I have a doubt that makes me very confused, it's about require_once. I saw a question on StackOverflow about it but I'm still not sure I understand...
I know the difference between require and include is that using require, the script will issue a fatal error and stop execution, while include does not. But there is something that I have been asking myself, the true meaning of _once, most people say something like: PHP will check if the file has already been included, and if so, not include (require) it again. How will the script be required only once? I don't understand this, because in my point of view PHP scripts are not like CSS that our browser downloads and is saved on the machine, so then not needing to download again, I think that every time a PHP script is executed, it will do its job again, there is no way to understand that it has already been required just as browsers understand that we have already downloaded CSS files.
What is the real meaning of _once? And could someone please give me an example, because I don't really understand it, I'm a beginner, I don't even know if I'm asking a proper question
If possible demonstrate some code so that I finally understand
Imagine this scenario. It's nice to be able to include the same file as you can use it multiple times with different outcomes:
echo $var;
$var = 'Hello ';
$var = 'World ';
This outputs:
However, sometimes this will cause problems. This could be an include in different files, so you need to include_once, but to illustrate:
function display($var) { echo $var; }
display('Hello ');
//more code
display('World ');
Generates a fatal error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare display() (previously declared in index.php:1) in index.php on line 6
So if you have hundreds of files and some include others depending on some logic/program flow but some files can only be included once (as seen above) then that is the use case.
In my web page, I wrote:
//define('__PUBLIC__', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/public');
$doc_public = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/public';
echo "Before include...<==============>$doc_public";
<?php require_once($doc_public.'/inc/head.php'); ?>
<?php echo "After include...<==============>$doc_public"; ?>
And the page shows:
This firstly happened when I notice the fatal error in the footer, but the head is fine.
Although I can implement define or constant variable to avoid this, I am still curious how it happens.
P.S.: I run this under Apache with a port 8001. This is set in 【apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf】. I am running more than one webapp under this site. I just share this information, as I am not sure this has anything to do with this case.
When you require a file, if a variable is modified it affects the original script as well, that's how it's designed. Require doesn't create a secondary environment separated from the including file, it just adds the PHP code in sequence, exactly like if you had written the code in the initial file.
Have a look at the official PHP documentation, the first example is exactly the same as your case
(include is the same as require, the latter just throws an error. For more info about differences between include and require http://php.net/manual/en/function.require.php)
From what I understand using something like require_once will essentially copy and paste the code from one file into another, as if it was in the first file originally.
Meaning if I was to do something like this it would be valid
print "Hello World!"
running php foo.php will just output "Hello World!"
Now my question is, if I include require_once inside a method, will the file that is included be loaded when the script is loaded, or only when the method is called?.
And if it is only when the method is called, is there any benefit performance wise. Or would it be the same as if I had kept all the code into one big file.
I'm mainly asking as I've created an API file, which handles a large amount of calls, and I wan't to simplify the file. (I know I can do this just be creating separate classes, but I thought this would be good to know)
(Sorry if this has already been asked, I wasn't sure what to search for)
It will only include when the method is called, but have you looked at autoloading?
1) Only when the method is called.
2) I would imagine there's an intangible benefit to loading on the fly so the PHP interpreter doesn't have to parse extra code if it's not being used.
I usually use the include('bar.php'); i use it for when i use databvase information, i have a file called database.php with login info and when the file loads it calls it right up. I don't need to call up the function. It may not be the most effective and efficient but it works for me. You can also use include_once... include basically does what you want it to, it copies the code essencially..
As others have mentioned, yes, it's included just-in-time.
However, watch out for variable definitions (require()ing from a method will only allow access to local variables in that method's scope).
Keep in mind you can also return values (i.e. strings) from the included file, as well as buffer output with ob_start() etc.
So I'm working on a PHP app and trying to make everything moduler. I have an index.php file that includes other php files. The first file included is settings.php which has my postgres credentials defined so they can be accessed elsewhere. The second file is connect.php that has a function you can pass sql to and it will return $result. The third file has functions that call the sql function and receive $result and parse it. In the third file, I can read the results of the $result however if I try if($result) it breaks and isset/empty have no effect.
Anyone have any ideas on a way to make this work, or is my structure just terrible?
Thanks so much!
let's say you have the following three files:
$foo = 'hello';
echo $foo;
it should echo "hello". however, passing variables around among files is a bad idea, and can lead to a lot of confusing, hard-to-follow code. If you need to pass variables around, use functions and/or objects so that you can at least see where they are coming from.
beyond that though, it's difficult to tell exactly what your problem is without seeing the code in question.
I would really try to switch to OOP. This makes things a lot of easier. If you just have to deal with classes, their methods and attributes you only have to include the classes and not this choas of functions. So I would recommend, give it a go ...
It's functionality is so strong that I worry about its stability and performance.
What do you think?
What I'm doing is this:
$old_dir = getcwd();
chdir( dirname($included_file) );
include ( $included_file );
chdir( $old_dir );
Essentially it just does include ( $included_file );,but inside that $included_file it can't find 3.php which is in the same directory as itself is in,so I manually set the cwd and it works.But it would be nice if I find the reason why it can't find.As for why debug_backtrace is needed,it's because 3.php is included by another func,since the relative path doesn't work,it has to use debug_backtrace to get the including file path,finally using the absolute path as mentioned below.
It's not easy to reproduce,as the above code is in the context of a method,and much more..If no one else has met this kinda problem I'd like to just stop here,anyway,the cost is just the 3 extra lines,not a big deal.
debug_backtrace is relatively expensive in my experience, so you should be careful it is not used in loops (e.g. in a custom error handler that catches warnings or notices and performs a backtrace every time).
For any kind of error logging, I think it's pretty invaluable, and because it's going to be called only once, definitely not a performance problem. It is surely always good to include a backtrace in an error report.
I can't see why there would be any specific issues with this function's stability (i.e. calling it causing another crash), I've never heard of any problems. The only "gotcha" I can see is this note in the User Contributed Notes when using objects as function parameters that have no _toString method defined.
Of course, you should never output the results of a backtrace to the end user - that goes without saying.
Well, considering its name, I'm not sure I would use it as a "normal" part of my application -- even though I don't remember having read anything which said that it was either good nor bad.
I don't really know what you mean about "serious usage", but :
If you need that function for your application to work, it migh indicate some problem in your design
This function can be useful in an error-handler, when you want to log how/where an error happened : it will make the log files more useful, when it comes to tracking down the sources of errors
Though, not sure that "error logging" corresponds to your definition of serious usage ?
Ok, from my understanding, the problem is following
You've got a php file, let's call it "main.php". In "main.php" you're including "A.php" from some directory:
# in "main.php"
include '/some/dir/A.php';
A.php, in turn, includes 'B.php', which is in the same directory as A.php
# in "A.php"
include 'B.php';
the problem: since "/some/dir/" (where A and B reside) is not the current for "main.php", php does not see B.php from A.php
the solution: in A.php use an absolute full path to /some/dir. Either hardcode it or obtain it dynamically via dirname(__FILE__)
# in "A.php"
include dirname(__FILE__) .'/B.php';
This question already has answers here:
Difference between "include" and "require" in php
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to know when I should use include or require and what's the advantage of each one.
require requires, include includes.
According to the manual:
require() is identical to include() except upon failure it will produce a fatal E_ERROR level error. In other words, it will halt the script whereas include() only emits a warning (E_WARNING) which allows the script to continue.
As others have said, if "require" doesn't find the file it's looking for, execution will halt. If include doesn't file the file it's looking for, execution will continue.
In general, require should be used when importing code/class/function libraries. If you attempt to call a function, instantiate a class, etc. and the definitions aren't there, Bad Things will happen. Therefore, you require php to include your file, and if it can't, you stop.
Use include when you're using PHP to output content or otherwise execute code that, if it doesn't run, won't necessarily destroy later code. The classic example of this is implementing a View in a Model/View/Controller framework. Nothing new should be defined in a view, nor should it change application state. Therefore, it's ok to use include, because a failure won't break other things happening in the application.
One small tangent. There's a lot of conflicting information and mis-information out there regarding performance of include vs. require vs. require_once vs. include_once. They perform radically different under different situations/use-cases. This is one of those places where you really need to benchmark the difference in your own application.
The difference is this:
include will not fail if it cannot find the resource, require will. Honestly, it's kind of silly that include exists at all, because if you are attempting to load a resource you are pretty much counting on it being there. If you are going to use anything, I would recommend using require_once always, that way you don't run into collisions (ie, if another script is requiring the same file) and your code always works as intended because you know the resources you are including are there (otherwise it is failing).
If a file is optional, include it. For example, you might have a file 'breaking-news.txt' that gets created when there's breaking news, but doesn't exist when there's none. It could be included without the script breaking if there's no breaking news.
If the file is required for the rest of the script to function properly, require it.
Per http://www.alt-php-faq.org/local/78/:
Unlike include(), require() will always read in the target file, even if the line it's on never executes. If you want to conditionally include a file, use include(). The conditional statement won't affect the require(). However, if the line on which the require() occurs is not executed, neither will any of the code in the target file be executed.
In simple language if we use require we must sure that the file is existing in that era while it is not necessary in case of include. But try to make sure file exist.
Include and require are identical, except upon failure:
require will produce a fatal error (E_COMPILE_ERROR) and stop the script
include will only produce a warning (E_WARNING) and the script will continue
You can understand with examle
echo "\nThis line will be print";
Output :Warning: include(test.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/........
This line will be print
echo "\nThis line will be print";
Warning: require(test.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/....
Require() and include() are the same with respect to handling
failures. However, require() results in a fatal error and does not
allow the processing of the page. i.e. include will allow the script
to continue.