Wordpress ask user's their desired role as a dropdown menu while registration - php

I want to add a custom field to the Wordpress registration form without using any plugins. I want to add a dropdown menu with user-roles ( some roles I have created). Once the registration is complete the user should not have the ability to change their roles ( only admin can do that, selecting role as admin should not be allowed).
Any help will be appreciated.

I understand that you do not intend to use plugins, but you nevertheless use a theme, be it implemented by your team or some widely available theme. In any case, that theme has an implementation for your registration, so:
Find the registration form
Make sure that you find out where the registration form is.
Add a field to the form
Be it in a CMS editor or in a PHP/HTML file you must be able to edit it and add a field
Find the code which runs when a registration is posted
Again, you need to seek and find.
Enhance your functionalities which save fields
You will need to track and save the posted value
Change the database schema
You will need to do some changes on the MySQL schema in order to support the new field on database-level.


Wordpress - Hide specific fields to certain user role on back end

Is there a way in which I can disable/hide specific fields from the "page form" in the back-end? I have currently test two plugins but none of them meet the requirement that I have, like for example this plugin "User Role Editor by Members – Best User, Role and Capability Management Plugin for WordPress":
I'm sorry that the options are in spanish but the capabilities options are for example: "edit pages", "edit other people's pages", "publish pages", "delete pages"... What I want is to hide certain sections to the "editor" user role from the page form:
Is this even possible?, and if not, what alternatives do I have?, the thing is that I'm afraid that whoever is in charge of editing will end up messing up with the pages...
Use Adminimize plugin It will resolve problem easily.
This plugin changes the administration back-end and gives you the power to assign rights on certain parts.
In most cases, the plugin "Adminimize" that Tech Sourav mentioned will work just fine, but since this page I'm working with is using some annoying custom content editor and other theme tools, the workaround that I ended up doing was:
Create a custom post type with the "Custom Post Type UI" plugin.
In this case I will only and always have 3 pages that have this "modifiable" price field, so once the custom post type is added I added 3 entries to this custom post type (here I will show you just one).
I'm also using the "advanced custom fields pro" plugin in order to create this price field into my entries.
When the custom field has been created there's this option inside the same previous form that allows me to show that specific field just created into specific post types entries, so I made up the rules in order to show this field in the created custom post type entries:
In this example I'm just showing you the rule for one entry, in order to make it appear on the other 2 entries, I would just click in the "agregar grupo de reglas" and select one by one.
Once this custom field and rules are configured correctly, I should see now the custom field "precio" inside my specified entries form:
After saving the entry with the updated custom field value, I will now check the post id and save it for later (we're going to need it):
According to the documentation of Advanced Custom Fields plugin I can show the saved value of certain input within certain post with the shortcode: [acf field="{$field_name}" post_id="{$post_id}"], in this case I will change the values to: [acf field="precio" post_id="1372"] and paste the code into the section of the page that I will show this:
The builder that this page is using has an element called "code block" but you can use it in the equivalent element that allows you to paste code from your theme.
After saving the changes, now the only thing that I have left is to restrict the ability to edit pages to a user with the "editor" role, for this I will use the plugin that I mentioned before in my question called "User Role Editor by Members – Best User, Role and Capability Management Plugin for WordPress":
As you can see, I will not let editor users to mess up with the pages post types, so with this, they will only be able to edit the custom post type that I created, which even if they write something inside the content of that custom post type entry, the website won't be affected at all. This may be a little bit hacky but it works...

Adding custom field in default joomla 3.1.1 registration form

Recently I have stumbled upon a situation in Joomla 3.1.1 where I need to add a custom field attached with default registration form.
I surfed the existing resources which say that I should navigate to
joomla_root/components/com_users/models/forms/registration.xml and then change the file accordingly.
I have done that but nothing is showing up. I also need to change registration.php in model and controller too. So, I need your inputs on how to do that. I can't use profile plugin or commercial extensions.
One more thing that I've noticed is the fact that changing registration.xml file and such things work perfectly fine in Joomla 2.5 but isn't working in 3.x.
Joomla ships with a user plugin called "profile" which may contain the fields you want to add already.
In the administrator go to extensions/plugins, filter by type and choose "user", then find the "Profile" and open it. Check out the options on the right handside, enable the plugin and voila.
Warning: most templates override the registration form and they usually don't fire the correct plugin events. If this is the case, your users will only see the "standard" fields in the registration. And if you set any fields as required in the plugin, they will not be registered, but redirected to the complete registration page (the user component), where they will find the fields they already filled in except for the passwords, which can be quite annoying.
If the "profile" fields are not sufficient, copy the profile plugin and build your own.
Do NOT modify the profile plugin or com_users files like you have done, this is Joomla core and will be overwritten when you next upgrade.
Eventually it turns out that the problem was a component called K2.I tried this custom registration stuff in joomla 2.5 and then suddenly thought how about disabling K2 System Plugin..It worked.
Im posting the steps to do so:
1.Navigate to joomla_root/components/com_users/models/forms/registration.xml and add a field there.
2.Then open up joomla_root/components/com_users/models/registration.php and then in the function register() change ur custom fields.
3.Don't forget to add a field in ur database table #_users which you have added in registration.xml
Depending on whether you needed the custom field to be added to the database or not, you could use a form building component such as RSForm!Pro or ChronoForms. They both can tie into the user registration system in Joomla and give you a lot of flexibility in custom emails, adding info to database tables, etc. This would insulate you from any core updates that could wipe out your modifications. I believe Chronoforms is free as long as you don't mind a link back to the developers in the form.
If you can't do that, I would make sure that I had a backup of the files that I modified handy before updating the site. Joomla 3.1.x is a short term build so you have a higher risk of those files getting changed than if you were working on a Joomla 2.5.x site.

magento custom form on product page

I'm new to Magento, and i need some conceptual guide and/or references.
I need to create custom form that will be a part of product-info page (at it's bottom) and that will collect user input (email, size, color). Only some product will have this feature/form (it's up to admin). So, goal of this form will be to email store-admin about a product that is available in stock but not in wished size and/or color. Should i customize existing Contact us form or should i create fresh custom form in new module?
Form should submit data to admin via email along with name of the product.
Ok, so first create a .phtml file under app/design/frontend/[namespace]/[theme]/template/catalog/product/send_request.phtml
then, add this .phtml file reference in catalog.xml in /app/design/frontend/[namespace]/[theme]/layout/catalog.xml
<block type="core/template" name="customer_request" template="catalog/product/send_request.phtml"/>
below the :
<label>Catalog Product View (Any)</label>
section but you should find to right section where to place ( you will find after a few try )
Finally, add your php logic into send_request.phtml file. The form contain that you implemented in send_request.phtml will available under product view page.
Sounds like you'll need a custom form. You'll need a new database table to store the data, a Model to represent the data, and a controller to post the form to at the very least. You'll probably want to add an attribute to Products which is a yes/no of whether to display the form. You'll also probably want to view the data, so you'll have to make pages in the admin site. Perhaps a grid of all answers and a page to view/edit a specific answer.
There is a free extension available. You can use this extension and customize it according to your needs. Product Questions

Customizing Drupal user account form

In my Drupal Site, i will be having two categories of users,say Category A and Category B. When a person wants to create an account on the site, i want to ask them which category they belong to and based on that show the fields on the User Account Form.
The fields shown depend on the category selected. The Drupal user account form has two fields by default i.e. username and email and i can add more by using the Profile module, but how to show different set of fields on the user account form depending on the users selection ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Check the Profile Setup module. Some more details about this module (from its project page):
Profile setup for Drupal 6 now works along side the pageroute module (6.x-1.x-dev) to provide additional page types via the pageroute API, so completely custom profile setup workflows are now more flexible than ever thanks to the help of the pageroute module.
Full setup instructions are given in the INSTALL.txt file in the module folder, so please READ THEM BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS MODULE or consider submitting a bug report.
If you are upgrading from the Drupal 5 version please read the UPGRADE.txt file in the module folder.
I've done this in the past with hook_form_alter and checking $_GET['type']. If $_GET['type'] is empty, I did something like this:
$form = array(
'#value' => '<div>Register as A or Register as B</div>',
If $_GET['type'] is 'A' or 'B', I removed the irrelevant form elements for that type. Then in the #submit handler, I put the user in the appropriate role.
Also check out:
by using hook_form_alter you can change your form fields, using unset and add a element inside form. I assume that you have a category selection on the same user register page upon selection you can use AHAH Helper module to change form field based on category selection.
hope it helps.

Drupal 6: custom profile fields and saving data to a DB

So i've added several some custom profile fields (administer -> profiles) which is all fine but completely useless if I can't store the information in a database. I've been searching for hours now trying to figure out the "best practices" way for doing this with very little luck.
Do I add the new columns to the Users table? Do I create a whole new table? I even found a vague reference that the core profile module should have added those columns for me anyway? And that you should be able to use CCK in the core profile module (but I don't have any options for that)?
And then I would obviously want to allow user to update their own fields but the the custom profile fields aren't included in the $form array...
PS arrrggg! Drupal is driving me around the bend with its inconsistencies and having to hack it all the time!
If you use the core profile module, the database storage is provided automatically and you will not need to modify anything in the database. On install, the module adds two tables to the database, profile_fields to store your custom field definitions and profile_values to store the user supplied data for those fields.
The fields are automatically added to the user edit forms, via the hook_user implementation in profile_user() - the same mechanism is used to add the values of those fields to the user object when that gets loaded.
So if those fields don't show up for you, something is fishy - have you added your fields with 'categories'? If so, they won't show on the standard user edit page, but on additional new pages (one per category). These are added as menu type MENU_LOCAL_TASK, so they should create new 'tab' entries at the top of the user edit page - maybe you have a theme that does not display the tabs?
Another thing to check would be the fields visibility settings chosen on the fields configuration form. If that is set to 'hidden', the field is only accessible for administrators and module/theme code. You should at least set it to 'private' if the user is supposed to edit it himself.
As for using CCK fields, I don't think that this is possible with the core profile module (maybe some extension module provides this). A different approach is taken by the Content Profile Module. It creates a custom node type for user profiles so that the profile values are stored as standard Drupal nodes. One advantage of this is that you can use all CCK fields for profiles, as you just need to add those to the created node type.
