How to display only value on Laravel? - php

Please help me. how to display only value on Laravel.
when i'm var_dump($data->count_date)
i got like this.
how to remove int()?

php var_dump — Dumps information about a variable, not the variable alone.
$data->count_date is an integer number value, you can use it like any other integer, for example:

Just do, It will only return the value.


getting the count value in PHP using value command

I am making a dashboard using php and displaying it on webpage using html. For this I am taking some count values. Is !$value[" variable"] valid in php? How do i get the not of (!=) value? There is no other way to get the data. I am getting the values from a database.
print "<td><a href=\"$strBase and status!='Closed'\" target=\"_blank\">".$value[" ? "]."</td>";
I need to print !closed. Somehow I do not know how to pass that inside $value[].
If you want to use a variable as a key in order to retrieve a value from an array you can do as follows (I use a snippet of your code):
Where $myVar should be a string with the name of the key you want to retreive from $value
But anyhow, your question is pretty unclear so I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for.
You can check if the variable is empty(), i.e.:
echo "variable is empty";

Count all rows in array where a specific field is set (not empty)

I wish to count how many rows in an array has a certain field set to some value (not Null).
Something like: count(isset($names->array_value)).
Is there a command in php for this?
you can check with this code:
if (isset($names['array_value']) && is_array($names['array_value'])){
echo count($names['array_value']);
You can use array_filter() and count the result, but since you'll have to write special function for it, simple foreach loop seems like best option to me.

Change array key from string to integer value with the array values still intact.

i am retrieving result as array from the database using codeigniter like this:
Array([name]=>TempName [hobby]=>Programming)
and i would like to change the above array like this:
Array([0]=>Tempname [1]=>Programming)
i would like to change the key(name,hobby) from column name to integer value(0,1)....
i have no idea about i can change the key from string to integer...
any help or suggestion would be a great help, thanks in advance....
In PHP you can use the array_values method
array_values may be what you are looking for

PHP dealing with long integers

I'm trying to get data from facebook. So I try to get the user_id from their arrays.
Problem is some user_id are SO LONG that when I try to get it it returns something like
instead of
How do I fix this? I need the actual user_id.
I tried using:
$targets = (string)($status->actor_id);
But its still returning the same.
You can try $targets = sprintf('%0.0f',$status->actor_id)
A quick fix of this :
printf("%14.0f", 1.00003247906E+14);
will print
$targets = (string)($status->actor_id); must be returning and invalid value, because the invalid value must already be inside $status
Are you actually printing the retrieved user_id directly (like via print_r($status))?

What's the correct way to access a field in an array element with php?

I'm getting a few rows from the DB with an ajax call in PHP and I save the result to an array with javascript.
Then I make some changes in the data and wish to update the DB.
So I use another ajax call for that but I can't manage to access the fields inside the rows correctly.
When I try this I get nothing:
echo $bArray[$i].branchId;
When I try this:
echo json_encode($bArray[$i].branchId);
I get ArraybranchId instead of the field value.
What's the correct way to access the field with php?
Try either for array:
or for object:
depending which type $bArray[$i] is (array or object). You have not written in your question, so I showed both ways.
I take it branchId is the name of the field, and you want the value for that field?
If so, it's:
echo $bArray['branchId']; or
echo $bArray[$i]['branchId']
Edit: Also, you'll need to make sure you're using mysql_fetch_assoc not mysql_fetch_array!
