I use this code to send invoice
Mail::send($email_template, $view_vars, static function ($m) use ($customer, $company, $email_subject, $users, $invoice, $invoice_name) {
$m->from($company->send_email, $company->name);
$m->to($users, $customer->getFullName())->subject($email_subject);
$m->attachData($invoice, $invoice_name);
Problem that it need some time to send email with atache.
Decision - to use Queue and change Mail::send() to Mail::queue()
But I use iron.io as as QUEUE Driver. And by default email with attached will go to iron.io - so it also need some time.
I whant to use database connection for this case.
can I use code:
Table Jobs already exist.
After this need I some additional code that emails was realy sended in background ot it will be done automaticaly?
Tha best way is to use local connection method (databases) for all queues.
According to Laravel docs, you can use onConnection with Queues.
To do extra processing after mail has been sent, you need to listen to Laravel's MailSent event.
Define a listener in EventServiceProvider
'Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSent' => [
Define handle function in the listener.
use Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSent;
class OnMessageSent {
// listen for MailSent event
public function handle(MessageSent $event)
if ($event) {
// do something here
when I create a job and before start it , I need run a function ,
i update the class DatabaseJob
namespace App\Queue\Jobs;
use App\Models\Tenancy;
use App\Http\DatabaseHelper;
use App\Http\Helper;
class DatabaseJob extends \Illuminate\Queue\Jobs\DatabaseJob
public function fire()
but it seems the function createJobLog is fired only when the Job start ,I need it when the job created not started .
In a service provider you can listen for the Illuminate\Queue\Events\JobQueued event. Something similar to:
Event::listen(JobQueued::class, function ($event) {
// Of course, if you need to log only the database jobs then you can check the job type
if (!$event->job instanceOf DatabaseJob) {
You may call the function createJobLog() when the job is dispatched. Jobs can be set with a timestamp to delay its start time, if you don’t want the job started immediately after it is being dispatched.
I need to modify the mail SMTP parameters such as MAIL_HOST and MAIL_USERNAME dynamically.
For, this I am using Config::set() to set these values dynamically.
# This code works
Config::set('mail.host', 'smtp.gmail.com');
Mail::to('user#example.com')->send(new myMailable());
The above code works if I do not queue the mail.
The moment I queue it, it appears that Config::set() fails to set the values.
Test to confirm Config::set() not working with queued jobs -
I created a simple job and put the below code in the handler.
public function handle()
# set the config
Config::set('mail.host', 'smtp.gmail.com');
# confirm config has been set correctly
logger('Setting host to = [' . config('mail.host') . ']');
The above code creates the below log entry.
Setting host to = []
Why can I not change the Config on-the-fly for queued jobs? And how to solve this?
This is because the Queue worker doesn't use the current request. It is a stand-alone process, not being interferred by config settings.
To let this work, you need to use a Job. The dispatch function takes your data and sends it through to the job itself. From your controller, call:
JobName::dispatch($user, $settings);
In the job you set the variables accordingly:
public function __construct($user, $settings)
$this->user = $user;
$this->settings = $settings;
Then in the handle method:
\Notification::sendNow($this->user, new Notification($this->settings));
You can use a normal notification for this.
Do not for get to add implements ShouldQueue to your job!
I am using Laravel 5.1
I created a function to get smtp info from db for a user $mail_config=STMPDetails::where('user_id',36)->first() and then I can just call config helper function and pass the array to set config value config($mail_config). and then I call Mail::queue function.
but before it reaches createSmtpDriver#vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/TransportManager.php where it reads the configuration again to send the mail, mail config are changed to the one specified in .env file.
Another thing to note is Mail sending function is in a Listener
I am not able to figure out where can I call the function such that configuration changes are retained before mail is sent.
This should work:
// Set your new config
Config::set('mail.driver', $driver);
Config::set('mail.from', ['address' => $address, 'name' => $name]);
// Re execute the MailServiceProvider that should use your new config
(new Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider(app()))->register();
Since the default MailServiceProvider is a deferred provider, you should be able to change config details before the service is actually created.
Could you show the contents of $mail_config? I'm guessing that's the problem. It should be something like
config(['mail.port' => 587]);
Update - tested in 5.1 app:
Mail::queue('emails.hello', $data, function ($mail) use ($address) {
->> Sent normally to recipient.
config(['mail.driver' => 'log']);
Mail::queue('emails.hello', $data, function ($mail) use ($address) {
->> Not sent; message logged.
I am trying to test emails in laravel 5 and I have realised that Swift_Mailer triggers Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSending event whenever a mail is being sent.
But since I am beginner, I am having trouble comprehending how to listen to this event and take out the underlying message object?
I have tried this but I don't this is correct:
public function test_the_email_via_listening_to_message_sending_event()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
Event::fire(new UserWasCreated($user));
Event::listen(Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSending::class, function($message){
echo 'Hello';
How to listen to a particular event in a test case and trigger code in response to it?
Laravel provides an expectsEvents method: https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/testing#mocking-events
I use Mandrill mail driver for tests. I have a remote staging, that I seed after deploy. And during seeding I try to disable email sends, that are linked to certain events.
Placing this in seeder:
Config::set('mail.driver', 'log');
Config::set('mail.pretend', true);
Has no effect. I don't understand why. I place this in root DatabaseSeeder#run or/and in child seeders — the same. Calls to Mandrill are still performed.
Is there a solution for this problem?
The reason your
Config::set('mail.driver', 'log');
Config::set('mail.pretend', true);
aren't working is because the mail object doesn't check these values before sending mail. Whaaaaaaaa?. If you take a look at the sendSwiftMessage method in the mailer class
#File: vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/Mailer.php
protected function sendSwiftMessage($message)
if ($this->events)
$this->events->fire('mailer.sending', array($message));
if ( ! $this->pretending)
$this->swift->send($message, $this->failedRecipients);
elseif (isset($this->logger))
You can see the class checks $this->pretending, and not the configuration, before deciding if it should send the mail or not. So what sets pretending? That's in the MailServiceProvider class's register method.
public function register()
$pretend = $app['config']->get('mail.pretend', false);
When Laravel boots up and registers each service provider, it eventually registers the mail service provider and that's when it reads the configuration, and then tells the mailer if it should "pretend" or not. By the time you're calling this in your seeder, the mailer's already loaded it's configuration value.
Fortunately, there's a pretty easy solution. The mailer object is a singleton/shared service, and has public methods available to control if it should pretend or not. Just call the pretend method yourself instead of setting configuration values
Mail::pretend(true); //using the `Mail` facade to access the mailer object.
you should be able to turn the mailer off programatically.
This is an answer for Laravel 5.7, because pretend doesn't exists:
If you want to disable mail while seeding the database, you could simply 'abuse'
I think in two possibilities, you can try:
You can set the command to enable the mail pretend on-the-fly:
The db seed are running with more than one request:
As is write here:
Configuration values that are set at run-time are only set for the
current request, and will not be carried over to subsequent requests.
So you can try set this config over requests, like a session, than finish in the end of the seeding.