I have 3 table's:
course table:
id | course
1 | Laravel
2 | PHP
3 | JS
subject table:
id | subject
1 | subject 1
2 | subject 2
3 | subject 3
course_subject (pivot) table:
id | course_id | subject_id
1 | 1 1
2 | 1 | 2
3 | 2 | 3
public function subjects()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Subject');
public function courses()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Course');
I want to make a dependable dropdown in my Laravel application:
when I will select a course from select box another select box will get the subject name.
i got the subject id but not subject name. How can i do this?
I'm building review product application where there are 3 database tables
- Review
- Categories
- Affiliates
At first i created a pivot table with 2 entries review_id & category_id & the sync was successfull. Later i added another column "affiliate_id" to the pivot table & the sync was successfull but with multiple entries. Let me explain
Here's my controller for review -
The above code is creating sperate pivot entries -
Pivot Table -
| review_Id | category_id | affiliate_Id |
| 1 | null | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | null |
Is the above pivot table correct or should i create seperate pivot tables for affiliates & categories ?
If the pivot table is not correct & if there is no need for seperate pivot tables then what i want to achieve is -
| review_Id | category_id | affiliate_Id |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
The affiliate_id column can have have multiple entries so final result i want is -
| review_Id | category_id | affiliate_Id |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 1 | 3 |
use withPivot;
in Review Model class
public function category()
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class)->withPivot('affiliate_id');
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$category_id_array[$category->id] = ['affiliate_id' => $affiliate->id];
//Insert into offence_photo table
$review->category()->sync($category_id_array, false);//dont delete old entries= false
I have four tables
id | user_id | cat_id | job_title
1 | 1 | 1 | job 1
2 | 1 | 2 | job 2
3 | 2 | 3 | job 3
4 | 1 | 3 | job 4
id | category_name
1 | cat1
2 | cat2
3 | cat3
4 | cat4
id | jobposts_id | lastsubcategorymasters_id
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 2
3 | 2 | 3
4 | 1 | 3
id | LastSubCategoryName
1 | lastsubcat1
2 | lastsubcat2
3 | lastsubcat3
4 | lastsubcat4
jobposts have unique rows.
lastsubcategoryselectedbycompanies is a mapping of jobposts and lastsubcategorymasters.
Now assume some user is logged in with their credentials (EX: take user_id 1 in jobposts). Now I need to show LastSubCategoryName in a comma separated list from the lastsubcategorymasters table, grouped by the jobposts, lastsubcategoryselectedbycompanies and lastsubcategorymasters tables.
allpostedjob.blade.php is:
#foreach($jobposteddetails as $jobposteddetail)
<td>{{ $jobposteddetail->job_title }}</td>
cotroller is:
public function index()
$user = Auth::user();
$jobposteddetails = jobpost::with('categorymaster')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->get();
return view('jobprovider.allpostedjob', compact('user','jobposteddetails'));
jobpost.php model is:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class jobpost extends Model
function categorymaster()
return $this->belongsTo(categorymaster::class, 'cat_id');
It is working proper.
But I also need to show LastSubCategoryName grouped by the tables jobposts, lastsubcategoryselectedbycompanies and lastsubcategorymasters.
function lastsubcategory()
return $this->belongsTo(lastsubcategoryselectedbycompanies::class);
It is not working. How can I fetch my result?
I am not very skilled at applying complex queries with eloquent, I prefer to use DB query builder with the join method
I am new to Laravel and Eloquent and i am trying to create a football game plan.
For now i have 4 tables (with some example entries):
teams (all teams)
| team_id | team_name |
| 1 | Arsenal |
| 2 | Chelsea |
competition (all competitions)
| competition_id | competition_name |
| 1 | Premier League |
schedule (schedule to the competitions)
| id | competition_id | matchday | home_team_id | away_team_id | home_goal | away_goal |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
schedule_teams (matches the schedule teamid with the teams id over the competition_id and the schedule_team_id)
| id | schedule_team_id | competition_id | teams_id |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
And here are my current classes:
public function competition()
return $this->belongsTo(Competition::class, 'competition_id', 'competition_id');
public function schedule()
return $this->hasMany(Schedule::class, 'competition_id', 'competition_id');
$id = \request('competition_id');
$schedule = Schedule::where('competition_id', $id)->with('competition')->get();
i get the schedule with the home and away id's from schedule.
The question now is, how can i get the entries from the teams table over the schedule_teams table to a specifiy home and away id, also for example home_team_id = 1:
home_team_id (=1) -> schedule_team_id (=1) and competition_id (=1) -> teams (Arsenal)
I want the data from schedule and the associated teams in a collection to output in a blade.
can anyone help or give me improvement tips for a football database?
You should make use of the hasManyThrough relationship.
If you create say Schedule\Team, and then have that like the following.
public function schedule() {
$this->belongsTo(Schedule::class, 'schedule_id');
public function team() {
$this->belongsTo(Team::class, 'team_id');
Now in your Schedule class, you can have the following.
public function teams() {
$this->hasManyThrough(Team::class, Schedule\Team::class, 'schedule_id');
It should also be noted, that you don't need competition_id in your schedule team. Since a team belongs to a schedule, which belongs to competition, you can get it like that.
If you also want your Team to know about its schedules, you can add this to Team.
public function schedules() {
return $this->hasManyThrough(Schedule::class, Schedule\Team::class);
You Schedule\Team class becomes essentially, a glorified representation of a pivot table, but having it as a model, allows you to expand upon it in the future. It also helps keep everything neat.
Hope that makes sense.
My table looks like below,
| id name donation_type_id donation_request_type_id
| 1 xyz 1 3
| 2 pqr 3 2
| 3 abc 3 1
| 4 klm 4 1
| id name
| 1 jakat
| 2 sadka
| 3 lillah
| 4 fitra
| id name
| 1 widow
| 2 masjid
| 3 madresha
i want donation_request data with donation_types name and donation_request_types name
In my DonationRequest model code is as below
public function donation_types()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DonationType','id','donation_type_id');
public function donation_request_types()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DonationRequestType','id','donation_request_type_id');
but in first two row i get proper result but for third row has same donation_type_id as 3 so it give blank and same as in donation_request_type_id
public function donation_types()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DonationType');
public function donation_request_types()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DonationRequestType');
As per my above question relationship is working fine, and it has issue in laravel tinker. While testing in postman i found perfect result, but in tinker there will be some issue. Update tinker but still have same problem.
I'm using Laravel 5 and Eloquent, I have 3 tables setup:
| id | photo_name | photo_location |
| 1 | kittens.jpg | C:\kittens.jpg |
| 2 | puppies.jpg | C:\puppies.jpg |
| 3 | airplanes.jpg | C:\airplanes.jpg |
| 4 | trains.jpg | C:\trains.jpg |
photo_set (pivot table)
| set_id | photo_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 4 |
| id | description |
| 1 | cute animals |
| 2 | transportation |
I created a belongsToMany relationship in my photos and sets models to link these two together.
class Photo extends Model {
public function sets()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Set');
class Set extends Model {
public function photos()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Photo');
However I'm trying to reference the $Sets->photos() model function in my controller, so that given a set of id=1, I can return the photo_location value for each row [C:\kittens.jpg,C:\puppies.jpg], but I don't know how to access it..
Also, I can "sort of" access this information in the view with:
#foreach($sets as $set)
but it looks like it only iterates through once and returns a json (?) of the necessary information, though I'm not sure how to parse that to regular HTML either.
So in short, I'm having trouble accessing this data (photo_location) from both the controller and the view
Use Collection::lists()
$locations = Set::find(1)->photos->lists('photo_location');
It will return an array ['C:\kittens.jpg', 'C:\puppies.jpg']
In your controller try this :
$result = PhotoSet::where('set_id', $set_id)
$photo_location = $result->photos->photo_location;
here PhotoSet is the model for photo_set table, because it is a pivot table we will be able to access both sets and photos table from it.