How to install php-xml extension in windows? - php

I'm trying to install laravel-excel on my laravel project. That library requires below php extensions to be enabled.
PHP extension php_zip
PHP extension php_xml
PHP extension php_gd2
PHP extension php_iconv
PHP extension php_simplexml
PHP extension php_xmlreader
PHP extension php_zlib
I changed the php.ini accordingly. But I can't download related .dll files to copy to ext folder.
Do you have any place to download these?

Download them from PHP Extension Community Library (PECL)
For example this is the php_zip source that you need:
Similarly you can get the rest of them.


Enable phar extension in old php installation in windows 10

$ php composer.phar install
PHP's phar extension is missing. Composer requires it to run. Enable the extension or recompile php without --disable-phar then try again.
I trying the extension html2wiki (Unsupported) of mediawiki, where I need to install the composer to make it work.
My php version is: 7.0.13 and my question is
How to enable this extension

Installing PHP CLI Extensions in Windows

I have PHP5 installed under Windows and IIs but now I find I need to install some additional extensions, but I have been having difficulty finding the specifi dll files for the extensions I need to install.
Specifically trying to install:
PHP CLI Extension
PHP MCrypt Extension
PHP Curl Extension
PHP documentation sates the dlls need to go into the C:\PHP\ext directory but I can not find the DLLs anywhere on the internet in order to install them.
Found similar question with other extension here Installing PHP extensions on Windows
But can not find any specifics for the extensions I need.
PHP Installation of extensions on Windows
PHP Manual
PHP CLI Extension Installation Command Line PHP on Microsoft Windows
PHP MCrypt Extension PHP Mcrypt
PHP Curl Extension PHP cURL

Installing mailparse extension to php

I want to install mailparse extension to php ( os is windows, php version 5.2).
I use EasyPhp.
I copy php_mailparse.dll to ext folder, and add extension=php_mailparse.dll to php.ini file. But i get error
mail_parse.dll specified module couldn't be found.
What is wrong here?

PHP Extension development ubuntu

I created an extension based on some tutorials and began to develop extension using eclipse IDE with PHP source.
I compiled the extension independently using phpize not compiled with whole PHP. Now I have the .so file then I moved it to the /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs directory and updated php.ini file, these locations are for already installed php. not from the source where I compiled the extension. (installed PHP and PHP source both are same version PHP 5.3.10 so that i can run the extension on already installed locations)
here is my question,
How do i test my extension using the same php source which i used in eclipse. I don't want to install the PHP that resides in eclipse work space again but how do we specify the php.ini and load extensions in compiled php source itself?

PHP Zip extension in xampp for windows

I'm using latest xampp(v3.1.0) in my windows system. I want to use zip extension. How can I enable it? I've heard that it's already pre-compiled in latest xampp. I've already taken a look at php.ini but there is no extension related to zip neither in extension folder.
PHP 5.2.0 and later has inbuilt zip function just have to active the zip library.
Windows users need to enable php_zip.dll inside of
php.ini in order to use these functions.
