankyou), so take care to target your changes using the following condition:
// For view order
if ( is_wc_endpoint_url( 'view-order' ) ) {
// Here your changes
// For other cases
else {
// Here keep the original code
2). Or/and you could also remove this hooked function to replace it by your own custom function, with something like:
remove_action( 'woocommerce_view_order', 'woocommerce_order_details_table', 10 );
add_action( 'woocommerce_view_order', 'custom_order_details_table', 10 );
function custom_order_details_table( $order_id ) {
if ( ! $order_id ) {
// Here below add your own custom code
You can also call your own custom template in that custom function, that will be used exclusively in order view endpoint...
Related: WooCommerce action hooks and overriding templates
WooCommerce Documentations:
Template structure & Overriding templates via a theme
WooCommerce Conditional Tags

Setting Wordpress front page as Algolia search

I've recently setup a new Wordpress install to act as a survey database. The purpose of the site is to collect survey data and allow the admin's to filter and search submitted survey data.
I've installed and configured the Algolia search WP plugin. Everything is working properly. If I navigate to '' I see the search form and it's returning results.
My question is how can I set the Algolia search page as my Wordpress index/front page? Or, how can I import this form to a page that I can designate as my WP static front page?
Further info: I have a child theme installed and can create custom page templates/template-parts
The reason is this code here...
if ( is_search() && $settings->should_override_search_with_instantsearch() ) {
return $this->load_instantsearch_template();
from this file
Essentially it isn't being loaded at present where you want.
Putting this code in your functions.php will fix it.
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function () {
// Enqueue the instantsearch.js default styles.
wp_enqueue_style( 'algolia-instantsearch' );
// Ensure jQuery is loaded.
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
// Enqueue the instantsearch.js library.
wp_enqueue_script( 'algolia-instantsearch' );
// WordPress utility useful for using underscore templating.
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-util' );
// Allow users to easily enqueue custom styles and scripts.
do_action( 'algolia_instantsearch_scripts' );
} );
Then just add the instantsearch.php code or include the file to the index page/page you want to load it on.
(I just replaced the index.php code with the code from instantsearch.php and it worked just fine)
Hope that helps.

program custom wordpress plugin to output only to a specific page

I need to know how to take the output of a custom built Wordpress plugin and output it onto a specific page.
I know that I need to use the add_action() / add_filter() functions to call the function which outputs the plugins output when a wordpress hook function runs.
Currently I am using the 'the_content' hook.
This outputs my plugins output to all pages in my theme which call the the_content() function.
Which hook can I use to make the output only appear on a specific page.
It would be useful to know how to create a page using my plugin.
Checkout is_page()
if (is_page(123)) {
// put your hooks here
put your code in a file inside plugin directory
use this
function page_directory()
$dir = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ );
add_action( 'wp', 'page_directory' );

Why wp_register_script doesn't work for register_activation_hook

I want to register a script using when my plugin is activated. So I placed:
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'register_script');
function register_script(){
Next I created a meta box and enqueue the script in the add_meta_boxes hook:
Why that doesn't work? My JS file is just a simple alert function. However, why when I register my script using init hook, or other hook, my code works?
Registering the script doesn't actually enqueues the script. And that's what needs to be optimized.
register_activation_hook runs only once, registering your script there won't keep it registered in subsequent WordPress loads. Neither the action hook init is the place to do this. It's either wp_enqueue_scripts (frontend) or admin_print_scripts (backend), despite their names they're used to enqueue styles and scripts.
Loading your scripts only in specific places is a great practice. Once my admin area broke because a theme was loading its scripts/styles everywhere, not only on the frontend. Crappy code at its best.
The main difference is that if you register a script, you'll only need to call wp_enqueue_script($handle) in other places of your code. But if it's not the case, you can drop the register part and enqueue directly.
A small trick is to add your wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style inside your add_meta_box() callback, and it will only load together with the Meta Box. Works the same for Shortcodes.
Another option,
add_action( 'admin_menu', function()
$page = add_submenu_page( $args );
add_action( "admin_print_scripts-$page", 'your_callback' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
if( is_single() )
wp_enqueue_style( $args );
- conditional-wp-enqueue-script-on-a-page
- when-to-use-add-actioninit-vs-add-actionwp-enqueue-scripts
- register-and-enqueue-conditional-browser-specific-javascript-files
- how-to-load-scripts-and-css-for-admins-only-when-editing-or-adding-posts
