I've followed this guide to install Homebrew on an M1 based Mac.
After that I ran
brew install php#7.4
which installed PHP successfully.
If I now run
brew upgrade php
I get
Error: php not installed
What I like to achieve is to update the PHP that comes shipped with macOS, which is 7.3.22 when I run php -v.
How can I update PHP using Homebrew? I understood that I need to put something in my PATH to point to the newer PHP version? Given this is a new machine I actually don't have a .bash_profile file, only a .zshrc (I'm using ZSH, I assume that this file will be used and that I don't need a .bash_profile?)
It's not advisable to upgrade the system-provided PHP, but it's also not necessary.
brew link can be used to decide which PHP is utilized. brew link php#7.4 should do the trick; this can be also used to switch PHP versions around, i.e. brew link php#8.0 will switch you over to that while leaving both versions installed and available directly.
I Have installed MAMP in my mac, Using the php version of 7.4.
command which php
returns - /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.4.21/bin/php
I have installed php 8.1 using brew.
I comment the ~/.bash_profile
# export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.4.21/bin:$PATH
# alias mysql=/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql
# export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node#13/bin:$PATH"
but still its show the same php path . How to shift to newly installed php version?
You have to link which version of PHP you want to use.
brew unlink php will unlink the current version of PHP.
brew link php#8.1 will link with PHP 8.1 (you need to install it before)
i've updated my mac os to Monterey (12) and then I can not use composer command or php command and get this error
env: php: No such file or directory
macOS 12 (Monterey) removes the system provided PHP and you will need to install it yourself.
It is easy to install if you have brew installed. Simply run the following:
brew install php#7.4 brew-php-switcher
brew link php#7.4
This will install the latest version of PHP 7.4 as well as a handy utility for switching between PHP versions if you need to.
PHP has been removed from MacOS since v12 (Monterey), so you first need to install it on your own to use it. From my POV, the easiest way to do this is using Homebrew
run brew install php , it will take php last version, then you will be be able to use php on your mac
I have multiple versions of PHP installed on my localhost using homebrew:
the standard core php package (v7.3.12)
php 5.6 from exolnet/homebrew-deprecated
Now when I upgraded php to 7.3.12 recently it upgraded a dependency that php#5.6 requires and now I am getting this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/Cellar/php#5.6/5.6.40/bin/./php
Reason: image not found
[1] 83775 abort ./php
And when I navigate to /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/ I see that I now have the upgraded libcrypto.1.1.dylib installed.
I've tried brew upgrade and reinstalling php#5.6 but no joy.
Does anyone have a suggestion? I really need both versions of php working on my localhost to continue development.
From my experience, trying to manage multiple PHP versions via homebrew is an absolute PITA, and I don't think I've ever got to the point where I can easily have both versions available side by side (until now!). Extensions are also supported, the details of which are provided later on in this answer.
That said, I have found a guide that gives some instructions on how to get this working and it works an absolute treat:
The linked guide references this method in the context of running PHP within Apache, so if that's your use case that's a nice little bonus for you too.
Now, because just posting links as answers on StackOverflow just isn't the done thing, I've detailed the main steps you need to follow in order below. Homebrew uses different paths on Apple Silicon hardware vs Intel because of course it does, so if I've missed any path changes please let me know so I can update my answer.
For anyone following this guide that doesn't yet have the prerequisites installed, ensure you have the Xcode command line tools and Homebrew installed and up to date.
If you want to check Homebrew for any issues, you can run
brew doctor
It's also never a bad idea to ensure that you have OpenSSL installed, especially if starting a fresh on macOS Monterey:
brew install openssl
So, let's get started.
Reset your environment
First, update everything then upgrade:
brew update
brew upgrade
brew cleanup
The reason for this is: "This will actually 'migrate' the core PHP packages (which are the only ones supported), but there's a bunch of symlinks utilized that could cause problems down the road, so after upgrading, we'll remove all PHP packages, to provide a fresh start"
Once you've done that, check what's actually installed:
brew list | grep php
Then remove whatever you find, for example:
brew uninstall --force php56 php56-apcu php56-opcache php56-xdebug
brew uninstall --force php70 php70-apcu php70-opcache php70-xdebug
brew uninstall --force php71 php71-apcu php71-opcache php71-xdebug
brew uninstall --force php72 php72-apcu php72-opcache php72-xdebug
brew cleanup
Double check there's nothing left:
brew list | grep php
and clean up any old configuration files:
rm -Rf /usr/local/etc/php/*
Apple Silicon:
rm -Rf /opt/homebrew/etc/php/*
If have the exolnet/deprecated tap installed, you'll need to remove it first using
brew untap exolnet/deprecated
If you don't, you can get some weird conflicts
Add the new Tap and Install
We're then going to tap a different repository. This repository has many versions of PHP pre-built which may or may not work for you, however installation should be much faster as we don't have to compile from source.
brew tap shivammathur/php
You can then install any PHP versions you require:
brew install shivammathur/php/php#7.0
brew install shivammathur/php/php#7.1
brew install shivammathur/php/php#7.2
brew install shivammathur/php/php#7.3
brew install shivammathur/php/php#7.4
brew install shivammathur/php/php#8.0
At the time of writing, this repository has versions 5.6 through 8.1 available for installation
The php.ini files are located in the following directories:
Apple Silicon:
Link your desired version
Once you've got here, close and reopen any terminal windows you have open to avoid strange path issues.
Now, these versions are installed, but not linked. To switch to PHP 7.3 for example, run the following command:
brew unlink php && brew link --overwrite --force php#7.3
And then check we have the correct version:
php -v
If we want to switch to PHP 7.4:
brew unlink php && brew link --overwrite --force php#7.4
And then check we have the correct version:
php -v
Easier Switching
If you want a faster way of switching PHP versions, check out the sPHP script from rhukster
You can install this by running:
curl -L https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rhukster/f4c04f1bf59e0b74e335ee5d186a98e2/raw/adc8c149876bff14a33e3ac351588fdbe8172c07/sphp.sh > /usr/local/bin/sphp
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sphp
Apple Silicon:
curl -L https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rhukster/f4c04f1bf59e0b74e335ee5d186a98e2/raw/adc8c149876bff14a33e3ac351588fdbe8172c07/sphp.sh > /opt/homebrew/bin/sphp
chmod +x /opt/homebrew/bin/sphp
and execute it using:
sphp 8.0
Of course, with anything like this YMMV, but this should hopefully be a good starting point and actually get you where you need to be and remove some headaches.
What about extensions?
Well I'm glad you asked. For the later versions, pecl does work. However, if you want to install xdebug for 5.6 for example, pecl throws its toys out of its pram.
There is another repository you can tap, specifically for extensions:
brew tap shivammathur/extensions
Once you've done this, it's as simple as running:
brew install xdebug#5.6
brew install xdebug#8.1
The list of available extensions is detailed in the link above. I won't include them here because it's a dynamic list and it'll soon be out of date, but most of them support 5.6 through to 8.1
Wrap up
Having followed this process myself, this is the easiest approach I'm yet to find for managing multiple PHP versions on macOS. Feel free to run brew doctor and brew cleanup at any points during the process, it can't hurt after all and might in fact help with debugging any issues you happen across. That said, my environment was an absolute mess and this tidied it up in about ten minutes. The longest step in this process for me was updating Homebrew itself.
it seems like a little bit stupid question, but Google for one hour and cannot find it:
How to install php on macOS via brew and use in in shell.
Install is simple (if you have brew already installed):
brew install php
But after installation, when i use php -v i still see default php on mac os and not the brew's one. Shoud I Add brew php binary into PATH, bash profile, or what?
Thank you!
homebrew creates symbolic links in /usr/local/bin to pretty much every binary it installs. So the answer to your question is to add that to your path in your login profile. That will probably be $HOME/.profile and you can add a line like:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
Then it will be set each time you login or open a new Terminal.
So in my case, the trouble was with some access permissions on specific folders on my Mac OS, so just sharing what I learned: if it's not working, carefully examile log / error feed, there can be a hint for you!
On April 1, 2018 Homebrew discontinued the Homebrew/php tap and went with a core install approach, which means many of the extensions now must be installed with PECL. I have written a two part blog series to help with installing Apache and PHP w/ PECL on later versions of MacOS. You can find it at the link below, I hope it helps!
Step 1: Install Homebrew
The first step is to install Homebrew and this is a tool (package manager for macOS) that will allow us to install easily PHP and basically any other package/tools.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Step 2: Install PHP
To install PHP we can use the command below. The first command will automatically install the latest version of PHP which is at the current moment of writing this post version 8.
brew install php
If other versions may be preferred we can specify the PHP version and the code will look like the following.
brew install php#7.4
Step 3: The php.ini Config
The default PHP configuration should be sufficient to get started but if there are any other configurations, we can change them through the php.ini located on this path. Do note the PHP version number which in this case is version 8.
Step 4: Check if PHP is running
To check if PHP is already running we can make use of the brew services command. First, we can list the services that we have installed.
brew services list
If PHP is not started we can then run the command below to start the service in the background.
brew services start php#8.1
Step 5: Checking PHP Version
Lastly to check the PHP version do run:
php -v
By now you will have PHP running on the background process and every time you logged in to the system it will start by default. Thanks for reading and have a good try.
I feel this is an awfully obtuse question to ask, but strangely, this problem is poorly documented.
I would like to upgrade PHP, but there are several problems:
There is no built-in package manager. MacPorts doesn't recognize php as an installed package because it didn't install PHP itself.
Running locate php indicates there are probably many dependencies.
I don't know HOW php was installed, as it was included with the OS, so I don't know whether I should install from source or download binaries. I also don't know the proper way to uninstall the previous version without breaking dependencies.
I am running on Leopard. I have a feeling Apple doesn't want you to upgrade. Would buying Snow Leopard and upgrade solve this problem (and future ones like it)?
You may want to check out Marc Liyanage's PHP package. It comes in a nice Mac OS X installer package that you can double-click. He keeps it pretty up to date.
Also, although upgrading to Snow Leopard won't help you do PHP updates in the future, it will probably give you a newer version of PHP. I'm running OS X 10.6.2 and it has PHP 5.3.0.
I use this: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-php
The command is:
$ xcode-select --install
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
$ brew options php56
$ brew install php56
Then config in your .bash_profile or .bashrc
# Homebrew PHP CLI
export PATH="$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php56)/bin:$PATH"
I think one simple way to do it, is:
1 - Check you where is your current PHP:
$ which php
$ /usr/local/bin/php
You see? Usually, our commands that we run is a link in /usr/local/bin so...
2 - Unlink this current link of PHP
unlink /usr/local/bin/php
If you prefere, before unlink it, check the path and then remove php files (do ls -al /usr/local/bin | grep php and then rm -rf into desired path)
3 - Install PHP 7.1
curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 7.1
4 - Create new link (using php 7.1 bin that you have installed)
ln /usr/local/php5-7.1.9-20170914-100859/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php
Like I said, its a simple way I think.
There is no built-in package manager. MacPorts doesn't recognize php as an installed package because it didn't install PHP itself.
You could still install it with MacPorts. sudo port install php52 (or whichever version you want) will install PHP.
It won't overwrite the Apple-supplied version. It'll install it under /opt/local. You can add /opt/local to the beginning of your $PATH, and use the MacPorts version in your Apache config.
Option #1
As recommended here, this site provides a convenient, up-to-date one liner.
This doesn't overwrite the base version of PHP on your system, but instead installs it cleanly in /usr/local/php5.
Option #2
My preferred method is to just install via Homebrew.
Before I go on, I have the latest version (v5.0.15) of OS X Server (yes, horrible, I know...however, the web server seems to work A-OK). I searched high and low for days trying to update (or at least get Apache to point to) a new version of PHP. My mcrypt did not work, along with other extensions and I installed and reinstalled PHP countless times from http://php-osx.liip.ch/ and other tutorials until I finally noticed a tid-bit of information written in a comment in one of the many different .conf files OS X Server keeps which was that OS X Server loads it's own custom .conf file before it loads the Apache httpd.conf (located at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf). The server file is located:
When you open this file, you have to comment out this line like so:
#LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so
Then add in the correct path (which should already be installed if you have installed via the http://php-osx.liip.ch/ link):
LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/php5/libphp5.so
After this modification, my PHP finally loaded the correct PHP installation. That being said, if things go wonky, it may be because OS X is made to work off the native installation of PHP at the time of OS X installation. To revert, just undo the change above.
Anyway, hopefully this is helpful for anyone else spending countless hours on this.
Upgrading to Snow Leopard won't solve the your primary problem of keeping PHP up to date. Apple doesn't always keep the third party software that it bundles up to date with OS updates. And relying on Apple to get you the bug fix / security update you need is asking for trouble.
Additionally, I would recommend installing through MacPorts (and doing the config necessary to use it instead of Apple's PHP) rather than try to upgrade the Apple supplied PHP in place. Anything you do to /usr/bin risks being overwritten by some future Apple update.
Saving on keystrokes, this worked on MacOS Sierra:
$ brew install homebrew/php/php71
$ /usr/local/opt/php71/bin/php -v
PHP 7.1.4 (cli) (built: Apr 14 2017 15:02:16) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
Check your current php version in terminal with the following command,
$ php -v
You see current php version in terminal, and next command run in terminal if you want to upgrade your php version with php concat with version liked as,
$ brew install homebrew/php/php71
Please restart terminal if you finished php version upgrade installed and run the command.
$ php -v
Now you see the current php version in terminal....thank
Use this Command:
curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 7.0
You can use curl to update php version.
curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 7.3
Last Step:
export PATH=/usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH
Check the upgraded version
php -v
best way to upgrade is
compile it from source
see this tutorial that may be helful for you
to upgrade php7 to latest stable version brew upgrade php7
or for php5.X to latest stable version
brew upgrade php56
use brew list to check installed version