What is different with this array? [duplicate] - php

This question already has an answer here:
How to extract and access data from JSON with PHP?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I unfortunately got some problems getting the exact information I want out of this json file.
Thats a part of the json file:
"description":"light snow",
Thats my code to read the informations:
$weather = file_get_contents("weather.json");
$weather = json_decode($weather);
foreach($weather->main as $main) { //<-- This dosen't works
echo $main->temp;
foreach($weather->weather as $w) { //<-- This works
echo $w->description;
I see that there is a different between the weather- and the main-part with the "[...]" but I don't know how to handle that. Thank you for everyone who helps! :)

foreach($weather->weather as $w) {
echo $w->description;
As per Json weather works because it has array of objects so by looping it by foreach you get an object and can access properties there
foreach($weather->main as $main) {
echo $main->temp;
Where main is object not array of object so while looping it not showing desired results
Though you can access its value as
Please look to the main and make it like
$array[‘weather’][‘main’][]= main object here
That should work


Extracting data from multiple Nested Json using PHP [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to extract and access data from JSON with PHP?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Here's the json
{"msg":"OK","server_time":"2021-11-19 16:41:22","status":200,"result":{"total_pages":1,"files":[{"download_url":"DOWNLOADLINKHERE1","single_img":"IMAGEURLHERE1","file_code":"CODEHERE1","title":"TITLEHERE1"},{"download_url":"DOWNLOADLINKHERE2","single_img":"IMAGEURLHERE2","file_code":"CODEHERE2","title":"TITLEHERE2"}],"results_total":"2","results":2}}
Here's my code
$json = json_decode($data);
foreach($json["result"] as $result){
foreach($result["files"] as $file){
echo $file["file_code"];
I want to extract all values from the "file_code". I got an error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
I was able get the VALUE of the first one using
echo $json->result->files[0]->file_code;
Is it possible to use a LOOP for the files[0]?
This line:
foreach($json["result"] as $result){
sees $json['result'] as an object, and so the next line tests for total_pages["files"], which doesn't exist.
Putting both foreach's together solves the problem:
$data='{"msg":"OK","server_time":"2021-11-19 16:41:22","status":200,"result":{"total_pages":1,"files":[{"download_url":"DOWNLOADLINKHERE1","single_img":"IMAGEURLHERE1","file_code":"CODEHERE1","title":"TITLEHERE1"},{"download_url":"DOWNLOADLINKHERE2","single_img":"IMAGEURLHERE2","file_code":"CODEHERE2","title":"TITLEHERE2"}],"results_total":"2","results":2}}';
$json = json_decode($data, true);
foreach($json["result"]["files"] as $file)
print $file["file_code"];
Teh playground
Alternatively, make the JSON result into an array, and use object property accessors instead of associative array bindings.
$data='{"msg":"OK","server_time":"2021-11-19 16:41:22","status":200,"result":[{"total_pages":1,"files":[{"download_url":"DOWNLOADLINKHERE1","single_img":"IMAGEURLHERE1","file_code":"CODEHERE1","title":"TITLEHERE1"},{"download_url":"DOWNLOADLINKHERE2","single_img":"IMAGEURLHERE2","file_code":"CODEHERE2","title":"TITLEHERE2"}],"results_total":"2","results":2}]}';
$json = json_decode($data);
foreach($json->result as $result){
foreach($result->files as $file){
echo $file->file_code;
Teh playground
I replicated your situation and it turns out that your JSON is invalid. You're missing a } at the end.
The reason for not getting an exception is because json_decode does not throw an error by default. You can make it do so by adding the JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR flag,
read the docs for more info.
This works perfect for me. If you have any thoughts please feel free to correct me.
$num = count($json->result->files);
echo $num;
echo $json->result->files[$i]->file_code;

How to select only one of the objects in a json file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
PHP. Is it possible to use array_column with an array of objects
(5 answers)
How to access object properties with names like integers or invalid property names?
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Hi I'm currently trying to do an API request. The API sends out a json request like this:
"name": "Test 1"
"yes-or-no": "yes"
"name": "Test 2"
"yes-or-no": "no"
My question is, how do I select one of the yes-or-no to echo in the website? I tried doing this:
$status = json_decode(file_get_contents('url to the json file'));
// Display message AKA uptime.
foreach ($status->yes-or-no as $answer) {
echo $answer.'<br />';
But didn't work.
I'm sorry if I got some terms wrong, since I'm pretty new to coding APIs like this.
EDIT: Please see the answer below. It works but now my question is: How do I only display one of them? Instead of both of them displaying at the same time.
I'm not really sure what you are trying to do, but maybe i can shed some light into the question:
$status = json_decode(file_get_contents('url to the json file'), true);
Add ", true" this will make your $status an array instead of an object.
foreach ($status as $answer) {
echo $answer['yes-or-no'].'<br />'; //output yes or no
echo $answer['name'].'<br />'; //output test 1 or test 2
Try something like this:
$statuses = json_decode(file_get_contents('url to the json file'));
foreach ($statuses as $status) {
echo $status->{'yes-or-no'};

How to dynamically insert JSON data into a PHP array for foreach [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create a JSON object
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have the following PHP code, which gets executed when I hit the Submit button in a form:
// Save data
$newDataArr = array();
foreach ($data_array[0] as $k=>$v){
$newDataArr[] = array($k => $_POST[$k]);
}// ./ foreach
echo json_encode($newDataArr);
The echo I get is the following:
Then I'll have to add that array into my JSON file as it follows:
$data = json_encode(array_values($newDataArr), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
file_put_contents('Test.json', $data);
But of course the syntax of my $newDataArr is not the right one, each JSON object must not be inside the { }, so this:
must become:
Is there a way to dynamically create a valid JSON array and push it to my Test.json file?
I've been through many posts on StackOverflow, but the result I get is always the same. I must use the PHP code above to get keys and values from my HTML inputs.
Instead of creating and pushing a new array on each iteration, set the values this way:
$newDataArr[$k] = $_POST[$k];
Hope this helps.

How do I access this JSON information (PHP)? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to extract and access data from JSON with PHP?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I cannot access the contents within the orders array. I am currently doing this to no avail, and am wondering what I am doing wrong:
the $json object is a json response from a rest api.
$orderData = $json['orders'];
foreach($orderData['orders'] as $order){
"shipping_carrier":"Singpost - Normal Mail",
"full_address":"In some street somewhjere",
Trying to access the variables directly, by say json['orders'][0]['payment_method'] is not working.
convert it to array from json using json_decode(); then you can easily access it and if you want to access using jquery then just convert it object using jQuery.parseJSON();
just use json_decode for retrieving the object and then $obj->note or you can turn it into an array: $array = get_object_vars($obj); like in this answer .

Parsing JSON from a URL (PHP CURL) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to extract and access data from JSON with PHP?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
So I've been stumped and I'm not sure how I would continue this
as an example let's just use books.com as the URL and let's say the JSON response from the URL is
How would I print all of the titles (just the titles) without knowing exactly how many there are.
I know that I would need to loop through the JSON but I'm unsure how, if I could have any guidance that would be fantastic.
You should get more familiar with json_decode() and foreach().
First you need to decode json (into array in this example) and then iterate through all elements.
Example of working code:
$json = '[{"title":"first_title","description":"second_title"},
$jsonArray = json_decode($json,true);
foreach($jsonArray as $entry) {
echo $entry['title'].'<br>';
This key is to actually convert the JSON response into a PHP associative array by using json_decode and then loop through it.
// Convert the JSON into a PHP associative Array
$response = json_decode($curlResponse,true);
// Loop through the array
foreach ($response as $value) {
echo $value['title'];
echo '<br/>';
