I'm writing some unit-tests for a typo3 v9.5 extension, and I can not figure how to properly mock objects when the under-test function is instanciating them using GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(...)
If possible, I'd like to use the prophecy framework, but that's not mandatory.
For example, if the function under-test is like:
public function getRootline($pageUid) {
$pageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class)->get(PageService::class);
return $pageService->getRootLine($pageUid);
How could I test this and mock the Pageservice class?
I tried different variations of this solution:
$pageServiceProphecy = $this->prophesize(PageService::class);
$omProphecy = $this->prophesize(ObjectManager::class);
GeneralUtility::setSingletonInstance(ObjectManager::class, $omProphecy->reveal());
But I get various cryptic errors every time.
The given version raises the error:
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Exception\NoSuchCacheException: A cache with identifier "cache_runtime" does not exist.
Actually you should make use of dependency injection in the class which exposes the getRootline() API, then you can have the PageService injected this way:
final class MyCustomClass {
private PageService $pageService;
public function __construct(PageService $pageService)
$this->pageService = $pageService;
public function getRootline(int $pageUid)
return $this->pageService->getRootLine($pageUid);
While testing you can inject a mock instead:
$pageService = $this->prophesize(PageService::class);
$myCustomObject = new MyCustomClass($pageService->reveal());
I would like to test some of my services, but I can not find any example on Laravel's website:
They show how to test simple classes, entities, controllers, but I have no idea how to test services. How is it possible to instantiate a service with complex dependencies?
Example service:
namespace App\Services;
// Dependencies
use App\Services\FooService;
use App\Services\BarService;
class DemoService {
private $foo_srv;
private $bar_srv;
function __construct(
FooService $foo_srv,
BarService $bar_srv
) {
$this->foo_srv = $foo_srv;
$this->bar_srv = $bar_srv;
// I would like to test these two functions
public function demoFunctionOne() {
// ...
public function demoFunctionTwo() {
// ...
The quickest thought that might come to the mind is to create a copy of those Service classes, but that could grow so big. This is why there's MockObject in PhpUnit.
To achieve this mock and use it as a replacement to the service class you may need to resolve it in Laravel service container.
Here is how it will look:
class DemoServiceTest extends TestCase
// Dependencies
use App\Services\FooService;
use App\Services\BarService;
use App\Services\DemoService;
public function testDemoFunctionOne()
$foo_srv = $this->getMockBuilder(FooService::class)
//->setMethods(['...']) // array of methods to set initially or they return null
->disableOriginalConstructor() //disable __construct
* Set methods and value to return
// $foo_srv->expects($this->any())
// ->method('myMethod') //method needed by DemoService?
// ->will($this->returnValue('some value')); // return value expected
$bar_srv = $this->getMockBuilder(BarService::class)
// ->setMethods(['...']) // array of methods to set initially or they return null
* Set methods and value to return
// $bar_srv->expects($this->any())
// ->method('myMethod') //method needed by DemoService?
// ->will($this->returnValue('some value')); // return value expected
$demo_service = new DemoService($foo_srv, $bar_srv);
$result = $demo_service->demoFunctionOne(); //run demo function
$this->assertNotEmpty($result); //an assertion
We are creating new mock for both FooService and BarService classes, and then passing it when instantiating DemoService.
As you can see without uncommenting the commented chunk of code, then we set a return value, otherwise when setMethods is not used, all methods are default to return null.
Let's say you want to resolve these classes in Laravel Service Container for example then you can after creating the mocks, call:
$this->app->instance(FooService::class, $foo_srv);
$this->app->instance(BarService::class, $bar_srv);
Laravel resolves both classes, feeding the mock classes to any caller of the classes So that you just call your class this way:
$demoService = $this->app->make(DemoService::class);
There are lots of things to watch out for when mocking classes for tests, see sources: https://matthiasnoback.nl/2014/07/test-doubles/, https://phpunit.de/manual/6.5/en/test-doubles.html
I have an example using the service you gave below. The basic idea is that for dependencies you just assume that they'll work as expected and create mocks for them.
Mocks are special classes that pretend to be a different class, but don't really do anything unless you tell them to. For example, say we have a class called UserCreationService that takes a few arguments required to create a new user. This class depends on some things like a Mailer class to send a registration mail, and a UserRepository class to save the user to the database. It also does a lot of validation of the user, and we'd like to check lots and lots of edge cases for all the different possible arguments to create a user.
In this example do we really want to check that the user was saved to the database? Do we want to check for sure that the mail was really sent? We could do that, but it would take a very long time to run all our test cases. Instead we just assume that the classes our UserCreationService depends on will just do their job and we create mock classes for the dependencies. We would create mocks for the Mailer and UserRepository and just tell the test that we expect some methods to be called (like sendRegistrationMail for the Mailer) and concentrate on the logic contained in our class.
// This is the class we want to test
class UserCreationService {
// The dependencies
private $userRepository;
private $mailer;
public function __construct($userRepository, $mailer)
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
$this->mailer = $mailer;
public function create($name, $email, $location, $age)
$user = new User();
// do some complex validation here. This is what we want to test
// then call our external services
// This is a sample test for the above class using mocking
class UserCreationServiceTest extends TestCase
public function testValidUserWillBeSaved() {
// The framework allows using argument tokens.
// This just means an instance of *any* user class is expected
$anyUserToken = Argument::type(User::class);
// The prophesize method creates our mock for us
// We then define its behavior
$mailer = $this->prophesize(Mailer::class);
// Let our test know we expect this method to be called
// And that we expect an instance of a user class to be passed to it
$userRepo = $this->prophesize(UserRepository::class);
// Create our service with the mocked dependencies
$service = new UserCreationService(
$userRepo->reveal(), $mailer->reveal()
// Try calling our method as part of the test
$result = $service->create('Tom', 'tom#test.com', 'Ireland', 24);
// Do some check to see that the result we got is what we expected
$this->assertEquals('Tom', $result->getName());
This is something similar, but specific to the example you gave above:
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class DemoServiceTest extends TestCase
public function testDemoFunctionOne()
// These are the variables that will be passed around the service
$sampleId = 1;
$myModel = new MyModelClass();
// Set up a mock FooService instance
$fooMock = $this->prophesize(FooService::class);
// Tell the test that we expect "findFoo" to be called and what to return
// Set up a mock BarService instance
$barMock = $this->prophesize(BarService::class);
// Tell the test we expect "save" to be called and what argument to expect
// Create an instance of the service you want to test with the mocks
$demoService = new DemoService($fooMock->reveal(), $barMock->reveal());
// Call your method, get a result
$result = $demoService->demoFunctionOne($sampleId);
// Check that the result is what you want
$this->assertEquals($myModel, $result);
I'd have a look at Laravel specific stuff here and prophecy here
i am not sure about the context you have there, but I will try to have an answer for you based on an example.
Imagine that you want to test a payment gateway from a payment provider.
My approach is to make 2 payment gateways extend something like this interface:
namespace App\Payment;
interface PaymentGateway
public function charge($amount, $token);
public function getTestToken();
then i will create the real payment gateway that is used in the controllers or where ever you need it and for the tests the 'fake' payment and this is an exact copy of the real one but with dummy data. This you can use on the tests because it is faster and it is a 1to1 copy of the real. I think if the service it self works or not via the internet it is outside of the testing scope, at least for now. So you will end up with something like this:
namespace App\Payment;
class FakePaymentGateway implements PaymentGateway
private $tokens;
const TEST_CARD_NUMBER = '1234123412341234';
public function __construct()
$this->tokens = collect();
public function getTestToken()
return 'fake-tok_'.str_random(15);
and the real one:
namespace App\Payment;
class PaypalPaymentGateway implements PaymentGateway
public function __construct(PayPal $PaypalClient)
public function charge($amount, $token)
so i think in your case, when you have complex dependencies, you have to fake all of that, depending on the case, into the fake service.
the tests will look like this for the fake service:
<?php namespace Tests\Unit\Payment;
use App\Payment\FakePaymentGateway;
use Tests\TestCase;
class FakePaymentGatewayTest extends TestCase
use PaymentGatewayContractTests;
protected function getPaymentGateway()
return new FakePaymentGateway;
for the real one like this:
<?php namespace Tests\Unit\Payment;
use App\Payment\PaypalPaymentGateway;
use Tests\TestCase;
* #group integration
* ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --exclude-group integration
class PaypalPaymentGatewayTest extends TestCase
use PaymentGatewayContractTests;
protected function getPaymentGateway()
return new PaypalPaymentGateway(....);
for the real one you should ignore it in the phpunit when running to make the tests faster and not depending of the internet connection and so on. It is also nice to have in the tests suite, when changes from the service occur.
You will end up having a better understanding of the dependencies and maybe you will also do some refactoring. Anyway i guess it is a lot to work but when the real implemanation will change you can see that also from the tests and change it faster.
I hope my answer will help you in your service tests :).
Maybe you can use Mockery to mock the Dependencies.
We are doing this for our cases and it does the work, yet. :)
Especially the partial Mock is doing fine here.
I'm trying to write a test for a method in the class below. However, when I run the test I get the error that get_b64 is never run? I don't see how this is not running.
I've had a little look into the mockery documentation for testing static methods, but as far as I can tell this error isn't due to that?
What do I need to change with my testing strategy or be able to mock the function call in the mocked object?
namespace App\Services\Steam;
use App\Services\Steam\Utils;
class Steam
public function profile(string $steamID)
$b64 = Utils::get_b64($steamID);
if ($b64 === null) {
throw new \App\Exceptions\InvalidSteamId();
return new Profile($b64);
public function test_create_user_object()
$id = "123"
$utilsMock = Mockery::mock(\App\Services\Steam\Utils::class);
$steam = new \App\Services\Steam\Steam();
You call get_b64 statically, which means it is called from the class, not an object.
To mock such calls you need to use aliases:
public function test_create_user_object()
$id = "123"
$utilsMock = Mockery::mock('alias:\App\Services\Steam\Utils');
$steam = new \App\Services\Steam\Steam();
Bear in mind that it completely replaces the Utils class, so if you have more static functions called from the class, you need to mock them as well.
In an application I'm building there's a CLI entry point class:
class CLIEntryPoint {
protected $factory;
public function __construct(ApplicationObjectFactoryInterface $factory) {
$this->factory = $factory;
public function run(...$args) {
$choice = $args[1];
$appObject = $this->factory->makeApplicationObject($choice);
This entry point is created using Dependency Injection in my "front controller" script and it receives an ApplicationObjectFactoryInterface implementation (actually the current implementation of ApplicationObjectFactoryInterface is injected by the DI container, which in turn reads it from its configuration file, but that's not the point).
The current implementation of ApplicationObjectFactoryInterface also uses DI and depends on other factories which help it building the resulting application object:
class CurrentImplementationOfApplicationObjectFactory implements ApplicationObjectFactoryInterface {
protected $someComponentFactory;
protected $anotherComponentFactory;
public function __construct(SomeComponentFactoryInterface $someComponentFactory, AnotherComponentFactoryInterface $anotherComponentFactory) {
$this->someComponentFactory = $someComponentFactory;
$this->anotherComponentFactory = $anotherComponentFactory;
* Interface's method
* #return ApplicationObjectInterface
public function makeApplicationObject($choice) {
$component = $this->someComponentFactory->makeSomeComponent();
$anotherComponent = $this->anotherComponent->makeAnotherComponent();
switch ($choice) {
case 1:
return new CurrentImplementationOfApplicationObject1($component, $anotherComponent);
case 2:
return new CurrentImplementationOfApplicationObject2($component, $anotherComponent);
return new DefaultImplementationOfApplicationObject($component, $anotherComponent);
Here CurrentImplementationOfApplicationObject1, CurrentImplementationOfApplicationObject2 and DefaultImplementationOfApplicationObject all implement the ApplicationObjectInterface interface and therefore they all have the doApplicationRelatedStuff method.
I would like to know whether it's good practice or not to write code like I did and if not how can I improve it.
Basically here I am creating a component which depends on other components in order to function properly using a factory which in turn needs inner factories to build the component which implements the ApplicationObjectInterface interface.
Is it considered good practice?
Thanks for the attention, as always!
EDIT: I looked at the article of Steven and tried to refactor CLIEntryPoint. The only problem now seems to be how to pass the $choice parameter to the factory which now is inside of the proxy when the run() method is called. Is this code structure better than the one I posted above? Of course, SomeComponentFactoryInterface and AnotherComponentFactoryInterface should follow the same behaviour (the factory that uses them should not use them directly, but through two proxies which implement, in order, SomeComponentInterface and AnotherComponentInterface). I hope I get it right, anyway, here is the code:
class CLIEntryPoint {
protected $applicationObject;
public function __construct(ApplicationObjectInterface $applicationObject) {
$this->applicationObject = $applicationObject;
public function run(...$args) {
$choice = $args[1]; // How do I deal with different choices when I am using a Proxy? I should have different application objects depending on input.
interface ApplicationObjectInterface {
public function doApplicationRelatedStuff();
class ApplicationObjectProxy implements ApplicationObjectInterface {
protected $applicationObjectFactory;
protected $applicationObjectImplementation = NULL;
public function __construct(ApplicationObjectFactoryInterface $factory) {
$this->applicationObjectFactory = $factory;
public function __call($method, $args) {
// Calling interface's
$implementation = $this->getImplementation();
$methodOfInterfaceToCall = preg_replace('/Proxy$/', '', $method);
return $implementation->{$methodOfInterfaceToCall}(...$args);
* Laxy loading method.
protected function getImplementation() {
if (is_null($this->applicationObjectImplementation)) {
$this->applicationObjectImplementation = $this->applicationObjectFactory->makeApplicationObject(); // Choice should go here somehow...
return $this->applicationObjectImplementation;
public function doApplicationRelatedStuff() {
// This will call the PHP's magic `__call` method, which in turn will forward the call to the application object's
// implementation returned by the factory.
return $this->doApplicationRelatedStuffProxy();
Actually yes, this is a pattern called the Abstract Factory Pattern. So an example that I used to present it in front of my class during my undergrad:
So if you are building a video game first person shooter, you might want to create three concrete factories like:
All these factories would implement an abstract MonsterFactory.
With this, you can have your video game create a level in which you want waves of the same type of monsters, so you can have a randomWaveMonsterGenerator method return a MonsterFactory which might have returned a concrete SwimmingMonsterFactory. So then you will have a wave of SwimmingMonster(s) generated by the SwimmingMonsterFactory.
So answer your description more directly, looking at your code above, you asked the question on choice for Dependency Injection. With Dependency Injection, I believe for this type of pattern, you will have to inject every concrete class before your code even attempts to get the implementation class.
So for example:
Your code above says the run method gives an argument called
With this choice, you will have to use it as a parameter into a getImplementation method.
All the concrete objects that the getImplementation method that rely upon Dependency
Injection have to be created BEFORE you call the getImplementation method.
But since you don't know which implementation class will be called, I believe you have to inject ALL the implementation classes before hand.
Then you can use the choice variable as a parameter to get the correct implemented factory class.
Hope this helps!
Suppose I have this class:
class SomeClass
// Top level function
public function execute($command)
// Get output from system tool
$output = $this->runTool($command);
// Check output for errors
if ($this->hasError($output))
return false;
// And parse success response from tool
return $this->parseOutput($output);
// There we're make a call to system
private function runTool($command)
return `/some/system/tool $command`;
I do not want to run system tool in my test, I want to replace a system call with predefined output.
So, the question is - should I create another class, move system call in it and mock that class in the test, or I can mock only that function of class which I will test?
Sure, both approaches will work, but which of them will be serve testing purposes better?
If you follow the single responsibility principle, you won't have this problem. Your class does not need to know how system calls are made, so you will have to use another class. You mock that.
IMO, in most cases when you need to mock protected or private methods, they do stuff that should be into another class and be mocked.
I would say it really depends on your infrastructure. Sometimes it is better to use Mock, sometimes Stub.
If the case is, that the class you want to test contains this unwanted method - use Mock and mock only this one function. That will make you sure, that any changes made to that class will be handled by the test.
If the unwanted function is a part of i.e. injected service or another class, which is not the domain of this particular test, you can create a stub.
You can't test private method, you can use a workaround and invoke it via reflection as described in this article and discussed in this SO QUESTION
But i suggest you to change the method visibility to protected and mock only the behaviour of the runTool method.
As example, suppose the following modified version of your class (i don't know how other method work so i suppose that you want to test their behaviour and take this implementation as example):
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Service;
class SomeClass
// Top level function
public function execute($command)
// Get output from system tool
$output = $this->runTool($command);
// Check output for errors
if ($this->hasError($output))
return false;
// And parse success response from tool
return $this->parseOutput($output);
// There we're make a call to system
protected function runTool($command)
return `/some/system/tool $command`;
private function hasError($output)
return $output == "error";
private function parseOutput($output)
return json_decode($output);
As suppose the following test case:
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Tests;
class SomeClassTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function testCommandReturnError()
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('Acme\DemoBundle\Service\SomeClass')
public function testCommandReturnCorrectValue()
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('Acme\DemoBundle\Service\SomeClass')
$returnValue = $mock->execute("commandName");
$this->assertEquals("myTitle", $returnValue->title);
Hope this help
I'm writing some test cases, and I've got a test case that is using Mock objects. I need to check to see if two class methods are called from another class method. Here's what I've done:
First I generated the Mock:
Then, inside my test I called:
$P = new MockParser();
$P->expectOnce('loadUrl', array('http://url'));
My implementation code looks like:
public function fetchAndParse($url) {
And the loadUrl and parse() methods definately exist. I'm getting two failures on my tests, both telling me "Expected call count for [loadUrl] was [1] got [0]". I've got no idea what's going on - the methods are being called from that function!
While my experience has been with mocking frameworks in the .NET world, I think that what you're trying to do is incorrect.
Any mocking framework when asked to create a mock for a class, generates "stubs" for ALL the methods in that class. This includes the method fetchAndParse. So when you are calling fetchAndParse on your mock object $P, the methods loadUrl and parse are NOT called. What you are really doing is calling the "stubbed" fetchAndParse method.
I'm not really experienced in PHP, so I don't want to try and fix your test. Hopefully someone else can do that.
You misunderstood how mocking works. If you use dependency injection to set a helper object in your class, then you can mock your injected object. After that you can simulate the behavior (interface) of the original object. The better way is to mock interfaces, because you can develop without creating any class implementing the current interface.
By your example:
interface UrlLoaderInterface {
public function load($url);
class YourParser {
protected $urlLoader;
protected $source;
public function setUrlLoader(UrlLoaderInterface $urlLoader) {
$this->urlLoader = $urlLoader;
public function fetchAndParse($url) {
public function loadUrl($url) {
$this->source = $this->urlLoader->load($url);
public function parse() {
Mock::generate('UrlLoaderInterface', 'MockUrlLoader');
class TestYourParser extends UnitTestCase {
public function testShouldCallUrlLoaderByFetchAndParse() {
$testUrl = 'http://url';
$urlLoader = new MockUrlLoader();
$urlLoader->expectOnce('load', array($testUrl));
$urlLoader->returns('load', 'source', array($testUrl));
$parser = new YourParser();
Btw. your example is a fail, because method names cannot contain words like 'and', 'or', 'if', etc... A method is allowed to do only one thing. If you use these words then you can be sure that you have a bad designed code.