add specific text to a customm fields with php (wordpress) - php

I want to add text "Genre:" to the beginning of this custom field
<?php the_field('im_genre'); ?>
the reason that i dont simply add something like this
<li>Genre:<?php the_field('im_genre'); ?> </li>
is that i dont want to this text be shown when there isnt this field for a post

You can check if the field exists and then display your HTML element.
<?php if( get_field('im_genre') ): ?>
<li>Genre:<?php the_field('im_genre'); ?> </li>
<?php endif; ?>

I believe you can do it by using the "acf/format_value" hook.
add_filter('acf/format_value', 'reFormatValue', 20, 3);
function reFormatValue($value, $post_id, $field) {
$data = [
// list of field keys to format
'field_XXXXXXX' => 'XXX:',
'im_genre' => 'Genre:',
// etc...
$keys = array_keys($data);
if (in_array($field['key'], $keys)) {
$value = $keys[$field['key']] . $value;
return $value;
add this to your functions.php (active theme folder) or any active plugins


Echo the current page title inside a get_posts() WordPress function not working

I am trying to fetch data from another custom post type books into the readers. I have written the code and the data shows up.
The challenge is that I want to check the echoed data $c[0] against the title of the current page.
Whenever I call the get_the_title() function I am instead getting the title of the other custom post type books. So there is no way I can add an if like so:
if (get_the_title()===$c[0]) {
//The echo code - see echo part of my code
When I echo the code, it goes into the top part of the page instead of inside the content area. I am suspecting this is the reason why I can't get the page title. I have tried researching on hooking to the content area and tried but I instead get a bunch of errors.
$posts = get_posts(array(
'numberposts' => 10,
'post_type' => 'fixtures-results'
foreach($posts as $post)
setup_postdata( $post );
$matches = str_replace("|% ","|%",get_field('fixtures_results'));
preg_match_all("#[A-z0-9 ./'áàâäãåǻăāąấấặắǎȧạàãáćĉċčççďđḑḋḍdéèêëĕěēęėềẽȩẹéĝ
ßıs-]+#[^#]+#", $matches, $countries);
$results = [];
foreach ($countries[0] as $c) {
$c = explode("#", $c);
$country_name = $c[0];
$results[$country_name] = [];
$params = explode("%", $c[1]);
foreach ($params as $key) {
if (!empty($key)) {
$test = explode("|", trim($key, '|'));
echo get_the_title($postID);
//echo $c[0] . $test[0] . $test[1] . $test[2].'<br>';
I have tried but can't get past that point. Thanks.

Which method is best for retrieving information from custom fields in a Wordpress post to be displayed on another page?

I'm a PHP beginner working with Wordpress, and I'm trying to retrieve data from custom fields (using Custom Field Suite) from a post to be displayed on a different page.
I have tried a few different ways, and found two methods that work. But as I'm a beginner, I wonder if these methods are 'proper'?
This is one solution I found, but it's not exactly elegant:
// Method 1
$current = CFS()->get( 'get_current' ); //retrieves the post ID from a custom field on the page
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($current);
$my_custom_field = $custom_fields['current_title'];
$my_custom_field2 = $custom_fields['current_artist'];
foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key) {
foreach ( $my_custom_field2 as $key2) {
echo '<h2>'.$key.'</h2>';
echo '<h1>'.$key2.'</h1>';
I tried to re-write it like this, but nothing is displayed - not sure what's wrong with this loop:
// Method 2
$current = CFS()->get( 'get_current' );
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($current);
foreach ( $custom_fields as $key) {
echo '<h2>'.$key['current_title'].'</h2>';
echo '<h1>'.$key['current_artist'].'</h1>';
As method 2 wasn't working, I tried something else and found that this also works (I added the loop here based on this answer:
// Method 3
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$current = CFS()->get( 'get_current' );
$currentitle = get_post_meta($current, 'current_title', true);
$artistname = get_post_meta($current, 'current_artist', true);
echo '<h2>'.$currentitle.'</h2>';
echo '<h1>'.$artistname.'</h1>';
Method 3 seems best to me. Is this a good way of approaching this problem? And if anyone would be kind enough to explain what's wrong with method 2, I would also appreciate it. Thanks
Looking at the Custom Field Suite documentation here:
It looks like you should be using the 'get' method:
CFS()->get( $field_name, $post_id, $options );
$current = CFS()->get( 'get_current' );
echo '<h2>' . CFS()->get( 'current_title', $current ) . '</h2>';
echo '<h1>' . CFS()->get( 'current_artist', $current ) . '</h1>';
Ps. Don't forget to watch the order of your heading tags (<h1> should come before <h2>)
In the case of your "method 2": what if you try rewriting it something like this?
// Method 2
$current = CFS()->get('get_current');
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($current);
foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
foreach ($field as $key => $value) {
echo $key . ': ' . $value;

Want to insert a logo as the middle menu item in Wordpress theme

EDIT: I adjusted my parameters to insert the logo directly into the menu, instead of padding a specific menu item. The padding method can easily drive a centered menu off-center. This insertion method should resolve that issue.
I'm working on a theme, and want to create a menu split by a logo. I realize I could just create two menus, but I want this to be as streamlined for the user as possible. I've already been able to get the number of items and target the menu item I want, but I'm not sure how to use my functions.php file to add the class "pad-item" to the <li>.
Here is what I have to find and target the specified item. All it's returning, though, is an index number of top level items.
$locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object($locations['primary']);
$items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu->term_id);
$top_level = 0;
foreach ($items as $val) {
if ($val->menu_item_parent === '0') {
$index = round($top_level / 2) - 1;
return $index;
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I was able to figure out the issue, and I wanted to post my solution in case someone else was looking for the same answer.
function main( $items, $args ) {
// Checks to see if the menu passed in is the primary one, and creates the logo item for it
if ( $args->theme_location == 'primary' ) {
$logo_item = '<li class="menu-item">' . get_logo() . '</li>';
//Gets the location of the menu element I want to insert the logo before
$index = round( count_top_lvl_items() / 2 ) + 1;
//Gets the menu item I want to insert the logo before
$menu_item = get_menu_item( $index );
$insert_before = '<li id="menu-item-' . $menu_item->ID;
$menu_update = substr_replace( $items, $logo_item, strpos( $items, $insert_before ), 0 );
return $new_menu;
//Counts the number of top level items in the menu
function count_top_lvl_items() {
$items = get_menu_items();
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $items as $val ) {
if ( $val->menu_item_parent === '0' ) {
return $counter;
//Returns the menu item to insert the logo before
function get_menu_item( $index ) {
$items = get_menu_items();
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $items as $val ) {
if ( $val->menu_item_parent === '0' ) {
if ( $counter == $index ) {
return $val;
//Returns the logo menu item. I have it separated because my theme allows for varied logos
function get_logo() {
$home = get_option( 'home' );
$logo = get_option( 'logo' );
$logo_item = <<<EOD
<div id="logo">
<a href="$home">
<img src="$logo" id="logo-img" alt=""/>
return $logo_item;
function get_menu_items() {
$locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $locations['primary'] );
$items = wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu );
return $items;
Please feel free to tell me if I missed something, or if this could be done in a different way.
Your function name might be used by other plugins or themes and may cause a problem.
I suggest you either change the function name or use function_exists within if else statement.
Here is the manual >
Quick suggestion:
function main(){
$do_stuff = 'Currently doing';
return $do_stuff;
I am using the theme Page Builder Framework, then when you customize the appearance you can choose a centered menu where the logo is in the middle and the menu is split.

Use custom post field to Woocmmerce title loop

I'm using Wordpress custom post field for my products in Woocommerce.
I've created a custom field called 'phone_model' and it will contain strings like 'iPhone 6 Plus' etc.
In my child theme functions.php I've added this function:
function wc_phone_model(){
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($post_id);
$phone_model = $custom_fields['phone_model'];
if (is_array($phone_model)) {
foreach ( $phone_model as $key => $value ) {
echo $value;
It's working as expected. It will show the given value in the custom post field.
In my Woocommerce title loop title.php, I've added this line:
<div class="phone_model_wrap"><span class="phone_model"><?php wc_phone_model() ?></span></div>
How do I make this show only if there is something to show from the custom post field?
Thanks in advance guys!
Cheers Kenn
I know there is a stigma against echoing html, but in this case, I can't think of a better way. I'd recommend something like this:
function wc_phone_model(){
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($post_id);
$phone_model = $custom_fields['phone_model'];
if (is_array($phone_model)) {
echo '<div class="phone_model_wrap"><span class="phone_model">';
foreach ( $phone_model as $key => $value ) {
echo $value;
echo '</span></div>';
Then in your title.php, its just a matter of calling the function.
<?php wc_phone_model() ?>
If someone has a clean solution without echoing html though, I'd be interested in seeing it!
I have faced another problem with your solution.
I have made a new function to be used elsewhere with another class etc.
function wc_phone_model_single_product(){
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($post_id);
$phone_model = $custom_fields['phone_model'];
if (is_array($phone_model)) {
echo '<div class="phone_model_wrap"><span class="phone_model_single_product">Til ';
foreach ( $phone_model as $key => $value ) {
echo $value;
echo '</span></div>';
The "Til" will be echoed even if there is nothing in $phone_model.
How do I avoid this?
Cheers Kenn

Foreach loop within foreach loop is echoing the array

I am using the cms perch to retrieve data using various functions. I am retrieving product items from various sub pages. The code I have so far is working as it should and can be seen here:
$raw = perch_pages_navigation(array(
if (count($raw)) {
$items = $raw;
} else {
// add else statement to output warning 'no products found in this category' or something
foreach($items as $item) {
$product['ID'] = $item['pageNavText'];
$product['title'] = $item['pageTitle'];
$product['path'] = $item['pagePath'];
$product['parent'] = $item['pageSubpagePath'];
$product['image'] = perch_content_custom('Image', array(
), true);
PerchSystem::set_var('product-image', $product['image']);
$items[] = perch_content_custom('Product', array(
), true);
Where the data needs to be outputted I am using the following code and it seems to be working as it should except it is also echoing an array which can be seen on the page. Is it because I am using duplicate $variables / array names? Solutions please
if (!empty($items)) {
<ul class="product-grid">
foreach($items as $item) {
echo $item;
} else {
<p class="alert alert-warning"><i class="icon-warning-sign"></i>No products found!</p>
<?php } ?>
